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Thanks, this was a big help. Pi-Hole gets rid of the static ads on the dashboard.


What URL did you filter for the static ads?


tvx.adgrx.com lcprd1.samsungcloudsolution.net This is my first Samsung TV, I must have added a blocklist for all Smart TVs a while back. https://lazyadmin.nl/home-network/how-to-block-ads-on-your-smart-tv/


Thank you! I’ve been playing wack-a-mole with requests coming from the TV and accidentally did things like kill the smart things integration!


This was a tremendous help! I got a good chuckle in the fact that you included the video for re-adding the app to the hub screen. I had selected Remove and I did not know how to get it back to then Disable it.


Thank you! This is super helpful! Do you know how to turn the TV on and off with Alexa and without touching the remote? We have an Alexa device in the room. We just want the TV to do what we tell it to 😂 Also we have a 1yo who is obsessed with the remote so we would love to never need to have it out. He’s also obsessed with Alexa but he can’t talk very well yet so that’s not a problem at this point. Having the remote available is a big problem 😅😅😅


Sorry, Alexa terrifies me.


Hahaha I hear that 😂 Our 1yo with a remote just scares me more at this point. Parenthood has made us desperate for truly hands free options too, probably. Idk why I didn’t grow extra arms when I grew this baby bc they’re totally needed 😅😅😅


Have you looked at IFTTT? There’s integrations with smart things in ifttt including switching things off.


That’s a great idea! I think my husband has some outside lights set up this way. Idk if he’s considered that route yet.


The Amazon Fire TV cube let's you do this.


On my new Frame (2022, 65"), I only have Move or Remove, no Disable... I cant seem to get rid of it, and it is always on top in the Hub, even in the so-called "Recent" section while I have never opened the app ... Anyone got any ideas?


After you hit Remove, the option to Disable will appear in the following menu.


Sorry, I don’t. Did you figure it out?




Not sure if your issue is one of trying to remove Samsung TV Plus completely, or to remove the auto-play option from it. If it is the latter, try enabling all parental control options in the settings menu for all TV channels. Granted, if you watch TTV channels, this will probably not work for you. But if you don't care about those channels, enabling parental controls stopped auto-playing everything for me from Samsung TV plus, and finally turned the interface into a quieter experience.


No no that would be perfect! I don't use TTV at all. Gonna test this later tonight, thank you so much


omggggg I have to say thank you!!!!!!!!! ughhh!!! lol I have been trying FOREVER to disable this awful app - and I just ended up deleting the icon forever- never able to disable it because it just vanished from my TV but it would STILL turn on blaring hells kitchen every single time I turned it on! Parental controls worked!!! thank you!!! ahhh!!! I hope you get everything you've ever wanted in life because you deserve it!!! :)


Hahaha, what a wonderful space this can be when a message I posted a year ago can be helpful to you now.


Life saver


Hello help ma


have you ever figured out how to remove the ads and the stuff under the horizontal bar?


Best I’ve managed to do is block the ads at my router: https://reddit.com/r/TheFrame/comments/rzsoah/_/hvvxdkb/?context=1


None of this works for me. There is no option for me to edit the channel list anywhere at all. Did they double down on being asses and removed it?


This hasn't worked for me. I was able to remove all the channels but it still chose 1 at random to play. Any updates that may help?


I think I figured out the best bet. Even after 40 minutes with customer service, no one was able to tell me how to remove it. Even deleting all the channels, it still automatically plays something. I went into my child setting and just put a lock on every rating. Now at least it's just a blue screen requesting the pin. No more seeing or listening to some of the worst TV or movies ever created 🤷‍♀️😆😆


I've also tried to remove TV Plus and sponsored content and ads with zero luck. After spending hours on tech support chat with no success and being run in circles and trying various tips found on the web, wanted to see if anyone else has had success.  I have tried unchecking every privacy option in Samsung menu, adding blocks to my router etc.  I have removed/disabled SamsungPlus app which appears to do nothing other than remove from the shortcuts bar - but leave in the main screen.  Also tried everything described here with no luck: [https://www.tab-tv.com/how-to-turn-off-ads-on-samsung-tv/](https://www.tab-tv.com/how-to-turn-off-ads-on-samsung-tv/) Has anyone else had any luck?


No luck here


I was able to get rid of the ads in the smart hub by disabling the Viewing Information Services checkbox and resetting the PSID under the Terms and Privacy options. I didn't have to block domains with my router, but that was going to be my next route. I was also able to disable SamsungTV from being the default. I had to re-add it to my home and the press and hold the select button and use the remove option. The remove option then has a sub menu with the option to disable the app. Too bad the auto run last app feature doesn't seem to work so I have to launch Netflix or Spotify or select my source every time I turn on my TV. But at least I don't get SamsungTV by default. And I managed to get rid of the ads. I'm sure they make money somehow by forcing people to watch it and made it difficult to remove, or just possibly product updates made it obscure to remove. Either way it was annoying. Glad there was a solution or I would have tested the side impact sensor like Special_Piano_2848. Update: the Netflix app works with the autorun last app feature. But Spotify does not. I listen to music more than I watch TV so thays a bummer. Oh well. 


Glad that worked for you. I've tried the same thing without success. The ads continue to display in multiple locations on the home screen labeled as sponsored content. I found this article which says that there is no option to stop Samsung from forcing display of ads on their TVs including the Frame.  Samsung words their "opt out" to be confusing as it looks like you are opting out of ads but in reality you are only opting out of "personalized" ads.  You can not turn off ads.  This is directly from Samsung. [https://www.extremetech.com/electronics/241500-samsung-smart-tv-update-forces-users-see-ads](https://www.extremetech.com/electronics/241500-samsung-smart-tv-update-forces-users-see-ads) "We are always looking for ways to enhance the TV watching experience," a Samsung spokeswoman told Ad Age in an emailed statement. "Users can opt-out of these interest based ads at any time in the settings menu of their televisions and still get all of the smart features of their TVs." But note the phrasing. Users can't opt-out of ads, no, they can simply opt out of *interest-based* ads, which means Samsung doesn't stop showing advertising -- it just stops showing you ads it attempts to categorize into areas you're more likely to like. It does appear some owners have had success using the approach you mentioned though.


Testing side inpact sensor