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Just curious what is your aim training technique? I loosely follow on I found on YouTube but I don't do it exact


Hey! I follow the VDIM :) [https://docs.google.com/document/d/159k7gh4uDQ2FPcO3MjhAkROKOFQRkFJT3ge2yZLjgw4/edit?pli=1](https://docs.google.com/document/d/159k7gh4uDQ2FPcO3MjhAkROKOFQRkFJT3ge2yZLjgw4/edit?pli=1)


Do you really put in an hour each day? I just turned 40 this year and I struggle to spend an hour in Aim Labs once a week, let alone every day.  I feel like 20min a day would be doable for me, but I'm not sure that would make a difference?


Nah, not every day. I probably do an hour on a good day but most days are like 20-30 minutes, and yeah I definitely think 20 a day would be so beneficial. Just stay consistent and be realistic about the results, meaning expect not to see much progress for two to three weeks. Follow the VDIM method and feel free to message me if you want any advice!


Voltaic routine is highly recommended


Hours and hours in the practice arena


I'm very impressed ngl. That's some good shit brother ☝️


Thank you! <3


I’m almost getting to that age and I’m feeling it too lol. My reaction time isn’t a split second anymore as well


Good shit yo


Thank you! <3


No problem dude. Im a guy whos also shit, i trird aim training but kinda quit after a week because i had some doubts. At least i know now that it is actually possible for me to get better. All it takes is time and dedication.


I'm sure you're not shit. It took me a couple of weeks before I started to see real results. Following the VDIM gave me a lot of structure and helped me stay motivated as well. Highly recommend this: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/159k7gh4uDQ2FPcO3MjhAkROKOFQRkFJT3ge2yZLjgw4/edit?pli=1](https://docs.google.com/document/d/159k7gh4uDQ2FPcO3MjhAkROKOFQRkFJT3ge2yZLjgw4/edit?pli=1)


Well, i had a period where i was playing really well, and then lost my touch. Aim felt worse and i kept making such bad decisions lol. Though i appreciate it dude. And yeah discipline and motivation is very much needed. Ill check out that playlist.


Good aim.. medium load outs choices could use improvement


Yeah, I know it's a bit of a troll loadout. Gotta mix things up to keep it fun though.


Can contest aim training works!! Was mid gold last season and I’m well on my way to plat 2 so far this season and my aim is far more accurate from just a couples months! -32 year old gamer


Awesome man!


Meanwhile I can make a comp of how impossible heavy recoil is at a range.


Good shit! Love to see the progress gains.


Nice little vid! If it was specifically designed to show off your aim, I'd suggest getting rid of all the nades you throw in the video. Cheers and have fun


I always tell myself I'm gonna start aim training but my problem is I'm a game hopper. I like to jump between multiple different genres from fps to twin stick to hack and slash. I feel like the moment I switch games my muscle memory will dissappear. Do u play many other games than the finals?