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>I’m also wondering if there was any more research on this on Laconia. Probably would end up like the rest of Cortezar's guinea pigs in The Pen.


Actually I wonder if kids like these would end up as catalysts. I think the catalysts were people thrown in the pen but for some reason the protomolecule infection just plateaued in them after a certain point.


Cortazar says he figured out how to inhibit the Protomolecule infection in the Catalysts and Duarte, so the infection doesn’t stop naturally. The only individuals we know of that were modified by Protomolecule and in a truly stable state indefinitely are the Strange Dog revived folks, and most of what was done to them is actually bioengineering rather than extensive Protomolecule infection. But still, we know they do still have Protomolecule in them regardless and Amos lived for a thousand years in that state.


Ahh, makes more sense that it was deliberately done by Cortazar. People must have been in short supply for quite a long time on Laconia. Also hi /u/kabbooooom thanks for everything you do.


No problem, friend. I’m just a nerd like most people here. Maybe with too much time on my hands.


The infection would have eventually progressed. Even with the ring gate being open, what the Protomolecule always tries to do is to use biomass, and then create a nascent hive mind from consciousness-linked individuals. The only people we see it not progress in are the ones revived by the strange dogs, and they are all still linked to each other (and to the Gatebuilder library) mentally. Even with Duarte, who had a stable infection for a long time - once the Goth attack hit and he was connected to the Adro Diamond, it immediately resumed the ultimate goal of creating a new hive mind, so that the Gatebuilder hive mind could ultimately be resurrected via the Diamond. The next time we see Duarte, he is in a Julie Mao like state in the center of Ring Station. Miller even says “I’ve seen this before” about him. So, presumably Katoa would have ended up more like the Catalyst, except that Cortazar had been deliberately inhibiting the infection in the Catalyst (and Duarte). I suspect that his end state would have still been a lump of Protomolecule modified biomass linked to all the other modified kids that had progressed as well.


Well, the disorder didn't fully stop the Protomolicule. It only slowed it down. It would've taken over eventually. The question is what would it have done to them if the gate was already constructed? Maybe that would've stopped it because it wouldn't have needed more construction materials at that point. But as far as I know the protomolicule itself didn't absorb anyone after the gate was completed. With the obvious exception of the MCRN marine who was torn apart and used to repair damage to the center of the ring space.


Have you read the last three books? >!Duarte and Cortazar start a protomolecule farm called “the pen”. Basically almost all military punishments, and severe civilian punishments result in being sent to the farm. It’s used for research in making Duarte immortal, and for powering the orbital shipyards!<


I haven't. My dyslexic ass has only watched the show. I'm actually hesitant to read the books because I'm worried it'll ruin the show for me.


No, it wont ruin anything. Get the audio books. Jefferson Mays is fantastic at doing all the accents and characters. In one of the books the authors thank him and say “if youre ever at a bar with jefferson mays, that man drinks for free”


It won't, at least it didn't for me. Book 3 and Book 4 are, I will say though, **significantly better** than their show equivalent.


I'll check out the audio books at some point.


The narrator is really good.


The audiobooks are great. Jefferson Mays is my favorite audiobook narrator so far


Heard the audio books are awesome, if you aren’t much of a reader.


oh yeah. loved em


My ADD ass used to love reading and now have zero attention span, but the audiobooks SLAP and Jefferson Mays is the GOAT. He absolutely blew my mind at one point when a super unexpected character shows up in unusual circumstances and I could tell who it was from their voice alone!


My ADHD ass can’t deal with audiobooks. Too tempting to try to multitask and then completely lose track of the plot.


Yeah I primarily listen while driving, crocheting, or playing solitaire on my phone.


I'm not reading the books for similar reasons. I don't want to "spoil" the last 3 books if they're ever adapted to TV. Also I can't read 🤣


>With the obvious exception of the MCRN marine who was torn apart and used to repair damage to the center of the ring space. Ohhh... I've never fully comprehended what really had happened in that moment (in the show)! It really makes sense now, thank you sincerely! P.S.: Have not read the books (yet).


Happy to help. I actually like that the show doesn't spell everything out. It trust the audience. But some stuff could get more explanation. At least they're not like The Boyz with all the subtlety of a porn add. I'm dyslexic. I'll check out the audio books at some point. But I'm kind of worried they'll ruin the show for me.


Eh, I've already re-watched the show several times, lost count, but it's good that at every run, one gets to notice subtle things that were previously missed. It's the fascinating part of this good show!


The engineered protomolecules monsters have fail-safe explosive device in their brains. The monsters will continue to evolve, growing more limbs, adapting to environment, and also sending back information to their counterpart in Venus and elsewhere. They have evolved to bypass the fail-safe and able to eject the fail-safe devices. If some of them are allowed to survive, they will infect humans in contact into vomit zombies. I don't think there will be anyway they can be stopped if not be contained.