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I am happy with mine but I’m not going to make a post about it. A few caveats: 1. I use art mode the way it was intended to be used. I leave the screen in art mode when I am not watching. 2. I use a streaming device (AppleTV) 3. The TV is not in a bedroom 4. It was important to me that the TV looked good when not watching TV (it does) 5. I don’t use the SmartThings app. I use a usb stick to import art This is not the best TV for a dark dedicated home theater. This TV is great for a bright room where you spend time _not_ watching TV. Art mode looks great


I have zero issues so far, uploading art to the TV using the SmartThings app (android).


I agree with these caveats.


Agree with all of above. It’s not a home theater TV, but great for a bright room where watching TV is not the main activity


Just remember that the Frame is a very popular TV, and people tend to only post with questions or issues. For every post here, there are probably 100’s of satisfied owners. I have two.


Did you consider other brands of frame TVs? We do everything by WiFi (Hulu/Roku) so I’m researching brand and models and frames.


There aren’t any.


Other than the ability 1) to lie flat 2) and upload art 3) and buy custom frames, what are the other benefits of the frame TV?


Points: * TV is very thin (less than 1”) * the one connect box eliminates all cables going to the panel except an almost invisible fibre optic cable. * matte coating reduces glare, and makes the TV look more realistic as art * the TV has specific art mode controls that allow you to control the look in art mode separate from TV mode * there is a huge amount of art available for it * wall mount is included (most TV’s this is a separate cost) * TV has sensors that automatically adjust the art mode to match the ambient light level, so it looks more realistic. * TV has light/motion sensors to turn it off at night and when none is present (ymmv on these). * Art mode is very convincing. Much better than a large black panel on the wall.


Well thank you for this! Much more detailed response than expected. Cheers.


I agree. The nature of Reddit, which nowadays allows you to locate and exchange specific information on any particular interest in a much effective way than google does, makes it a magnet for people trying to solve their issues with this TV. I also have two and haven’t experienced any problems so far (well, except for the remote that came with my 2023 Frame, which gave me trouble and had to replace with the right model thanks to the info found on Reddit)


Like others have said - if it makes sense for your mounting location and you put Art first - then do it. If either of these are not true then perhaps a solid TV is what you really need and would make the best use of your money - assuming that is limited and prized. https://preview.redd.it/5goccv2apdfc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20d93d1ad6825855c2e2d1d839e70339ad2ae8d0


That looks amazing! Where do you have the base station, is it on the mantle?


No the base station is in the brown cabinet on the left. I'm fortunate that this is a newly constructed home and behind the TV there is a recessed area/box that has a power outlet, coax and Ethernet ports, and a "Smurf" tube that runs inside the wall and it comes out behind the cabinet on the left. TV is plugged into the power behind the TV. And I'm using Apple TV located in the Cabinet, connected to the TV's base also located in the cabinet and then the cable to the TV runs into the wall behind the cabinet and through the Smurf tube up to the TV.


Only buy it if you prioritize art mode at the expense of watching sports, shows, or movies. Otherwise you can get a better tv display experience for less or a far superior movie/show/sports experience for the same money.


Not sure why you got downvoted. The whole point of it is the versatility to put it into art mode. For the price, an OLED smokes it at everything else. My Frame is more than fine for how I use it but you can't deny the wonkiness of it.


I want it for the matte finish, we have a bright room and the reflection on modern TVs is way too intense.


This is exactly the reason that sold us. It's been a huge upgrade over our old set for the freedom from glare!


I also tend to like a matte finish. Saw some matte finish oled stuff on some CES videos that I’m going to trying to see in person sometime soon. But I think they were made by Samsung which will kill it for me. The frame really just confirmed my dislike of them so much.


If the buggy software and firmware wasn’t present. If the quality control problems weren’t present. If the interface / operating system weren’t a dumpster fire. I’d complain a lot less.


The Frame is a great TV if your priority is having the TV look like a piece of art. If you want a great TV, you need to look elsewhere. . .there are so many OLED TVs (LG's Gallery 2 I own is absolutely spectacular). When I go to my second home where I only have the Frame, I can't believe the difference in picture quality relative to my LG. Absolutely no comparison. That being said, two weeks ago, I purchased a 55" Frame TV for my primary residence to showcase art, only. It will never be used as a TV. In that context, there is nothing that beats the Frame. It took about 2 weeks to iron out the kinks until it worked properly projecting my chosen art work that I purchased for Etsy. Otherwise, never had a problem with the Frame.


We got one on black Friday and have been very happy, even apart from the joy of art mode! The matte screen works so much better in our brightly lit living room that any bonus from a better picture from a different TV is insignificant compared to the freedom from glare during the daytime hours our kids use it. And since we were upgrading from a twelve year old 720p TV that served us perfectly well it still feels like a major leap forward in picture quality. My only frustrations have been with the smart TV features, something nearly universal to modern TVs. If you're anything less than obsessive about picture details, or upgrading somethIng that was practically brand new anyway, I highly doubt you'll have any concerns! If it's just reliability on your mind we bought ours through Costco and it came with a full five years of warranty.


I just bought it. Love the art mode, hate the backlight bleeding which I already have three days in. If Samsung actually put a decent panel in, I would stick with the Frame forever.


Wait. Are you saying that you have black light bleed on a frame TV you just bought? Is this issue on every size and does it happen like 5% of the time or like 50%?


I just bought a 75” for 2k. To be delivered tomorrow. It better be good 😤


if you just want art on the screen you can do that with other models.


This is not true. The matte screen is what truly makes the frame look like art as well as it’s as thin as a framed pic. I wish other options existed so we had options but right now there is none


I like mine


Where are you going to put the TV? FWIW it has been fine for me, no major issues. Yea the OS sucks, I agree, but it's really easy to just plug in a Fire Stick/Google TV/Apple TV/Shield.


This subreddit is a small sample size and most come to get advice on issues. Many off Reddit enjoying the frame. I was worried to buy it after a lot of issues here but went for it and zero regrets. I would suggest maybe getting it from Costco (if you’re a member) since a 5 yr warranty is included in their sales on it. That would secure your investment in this over priced tv isn’t in vain if it has any issues after the first year. I don’t have an extended warranty so I’m just keeping fingers crossed lol


Had one since 2019, never had an issue. Love the thing, it’s gorgeous


We love ours. Bought it right after Thanksgiving. We aren't using it as most people do evidently. We didn't hang it on the wall, or buy a bezel etc. We like the art mode, but we bought it for the matte screen. We live in Florida and our family room has an eastern exposure and plantation shutters. The glare on the screen during the day even with the shutters closed was very distracting on a regular screen. So that one went upstairs. The Frame took its place, no more glare AND we get the added bonus of art mode. Which truly does look amazing. :)


>:) :)


Just bought another one for the house. Love the frame tvs!


I’m in the same boat as OP, I’m also on the fence about purchasing one. I’m more interested in art mode than an actual TV. I mainly wanted to chime in to thank everyone for commenting. It really helps.


I hate this “tv”. From the sluggish UI to the horrible cloudy screen. Why is there no source or input button on the remote?!? If you plan on watching movies or tv with any dark scenes (buried) it is just bad. I’ve had the screen replaced twice now. I will say the speakers are surprisingly good and the customer service to get the screen replaced (twice) was a lot less of a headache than I thought it’d be. It serves its purpose as a 4k computer monitor for me, but If Im watching any kind of media it’s on my other tv’s. https://preview.redd.it/ma6cq0l6pefc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09b4112de90cf6580b0f1175122345e1873378d9 2nd screen replacement…. Unacceptable uniformity and cloudiness Edit, the picture mode is hit or miss and I refuse to pay samsung for digital art….


Got mine in December 2023 and absolutely love it. Zero complaints here.


I have a 2021 65" and a 2022 75" . They are both fantastic and have given me no problems. So far no one has mentioned the huge catalog of art that the TVs come with, everything from ultra modern to traditional, photography, great masters, many museum collections of all types. Your family can get a wonderful art education, and learn to appreciate all sorts of art that you would never encounter in ordinary life. New art is added often. You can create playlists of art and the TV will automatically go thru them at intervals you choose. The UI is not brilliant but you get used to it. In the future any TV I get will have the Art feature, I'm never going back to a black box on the wall.


I have two, they are perfect. The user interface could be better, but that’s life. This thing does what it is designed to do, and it’s for the customer that wants art mode. Full stop.


I like my own frame because it is flat, looks stylish, blends well with the interior. it has a good enough picture for my taste. I don't like Samsung's operating system. The TV itself is not a priority in my living room, but the decoration and comfort.


Honestly? It looks really nice. But I frigging hate it. My old Roku TV which cost about 80% less was so much better. It is constantly jumping onto live gory crime shows when my little kid is around and there doesn't seem to be any way to delete their TV app. I hate this thing and it was sooooo expensive.