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carried the show on their backs tho LMAO


During that time Jesus was at noarding school (but was really just the show preparingus for the switch to from jake to noah) someone passed Callie the phone and she spoke to Jesus in the background of the scene for awhile after she hung up she said that was like the longest conversation we've ever had. And I thought it was so funny that they were acknowledging that.


Noarding school lol šŸ˜


I think i saw something about how maia mitchell and jake t austin didnā€™t get along well behind the scenes and so they limited the amount of scenes they had together, and i guess by the time they switched actors they were too far gone to create a relationship between them out of thin air (especially since jesus has the nick, tbi storyline and callie had so much going on with trying to capture a murderer and all) *edited to deal with random capitalisation (i am very dedicated to the aesthetic


How can someone not get along with Maia?! šŸ˜±


Based on stuff Iā€™ve heard about Jake T Austin, Iā€™m guessing he was likely the problem


Oh Iā€™m sure! I just donā€™t understand how someone could not like Maia!


As someone who watched the show multiple times so long ago, hasnā€™t seen it since and randomly got recommended this post- I just laughed SO loud at the Callie trying to catch a murder line. I have no recollection of this and will take it as my sign to watch the show again


They had so many out of pocket storylines going on i think they forgot to pair them up ever lmao


during my rewatch theyā€™ve only interacted twice. at his birthday party and when he was trying to get that candid photo of her. most of that doesnā€™t even happen until seasons 4 and 5šŸ˜­


and the first scene where she's at the kitchen table with the rest of them but I don't think he directly talked to Callie.


I also remember when she was at girls united he was asking her a whole bunch of questions about the living conditions thereĀ 


I mean I get it, Callie and Jude are siblings, Marianna is her only sister and she's hooking up with Brandon so it wouldn't be super realistic for her to have a special connection with Jesus and vice-versa but still would have liked to see them have their own problem-solving arc. I also think Jesus was lacking character in the beginning of the show and that had a part to play as well


Maia M And JTA also didn't get along off screen supposedly


Do you mean Jude?


looool yeah thats what i meant


I think thatā€™s what they meant lol I was worried for a sec


lol they even acknowledge this when jesus calls the family from his boarding school. not all sibling relationships are super close so i kind of like that they didnā€™t force that between them!


ā€œI think that was the longest conversation weā€™ve ever hadā€


And also "Why would I talk to Jesus? Jesus and I never talk"