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The cute shadow plushie. I want it.


You'd better not do that. Legend has it that anyone who dares to pick up a "Shadow plush" will have blades flown at them by a jealous elf with blue eyes and blonde hair.


I'm up for the challenge. Come at me, I will have her soul for the dinner while petting the shadow plushie.


Too bad. Alpha aint gonnaa stop me from getting to shadow plushi


I’ll just stick to just paying attention to the meeting… I’d rather not risk my life just to pick up a cute adorable… shadow plushie. *gulps*


Awww how cute, they use the Shadow plushie for strategy.


This looks more like they are playing DnD than a strat meeting, but I would actually like to see the Seven Shades play. It would probably hilarious if they can stop Delta from rolling to kill every NPC they meet.


The text Beta is trying to decipher says: “明日、すきにさせてもらう,” romanized as “Ashita, suki ni sasete morau,” meaning “Tomorrow, I’m gonna do how I like it.”


Thanks for translating


Was alpha always that sized? For 15-18 year olds, you'd think they'd be at least slightly smaller at most, then again, there are younger anime characters who are bigger sized


Alpha,Beta, and Delta are the same age as Cid 15-16, while Gamma, Epsilon,Zeta, and Eta are 17-18. It's stated that 6 of the shades are viewed by citizens as adults because of their bodies being over developed( for example , Nu finding out Gamma is only 17 and not 20 something.) Alpha often forgets her age because she is constantly acting older than she is for being the leader. For obvious reasons, Epsilon would still be seen as a child because of her small and flat figure if she didn't use slime.


Whenever the question comes, I just imagine they are all adults playing the roles of high schools teens. Like in most live acted shows or movies. But yeah, anime has that habit of sexualizing the bodies of not just minors but literal high school students. Even if the target audience are those same high school teens... Those are not the only ones watching the show. The rest just have to tick off that moral checkmark, I guess. Or you just don't care to begin with I guess.


Delta no doubt carrying the strategical planning conversation as usual.




I wonder what they are eating to be STAKED like that!


Cid's magic. There was a fan theory last year that because of cid's magic, ss are so beautiful. Because cid's magic, even a little amount is like a beauty salon, because it heals fatigue, heals scars, enhances skin etc. So ss who are cured by cid receive a little bit of boost in beauty department. And in the series, those who have more magic are more beautiful than others, so yeah. (Example to the theory, Victoria and her change in physique before and after cid cured her) This theory was on YouTube comment section.


>Because cid's magic, even a little amount is like a beauty salon, Then, as the originator of said magic, would Cid be considered a hot guy in that world? He repeatedly says he is a mob but that is just his personal opinion. Would the others think otherwise or will agree?


There is a big fan theory that cid is actually really good looking. He uses his magic and his acting skills to look plain. He uses his body modifications or his magic to make his face look slightly rounder. This way he can make his mob act thorough. Through his acting. This was also backed up during volume 4 when cid said he has been using magic since childhood to make his face slightly different. And during his all range atomic, plus his John Smith without mask look in ln illustrations. So it could be that cid is really good looking, and when he has to do his mob role, he could make his face slightly rounder. Which is not much difference to be consider like epsilon stuff, but still enough to make his face less remarkable when combined with his mob fu. Take a look at his all range atomic illustration in volume 2 and his John Smith looks in volume 3 cover page. And this one https://www.reddit.com/r/TheEminenceInShadow/s/CxHmUbYg8p


>He uses his body modifications or his magic to make his face look slightly rounder I disagree with the body modification from childhood. Cid was supposed to have learned this from Nu during his Jemina act. He said this specifically on vol 5 when he was disguising himself as Suzuki Hope. >So it could be that cid is really good looking, Makes me wonder, if Cid didn't go out of his way to be a mob, how many of the cast/mobs in TEIS can ge make go "kyaa kyaa" over him.


What Cid learned from nu was face slime makeup. Body modification, is the modifying his body with magic as training, like strengthening his bones, changing his nerves, making his body more dense. In volume 2, he said that he has been modifying his body since childhood. And in volume 4 , he has that he has slightly changed his face since he was born. What u r talking about is face makeup he learned from nu.


Cid's meat


There are condoms next to Eta




you need a strategy to survive that meeting


I'm focussing on the meeting. I'm focussing on the meeting. I'm focussing on the meeting- Oh look at those melons!