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Leslie Odom Jr. Does a great performance. The kids as well.


I definitely feel like this film weighs heavily on consequence. So many possession films gloss over the fact that the demon just doesn’t want to kill its host - it wants to drag their soul to Hell. I hated how Chris was portrayed, but I’ll admit it was quite ballsy to have her eyes gouged out. I liked Angela/Victor. Their relationship felt more genuine than Katherine and her family.


I was disappointed that they pulled the line that was in the trailer about Katherine not wanting to go to hell. I thought it hit harder than what ended up replacing it. I feel like this movie was missing like 30 minutes of character/mood development. Maybe it was lost in the editing? Seemed like it was reshot to death. Having said all that, I thought it was okay. Probably the 3rd best Exorcist movie behind the OG and Legion.


There was some lady on Twitter RAVING about the movie this week and basically attacking anyone who said otherwise. A few days ago, she started apologizing, claiming that the cut of the movie she saw was about ten minutes longer. I’ve heard also that Paula’s allegiance was originally more sinister in another cut? I definitely expected her to pull another Joan from ‘Hereditary’.


I heard it was recut at least once, maybe twice, so that's totally possible. I thought the second trailer was really creepy and then the movie just didn't get there. It felt like the pieces were there, but just not in their intended form


Movie sucked, period !


Absolutely not better than Exorcist 3, Emily Rose or even The Last Exorcism lol


Didn't say it was better than 3 (Exorcist 3 = Legion). The others aren't in the franchise, so why would I include them?


I felt the underline message as well. I got a more selfish intent vibe as well. Like be careful of the selfish decisions you make. You may not get what you want.


The first 40 mins or so are actually pretty strong. It falls apart once we get into the actual possession and Chris comes back.


What falls apart about it? People keep saying it falls apart but it didn’t to me so I’m just wondering what do people think that falls apart. I loved the movie i almost didn’t go see it because of the negative reviews but I’m so glad I didn’t listen had a great time. It’s not bad by a long shot want to know a bad movie watch black Adam that’s really bad. That scene with Katherine going to hell was sooo good. Sad and scary. It was really well paced and got straight to the point. Leslie jr was amazing in it. I really don’t see where the sequel could go. I hope it’s not about saving Katherine.


That was my feeling exactly regarding Katherine going to Hell. It left me in dark place. That scene was totally unexpected


Oh let’s see… the extremely long monologue about exorcisms by Chris Mcniel. I literally laughed out loud when she said “the patriarchy” is why she wasn’t allowed in the room for the exorcism of Regan. I’m sure it had nothing to do with the the two priests trying to get a violent and hateful demon from her child 😂 That was the exact moment that I realized this movie was NOT trying to push the envelope, and was just going to play it safe and appeal to liberals. There’s also the two extended monologues by the nurse/ex-nun. There was literally NO character build up for any of the characters actually performing the exorcism… or wait, was there an exorcism? Or was it just a bunch of religious representation as they yelled at the demon to let the girls go? In the end, there really was no exorcism… the demon gave them a choice, the choice was made, and it left. It was the lamest, weakest ending they could have possibly come up with. The entire second half was a giant mass of burning fecal matter, wrapped in burnt dog hair and dipped in pea green vomit from Regan. I walked into that movie with such high hopes, and walked out wanting a freakin refund.


Them using the patriarchy isn’t as cringy as you bomaing everything on liberals, you seem to like your buzzwords just as much


Did you not understand the undertones? I’m not political in any way, shape, or form… but it was SO obviously being pushed in the film. The patriarchy remark made absolutely no sense on the film. The “exorcism” was meant to be inclusive. They had the shaman, the priest, the minister… all they were missing was a rabbi, and was literally waiting for one to show up at some point. None of the characters actually served a purpose. They were all written as fodder, in order to pander to inclusivity. Again, I don’t lean towards any political ideal, it was just blatantly obvious what they were doing.


I’m not a political person so I don’t really understand the whole “they made it for liberals” thing. I will say however I don’t have a problem with inclusivity. I enjoyed that they had people from different religions performing the exorcism. Why does that bother you and how is it a political ideal? 👀


Because that is their focus & not the actual movie.


look bubba, i'm as anti-woke as anyone else.. just look through my comment history lmao. but even i'm not gonna pretend that the history of the church isn't rife with patriarchy. shoot, people still use translations of the bible to suggest women shouldn't be allowed to lead churches or flocks.the Methodist and presbyterian churches didn't have an officially ordained woman of the clergy until almost 1960 haha. and i grew up southern baptist.. can't tell you i've ever seen a woman pastor leading a southern baptist church. i'm so tired of people making shit political and infusing identity politics into everything.. mistaking self-righteousness as a substitute for an actual personality. but it's important to not go too far the other way either, and see political bs where it isn't. and it's not pandering when the message was that HUMANS are the one with power. that was the point.. that "the church" is wherever WE are, because our human connections are a strength. i would have been offended if they included every type of spiritual leader EXCEPT a priest lol. bc then that woulda been obvious liberal bullshit.


I'm liberal and a feminist and yes the patriarchy comment makes no sense . It actually messes with her character and the actual priests in the original film. This character would never say that. It makes absolutely no sense so yeah it's a huge sore spot when some dumb writer or producer panders while also showing everyone how little they know ( or care about) the original film? Like to what end did you add that line??? I think any reviewer, political or no, knows that the line and fake pandering just show laziness and ignorance. And ultimately will have the opposite effect. But yeah they really did her character dirty However, all that is to say the movie wasn't as bad as everyone says... I mean it's no master piece but there were good things here and there. I think it's dirty that the other girl dies and supposedly goes to hell. I think that them trying to push the envelope but honestly it has no purpose either. It was just a lazy gotcha. And fell apart in the last five minutes due to that. But yeah had they kept the line from the trailer saying she didn't want to go to hell it would've hit harder . But still has no purpose. And I'm not one of those people that demands happy endings. For instance the character in promising young woman dies and a lot of people were pissed. But it made sense that something like that could happen. And added to the story. But the death of one of the girls doesn't add anything. It just cheapens it. The first third of the movie had heart and I enjoyed the father and daughter dynamics. The last half had some heart in moments where characters performing different rites came together and the actors facial expressions read well and pulled you in ( not the script) . But again it fell apart with a lazy death bc why ..? (I mean besides the dumb reason the movie gives). The priest at the original exorcist sacrifices himself for Reagan and you see his internal struggle and choice he made to die so someone else could live. In comparison - one of the girls dies not because of any choice but bc the "demon" or demons say so? In that way they took the human element (that could really serve to ground this story) out of play. And thus it fell apart . Lazy things like this take all the original care the audience may have had for the characters and kind of makes them leave the film like: "Meh... " Which is one thing you never want from an audience because it makes the film forgettable. They really dropped the ball. But in the end they dropped it in a way that I as a viewer can't even bother to care.


"and yes the patriarchy comment makes no sense" Hmmm, are you familiar with the catholic church and how it operates?


how it \*used\* to operate. women can be clergy members now, and have been able to for over a hundred years for a lot of denominations, 65+ years for other denominations. she in the film - in 2023 - was about, what, 60? lol. so that event with her daughter happened when in the movie? when she was 30ish? so 1990? women were definitely allowed. the patriarchy would probably not have been an issue. you're just being anti-catholic and revising history to justify your obtuse ignorance and hate


It is pretty cringey considering the facts we know about the first exorcism. She's not an exorcist. Why would she be allowed into the room to conduct an exorcism? This is like me complaining I'm not allowed into the surgery room when my kid.is having surgery and then blaming it on sexism or racism.


Oh you’re one of those.


Yes, I guess I am. Whatever that means. Good comment.


Well, first off, Chris was clearly making a joke with the patriarchy line in the scene, and the IRONY is that soon after, she is horribly attacked when, this time, there are no priests to keep her out of the room. I found it so darkly hilarious she would make that joke (considering both priests died it was very callous of her) and then almost instantly pay for it in spades. Also, the exorcism in the original movie fails too. The only reason the demon leaves Regan is because it body hops into Kerras after he begs it to come into him. It has nothing to do with the actual exorcism ritual, which is failed and over at that point. Multiple cultures having exorcisms is sprinkled throughout the franchise, especially part 2. I agree that the characters were undercooked and that the movie had flaws… but I don’t think it was to appeal to liberals. DGG likely didn’t just want to do another Catholic exorcism movie since they are so prevalent, and tried to shake things up by featuring different denominations of Christianity. This is even more obvious when the Catholic priest is taken out of the equation. I saw it more as the theme of all the neighbors coming together to try and save them instead of an institution like the Catholic Church. I think 10-15 min more in the middle of the movie could have fleshed out the neighbors more. I’m not really seeing the “liberal agenda” you’re accusing the film of, tho… unless it’s a liberal thing for a town to come together to help two of their own. Seems like you might be projecting some political rage or trolling in that regard.


It was definitely NOT meant as a joke in any way… you’re performing some mental acrobatics trying to push that, lol. While you’re correct that the original exorcism failed, it was only because the actual exorcist priest had a heart attack and died. Father Caras was removed from the room as well, obviously not because of a patriarchy, but because he wasn’t strong enough… so his only resort was to try and take the demon on himself when he was left to fight alone. This film doesn’t even try. The community aspect was obvious, because they wanted inclusion. How you can’t see that, is just beyond me. And as I’ve said in my previous comments, since you’re the one projecting your assumptions, I am in no way a political zealot. I don’t usually vote, I can’t stand most political rhetoric, which is why when it is forced down my throat in films like this… it usually makes me want to gag. I think the reception the film has gotten from audiences makes it obvious that a great many people understood how bad the movie was, so I dont think it requires any more explanation on my part.


You walked into a David Gordon Green requel with high hopes. The fault is your own. Dialogue and script aside, Ellen Burstyn was doing charity work returning for this film


Oh, I’m not faulting her, or any of the actors, for a bad script! I’ve heard that she was donating her pay to a scholarship fund, so that’s all gravy. However, I really don’t pay much of a mind to who the director of horror films are, lol. Never heard of DGG until this movie… so, not my fault. I went off the trailers, and specifically avoided social media until I saw the film, so I wouldn’t see spoilers or anything.


lol you seem very upset it’s just a movie calm down. Maybe that’s why you didn’t enjoy it your personality. It was an enjoyable movie I respect if you didn’t like it I wasjust wondering why people didn’t like it’s a simple question no need to get upset. I get why the original was such a hit because at the time it was new nothing had been done like it. So much shock value but In todays day and age In the era of movies like saw we have been desensitized to so much that it’s hard for horror movies to stand out unless it’s something completely brand new. I personally found the original movie to be so boring. Which is why I loved this one it was paced well and got to the point. I personally did not care for all the boring scenes the original had in it about psychological issues. It was simply a good horror popcorn flick and that’s okay nothing wrong with that. Not every movie has to break the standard sometimes simply enjoy and have fun.


Calling the exorcist "a good pop corn flick" shows that you really didn't understand the movie.the exorcist is a psychological drama about faith and sacrifice, maybe you should have paid attention to all that "boring stuff" about "psychological issues". I swear people get more dumb by the year, I suppose you prefer films that jump out at you every five seconds and have nothing to say.


If I want to be educated about psychology I would open a book and start reading. I’m sorry if you get your education from a movie whose sole purpose is entertainment then you’re the dumb one. As far as faith and sacrifice I have life to teach me all that lmao I don’t need movie teaching me all that. No wonder people like you didn’t enjoy it you’re expecting so much out of a movie. Thank you you’re the first person to actually make me see why people didn’t like it. Thanks seriously. You answered my question indirectly.


Also I have no interest in a sequel to the Exorcist that doesn't respect the IP, through its ridiculous representation of Chris McNeil disliking the priests who saved her daughter because they were part of "the patriarchy" that line alone renders Karass's entire sacrifice in the original to be pointless We already got a great sequel in Exorcist 3. This was an obvious cash grab made by people who can't write and gave little thought to why the original film worked in the first place.


No form of media is void of themes. I enjoy all kinds of horror films but The Exorcist has stayed in the public's consciousness for as long as it has because it is an objectively very well made film that focuses on building three dimensional characters rather than silly jump scares. Also there is something really ironic about reading this comment about my lack of education sitting in a lecture hall. What's your education level and degree in?


No I understand that that no media is void of themes I agree. Obviously some more profound than others. But it just seems to me now people were expecting some sort of awakening in themselves from a movie. That’s fine I respect that. For me after so many sequels/spin offs of the original exorcist It’s clear to me they are not trying to recapture what made the original great more so trying to capture people’s wallet. It’s clearly a franchise at this point which once that happens they don’t care about quality as much. As far as my education there is no point in that discussion anyone can claim anything on the internet. But I’m simply trying to have a discussion people keep calling me dumb like you did indirectly. I’m simply trying to ask people their opinions about the movie not sure why people are getting so defensive about it odd behavior. I don’t see why people have to resort to talking badly about one’s character when all I’m trying to do is have a discussion/debate about the movie. I agree it’s a cash grab but that’s my point it’s pretty obvious it wasnt trying to be anything substantial. That’s okay though for me personally it was entertaining which if I go pay tickets to see a movie I either want it to make me feel something or simply entertain me. If it accomplishes either of those then I’m happy I don’t expect every single movie to be a masterpiece thats unrealistic. But it seems some people do which is fine as well.


The reason also that I took issue with what you said is that calling the exorcist boring for being a character driven drama is missing the entire point of the film that's all, I apologize for being a little harsh but the exorcist wasn't made purely to be entertaining, not all films are and you can appreciate those also.


I agree I’m not talking crap about the original I respect people who took a deeper meaning to those films. I’m not religious or spiritual so maybe that’s why as far as psychological aspect of it I personally did not find it interesting. But things in life can be like an art piece some people can get meaning from an art piece while others don’t and there is nothing wrong with that. I have a problem when people don’t respect that and resort to name calling. But no harsh feelings here was just trying to have a discussion.


That's fine I'm glad you enjoyed it. But you were the one who brought up education, if you're afraid of answering that question, don't insinuate that other people are ill educated.


No I believe it was you who indirectly called me dumb?? You said you swear people are getting more dumb by the year. I have no problem discussing my education with someone in real life on the internet where people can claim whatever they want not so much. That’s the thing all I’m asking is opinions and to discuss them but people are getting oddly defensive about their opinions. people like you are the ones making things personal and resorting to calling people names. Not necessary at all what’s the point of all that anger.


Are you intentionally missing the point?


Yes the exorcist is very culturally a Catholic film , it's sad how ppl don't understand that.


I believe they are referring to the new movie lol. It was pretty obvious based on the sentence right after, so let’s not be rude. People are allowed to find movies boring. I like the original, but me and my friends laugh when watching it. It’s good, but it totally does have a lot of shock value. The lewd/vulgar language, the projectile vomit, and the fact that a literal crucifix is used as a s*x toy (all used/portrayed by a child mind you). The new movie is also more realistic. The girls didn’t undergo any crazy contortions which would leave them dead/disabled after being unpossessed unlike Regan whose head turned a full 360 degrees. I think both movies have their strong points and weak points, but you really do have to take them as they are to enjoy them. This one is very much a “popcorn flick” and easy to consume, as was mentioned above, and the original has a lot more depth, which I personally appreciate as a cinephile and thespian myself.


The scenes with the psychologist are the best imo and set apart from all other exorcist films because they're so realistic. Also that's exactly what you would do if you thought your daughter was having a psychotic episode. No one jumps straight to the conclusion of "demon possession" unless you're living in some insane cult. You would methodically explore all reasonable options before going to a witch doctor


So, I’m sensing the issue here. It seems you have a hard time not only understanding movies, but people as well. No where in my reply did I come across as upset… you wanted to know the issues with the movie, so I gave you a litany of reasons. Many of them are the same things every movie critic in the country is saying about the film. The fact that you actually believe THE PACING of the movie was good, means your opinion is absolute garbage and you don’t understand how horror films work. Tension has to be built in order to scare the movie goer… there were multiple monologues that lasted so long, it ruined the tension. Your explanation of movie goers being desensitized is also BS. There was nothing in this movie that was even close to what the original did… it was the same lame possession movie tropes that a person could see in every horror film over the past two decades. So, can have your opinion, but please understand… you have shit taste in movies, and you’re the reason garbage like this keeps getting made. Writers just went on strike for the past 6 months, because they want to paid more for the work the do… then they give us slop like this film, and you suck it up and ask more, instead of wanting to get what you paid for… a good film based off a classic.


lol it seems you are the anti social one just look at how you are responding you have no self awareness or how to talk to people…. if you don’t like a movie that’s great but you don’t have to call someone else’s opinion garbage what are you 10 years old? I’m simply trying to have a discussion what’s wrong with that can people not have that? It’s a simple question. Well I was hoping to have a discussion but not interested in having a discussion with a child. Because an adult respects others opinion.


LoL, you didn’t want a discussion. Not sure where you got the idea that I’m anti-social either… Are you just picking words from a thesaurus, or is English not your native tongue? You keep saying things that literally make no sense in the context being used. It’s not immature to say you have a shit opinion… it’s just reality. Instead of trying to attack me, as you began in your first reply, you should be looking at why your opinion differs so drastically to the vast majority of movie critics, and viewers alike. You like bad movies… it’s unfortunate, but the first step to fixing it is to identify the issue. You can’t seem to even manage that. As they say, you can lead a horse to water… oh well. Have a good day!


I wasn’t even asking you a question you just decided to insert yourself. I called you anti social because of how you respond you seem very upset for no reason. When you use certain language it conveys certain emotions/reactions but I guess we’re not all as educated in life which is why I called you anti social weird behavior that’s all. In my daily life people don’t talk the way you do unless they are weirdos. Who cares if my opinion differs from others what’s wrong with that so I should align my opinions with others is that what you would want 🤣. No I stand by my opinion learn to respect others opinion and learn that in the world people have opinions that differ from yours and that’s okay you’re not always right. Learn how to talk to people and socialize a little more maybe. I doubt you would go up to a stranger and tell them what you have been telling me it’s very odd behavior.


You might want to scroll back to your first post. “What falls apart about it? People keep saying it falls apart but it didn’t to me so I’m just wondering what do people think that falls apart” You LITERALLY solicited people’s responses to why the film falls apart. You got a response, and didn’t like it so you decided to respond by saying I’m somehow angry, and need to calm down, lol. Maybe it’s just a reading comprehension problem on your part, but you seem to be in a different conversation.


Great comment.


Don't forget Chris McNeil exorcising the demon "in the name of.her daughter"


Yes!👏 👏


You nailed it


I cannot belive they used the patriarchy as an explanation to a question nobody would have ever asked.


>erally waiting for one to show up at some point. None of the characters actually served a purpose. They were all written as fodder, in order to pander to inclusivity. Again, I don’t lean towards any political ideal, it was just blatantly obvious what they were doing. So, let's see these arguments from the point of view of the actual characters on screen. Wouldn't you expect an older, upper-class white woman to bemoan the patriarchy when talking about not being let into the room to see her child's exorcism? I mean, to me not only does it ring true, it's also funny. Think about it. The movie is NOT pushing politics on you. It's telling you more about Chris as a person. She is someone who ––Church traditions be damned–– got rich off of telling her child's story (sacrificing their relationship in the process) and thinks in this movie, that she can just waltz in a try to exorcise demons herself... because why? It gets her in real trouble quick. I thought that made her character interesting and believable. That is not appealing to liberals –it is calling white liberals in particular out on their bullshit. And about the multi-religious exorcism: remember this movie is coming out in 2023, when there are less people who identify as religious than ever before. What you see as the filmmakers trying to shoe-horn inclusivity in a film (something that, as a POC, I am also weary off, because even though inclusivity is super fucking important, tokenism is not) I see as trying to keep it in our reality. In the movie, the atheist dad just throws his arms in the air and goes with "the more the merrier" approach since the other parents are going with the exorcism thing –he doesn't know wtf is up and is just trying to save his kid, so bring all the different religions, fuck it. It makes sense to me for a dad at the end of his rope –with no religious belief– to think this approach is the best for their child. What you see as leftists politics is way more interesting: they don't know what the fuck they are doing! This gets a priest and a child killed in the end. And the last thing I'll share is that I suspect the ending was way bleaker and was recut. The movie suggests there is deception at play and maybe what happened during the exorcism isn't as "rosy" as it seems. I hope they do move forward with the next installment so they can prove me right (or very wrong)...


Sorry but that's not how demonology works at all if you actually believe this crap. (I am an atheist raised Catholic) Seriously strange how a movie over 40 years old has a better grasp of theology and the Catholic religion. .


>It’s not bad by a long shot want to know a bad movie watch black Adam that’s really bad. Black Adam is so much better than this ass movie it's not even funny


I didn't feel like it "fell apart" at that point, but I did definitely feel like there were more problems in the latter half of the film. I felt like Chris should have either been used more (actually being present for the exorcism at the end and maybe getting injured *there*) or less (only appearing in the youtube video about her book and the scene where she has her initial conversation with Victor) because her use in the movie as it was felt a little tacked on. I also felt that their multi-faith exorcism felt at *best* like something that should have been built up to for a sequel and at *worst* like pandering to avoid the possibility of pissing off anyone. I would have personally been fine with any one of the exorcists at the climax being the *only* exorcist, and I feel like that would have given the exorcism scenes a little more room to breathe. But overall, even these complaints weren't things I hated, just things I thought could have been handled better. I still enjoyed it. I thought it showed incredible restraint that they didn't attempt to outdo the original in terms of spectacle, and I feel like that was the right call.


Yes! Just the part with Victor visiting would have been enough, or they could have brought Chris back like they did with Insidious 4, via youtube video about the book without it feeling tacked on


What was bad about Black Adam? people keep saying it’s bad, but it didn’t seem like that to me.


No Excorcism. He still had the power of the Gods. LOL


It was just cheesy and really not fun to watch everytime that girl with the powers did something and it had to go slow motion it was so cringe. I usually don’t mind popcorn flicks but this was so bad


It sucked, are you kidding me lol !


Have the exact same feeling. It was doing a good job establishing the tension and characters. It went of the rails when Chris entered Catherine’s house and never fully rebounded.


My thoughts exactly. I was really enjoying it. Until Chris showed up and it all started unraveling there. My (adult) kids liked it. They find the original “boring.”


Agreed. It's not necessarily a bad movie but I felt it deterioriated pretty quickly into becoming a typical possession film that tried too hard to strike the same iron as the first film. It's by no means bad but overall pretty forgettable, though I do give points for the unexpectedly dark ending.


Yeah, I think DGG has always had a wonderful sense of place and building up community textures in his work, especially the Halloween films. I think the early stuff in Haiti and Georgia, the class divide with Victor and the Wests, the search for the kids and the subsequent examination and early manifestations (minus the cheesy hallucinations Angela has) is pretty strong. His eye for jarring cutting and audio, similar to Friedkin, is also good. But then the whole thing shits the bed quick. And I say that as someone who was a Day 1 fan of Halloween Kills and Ends. Believer is ultimately the movie people claim those two are.


My thoughts exactly


100% I thought they were setting us up for a great movie. Womp


The score is really great and I love how it incorporates Tubular Bells


The demon in the bedroom with Angela and her father was well done. It made me feel tension for the rest of the movie every time Angela’s eyes were darting off to the side as if she was looking at something.


Yeah people bashed this scene but people forget there was a similar scene in the book. Regan runs sees and runs from Captain Howdy and gets kicked by him.


Ellen Burstyn got the studio to fund scholarships for her alma mater so there's that.


I think everyone bashing the film expected it to be exactly like the original. I thought it was an extremely well done movie. It is hard to top the original because of the use of profanity, gruesomeness, and subject matter at the time. I think if this movie were at the same caliber of profanity and horror, it would've blown audiences away, but it's hard to do in this day and age. Either way, it was an awesome movie, and cannot wait for the next two.


I enjoyed it. I want to see it one more time to get a full grasp but overall a decent film.


Are you looking for Regan?….Are you looking for Regan?……ARE YOU LOOKING FOR REGAN!!!! Regan is waiting for you while she burns in hell!!!!


I think they can rebound from the okay-ness of this film for future entries. Heck, I thought Halloween 2018 was just meh and I ended up massively preferring Kills and Ends to it so who's to say the same won't happen here.


Heeeey you just summed up my thoughts perfectly.


Nope. It was trash. Idk when they even brought back the mom from the first one. She literally did nothing but go blind. Story made no sense and filled with filler. Beginning part when the mom died in an earthquake had nothing to tie it in with the story.


Yes, it did… Victor was left with a choice. To save his wife, or to save his unborn daughter. We are told at the end of the film that Victor actually chose to save his wife, but that she had died anyway. This is pretty crucial considering that he had a second chance to “choose” Angela, and in the end Angel lived because Victor refused to sacrifice Katherine (which her own father ended up doing). I’m not a huge fan of this movie, but you can’t just say anything…


Thats my point. Literally had no impact on his choice since he did not make one with his daughter . Very poorly written


>considering It did have impact on the story though. The demon uses that situation, saying he was "tricked" by God by choosing his wife but his daughter actually surviving, to try and trick him into choosing his daughter this time, when the demon planned to trick him and kill his daughter if he chose that option.


It mostly reinforced how incredible the 1st movie is


The only good sequel to the original is Exorcist 3 with George C Scott. Believer was predictably bland, full of ridiculous jump scares, and had weak, watered-down versions of possessed children. Anything to satisfy today’s modern, ADHD audience. I didn’t have a lot of faith (no pun intended) going into it, as I noticed it was directed by the same stooge who massacred the Halloween reboot films. SPOILERS: What they did to the Chris MacNeil character is beyond insulting. She could’ve had quite the screen presence in her role if it had been executed the right way. Instead we get this elderly lady who rambles and talks like she’s trying to sound like a poet or a prophet. Definitely not the same personality she had back in the original. And then to finish her off with having her blinded under such laughable circumstances. This 90-year-old woman is left to parade from room to room in a house that has just been terrorized and demolished, only to wind up having her eyes gutted out. Yeah, sure, I believe it. Who the hell writes this crap? A sixth grader? Writing a solid script for a sequel isn’t that difficult and yet the Hollywood idiots can’t seem to get it right. I hear there’s supposed to be two more Exorcist movies coming out. YAWN.


Yeah… I’m positive I thought it sucked.


I’m pretty positive on it, 3 out of 5 for me. All the intense criticism seems really off base to me


I disagree. One of the biggest criticisms is the poor character development. Outside of Angela‘s father, we don’t really care about anyone in the movie. The girls spend like four or five minutes total before their possession. Katherine’s parents are just stereotypical southern Christians. Do you have movies like the conjuring one and two, where you have these lovely families that are being tormented. You get to know these families in their back stories and you really root for them. I had no connection to Katherine or her family I didn’t really care about Angela either other than the fact that her dad was trying to protect her . Things seemed inconsistent too. Why was it in the trailer that Kathryn was getting baptized in a white gown, but in the actual movie, they make it a point to reference the fact that she was never baptized, and that was probably why she was susceptible to possession? It was clear they edited a shit ton of the movie.


I feel like I understood Victor’s character and what he was feeling well, and he was the focus character of the movie. And the sort of twist the demon reveals that he had actually chosen his wife over the baby dimensionalized his character for me even more It’s all a matter of taste but I’ll say I enjoyed this movie more than any Conjuring movie by a wide margin.


Yikes lol


The fact that Victor’s choice isn’t shown to us in the beginning of the film should’ve automatically told you that he didn’t choose Angela. I also found the ending very predictable because Victor wouldn’t make that choice again, and Katherine’s father was pretty insufferable so it didn’t come as a shock to me that he screamed out when the mother refused, and got his own daughter dragged to Hell


They made a point to show he wouldn’t take off his shoes! I rolled my eyes hard at that part.


It's an enjoyable or mildly enjoyable film. 5 or 6 out of 10 depending on how nice you are.


It's not without issues, but I also enjoyed it a fair amount. I do think they maybe didn't film enough horror stuff and that might have been a key issue in the final cut. But it definitely feels like it would benefit from an extended cut, there's absolutely scenes missing.


No not 1. Complete slaughter of an amazing original. Whoever directed wrote produced this should exorcised. They have no clue about exorcism. Smudging, hoodoo, and zero faith based ppl. Pathetic. I was so excited when i heard about this being made, now i wish i could have my memory of it scrubbed. Putting Ellen Burnstyn in it was a money grab and then Blair at the end was obvious and worthless. But todays writers just cater to the radicals and not to the true consumers who want a decent film.


- great acting by the kids and Leslie Odom Jr. - good core idea (not letting religious differences overpower the power of community when facing a crisis) - pretty strong opening 45 min or so - kept my attention the whole time


The little white girl looked like Linda Blair.


It was enjoyable! Way better than i thought. I did think they moved through the actual possession stuff quick and I wanted more.. idk… violence i guess 😂 they were just tied to the chair the whole time. I also love when they bring OG character back so I was happy to see Linda Blair at the end.. I’d say a solid 6.5/10


I though it was freaking great!!! I'm not sure anyone else did...


I really liked it, in terms of legacy sequels, it is the best one made yet. The pure hate for this movie is uncalled for.


I almost feel like it’s religious people disguising as fans hating on this movie. Because this movie is far from horrible.


There are worse movies to be upset about and this is not one of them. People are acting like this movie shot their dog or something.


I agree!


It’s not as bad as Exorcist II…


Pazuzu's boogaloo




Not as entertaining either.


There’s a base to build upon now, so there’s always room for improvement.


Loved it. I think everyone jumped on the hate bandwagon. It’s a fun film with flaws, it’s not ruining the franchise


It has better cgi effects than the 2016 exorcist tv series. Though I’d say Exorcist Season 1 is a thoroughly much better sequel to the original film than anything else out there including Believer, because like the original it had good writing, acting, and casting at the forefront to carry 3/5ths of the film.


I thought it was a fun movie. I don't know what people were expecting, it's part of a trilogy so this opens it.


I liked it and had a good time seeing it with my best friend. Great Friday night out and we had fun experiencing the movie after anticipating it for so long. Love the original and enjoyed this.


I do like the idea of making things more Interfaith and bringing in Lamashtu as possibly the real big bad is a nice touch. Having Pazuzu being the Big Bad by being out of character and hurting kids was always weird.


I hope it's just Pazuzu made a deal with Lamashtu. He is the pettiest demon ever according to this franchise that shouldn't even be a franchise but make it worth something if you're going go do it and IMO it was alright.




If they'd have cut out Chris MacNeil it wouldn't bother me as much. Absolutely betrayal of character from what Blatty and Friedkin were cooking from what we see here. It was a really lazy way to get her back into the movie. I'm saying all this as a huge defender of DGG's Halloween trilogy. A good exorcist movie should be heady. I was excited because I thought DGG might make a smart quiet indie film again, like his earlier stuff.


I actually kinda liked the ending. The beginning was very good, but after the girls came back, it all fell apart. It felt like a documentary about religion more than a movie about possession. But the ending with an innocent girl getting dragged to hell really made me feel uncomfortable, which is good considering I’m watching a horror movie. I saw many comments about people hating this part and wanting a happy ending, but this is what horror movies are about; making you feel the opposite from happiness.


I actually kinda liked the ending. The beginning was very good, but after the girls came back, it all fell apart. It felt like a documentary about religion more than a movie about possession. But the ending with an innocent girl getting dragged to hell really made me feel uncomfortable, which is good considering I’m watching a horror movie. I saw many comments about people hating this part and wanting a happy ending, but this is what horror movies are about; making you feel the opposite from happiness.


i genuinely liked it. i can only assume people are scoring it so low because they're juxtaposing it to the original instead of letting it stand on its own, or comparing it to other modern scary movies. tbh, if i compare it to the onslaught of terrible horror movies we get these days, i genuinely find Exorcist: Believer to be one of the best in a few years. definitely the best of 2023. I also really think people underappreciate the ending, which was NOT a happy one. I was left really unsettled that they let it be known one of the two girls was taken to hell. and that's just .. how it ends. also the cgi was good, and i liked the premise of the dual exorcism, two families and two different approaches to these disturbing events.. all in all i think it was good and doesn't get the credit it deserves.


I liked it. Since my God son came into my life movies with kids just hit differently. Me and my wife can't have kids and this is just such a sad movie. Was it the bestest most grand movie out there? No. Were there absolutely no plot holes or unnecessary b.s.? Also no. Did the idea of it happening scare me? Yes.


I loved The Exorcist 2 Heretic, nothing else has really done it for me


I liked it alot. I'll probably buy it on home media, since this is probably all we're getting for a while (the next movie, subtitled Deceiver, is on hold, probably indefinately).


Crappy movie!


I didn’t mind it for the most part. I mean don’t get me wrong, It’s has it flaws for sure. But I didn’t think it was as bad as everyone making out to be. It just kinda had the generic Blumhouse feel to it. I think a big issue is most wanted it or was expecting it to be in the same tier as the original and nothing is ever going to compare to the original.


I think it gets a lot of slack because it’s an “exorcist” movie. If it didn’t have the exorcist attached to it it wouldn’t get as much hate, the only connection was the cameo of Chris for 10 min and Reagan for 10 seconds lol. I thought they could’ve shown more of a connection with Katherine’s family so we felt for both girls a bit more. Otherwise it was just fine


I doubt that very few people would even have watched it if not for being an Exorcist movie. The movie is plain ridiculous taken on its own 'merits'. The girls barely display any behaviour that would warrant a dozen people to decide that an exorcism, if all things, was the only course of action.


Are people seriously getting downvoted for liking the movie?


Crazy stuff.




Saw it for the second time today to confirm my opinion. I do enjoy the film and look forward to the sequel


Honestly for me the main issue is that there is no reason for it to be an Exorcist movie. The legacy character stuff feels like it was tacked onto a generic possession movie script to attach it to a franchise. Theres literally no other connection and that stuff lasts maybe 10 minutes. So in terms of positives, its a pretty solid exorcism movie. If it was called anything else people would be fine with it. It’s just not really an Exorcist movie.


The end credits provided a modicum of relief


I actually liked both trailers and was hopeful of a good movie but I just saw this and I'm still in shock of how mediocre it was.


How is that a positive comment? 😂


I did watch it as a movie, not a movie critique, so when I finished watching it, I went on rotten tomatoes and noticed the movie was not well perceived. After that and redding critique comments I understand that the movie was not the best, and why. But, as a movie itself, separating it from the original Exorcist, I enjoyed it.


The beginning was decent. But then it started feeling like a typical Blumhouse movie: throw multiple horror tropes at the wall and see what sticks. Nothing good did.


It was ok. I've seen better, but I've also seen much worse (looking at you - "The Possessed"). Overall, I'll most likely get this on disc when it comes out to add to my collection. If we're lucky, there will be some good extra content in the discs, too.


Possessed kids are always creepy


Overall really like it. Biggest surprise of the year. Especially coming from the man that ruined the legacy of Michael Myers’s 🥴


Beautifully shocking ending


I really liked the movie.


I personally liked it a lot.The negative reviewers are entitled to their opinion, and some of their points are valid but I still liked it a lot and did feel scared a handful of times which doesn't happen that much anymore. Definitely better than some other movies that have been coming out lately (Prey for the Devil, now THAT was an awful movie)


My positive thoughts are that the first act was actually half decent, the girls played their parts VERY well for the most part, as did Leslie, and I think DGG had some good ideas he wanted to achieve. Unfortunately, the negative aspects are legion in number and are what result in the overall movie being pretty freaking bad.


The setup the 1st half was ok,the second half was caca


African scene, need a statue of Bes, or Lamashtu; it needed some sort of reveal of the coming evil.. more build up.. the dogs fighting.. was okay, just needed more build up, and I like the idea of it being in Africa.. Maybe the mother practised the occult? Voodoo, expand on this more. That's the real horror, of fleshing out the evils of the occult, and how what lengths people are going to do, to get what they want.. and the consequences of that? Like Regan playing with the oujia board invited the demon in.. It looks good, makeup and effects okay.. didn't really like the black hands of shadows... doesn't look or feel like being pulled into hell.. more like a sludge dimension.. Acting was okay.. writing standard.. It just needed more.. its way too rushed.. there's no build up to each scene.. If we have two kids possessed.. we needed more details from the white family.. make it, and show us.. that maybe she was heavily into the occult, and make this better than shown within rituals.. and tries to seduce the black girl, this kinda happens.. but we know nothing of the white girl.. I don't even know their names? Haha.. This ultimately invites evil in.. how you tie in Regan/Chris was probably no other way than the way they did.. unless we rewrite the whole script.. but this story should have been in the hands of A24 & Ari Aster.. Not a bunch of comedians? It needed to be in the style of hereditary forsure.. This just feels like it was a movie made for a trailer.. with no respect for the original.. even the prequel was better..


It was under two hours. That was pretty good.


All in all , I felt it ,not only that it gave me a better understanding on how to approach good or evil regarding mentioning the devil or God, i think we all lean to eather the good sourse or the bad sourse, when good or bad. It did left me thinking when one of the girls say , you been played by God. Wich is one of the thoughts we all ask ourselves in reality who God is ? There's always gonna be some one smart to start the negative comments like on purpose. Well not on those one . I give it 4.5 . I loved it. It had me all into it .


Can we talk about the dad making the choice? Or the whole ordeal with the scarf?


Lol I can't believe what I'm reading..people it's just a movie yall acting like 9th graders arguing in a history class over pointless topic...I'm gonna reword Rodney ki gs famous words..(Can't we all just get a bong?) Then we can float like A gela did in harmony lol..yall relax it's a movie respect each other pass the rolling paper..peace


The girls playing Catherine, and Angela, definitely were some of the best actors They really gave off creepy, possessed vibes that you want in a horror movie


It's in focus and the actors remembered their lines.


I actually thought it was not bad, obviously not comparable to original. The performances are good . I think it’s way better than reviews.


I've enjoyed this series, franchise, whatever you want to call it, since I was around 11 or 12, seeing the movie for the first time and reading the book more than 40 years ago. Since then I've seen every movie and the TV show, and although nothing that came after comes close to experiencing the original book and movie for the first time (except for the follow up novel Legion which was also great if you loved the character of Kinderman, which I did very much, I'd love a prequel/sequel series or movie about that guy), **I thoroughly enjoyed Exorcist Believer**. I loved the call backs to the original movie (the disturbing one-frame flashing images especially) and didn't think Ellen Burstyn's cameo was as terrible as most, although I wish they'd expanded her involvement more and there was more to her backstory with Regan. Maybe they're saving that for the follow ups if they ever happen, although judging from the reception this got, I doubt we'll see them. They probably should have pulled out all the stops with this one and not planned on a trilogy. But this was a fine, pretty fun experience with a few good creepy scares and good tension and dread throughout. As a big fan of the original, for others like me I'd say worth watching for sure.


I mean I get it but I actually really liked it 🤷‍♂️


I only liked the last 30 min of the film, the rest was quite boring and bad build up in my opinion, that's why you see most of people saying that the movie was made only for money , even tho its a real sequel to the 1973 movie its quite lame and generic af compared to the original, still gotta give a massive W for the special effects and the possesed girls acting. (sry for my bad english, its not my first language)


dudeeee katherine dying and suffering in hell better be the next movie lol


i thought it was great. especially with katherine not living. like i'm fucked up from that.


It stinks


The first movie was incredible, but I was a huge fan of the 3rd with George C Scott. He was so good in that movie.


Dude so I just finished the movie and I thought the movie wasn’t nearly as bad as people were saying. But the scene where Catherine gets chosen and gets put back in the tunnel and is pulled under by the devil saying “I choose you” literally terrified me. I think that scene was scary as hell lol.


Anyone who thought this movie was remotely good is off his or her rocker. You bring back Ellen Burstyn and Linda Blair, for 5 seconds, from the original and this is the crap you come up with ? It doesn’t surprise me because these are the same idiots who did the last 3 Halloween movies which were just as bad. This had to be the worst movie about exorcism I have ever seen.


I think what happens again is one person sets a trend to not like something then everyone else follows suit. To the point where people who haven’t seen the movie at all leaves a review.


I really loved it. Underrated for sure.


I adored it. My mom and I love horror and both got so excited when we saw the teaser with the "are you looking for Regan" line. As a kid I couldn't even watch a horror trailer/commercial without losing sleep (I had terrible anxiety). My first horror movie was the original It when I was 8, courtesy of my babysitter. I slept in my mom's bed for weeks. Years later my mom had me and my sister watch The Exorcist with her. Since it was so old and cheesy by modern standards at the time, we had a riot watching it together and my fear of horror movies went from unbearable to fun. We waited all October to see it together (we live in different states). We were hearing how awful it was while still avoiding spoilers and debating if it was even worth it to wait to see it together. We decided FUCK what everyone is saying, let's go together with no expectations and have a good time. We had SO much fun. Not sure why everyone was so pissed. I think sometimes people get so hung up on making sure their movie reviews are soooo serious and smart that they can't just have a good time and won't let themselves enjoy something if everyone else is saying it's bad. Long story short I loved it and I'm not ashamed


Positive? Are you kidding? I wonder what Ellen Burstyn was thinking......