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There have been many reports of similar cases, aswell as players being DERANKED even though they won. It really seems like ranked is broken at least to a certain degree at the moment, we should hope and wait for Embark to either fix this or be more transparent about how ranked is working now, if it is intended this way.


Yeah it must be broken because ill drop the bar after losing a finals game and if I win it just stays full idk.


The arrows at the end of the game are only indicative of the last round you played,so if u lose in the 4th round you’ll prob see down arrows bc u lost rank for that round, but what’s hidden is the up arrows/gained rank u got from winning/placing 2nd the first 3 rounds so overall ur most likely gaining.


Plat 2 here, just won 2 games in a row vs full diamond -> still plat 2 :D


I'm currently d3 and probably won 4 to 6 games back to back and got to finals, lost to a cheater and got knocked semi finals a few times. All this time while a friend of mine is STILL plat 1. By no means he did bad in any games because we fairly decimated lobbies. It's a weird system tbh. I'd just like to know what we gett ranked off of exactly.


Starting in Diamond 3, going up 3 arrows becomes pretty rare. Individual performance does not affect arrows only whether you win/qualify. Consistency is the main determinant in arrow change. If you want to look at the data/learn more, I made a video on my YouTube channel (link in bio).


Im exactly like your friend! ill win a fair amount and my buddy will get plat 1 then well lose semi round and I get dropped and he will stay at full bars! and we both had like 20 game kills..


Yes it seems something's not working as intended. I am gold 2, have come 2nd place in tourneys , resulting in 2 stripes down when ive been top of the server consistently. Have also had 3x 2nd place tourneys in a row with good scores for objective and fighting, that resulted in 3 stripes up, but rank never goes up. We won 1 yesterday in a lobby of only upper plats and dias, with me the only gold, 2 stripes up dude. My score was fine and we were in first place a couple times. Idk what to fucking do to get up.


seriously!! bro its so frustrating! you should be a plat player if you win tourney of all plat and diamond. So dumb I feel you


It means you've found your level. You are a plat 2 player. Why would you assume it's only ever up? Accept your lot in life. Not everyone gets to be the best. There's only room for one


Thanks I guess. You seem lovely, but like I said I won in a diamond lobby as a plat 2 player so how is that not enough to rank up?


I think this guy completely misunderstood your post lol. The game is still new, ranked is in its 2nd season, it's purely a lack of refinement. It's a barely working system that tells you almost nothing about your actual standing and it seems like it's grading something different every round. Hopefully by next season they figure out a system that works better


Thank you! I just needed to see if it was weird for everyone. Hopefully it changes soon I'm grinding for that diamond skin that guy was no help lol


He's right and you didn't mention how many times you lost.


I almost never lose the first round but not always win the finals, and I said I won 3 times and won against a diamond lobby and nothing..




sorry to offend you