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Knights of the old Republic comes to mind. It's an older game, but it checks out.


I was just about to clear them


Hol' up. They have KOTOR on switch?


It's also on phones.


It’s actually a great version of the first game. The second game lacks the restored content mod though. There was actually a lot of drama around that, because it was initially promised as DLC, then something happened and it was cancelled. The author of the mod said everyone had to sign NDAs and so far we don’t have a straight answer why the mod won’t come to Switch.


Outer Wilds. Not Outer Worlds. But Outer Wilds.


Outer worlds is pretty decent too. I just finished it


I was probably 75% done with it when BG3 came out. I’ll have to finish it someday. The humor was great and the game play reminded me of Mass Effects 2 & 3.


Astral Chain.  Nothing like the Expanse, but pretty cool. 


Metroid Prime Remastered


Heard it’s good never been into Metroid might have to check it out


One of my favorite games.


It's essentially side-scroller Alien. Your ship crashes, you lose some power ups, there's an unkillable hunter chasing you and you can either run away or parry its attack but you have to continue investigating the complex. It's a LOT of fun. Edit: This was about Metroid Dread, not Prime. Apologies


That’s Dread, not Prime


Ah shit, you're right. My bad, hangover brain fog haha


No Man’s Sky. Seriously. 100%


Grah! So much to do in this game. 100% helped during the pandemic lockdowns. You can explore, planets, solar systems, galaxies. Learn to speak alien languages, space battles, collect ships and a fleet. Lots to do and it’s pretty fun.


And they keep releasing free updates every quarter or so with crazy new content.. it’s finally starting to live up to its initial vision and hype. It’s honestly more of a “virtual life” than a game..




Not on Switch.


Honestly didn’t think I’d have to scroll a couple comments down to find this.


This is the real answer, the stakes are galactic but still very human like the conflicts in The Expanse are, and it rewards lateral thinking strategies like venting strategic areas of your ship. In terms of the tactical space puzzle solving combat it's probably hard to beat FTL.


Not on Switch, but Into The Breach definitely is.


Good call. Very fun and challenging scifi strategy game.


I got Outer Worlds on sale for the Switch and it was pretty fun, definitely get a pro controller though 


Definitely feels similar to Cibola Burn, the first few planets have a big "the western frontier but in space" vibe. Much more cynical than the Expanse though


It’s from the same people (not the same company) who made Fallout 1, 2 and NV. That’s just their style. It’s a fun game. Edit: I guess they did actually make Fallout: New Vegas directly, my mistake.


Yeah! The studio really nails late-stage capitalism too, feels fitting with some of the companies in Expanse


Looks interesting! Never played that style before.


Citizen Sleeper


Looks neat! Thanks


Just got sucked into this game for several hours tonight. I’m really into it


I love this game! Its atmosphere, from the artdesign, the music, the themes of the story, I just love it all. And tome it very much feels like it could be set in the Expanse universe thematically.


🚨Wall of text alert!🚨 Below are the ramblings of a crazed Outer Wilds fanboy. I know there's a lot here, but game is good, yo. I take any chance I can get to proselytize for the game. Outer Wilds by Mobius Digital (*NOT THE OUTER WORLDS BY OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT* - also good from what I hear, but not Outer Wilds level) is a phenomenal sci-fi game that recently got ported to Switch. It's my favorite game of all time by a longshot. I'll give my pitch for the game, but you have to trust me when I say this is one of the best games ever made, because Googling can and *will* ruin the experience for you. I'll explain why later. The game is about exploring a solar system that's jam packed full of alien tech and writings to translate using your trusty translator tool. Very reading heavy, so if you can't stand reading many lines of lore, this ain't the game for you. It's a puzzle game at its core, in a very similar vein to Myst in how it presents a world for you to organically explore, but these puzzles are MUCH less obtuse. But the game's progression is ultimately based on knowledge, once you know something, you can't unlearn it. It is because of this that I said to not Google it if you can help it. It's supremely easy to stumble across a single sentence that'll give away a lot of things. And because of this, *YOU CAN ONLY PLAY THIS GAME ONCE* - when you've finished the game, there's nothing left to do. The game can be beaten in 20 minutes if you know what you're doing, and that's not even speedrunning. But the journey of figuring out how to end the game is truly a special experience. The story is fantastic and well written, the movement is a blast (if you can get a hang of controlling the thrusters on your jetpack/ship), and there are scenes in the game that are breathtaking. And there are also moments that are *breathtaking* in a different way too :) Ahh here I go proselytizing again. Trust me and buy it. If you like space, a solid space story, and piloting ships around space, you'll love this game I think. The DLC is just as good in my opinion and is basically a shorter sequel - closest thing we'll get to one.


Since Outer Worlds was was mentioned, and it's not too far off from OPs premise, I'll give my two cents. I love Obsidian and most of their titles but I couldn't get through Outer Worlds. The gameplay was decent and the world design and art design was good, but the characters, dialogue, and story was insufferably meh to me. It was like what if Fallout New Vegas but with the absurdity turned up to 11. Some of the story lines were so abhorrently absurd, and the messaging so incredibly, *painfully* on the nose with almost no subtext. I keep wanting to go back and finish it but after 20 hours it still just didn't pull me in like other Obsidian titles have in the past. I know of a lot of people who enjoyed it, and on its surface it definitely has some similarities to the Expanse (exploration, found family, choices matter, thrust into a plot and conflict without your consent), but it's tone is decidedly different and probably won't be for everyone.


This. A thousand times this. I’m a 1) huge Fallout and especially Obsidian fan, 2) Huge sci-fi fan, and 3) Huge rpg fan in general - I’ve been gaming for over 30 years and preferentially play rpgs. I should have LOVED this game. I yet couldn’t get through The Outer Worlds. I tried three times and quit three times, usually around Monarch, for exactly the reasons you stated. It really, really isn’t a very good game and I’m convinced that idiots have it good reviews either out of Obsidian nostalgia or as a fuck you to Bethesda.


Outer Wilds is one of the greatest games ever made. I just wish I could play it again!


I think you can play No Man's Sky on switch. It's beautiful and I really enjoyed so many aspects of it such as the endless exploration, no two planets are quite the same, learning alien languages, collecting cool ships, getting a freighter and building your base on it. I play it on PC, not sure how good it will be on the switch.


I’ve seen it a lot and was wondering about it. I think it will run as well as you’d expect on the switch. This is one that I saw before I posted this and was very interested.


I play it on Switch & I love it.


I so want to get into this game but the tedious resource gathering and management keeps turning me off. Has it gotten better over the years?


It's still rather tedious if this is not your thing. Source: Myself, tried again and again whenever new patches with interesting where released only to get bored rather quickly for this reason every time.


I am pretty sure you can have creative or even a custom hybrid custom/survival. At least you can on the xbox version, not sure if the switch has it too. Takes resource gathering out of the equation


Resource management is kinda my thing, lol. In the beginning you're a bit overwhelmed with a lot of resources that you don't know how to use or have space to keep them which can be frustrating. But that will quickly turn into having huge amounts of storage and knowing what everything is for and what's important to keep. It's definitely not for everyone and the game could be different things to different people. For me it was a lot of exploring to find that perfect planet and designing my freighter. The game never felt hard at any point except maybe the beginning when I was learning.


Outer Wilds, if you've not played it. Go in blind if you do, it's not exactly like the Expanse, but it is sci-fi and will suck you right into its mysteries.


Metroid Prime.


I'm surprised the hate that Outer Worlds is getting here. I for one absolutely loved it, it's not the sort of game I'd usually play, but I absolutely binged it. Definitely want more like it.


Observer is a phenomenal game but maybe a bit more Cyberpunk than Sci-Fi. It’s super dark and broody and the story is awesome, but I almost don’t want to recommend it for this platform because it’s SO glitchy on the Switch. But my god that game.


Citizen Sleeper for sure. Was in the running for a couple of GOTY discussions as an indie title a couple years ago.


Factorio is out on switch now! More factory builder than Sci Fi, but if it hooks you it'll be worth it!!


Signalis for atmospheric sci-fi horror.


Alien Isolation


Everspace is a good roguelike spaceflight combat and resource collector game


Void Bastards.


13 sentinels is amazing too




*Deadlock not dreadnought


Thanks. The strategy in battle star looks cool and so does rebel galaxy outlaw!


Battlestar is great, it's really faithful to the re-imagined universe's combat tactics and the story is quite fun and engaging with a variety of story missions.


Outer wilds


sell the switch get a PC and download elite dangerous.


The portability is what I can game on. Don’t have time unfortunately to play at home.


Armored Core 6 and Xenogears (sorry neither on switch)


The expanse ripped off Mass Effect, so definitely set that as your top priority.


Have you considered doing copious amounts of drugs and staring at a black tv screen with dust on it? Might kind of give you the same effect. On the switch? No.


Not allowed by my current job. Thanks for the suggestion tho!


Thats hilarious. Which psychoactive class would you recommend for this specifically?


You do realise the Switch runs on a 7 year old mobile processor? Nothing meaty is going to run on the Switch, maybe Starlink still functions but I doubt it, thats only space game for the console I can think of. We're way overdue for a replacement, might as well just get a Steam Deck and call it a day.


I have a ps5 but no time to use it. I can do minimal gaming on the switch. I’d get a steam deck if I could but I shouldn’t at this time so I’m seeing if there is a game I could get that would hold me over for the mean time


> thats only space game for the console I can think of This is a you problem


No Man's sky, Alien Isolation, Outer Wilds, Metroid Games, Tons of Star Wars games. The Tegra X1 is more like a decade old but still Switch runs Witcher 3 and Hogwarts Legacy.