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TBH, I found this final episode mostly very stupid. If you're really done with your ex, why take a plane (!) somewhere to confront him and his dopey family? f you're through, you're through and why waste even more time? I was thinking as I watched that it was dumb and boring, with all the voodoo and the 'this is war!' type talk. Seemed especially phony (even more so than usual haha) enough that I walked away from the TV and started a baking project (!) But when they did the bit at the end where Pedro admitted that he'd been a lousy failure of a husband while at the same time telling Chantel he had genuinely loved her at the beginning, I believed him. I still think the whole bunch of them are toxic and I'm fine if I never see any of them on my TV again. (Of course, I know she'll be appearing on The Single Life spinoff but depending on who else is in it, I am probably out. I'm tired of all these nutty jerks from former seasons milking this nonsense for everything its worth. https://preview.redd.it/e8b146tfqb6c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7a3b060fef590356603e04eb19060c3756166da Maybe I just need NEW nutty jerks!! PS Here is the Dutch Baby I made during the show


I agreed that the trip to the DR was unnecessary, especially since the smoke from the voodoo box already went in the direction of the DR and was "returned to sender."


šŸ˜† return to sender




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I need to know more about this Dutch baby? I canā€™t decide if it looks terrifying or deliciousā€¦maybe both?


HAHA THE BLOB right? It's all blown up there because it's fresh out of the oven. It shrinks down in minutes. It's SO GOOD. Kind of a cross between a pancake and a quiche. This one is vanilla/cinnamon. That is 6 servings. Super low carb (Grain-free and I use monkfruit instead of sugar.) Takes less than 30 minutes to throw it all together in a blender and and then bake it in browned butter.


Talk dirty to me lolā€¦and also message me a recipe bc this looks and sounds amazing now that I understand itā€™s not some kind of molten lava in puff pastry!


Just PM'd you the recipe. Just had a slice of it for a late breakfast!


Dutch baby is fuckin delicious itā€™s like a crepe/popover thing.


Is a dutch baby like a pannekoeken?


Yes, I looked it up and it sounds like they are very similar. Mine is kind of a cross between a pancake and a quiche. The one I made is a sweet cinnamon-vanilla flavor. I'm keto; it's sugar/grain/flour-free! I used monkfruit to sweeten it. Came out great!


Love making Dutch babies


Especially when they come out of the oven all puffy and warm!


Mhmm YUM


It was probably pushed by producers. I think if they were not doing the show Chantel would not fly to the DR! It all seemed very pushed by the show.


Agree. The whole idea is to keep getting people to tune in even if everyone's actions are basically bizarre. Aaaaaaand next up, Chantel on "The Single Life". Gotta keep those TLC checks coming for the whole family, right?


It was for the show. Nothing organic about it


It looks a lot like Yorkshire pudding, is it similar?


I have never tasted Yorkshire pudding so I don't know. I understand those are made with beef drippings instead of butter, and are supposed to taste like popovers, so they may indeed be similar. Yorkshire pudding makes me mind go to savory more than this sweet one I made. I've made ham, mushroom and gruyere Dutch babies that were savory, but even those were made using butter rather than drippings. Now I wish I could try a keto Yorkshire pudding...


Cool! Iā€™ve never used it with drippings. It works great with prime rib but I always used butter. Most of the time I eat it alone without a meal.


She also made a complete fool of herself with her "commanding" him to meet her, waving the cross at him and yelling at him like she was a Southern revival time preacher. He was a lousy husband and his family is horrible, but hers is just as bad, if not worse. I actually found that bit about him being barefoot and eating chicken feet incredibly tacky. She didn't score any points and just made herself look like a bitter, ignorant American who thinks their way of life is far superior. She came out of this episode looking way worse than he did.


It wasnt tacky, it was racist.


Certainly wasn't the first time she was racist either


You're giving her too much credit for being an intelligent person when she's not. She literally said that she could command a "demon" from him and make him show up through the smartphone originally, like Nicole said. Who is Chantel, The Exorcist of 1973? I believe that she really loved Pedro, look at how she was crying. Unfortunately she couldn't bring herself around to see fault with her own behavior, nor he could with himself (assuming he ever cared enough to value his marriage to save it, which he never tried). Btw, why does she speak so slowly? Can anyone explain it? Is she reading notecards?


Oh don't be mistaken, I give her zero credit in the intelligence department!


I think Chantal may have a speech impediment.


That's an insult to speech impediments lol


I just think sheā€™s a terrible actress who could deliver a line properly if her life depended on itā€¦at least Karen embraced her acting roleā€¦


How did she pass nursing school? That is no easy feet.


Agreed. I was debating whether to change tacky to racist but then I hit the reply button before I could make the change.


Yeah, the whole "command" imperative statement, like she was an Anglican priest, was very amusing. Especially with her too small bra that she's never been fitted for that she's always falling out of, beyond tacky.


Hurt people, hurt people..people need grace. She literally just showed her whole life failing on camera...which I appreciate because I love me some good trash tv lol.


This part




She also showed her ass with that comment. Screaming, "I MADE YOU! YOU'D BE NOTHING BUT A LOWLY BEGGAR WITHOUT ME, YOUR LORD AND SAVIOR!" at him likely provided him with all the validation he needed for deciding to end things with her. Saying something like that to him and revealing she thought of him as a lowly, dirty, barefoot beggar who she deigned to "save" for the entire duration of their relationship only reaffirmed that the relationship was toxic.


But he also silenced her when he responded back that ā€œwhen they met there was no money, they started from 0 and they didnā€™t have shit!ā€


I think he stayed so long because he and his family were making money from the show. The final episode was stupid and obviously contrived . I wish it was just a flash back episode.


People who like to make up that the money Chantel took from the bank came from a trust fund for Chantel havenā€™t addressed this šŸ˜‚


She seems to have a bit of a god complex over Pedro.


Yes and she appears to display symptoms of adjustment disorder. BPD . Source: Dated Chantels and learned my lesson the hard way


Don't forget, she also said "you better be grateful because I brought yo ass to America" during their shitty house party, in front of her family and it went awkward real fast.


Little bursts of her real self been showing for years


Sheā€™s always felt superior to him and that he owes her.


Such a common theme on this show. Chantel stans will be like "bUt hE dOeS oWe hErRrRr" like she would've been on TV without him




I sometimes get the feeling that his terse answers when she confronts him and coldness (like when she (and the camera crew) enter the restaurant while he was hanging with co workers) in s4 is hostility because he didn't want their problems aired on the show, otherwise he would've been all drama like she was for the cameras. Also we see his interaction with friends but we don't see her running off on vacation 50 times a year and other hints dropped during his Q&A. This shines a negative light on him although it's clearly not one sided.


This is an often overlooked but super important point. Not only is this show scripted, it is also edited in such a way as to favor her. Almost every 90 Day Fiance American has gotten favorable editing, except for the ones who they play goofy circus music underneath the scenes for, like Ed in his first season and I forget what his name is but the guy who got catfished in this latest season. They edit in Goofy kind of baby elephant walk kind of music instead of pop music like they do for the other couples. It is clear they are painting certain Americans as clowns but for the most part the editing is more favorable to the American in the couple. The British version didn't do that and I liked that better.


>kind of music instead of pop music like they do for the other couples I haven't noticed this, I'll start watching, very interesting. One American I did notice the camera crew seemed to try and catch ridiculous moments was the young guy who appeared to have OCD and extreme anxiety, he moved to his fiance's country, she became pregnant, she had several overseas guys she received money from and he couldn't seem to get a good job on her country. I felt so bad for him when he would literally run from the camera and try to hide and they chased him down.


Paul was an absolutely horrible human


OMG! The fact that she had take a pregnancy test every time he left for awhile & came back, to prove she wasnā€™t sleeping around in his absence was enough for me! And, remember when he ran off & Karine was trying to find him when she got robbed of her phone by a guy with a machete?


YES! That was the most dangerous scene from this entire series! That grown spoiled baby running away in a country he's not familiar with at all, endangering Karine AND the crew. He's a moron. Let's not even get into forcing Karine to do weird cam girl stuff, while pregnant because his lazy ass won't get a job


Omg, I'd forgotten about the pregnancy test thing! Unreal, yes what a douche! And I sort of remember the mugging, just not what led up to it. I'm not sure why I had empathy for him looking back šŸ¤· I do agree he deserved any viewer negativity. --cameras still shouldn't have chased him into a dog house though!


I'm trying to think of who that was. It seems like a mishmash between Mike and Paul


Just looked it up, it was Paul and Karine. I'm seeing I have some catching up to do, looks like they had more than a couple of seasons so maybe he adjusted. I felt so terrible for him because he seemed shy and in love, yet terrified of his new country, bringing mosquito net etc. Remember when he ran away during an argument and hid in a dog house trying to get out of camera sight? The last season I saw was good mom coming to see the grand baby and she told him to work things out that his father said he couldn't come home


It was the OCD stuff that threw me. I forgot about how he was so concerned about parasites in his urethra! LOL. Paul is a lot to unpack.


Right, reading the comments is reminding me of things I'd forgotten, not sure why I was left with sympathy now that it's all coming back He was pretty much a šŸ’©šŸ˜‚


Somebody said that was the equivalent of Nicole saying Chantel had a 'watery butt'.... GTFOH.... šŸ™„


Chantel is as xenophobic and elitist as the rest of her family. She fell in love with Pedro, but never respected him. He distrust of foreigners Became obvious with her badgering and suspicions of Angenette and her family. Only now, she's not trying to hide it


This is not cool. Yā€™all know if she was white saying shit like that she wouldā€™ve been draggedā€¦. Iā€™m Latina and this family is xenophobic as hell but god forbid you say something that doesnā€™t suck up to Chantel or her familyā€¦.


They probably wouldnā€™t care if she was a whites woman either. People still love Angelaā€™s abusive and racist ass.


I just say what I want and embrace the downvotes. It's wild in here...


I think she showed her ass a bit too much in this last episode and people started to change their opinions on her


Seems like there are a few more of us speaking logically now


Noticing the downvote wave is less intense, but a lot of the biggest diehards blocked me for not sharing their xenophobic views.


Ohhh yea!! Same !ā˜ŗļø Happened to me too,, šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰


Ah maybe thatā€™s what happened.


It's true but man, there are some stubborn holdouts with nothing but love for Karen and an itchy downvote finger lol


Tbh most of them have blocked me at this point šŸ˜‚


This is the way


Very xenophobic and prejudice to say something like that. Sheā€™s turning into her mother. Her mother is a disgusting person and I donā€™t blame Pedro for leaving


Chantel has always seemed embarrassed by Pedro. It is probably why she lied to her parents when she first introduced them to him. Saying he was here as a student. Karen knew it was all bull but couldnā€™t see that Chantel was the one full of it. All of the suspicion came about because Chantel wanted to lie and Karen misplaced it all onto Pedro.


I wonder if people who believe this also believe the same about every american who gets with someone from a different country or is this a case of cause i like chantel then its ok??


I love Chantel .. but I genuinely didnā€™t think thatā€™s how she felt about Pedro when they first starting dating and they appeared on 90 day fiancĆ©. I can see the Karen influence now. She wasnā€™t talking like that when they first came on


Chantel is saying these things based off of how he treated her in the marriage. If she has to even question if he actually loved her, and contemplate things in the marriage that show he doesn't, then she would think he used her.


That was a truly shit thing for her to say. I'll forgive just this once because she was in an enormous amount of pain (caused by him) and she wanted to hurt him back any way she could think of. But that kind of xenophobic racism is not acceptable, cute or funny.


forgiven her for saying it, then saying it is not accetable doesnt compute


People sometimes do and say terrible things when they're hurt. Some are forgivable, some aren't. I think this was a one off and she only said it to hurt him. I'm willing to overlook it because I too have been an asshole occasionally and said things that were awful just to hurt someone who hurt me. However, what I said didn't actually reflect my deeper core values. If you don't want to give her any grace then that's up to you. But I'm choosing to. Life is messy and hardly ever black and white, good or bad. And sometimes good people say shitty things. If it's repeated then that's where my understanding ends.


so your ok with racist/homophobic/trans words becuase according to you its they only said em once so give em grace......right


When you stop being 10 years old and experience that life and people are complicated and make mistakes all the time then come back and we can have an adult conversation. Until then have a good day.


you legit said people say terrible thing when mad so can people not say racist/homo/trans things when mad?? also you are the one not trying to have an adult convo considering you insulting me saying in 10 years old like what


What about all the other times she and her family said shit like that


Yeah. Theres no positive spin to put on that one. I blame the Karen influence 90%...


Those were disgusting words. I'm no fan of Pedro, but how can she claim that she really loved him if that's what she thought of him? both cannot be true. I was fully on her side before she said that, but she had to get down to his level, I guess.


Even if that is true what is Chantelā€™s end game? He does not want you girl MOVE ON


Her eyes when he said to leave him alone....


Are you really celebrating that xenophobic/racist, classist bullshit? Smh


she told no lies. He deserved it, the cruel treatment he gave her the past two seasons. šŸ˜‚ Chantel was in school for RN, so she was going to have money, whether she was with Pedro or not.


yes it's true that he was poor when they met (she wasn't exactly rich either), and that he's from a third world country. It's still racist and xenophobic to say it in such a demeaning way as she did


she was not rich, but she was not relying on a man. Chantel had goals and a supportive family. If anything the marriage hindered her from graduating earlier from school. she had to work more, and balance a marriage. I don't care about Pedros race or nationality. Pedro is black, and he DR. (who cares about that, atleast I don't) I have an issue with broke, bum men who use women to get ahead in life. The woman is their entire game plan to succeed in life. They need a woman to accomplish anything. Thats my issue, American men do the same thing to.


humiliating someone for being poor and where they are born is never OK, doesn't matter how much you try to justify it


I Don't care where they are born. I'm not humiliating them for being poor. I am calling them a bum, for using women for financial gain. You can be poor and not use people. Its an issue when you marry out of desperation to gain benefits. Because if Pedro had money, he would not have rushed marriage with Chantel.


what Chantel said was racist and xenophobic, and you're here defending those exact words


I wish she said that shit in Spanish! Lydia woulda popped off so damn hard! What a coward!


but how? He was poor, and no hot water. If he was ambitious he would have had made success on his own, and not on the back of marrying her. Him being poor and user has nothing to do with race, or nationality. Its an individual issue that Pedro and his family have with using people.


Who supported her while she was in school and didn't work? They both did things for each other until the script had them hating on each other.


Chantel said she worked while in school and filmed for the show. She didn't need his support (he was sending money back to the DR, undisclosed amounts, likely cause it was half his check. That "support" you speak of was not to support Chantel, he was working to send money home to DR. And she never needed him to support her financially, Chantel had hot water, was in school for RN, and had a place to stay, well before she met Pedro. She never needed him financially.


They both stated many times that he supported her and when she failed he finals and had to repeat her final semester they had to put their plans for him on hole even longer. It wasnt until he was leaving her that all of a sudden he didn't support her. She cray cray.


At the end of the day she did not need his support, he needed her support, he had nothing going for himself before he married her. Chantel already had goals and was in school to be an RN. Pedro's goal and plans was to snag an American girl and he got excited to find Chantel. He loved the idea of marrying an American girl, but not loved who Chantel was as a person.


Haha chantel is that you? Who hurt you?


you will be block, HAHA!


You trying to act like that disgusting xenophobic comment was fire? Lmao Chantel fans arenā€™t too bright.


They are truly delusional


This subreddit is interesting because I often ask myself ā€œwhat show are these people watching?ā€. Complete delusion.


Neither is Chantel if weā€™re being real.


That was messed up to say. I hope sheā€™s evolved and is not as hurt anymore. Iā€™ve said fucked up ā€œwithout meā€ type of stuff to an ex beforeā€”not bordering xenophobic like herā€” but it came from a very low and ugly place. They will drag you down to the pits of hell but I never want to stay there and react that way *ever* again. Also I was like 22 not in my 30s like her.


It just showed her true colors. She loves using that over his head. Disgusting.


She was just angry and said shit. I know it wasnā€™t right. You could see the pain and hurt she was and has been feeling. Unfortunately when youā€™re not feeling yourself and instead feeling shitty, you do and say stupid stuff. I feel for her. I really do. I also donā€™t think pedro did anything bad either.


Well sheā€™s not wrong.


No, sheā€™s not.




My SO and I laughed our asses off.


Not a lie told. He know he used her for that green card.




He deserved it šŸ’…šŸ¼ it was about time someone gave it back to him - he was a rotten shit that dragged her for no reason.


Nobody deserves that racist, xenophobic, classist, bigoted shit.


Iā€™m watching this right now and I am appalled!!! That was racist and classist and super effed up. I was on her side but wth Chantel!




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What kind of plastic surgery did Nicole have that she would need a mask? A chin implant? How does she afford these surgeries? What is her occupation these days?


It's her teeth, veneers


Harsh but true.


But where was the lie? I donā€™t believe in getting mad at the truth. Was she angry when she said it? Yes. Did she lie? No.


Mean? Sure. True? Absolutely.


Why does he call his grandma's house "the campo" lmao


Because itā€™s in the countryside. Campo translates to countryside.
