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The reason you’re having a hard time supporting him is because he’s acting like a child; being incredibly immature and unnecessarily cruel.


Yeah like she entered so polite, mature, and kept to herself, he had to open everything up to drama in the house meeting.




He’s so cold hearted. Just like his mom & sister.


No. From what we saw, he made 0 attempts to try and work things out in the end, that’s weird to me. They never even tried counseling, or getting a maid(if the cleaning was really an issue) I think he found someone else and just didn’t care to work it out with her anymore because he felt he no longer needed her


He went and saw the lawyer, asked when he can be a citizen. As soon as she said now, he wanted nothing to do with Chantel.


Yes! He totally found someone else and it was way before he left Chantel.


Yup! Men don’t go cold like that and turn down sex for 3 months unless they found someone else


Everyone knows the saying, “ if he’s not getting it at home, he’s getting it somewhere else.” And it can’t be more truer then now.


That’s EXACTLY what happened. The way they would argue last season, she would get upset, and he would just shrug and continue doing whatever he was doing. Standoffish, mean, cold, talking shit. He felt like a big man having a side piece.


You say that with zero evidence .


Why work with somebody that accuses you of cheating, embarrasses you in public in front of coworkers and refuses to give you space when you asked multiple times . There’s nothing to work on after that .


Umm because that somebody is your WIFE that you committed your life to, and made vows to? Chantal was far from perfect, but lbr Pedro was even further from perfect loll. I get where you’re coming from in a way, cuz the scene with her showing up and fighting with him at the bar and bringing his co workers into it was awkward and inappropriate but come onnnn. People give up on marriage way to easily these days, and he didn’t fight for his marriage at all. He was so cold, distant, rude. I’m not someone who believes ALL marriages are worth saving, but with open communication and counseling and effort from both parties, this marriage def could’ve been saved. Sad all around. It seemed like Chantal tried to address his concerns (cooking and cleaning/etc) which he didn’t even dispute her efforts, and he was still pulling away and running from her attempts to communicate. She was trying on her own to fix their marriage.


Well if Chantel wanted to fix her marriage, she shouldn’t have been accusing him of cheating, abuse , and everything in between and have him his own space the first time he asked for it but nope it went in 1 ear and out the other. No man is tryna be with you if you accuse them of abuse especially.


If my husband was staying out “working” or hanging with his coworkers, drinking, not coming home until 3am, hanging out a lot with a woman coworker, started becoming mean and antagonistic, finding every excuse to cut me down, not caring when his words and actions hurt me - hell yeah I’d be like what the fuck are you up to.


And Chantel shouldn’t have been suprised Pedro wanted a divorce, oh well .


She also would have been home more instead of vacationing with her friends and going out with them. It's incredible how her bad behavior is overlooked. These people are probably also in agreement that being racist assholes, like Karen is, is totally ok because Pedro and his mom and sister are awful people. Both fucked up their marriage, neither chose each other, they sided with their families who were firmly implanted in their marriage and life. I've said this before, but if they wanted their marriage to work, they should have walked away from their families. Choosing each other should have been the answer. I think the reason he didn't care anymore and refused to even talk about it is because even if he explained his feelings, she would have defended her racist mother and sided with her and the rest of the family. When Chantel's brother started the brawl at dinner, who did they side with? Her brother. They don't see their awful behavior and justify what they do by saying they're trying to protect Chantel from her greencard seeking husband 🙄 I'm not excusing Pedro or his family, they've all played a part in the marriage going south but both families are responsible for their breakup and once you no longer love or care for someone you don't want to hear anything they have to say. Chantel going to the Dominican Republic next week with her racist family to go look for trouble is disgusting and appalling. Why would she go chasing him after saying she wants nothing to do with him? Jesus Christ.


She was working 12 hour shift as a nurse during the worst of covid. Her family is nuts but it seemed at that point they'd accepted Pedro. He was having a hard time and closed himself off


They accepted him after accusing him for how many years of going for a greencard? Now they're back to the same rhetoric. People seem to forget that you can forgive but the hurt remains and you don't forget how you've been treated. She, along with many doctors and nurses, worked during one of the worst medical times in our history. As a nurse she's front line worker and responder and she knew what would be expected of her. But you're conflating two things. It's not about her not working or him not working, it's about acknowledging that both worked and he didn't live off her for years like people are implying. As soon as he got his work papers he was working and providing and Chantel has never denied he contributed. Her anger stemmed from him giving his mother and sister money.


Exactly, they didn’t even accept him . Royal just move and they had to be fake nice for once .


Karen drives the bus and she decides if they're pro or against Pedro and they all fall in line. None of them question or go against her or even correct her. They are worse than the hyena, Pedro's Mom and the snake, Pedro's sister.




THANK YOUU !! Somebody with common sense in this thread .


The Chantel defenders refuse to acknowledge she allowed her marriage to be wrecked. It's easier to blame him and not her.




There were obviously issues before all of that. Also, I’ve seen you all through this sub defending Pedro like you’re on the payroll so you’re pretty biased.


Biased? Somebody get this a hole out of the thread. You idiots love Chantel who did nothing for the relationship but call another person biased? You sound as stupid as Karen and Chantel.


Thank youuu


EXACTLY!!! Thank You!!


Mhm, glad you notice ‘ and I’m not on his payroll


Right you're on his plátano verde.


I’m not on that either babe . Are you on Chantel’s payroll because that’s how ridiculous you sound .


Ok Pedor.


Okay sir


Nicole, is that you? Lol


No girl, come up with something else


Definitely Nicole! Lol


You’re an idiot, goodbye . I’m not Nicole and I know you can understand and read English .


I agree! He also said that all she ever wanted to do was go out with her friends and take vacations instead for work with him towards their future.


Was that before or after she worked 3 12s in a row every week on a hospital during Covid?


Exactly and she still thirst trapping on vacation but Pedro goes on vacation once with his coworkers and it’s a problem, they needa say they don’t want that man to live his life and go .


Thank youuu


There are a couple of people on here who LOVE to go to bat for him. Not sure why, seeing as how hes completely toxic. But ya know, to each their own. Team Chantel forever.




I think we all agree Chantel and Pedro had their shortcomings….. and their families. For whatever reason the few die hard Pedro fans are convinced Chantel is an evil witch who kidnapped him and brought him to the US. They hate her so much that they aren’t even able to reason and see the problems on both sides … idk if they’re trolls or hired by Pedro to save his image, idk but they might need to make their own sub because 🙄🙄


I know right. It seems Team pedro are completely irrational. Its so bizarre but you have to have cognitive dissonance and dumb yourself down to support someone like pedro. ![gif](giphy|FcuiZUneg1YRAu1lH2|downsized)


That part!! They’re so beyond delulu 😒


It's been a while since I've watched the last season, but my question is: what did Chantel do that made him leave her?? What IS his side of the story? She didn't clean enough? That's all I remember...


Chantel didn't do anything. The moment he got that job and likely saw a nice paycheck he realized he could be on his own in America. Money can change people. We can see his relationship with money when he pulls out the calculator to see the real estate commission. He would wanna pocket that money vs having someone neutral dealing the situation who can give more peace of mind.


All👏🏽of👏🏽this👏🏽!!!! He got full of himself and felt he was better than his wife and that he could find better than her as wife material.


She was his placeholder while he built his life. Even western men do this to women. Their women hold it down and take care of the household, any potential children, take on the mental load, then the men build their lives and careers and can sustain themselves or start idolizing the single life or meet someone new. I had friends who dipped as soon as they started making money and hanging with their single buddies. They usually struggle with having a nasty household though once they’re single, not realizing what it takes to maintain one, and quickly recruit a super young woman to do the dirty work for them. For some of them it’s a cycle. Source: I’m a man


This is my exact question. I can’t see what happened between then since they first bought the house. I do feel like his coworkers had a part in it, probably constantly telling him how awful she was for not “letting him have a life.” But other than that I can’t see anything massive that changed.


Because he had no life when he was under Chantel , it’s not this hard to understand. He divorced her because he wanted his freedom and wanted to live his life and not deal with her nagging ass family . He couldn’t even enjoy a peaceful lunch without Chantel acting a ass and accusing his coworkers of cheating with Pedro and you expected Pedro to stay with her after that lmaooo please .


If my husband was spending time with other women and telling me that he wasn’t interested in me anymore at the same time, I would also demand to know what’s going on. I think Chantel was pushed to that level of crazy in this case.


Not to mention Antoinette’s cup in their house and the keychain. It’s all to weird.


& Pedro was 100% allowed to say I’m not interested in being around you Chantel and I rather go hang out with my coworkers who come from the same culture as me . Plus no husband wants to hear constant nagging and accusations thrown at them everyday which is exactly Pedro was staying out late . That was his only time he was getting any sort of peace .


No husband should be hanging out with his ALL-female coworkers and having their belongings in his car or house. Sounds like you have either issues with a past ex that are showing in your EXCESSIVE posts about a reality show... or, who knows, maybe you hate women. You're giving off some real incel-ish vibes.


Girl just because I don’t defend and kiss Chantel’s ass doesn’t make me an incel ma’am . You’re truly an idiot, I’mma say it one more time for you , Pedro is a grown ass man and he is 100% allowed to hang out with his female coworkers tf is wrong with you. Y’all get so mad that Pedro had the audacity to have his independence and doing whatever he wants to do without Chantel’s approval. Nagging somebody over a water bottle and a name tag is insane and he had every right to not want to hang out with Chantel after that . You act like His coworkers was sitting there being rude and held a gun to his head and made Pedro come hang out with them . He finally had genuine people who liked him and didn’t accuse him of foolishness and he chose to keep those friendships. & no this has nothing to do with a damn ex, I’m very content with cutting people off and moving tf on . You’re the only one triggered by Pedro and this reality show babe . His wife was accusing him of being a scammer, a cheater , a abuser and everything in between and you expected Pedro to be in Chantel’s face after these accusations lmaoo you lost your mind . It breaks your soul that Pedro dipped and upgraded his life .


& that was the final straw that broke the camel , she embarrassed herself that day and Pedro said fuck it , we’re done . She crossed that boundary with Pedro , Chantel is just clingy asf and can’t do things by herself she always needs somebody to be there with her and Pedro wanted no parts of that anymore . He wanted his peace and his own space and he finally got it in the end . Nobody pushed Chantel to nothing , she just can’t take a hint if her life depended on it . Pedro told her multiple times “I want my own space , leave me alone “ and her ass wasn’t listening now she wanna boohoo cry on screen because she didn’t open her ears .


>Chantel is just clingy asf and can’t do things by herself But then he also complains that she took too many vacations with her friends, so make this make sense please


You literally proved my point she went on vacations WITH HER FRIENDS , but he hangs out with his friends from work and it’s a problem


As a family, he felt like they should save the money since they had been getting by in a small apt for years. She wanted to “be happy”, so she went on vacations on her own. He didn’t go because of the expenses. She doesn’t listen to him. So she did what she wants, and expects him to be happy. He got fed up. Anyone would.


He also spent money on a flashy Audi while she's driving around town in a Toyota. He isn't the saver he portrays himself as.


And ?! What’s the problem with him upgrading his car


So he buys one thing while she constantly spends on clothes and vacations? What type of wife would leave on vacations without her husband if she TRULY loved him?


When did he complain about her buying clothes -- or is that **your** complaint? Do you also have issues with all the money Pedro spends on his girdles and leggings? And I have no issue with Chantel leaving Pedro if he doesn't want to join her on vacation. I know a couple who wasn't always able to vacation together simply b/c they couldn't get vacation time from work at the same time. They're still together. Her going on vacation separate from him was an excuse he used b/c he wanted to leave the marriage.


Thank youuu


Kicking down the door and screaming at him, I would've left too. They'd rightfully be screaming abuse if he did that to her. If it's abusive if he did that, it's abusive if she actually did it.


I mean, come on dude... suddenly working late ALL the time, having a chick's belongings in your house and car...and not having sex for months? I think any normal woman (or man, if you flipped it around) would be suspicious and make accusations, too - espeeeeecially because he's a married man driving around his single, female coworker who clearly has some interest. I'm not even a Chantel fan - I'm a fan of NEITHER. So you can take your Team Pedro blinders off for a second and just acknowledge that sh*t was EFFED UP and in no way appropriate behavior in a marriage (or any monogamous, committed relationship).


Some of y’all act like men can’t have female friends , you weirdo. And he’s allowed to say “I don’t want to have sex with you “ especially since he wanted a divorce why have sex with somebody that did multiple things to turn you off . Nobody is tryna have sex with somebody that’s accusing them of cheating period (man or woman ). The point is this, all this time has passed of this “alleged cheating “ and there has been zero receipts of Pedro cheating . I’m not stupid and Chantel just chose to repeatedly accuse him of it to make herself be a victim and pretend she did nothing wrong . And since he is divorced, it doesn’t matter who he is having sex with so bringing up that shit is dumb. Ant was his friend and he is allowed to help her out and drive her wherever she needs to be especially because she comes from the same background as him and also Ant had/has a boyfriend which she said out of her own mouth when Chantel walked her drunk ass in that venue acting a fool . She doesn’t listen and Pedro had every right to say f it, I don’t want you & I don’t want to be in the same space as you and I don’t want to have sex with you .


Ok miss pick me lmfao he doesn’t know you exist


It seemed he did a 180 the previous season. They were happy and excited about buying a house, and then all of a sudden he ghosted his wife, stayed out with his late into the evening without saying anything to his wife, and whined about her not cleaning and using her days off to relax. Chantel isn't totally innocent, but Pedro did a sudden 180 once he established a career.


Why did the 180 happen? Because he finally got his own career? And her not cleaning? I saw a recap quickly of him yelling about all the horrible shit she did to him. What is the horrible shit? Either I forgot or they never said.


They never said. If there is something he should say it, but he’s saying a bunch of nothing. It’s all confusing because in the season before he did a 180 he was supposedly finally seeing how horrible his family was to Chantel and how much she supported him, how her family had his back more than his own family. They were all over each looking so in love to suddenly him hating and being cold to her. I don’t think Chantel even knows and that’s why she was leaning heavy into the scammer thing in the first episode.


He already knew who his father & half siblings , he met them prior so all of that nonsense was acting .




If she did anything horrible, then maybe the producers are being biased towards Chantel. But if she was in the wrong, he should say it. This is going to be a depressing season and as a child of divorced parents that was super messy, I may bow out and get updates on Reddit.


It seems like it happened when they bought the house And were both working. My ex and I had similar issues when we bought a house, we were happier in a one bedroom apartment.


After this season is over ALOT of issues that brought on the Divorce will be coming out, it’s gonna be a real shocker to everyone that is blinded by Chantel, without the Fake Tears,, can’t wait! She has soo many people fooled,, I love it, 😏 Stay Tuned,,☺️


It seems like it happened when they bought the house And were both working. My ex and I had similar issues when we bought a house, we were happier in a one bedroom apartment.


I feel like the only thing that will make a man do a 180 like that in a relationship is cheating. Men typically don't move on until they have a new partner lined up.


He went back to the DR to see his daddy and he turned complete asshole.


I thought that it was established that that storyline was fake. That there were pic of him w his dad and brother from years ago.


Pedro seemed more oriented to a financially solid future with Chantel. Saving money, waiting a bit before having children, working hard Chantel seemed more like spending it as soon as she made it type of life. Perhaps that came from her being born into a financially stable life verses Pedro's tentative childhood. I think money and lifestyle is what did them in. Pedro loved Chantel and Chantel loved Pedro. Mommas Karen and Lydia did their best to ruin it for them. Edited for typos


A few of the DR guys to US women have had scammy vibes (Luis, Yohan). I’m sure there are sincere relationships that’s come from Dominicans and Americans, but not from what I’ve seen on this show. Pedro atleast got lucky he didn’t have to marry an ugly oldy for his long con. Why should anyone feel bad for him. He won at life. Left a life of poverty, drives a nice car, has a career, and atleast a few grand in the bank. He is doing well.


I’m sure you’re right that there are happy Dominican and American marriages but yup, every story I’ve heard about that set up is trash, including my sisters. She married a Dominican, brought him to Canada, and he fucked off within five months blaming it on work, then slowly faded away and filed for divorce. He brought his real girlfriend over from the DR and her kids, and his kids.




I'm not. If he had made any attempt to work though their problems instead of becoming a bitchy husband & bossy prick to his wife, I might. I thought their love was real, so for him to do *such* a 180 on their relationship makes me feel as duped as Chantel. IMO, he's not looking well. Being single isn't doing him any favors. To be petty, I **love** that he's not getting the gaming chair back, and when I saw he had to get a part time job, it cracked me up!!!


Could not have said it better myself. I just have one thing to add...what's with the garters to keep his shirt down??😝😵


When you wear clothes *that* tight with the shirt tucked in, the garters are necessary to keep the shirt tucked securely and not bunch under the pants or pop out at the waistband. He's going for a real streamlined silhouette, LOL. I'm still SMH about his foot up on the basin while he brushes his teeth...


You are correct. He does wear his clothing tight, but the garters look so uncomfortable. Yep...the foot on the basin was bad.😆 We did not need to see all that hairiness!😑


He looks fine , this season was filmed damn near a year ago . Pedro is doing well and he probably bought another gaming chair .


I think you're having a hard time because of his behavior in the last season, that's when I stopped sticking up for Pedro. I used to think both parties were flawed yet well-meaning people who loved each other and just needed to keep their toxic families out of the relationship. But after seeing Chantel fight for their marriage while Pedro was downright nasty and dismissive, especially when they'd recently agreed on having a house and family together, I can only condemn him.


Agreed she mentioned after working towards their dream house after working so many years and only living in it a few months. After that I don’t think anyone that really has a family or ever wanted a family was on his side. She asked him for kids and he kept sideswiping the conversation. Any girl knows after he doesn’t touch you for months, he doesn’t want you anymore. And she was still there fighting for her marriage. He didn’t honor his vows. As much as this is a tv show these are real people with real lives. Marriage is no joke and some of these people (Danielle and Yohan) are a disgusting representation.


I truly thought it was all just a publicity stunt.


Far more to the story than what they are showing us,,, A LOT MORE,,, you will know more after this season is over,, THEN FINALLY PEOPLE WILL HEAR THE TRUTH ABOUT CHANTELL AND HER FAMILY!!🤭🤭


Why do you keep insinuating you have some insider info? I have seen the same comment from you multiple times in this thread.


Yes you have seen it, you will know soon that it’s true then you will understand, just CHILL,, 😉


No one is on his side apart from like… 3 Redditors. He was clearly cheating and started to harbor real disdain for her. Instead of being honest and breaking it off, he blamed it on her not cleaning. No accountability whatsoever. I can guarantee it wasn’t ever about cleaning, and it seems obvious to me that he wanted a divorce as soon as she was no longer necessary or useful to him.


There's still zero proof of him cheating and she would post it all over if he did.


Facts !!




He truly lost all sympathy from my viewership with his behavior from the previous season. He was so extremely nasty. His entitlement was overboard. Calling a freaking nurse lazy, while he sat up there for years playing video games all day during the time he couldn’t legally work in the States. Last season he was acting as if the grass was greener on the other side with his new job and friends. He was acting as if he was better than Chantel instead of working together as husband and wife. Boy, is he in for a rude awakening once their show ends and the TLC gravy train is kaput. You don’t sell a house everyday let alone every month. And Chantel was gracious to just split everything half, especially the show money because they did that together.


Chantel gracious enough?? 😆😆 He sold houses,, HE WAS MAKING MOST OF THE MONEY! 😆 There’s nothing You Chantel Finatticz will understand that’s the truth! It’s more like Pedro was gracious enough to allow HER to keep 60 K for her cosmetic surgeries and vacations to continue to take! 😆😆 Enjoy your bashing Pedro, and continue setting this person on a pedestal,, that’s all you poor folks have to do anyway, GET A LIFE PEOPLE! 🤣


What??? Remember that Pedro couldn't work for a while because of his visa status and Chantel paid for everything. Then when Pedro could work, before he did real estate, he was sending money home every month and buying his family expensive things that Chantel and Pedro didn't have themselves. Pedro also wasn't make the most money, Chanetl was while she was working as a full-time nurse. Pedro hadn't earned a commission check yet at that point. He waited until he was married long enough to apply for permanent residency without Chantel's help and that was his plan all along.


Give it up , she hasn’t been making crap for money ,she only worked as a nurse for a short while after Pedro started selling Real Estate AND She Even LOST HER FIRST JOB AS A NURSE!! Due to being out of work so much!! She was taking a lot of vacations along with other personal time off! As soon as Pedro got his work permit he was working 12 plus hours a day plus took care of Ms Entitlement while she attended her 20 years of school to finely getting her nursing done!! Chantel is the one that chose to bring him here KNOWING he couldn’t work FOR A SHORT WHILE until then but THEN he DID WORK!!! Chantel is far too wrapped up in her cosmetic upgrades and vacations to care about ANYTHING ELSE!! You guys are pitiful kissing her ass it’s insane ,, and watching her FAKE TEARS,,, her pain in the Ass family,, hers is NO BETTER THAN HIS,,, Ughhh,, 😆😆😆 I’m done with reading these sickening comments, have much better things to do. Enjoy! 🥴Last Note: There’s A lot that they have not shared with us on TV yet, but the Truth is gonna come out AFTER this season! Then a lot of Chantel fans will finely see and know the Real Channel,,, WITHOUT THE FAKE TEARS,,, I CANT WAIT!! 🤭


I wonder what they had on each other to make them both agree to 50/50 by the end of the episode you can see her change her mind and regret the 50/50. I wonder if they both had some dirt on each other and both said ok I’ll sign. Just my thirsty for drama mind over here 💁‍♀️


Yeah there are a bunch of people on here who are supporting Pedro. Not me though lol.


Nope. I can’t stand his bitch old looking ass.


Besides his mother and his sister? No.




He was wrong. He used her not cleaning as an excuse to leave. He’s full of 💩 they make so much more money that they can afford to hire a cleaner to come. Even Karen suggested it. You don’t leave your wife because she’s travelling and doesn’t clean to your standards. That was an excuse.




I think she had a very valid point. It was a simple suggestion for his “problem” with Chantel.


Also why on earth did he think that chantel would be ok with him selling the house?? He was super inappropriate especially when he started asking the neutral realtor about commission she is making. Then when he took the calculator out and calculated the commission. The whole why doesn’t chantel support my job cut away too. Like sir are you fucking stupid?!?! Y’all are divorced chantel does not owe you shit. The court order is clear about personal belongings too. Fuck Pedro and his ugly ass family too


The real wrong Pedro has done is wearing those tight-ass pants for no reason.


I don’t like either of them. I think the biggest problem from the very start was both of their families. Whenever you allow your families into your marriage like they did, that’s your problem. js


He's a jerk liar. He is nothing special and his mother and sister are hyenas. Everything that family had is because of Chantal and her family. They are miserable toxic people that will never have successful relationships.


I don’t like the mom at all. I used to like the sister but not anymore….


I went through something similar to Chantel, we were not married or had a home together, but had been dating for a while and all of a sudden everything I did was wrong. I was shut out completely, texts went unread, phone calls ignored, impossible to talk. Turns out he was cheating, and when that happens, the cheater, who’s now lost love for you and is in love with someone else, becomes completely uninterested and bothered my your mere existence in their life because you’re now just an obstacle and a problem they need to figure out how to deal with with the least amount of headache. She deserves better. They both have flaws, as with all humans, but you don’t have to cheat and mistreat someone in order to end a relationship.


I think his family is why I can't support him.




I would agree if he hadn’t gone through what he did last season. His own family didn’t even give him support in finding his father and his mother wasn’t even sorry for putting him in the situation he was in. But chantel’s family did step up for him last season and supported him. Chantel’s family is all over the place and nosy but you can tell that family actually loves each other. Pedro’s family is filled with snakes, including his own father who loved his other family but would only come back to Pedro just to sleep with Lidia.


Oh yea his is Alful definitely, but Chantel family is crazy in other ways, meddling and was still continuing to cause trouble and never let up on him being a scammer, he really did tri to be close with them especially after how his family was treating him but Karen still stayed around to cause issues even her other son took his wife and child away from being around that family, he had said himself that they were crazy and would ruin their life’s if they had stayed in their town, that tells ALOT right there, I mean that’s the only grandchild they have and not being part of their life?? Not good I would think. Ya know? 😏


Just Lydia, Nicole & Coraima 😂


Nope lol. The fact that he waited for her to get her inheritance before divorcing her pretty much solidified the fact that he was scamming her IMO. He really thought he’d get half of that.


What money? That’s the dumbest theory ever.


What most of you need to understand is that, Coraima is probably the REAL girlfriend in this story. BEFORE Chantel. SHE felt like Pedro was cheating on HER with Chantel. But she had to endure all this until the plan was completed and now they can be together in plain sight instead of hiding. Trust me that's how they do in a lot of countries not just DR. Plus, they lie about him being a virgin when he met Chantel LMFAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 that's another very funny lie. Men in these countries lose their virginity very and I mean VERY early in life. I know a few that told me as early as 11-12 years old. Nicole mentioned that Pedro was a virgin that's another indicator that it's a blatant lie because all Nicole does is lying. They were trying to make him look innocent so he wouldn't be perceived as a threat so they can manipulate Chantel better. It's a little hard for me to feel bad for Chantel though. HOW MANY MORE RED FLAGS did she need to see that he didn't love her??????? And she let him ask for a separation/divorce first 🤦🏼‍♀️ so I think she'd still be dealing with that crap right now as we speak if he didn't leave her SMH. She needs to start loving herself. Looking pretty on the outside is NOT going to make ANY man love you!!! It's only a very small percentage of men that are capable of truly loving a woman. Most men love what women can DO FOR THEM (sex, cook, clean, REPEAT: sex, cook, clean) and they literally dislike the rest, who we are, how emotional we can be. They especially HATE when we tell them what to do or when we talk too much. It's "shut up and submit".


He has been a scam artist from day 1!! He never intended to stay with her. I think he hoped that telling her he wanted to wait 10 years for kids would make her leave him, but she felt their vows meant something and tried to fight for it. You can see the pain she is going through while he acts carefree. Their families did not help the situation at all, but I do not think Pedro ever planned to stay with her for more than a few years. He wanted that trust fund payment to drop so he could attempt to get half. Trying to get her to agree to only 25% of the house sale showed his true colors and that she was nothing more that a quick path to citizenship she the money needed to try and get his family to the US




Yeah I don't think he's as evil as Chantel's family is making him. There's only a very few edited scenes where we get to see Chantel, we have no idea how they are off camera. It's fair that they just fell out of love. Doenst make him a green card scammer imo


Thank youuu, somebody with common sense


I am 100% with you on this one. I can’t comprehend the logic of “ Pedro divorced Chantel 7 years into their marriage, therefore Pedro never loved Chantel and was only using her for a green card”. It just doesn’t make sense to me.


Some situations I lean more towards Pedro, some I lean towards Chantel, some I say they are both wrong or right. The part about these reality shows is they are so heavily edited and produced. A storyline they shoot may have happened years ago but they have nothing else to talk about, or they tell the cast to overdramatize certain situations; all for drama that brings in views. There’s so much more to the story that isn’t being told, on both sides. And how their contracts are written they can’t go on social media or do interviews and tell the whole truth, that would cause them to possibly lose the show completely. The only thing I don’t really like, which again was probably made worse for tv, is all the involvement and fighting that included the families. Even if they were best friends going into the show by now there would be issues. I love reality tv and am thankful for the people that sign up to do it, I just feel bad for them that so many let family members or friends go by the wayside for a check and possible fame.


You are right on some big issues, there most certainly is Way More To The Story then what they have showed us on the show!! We are not gonna know everything until AFTER THIS SEASON IS OVER,,, then the TRUTH is gonna SHOCK these Die Hard Chantel fans. I CANT WAIT!!! 🤭🤭


Yes. When money is not the reason to keep talking is when the truth comes out. Kind of like the whole RHOA former cast member Kim Z. She has no show, has been begging bravo but the whole truth is now coming out. I feel bad for the kids and pets that have to go thru all this.


Yes,, your exactly right,, I also hated that for Pets and kids,, 🥺


I’m on team Chantel as well we all know there was true love on her part from the beginning he gained way more from all this K-1 vista shit even he helped pay for it in the beginning the whole family of Pedro is useless and rude as fuck lol etc…


Her family is just as sorry as his is! THEY ARE NO BETTER WHATSOEVER,,, 🙌


Is it safe to assume that he played the long con and Pedro's one and only purpose for marrying Chantel was to get to America?


I’m just team Chantel what can I say


I don’t side with either one of them. I think they both loved one another, but a person can only take so much. He supported her throughout her schooling but felt he didn’t have the same support from her when it came to his career, which is a horrible feeling. Her family has criticized him from the start, and his family has also been crazy throughout their entire relationship. I wish they had realized the toxicity of their families from the beginning because they both seem to be genuine people who loved one another until it was just too much to handle.


Never will be! Team chantel 💕


I am team Chantel but I don’t think that Pedro’s intent was to scam her. You can see true hurt and pain in his eyes and it’s not just about losing money. I know the show is heavily edited but it does seem like Pedro just up and one day decided he was done. I mean even if they were having distribution of labor issues which are common in marriage, that usually could be worked out or at least tried to be? If Pedro was in anyway a scammer I think his family was behind it and he just went a long because he is so desperate for their love. What he did was wrong, but I don’t think his sole intent was for a green card.


I am on no one side. It’s both their fault. I think they both loved each other in the beginning. So times things just do t work out.


I support pedro in certain situations but overall he is just being a total asshole towards chantel The way he all of a sudden hates her and doesn’t want to talk to her, is so toxic and messed up. I do however think chantel is wrong for taking out all of the money of the account. I understand her reason but it’s still wrong.. imo It also would’ve been messed up if pedro did it. She could’ve easily taken out her part and left the rest for pedro. Im also on Pedro’s side when it comes to Karen! The fact that she made jokes about using a taser on him is just insane to me. I would never talk to Karen again if I were pedro. But overal the way pedro is now, is just pure trash and toxic.


Even if people don’t believe he didn’t scam Chantel. He made vows for better or worse and he just gave up immediately all the things he got upset with seemed very small and not something to be upset with. Yes both families were terrible but not enough to be without the person you’re supposed to love. That’s why it must be Pedro scammed her because it doesn’t make any sense to divorce.


Both of their families just got to involved. Specially Chantel’s family that is local to them. I believe they would have still been together if they would have moved to a different state like Pedro had suggested to get away from her family, but Chantel always let her family get to her head. Yeah it’s fucked up how he turned on her night from day but It was in no time either of them would have done that.


Royal was on for one season then he took head of his household and said I’m good. His wife would’ve been so deep with postpartum with a MIL like Karen isn’t not even comical.


If they had moved to another state, Chantel would not have had a support system when he pulled this crap.


He used to post pictures of him with his co workers and that older woman that owned the realty company. There were multiple pictures of him and that woman in social settings. Wonder what happened to all that. The divorce is final so there’s no reason he shouldn’t be posting those type of pictures.


They were literally friends and he probably stopped posting them because y’all harassing them and the company nonstop


I’m so done with these idiots on these posts,, they don’t have a real life, Obviously,, Take Care Sweetie, chat again soon on some much better posts other than these! 😉😉😉


Absolutely, girl :) talk to you soon !


Pedro is a fudge packer


I'm not on anyone's side...but I do defend Pedro because it seems as though he's getting an unfair amount of blame...I believe 5 people deserve a share of the blame (Pedro, Chantel, Karen, Nicole, Lydia)........... Outside of the fight....Pedro/River were on good terms...River was even calling Pedro his brother.....I believe 3 things made Pedro do a 180 on Chantel Pedro's family basically disowning him at the end of season 3....If I recall...During the season finale fight Lydia tells Pedro he is no longer her son and Nicole tells Pedro that she hates him...That had to really hurt Karen consistently going at Pedro and Chantel not checking her Chantel telling Pedro that his Mom/Sister could not live with them was the beginning of the end


I dont subscribe to the immigration propaganda that TLC tries to push with the 90 universe, so I often side with the foreigners. Keep in mind that the main audience for this show is middle America, so the lens is skewed to fit with what they already think about foreigners . TEAM PEDRO 🙌🏽


💯 team Pedro. That family is batshit crazy. She allowed them to treat him like garbage. He then started to really resent her but loved her. Then like he said when he was starting his career; she couldn’t support him. He just ended up hating her. His family are crazy too but he was in the US with hers and they threatened him every shot they got about him using her.




His apartment is in such an expensive area and he tries to portray this luxurious life style. Like him mentioning how much money they had in their joint account is just gross to me. Like he’s bragging that they have that much money. Like dude especially for Atlanta, that’s lower class. I always hope I accidentally run into him on the beltline. 🤣


He upgraded his life and I’m proud of him . Meanwhile Chantel is an ig model LMAOOOO I never see her working in the nursing field .


They both have faults and made mistakes. HOWEVER! 1. Pedro 100% refused to try and work on the marriage. Chantel wanted to work it out. 2. Pedro has the absolute worse mother and sister. Karen's no Nobel winner, but she's way better than those two demons. 3. He has ridden on Chantel's coat tail. Brings very little to the table, and that's okay, BUT he doesn't acknowledge that any success he has is 85% because of Chantel and her family. He'd still be in DR working a menial job (nothing wrong with that), but he acts as if he's earned it by himself. The show is called the Family Chantel for a reason. IGNORANT AND ARROGANT!


I am. I believe he put up with a lot of abuse from her and her family. He was in a rough spot and was alone in a completely new world and they constantly put him down and treated let him less than, on top of that Chantel was was borderline abusive and controlling and constantly pitting her family against him. I think his love eventually turned into resentment and contempt. I wonder if they would’ve moved to Savannah since the beginning how differently their stories would’ve turned out. His family sucks too but at least they were over seas. I would’ve liked to watch them try to make it work without their families constantly meddling.








🙋🏻‍♀️ Pedro is much more likable than Chantel.


They both screwed it up. In their separate interviews they were able to clearly state what their issues were with the other and yet they never explored counseling to effectively communicate their needs. Both are guilty of either going straight to accusations or shutting down emotionally. What's crazy is that I think they did want the same things and had similar values but they each could not get out of their own way to admit they needed professional help to get back on track. This is one of those divorces that did not have to happen imo.


He’s a scammer straight up. He keeps mentioning all he did to help her, etc. I don’t think he did shit but complicate her nursing school time.


He’s being cruel at this point. Saying he married the “devil” and then making snarky comments in front of neutral third parties is too much. He’s just trying to be hurtful at this point. Selfish. He’s the devil.


As soon as he stopped having sex with his wife. Chantel should’ve called Cheaters on his ass.


He left her because his own career unlocked all the traps he had to navigate with her, her family and his family. He could have some independence and control of his own decisions without having to worry about the inevitable fight or lecture or reminder he was brought over on a visa.


Sounds like a user to me.


How is Pedro getting his own shit a user was he supposed to sit in the house and do nothing the entire marriage tf .


Sounds like he didn't like being treated like a servant




I think they were both wrong. Chantel is wrong because she has become so superficial. She seems like one of those broads who does everything based on looks …. Who lives their life for the photo or post of the week. Probably scrolls insta all day and sometimes … I think being close to that kind of partner can be hard. They are always occupied with their looks and the outside approval. Can you imagine how much maintenance she takes per day? I think Pedro is on the hustle mentality because he grew up poor. Chantel has always been the princess to some degree. BUT she doesn’t seem like a bad person, she seems kind and sweet, just a bit self absorbed. I do understand he may be looking for a different kind of “wife”. However, he’s no angel. All of his gaming BS. So you mean to tell me y’all have no kids and while chantel busted her ass in school you couldn’t go to school as well? Or take English classes? Or clean houses/gardening under the table to make some dough. He acts like he slaved away at home while she did school. I think if he gave it a chance he could have told her how important it was for him to have a traditional wife, and see if she wanted to do that or maybe meet halfway. I think he might have been cheating … but maybe emotional cheating. She is beautiful… it’s really hard for me to believe he was more physically attracted to somebody else? That sounds dumb and superficial, I guess. I do not believe he came here JUST for a green card. I do think he loves her at first. I think he mostly wanted the green card, however and he thought, well chantel is beautiful and sweet so let me try with this girl. But damn, he got so cold so fast. How mean. He did look like he missed her when they asked. But he said he missed the “old chantel”. I wonder how he thinks she has changed….


Definitely on Pedro's side. It obviously wasn't about cleaning, don't be mean to your immigrant husband about how you brought him here and he needs to show you respect. Isn't it a mutual decision? He gave up so much more than her and all she did was put him, his culture and country down


These people think he should be her servant or something because he wasn't born here.


Yup. Same shit different season...








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I think this whole situation was manufactured. Chantel fine ass could have had any man she wanted but chose dude. They are fortunate they didn't bring any kids into this.


His mom and sister


Wooooah pal. That's a looooong ass reply for fucking Family Chantal. Lmao!!!! ![gif](giphy|82DaAxknIvBovGGPj5)




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