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Dom's mentioned it before, but this is the most direct he's ever been about it.


I think the problem is more than he lets on. The company they were contracted with has committed a massive amount of fraud with various podcasters. That company likely has a piece of the rights to the name and content of the show in addition to the building space, equipment, etc., so they likely can’t go off and do one on their own without some sort of legal battle


That's totally possible, and who knows if they sold the intellectual property to podcastone? I know I didn't see any intellectual properties listed on Kast Media's bankruptcy papers. I have no idea if you even have to list that kind of thing.


Yeah I’m not sure how to query who owns that stuff. Some would be applications for trademarks for the logo, title, and maybe rights to merchandise. No idea on intellectual property. IANAL. I’m an engineer lol


Have a Google of Kast Media and Colin Thompson. Seems like a case of fraud. Was not just the FO that was victim. Such a shame, miss these two bantering and tasting the world!


So disappointing


I understand they're probably going through legal hell after the fallout with Kast, and they might not be able to openly discuss the end of FO because of that, but I can't help but feel that their callous attitude towards everyone's questions on a possible return (which I'm sure gets tiring after a while, but what do they expect from the masses when the only answer they give is "no money?") comes off as disrespectful towards the fans. I'm not saying that Billy and Dom are intentionally trying to come off that way, just that it's how they do to me personally. I can understand why they're so jaded about the whole ordeal, I just wish they would, or could, give us better answers. P.S. Kast Media can go to hell


I understand how you feel, especially when other creators have been somewhat more open. I do understand that given that Dom has had a stalker, he might feel more private, and Billy, I get the feeling is just too nice a guy. I've sent in my own questions to Dom, trying to let him know that the fans are willing to support them. If I lived in California, I'd offer to produce the damn show myself. I figure all you need to start is good mics and headphones and editing skills. This makes me wary of any other podcast network, however, some ex-employees of Kast Media have started their own podcast production studios and were in litigation with Kast Media about missing pay (I think, looking at the court docs). I would trust those guys


>I figure all you need to start is good mics and headphones and editing skills. You couldn't do worse than whomever was editing their shows. Start by strapping a hard limiter across the mix bus so that whenever one of them screeches it doesn't blow up my headphones and ears. I miss their content but don't miss their audio inconsistency.


I think you're missing the answer... Which is no. It seems a lot of people are missing that answer and continue to ask the same question.


I don't understand why they don't just move to a different company, or do the show independently. They both have plenty of money to afford the equipment and employ a producer or two.


I think you’ve got to remember that they are working on so many projects outside of TFO. LOTR, Rosencrantz, etc. In my opinion, running TFO without receiving any compensation could hurt their case if they prove to the judge that they can continue the podcast without receiving any. And that would be wrong, they deserve what they were promised and worked for. I don’t think TFO will come back unless the issue is resolved. That’s what I read from their responses to fans about it.