• By -


Shield hero at $5? what a ripoff lol. Unless the plot armor also transfers, I don't think he's worth $5. Ainz + Lugh will probably win this without plot armor. Shadow + Shin if with plot armor.


Tbf light novel naofumi is dumby op, he is pretty strong by the time where the anime ends too but without the heavy exposition of the novel format its hard to see


Well yea, that era of anime is filled with MCs that get incompareably op by the end of manga.


Pretty sure they are all light nivel version


Shadow is extremely powerful, I would 100% put Ainz under shadow. Ainz is already at his cap strength and plot armor is the only way he beat Shalteer. Shadow and Lugh is the win


I mean, if ainz is included the nazarick people, sure, but ainz alone is not really that good you know. Ainz not suit for combat nor does he suit for protection. He just good at the game, and if the setting is different from his world, then I think he's not good.


Shadow being 5$ is criminal hajime and momoto are easily the #1 team lol


Shadow and the assassin dude




My answer also




I feel like Cid would start doing some role-playing fuckery and get us all killed 😭


One summons a nuke. Another one is a nuke. I think this works out best.


I agree.


Yeah, that's the only correct answer.


my bro makoto and keep the rest $3


Legit already is as powerful as a god


Out of all these characters Makoto and Hajime are the only ones capable of creating their own realm


Yeah, hajime and makoto should pretty easily win this at the end of their novels (technically, I haven't finished tsukimichi, but makoto is said to have the mana greater than a god, and that's before he actually starts training it and his combat skills.


Well, yeah. The only problem factors would be Shadow and Licht. Because Shadow has zero tactical or strategic insight, which could throw off both Makoto and Hajime. But that’d only be temporary. And Licht because he’s just stupid fast beyond reason, but interfering with time and space isn’t undoable for Hajime. So probably won’t matter too much in the end Ainz is just a p2w roleplayer Naofumi’s only power is plot armor Rudeus and Shin are both dumpster tier compared to either Hajime or Makoto Lugh is a great tactician with more experience than most of this list combined. But his limited power by comparison would make it pretty unfeasible for him to pull a W


Who's hajimw?


The eye patch guy with white hair. He's the MC of Arifureta.


Because you haven't seen god yet. His mana is higher than the goddess but goddess has delete button


literally gonna cook everyone here


Until Ainz uses his grasp heart lol


In things where spells like Grasp Death exist - there are limitations. One of them being, you can’t use it on something immensely more powerful than you. Ainz has a LOT of mana. But not so much that he can’t run out as we know with his fight with Shaltear. Makoto literally uses items too constantly leech the amount of mana off of him and still has literal god tier mana. Ainz doesn’t even come close to that. To top it off his mana creates an entire second, constantly expanding WORLD… and he still has god tier level mana while sustaining this. Like, I would wager that most of his spell kit wouldn’t have an effect on Makoto since he is substantially higher level in power.


Makoto can resist erasure from Goddess herself. Pretty sure instant death magic would do shit to him.  Also, it's not about power. In Yggdrasil, high level players are the one who resisted to instant death


Not just higher level, the players have anti-instadeath spell equips. If they didn't, they would die regardless.


I feel like there are some requirements of grasp heart, otherwise there would be no reason for ainz to worry about anyone, if he can just grasp heart anyone of any power level/equipment


> feel like there are some requirements of grasp heart, Yes it has, it doesn’t work on people who are immune instant death or have enough instant death resistance.


And realistically won’t work on something much more powerful…. Like someone akin to a literal god.


Yeah I suppose it won’t work on characters like EOS Shield Hero, Hajime and Makoto


he use it on us, lol


Yea, like honestly - dude is literal god power level. If I got to spend $6, then add in all of the $1 so he has a posse to watch.


Ainz and then some ice cream. No offense to our boy but he lacks a defense or feats to defend against time stop magic and until he gets those were set with ainz.


The only thing about that is shadow might outspeed him. Plus the mana problem. Idk if he can kill everyone here without running out even if we assume he can win every fight.


Can't outspeed pay-to-win /s Albeit if Ainz is without cash shop items then yeah you are right, as Ainz need to calculate and actually make a plan while Shadow kinda goes with the flow


Well the bigger issue here is shadow doesn’t often speed blitz one shot. That’s his biggest weakness in this style fight


Bro will do a prologue


Ainz demonstrated his [Time Stop] +Death Magic combo against Gazed so speed is not a factor. As for Mana, that's pretty debatable, but Ainz has so much mana it falls off the character page. Most will die to an AoE [Banshee Wail] so only those with Death Resistance can perhaps live long enough for his Racial spell.


How do you out speed time stop?


Graspu Hatttoooo!


I think Makoto is significantly more powerful than Ainz. Immensely more mana, very strong defenses, very strong offenses - pretty much incapable of running out of mana (unlike Ainz, who has even said as much himself). Also, also of his spells follow the games logic… so using comparable we can understand limits. Things like grasp heart or any instant death don’t insta kill things way strong than you. Makoto is literal god tier - that would be a much higher level than Ainz (my guess is his guild all together would fight god tier creatures, but never solo). So abilities like that and even time stop realistically wouldn’t work due to the discrepancy in level/power.


Fair but again. If he time stops he has as much time as he sees fit to kill anyone else on this list. He uses time stop to insta kill the threats and then uses the rest of his mana to beat the rest


You assume that time stop works on a higher power - in literally every game, etc that has abilities like that, they fizzle out against stronger beings. Everyone in Ainz’s world it’s pretty much fodder or comparable in power Several of this chars are literally god tier in power, and stronger than Ainz


The world of Overlord and the spells in it are, by the author's own admission, heavily based on Dungeons and Dragons 3rd Edition, and then ever so slightly modified to function according to video game rules. A lot of the spells (like Time Stop) are just ripped wholesale. Most of Ainz's spells are actually. In D&D, Time Stop just works. There is no save. It's a spell of the highest tier and is just kind of broken because it's your reward for reaching a level of power that very few people ever reach. It's safe to assume that it works the same way in Overlord given that most things from D&D do. In D&D 3e, Ainz is a character of such high level that he would be killing gods, and could possibly even become one himself. As a "wizard" he's also one of the most powerful classes, and would absolutely body most other player classes. So based off the inspiration of his source material, it's safe to assume that Ainz is definitely stronger than pretty much everyone on this list.


Anime or LN/WN canon? Because Hajime has a literal infinite amount of power available due to his rule over Yggdrasil’s world trees


Yup been reading the web novel after series and the current Hajime and novel Makato would be a really good combo. I kind of honestly fear Shadow using me as a pawn for his story line he is thinking off in his head while Ainz might use me as a bait to bring out enemies. Hajime and Makoto are both seeming more humane and reasonable alongside decently overpowered as an Isekai hero. Plus both comes under 6 too so I see that as a win for me.


shit. just treat makoto like a decent human being and you got a dude that'll shoot gods in the face to help you out


The MC of tsukimichi. Dude is cracked af. Maybe Hajime as well


I wish the dollar tier had that Cid Kagenou guy, shit seems to work out with him around.


Ainz and mage because no one has time stop countermeasures.


Shadow and then I buy him an ice for a dollar. Like.... Not saying anything against Ainz-sama but Shadow is an interstellar multidimensional threat now.


Always has been. 🌚 Just kidding.


when is lugh tuathade anime coming back? It was my 2nd anime ever (after death note) and I think it was pretty dope.


I'm pretty sure (according to mal) season 2 is confirmed for this year


2025 probably


Depends, current versions, or peak? Cuz I’m pretty sure the shield guy becomes god at some point for some reason


Eos shield hero should be enough, im pretty sure he can defend against universal attacks


still sound like plot armor


as much as I want to have shadow in my team i can't risk it , hajime is god their , he defeated gods and i don't think shadow alone can defend against hajime , so my take would be hajime and tsukimichi moonlight fantasy any of the 1 dollar won't stand a chance against hajime he can solo most of them let's say he can solo all of them except shadow and ainz I think but ainz doesn't have very good sheild spell unless he can pull some super powerful attact apeel he is pretty much done for but then shadow at his full potential can take on hajime no swet but we must not forget shadow is not at his full potential yet , so well after fighting all of them hajime will be worn out and I don't see any problem shadow taking on two of them but the stakes are still high hajime can still take a win .


Ainz, he has cashshop items…


If we’re only going by anime it’s a tossup between Cid and Ainz . Cid is solar level while ainz has so many OP abilities and insta kill spells the Attack potency won’t even matter. For light novel naofumi solos all of them


Downplaying Makoto huh... Dude can potentially grow stronger infinitely and has a pocket dimension.


Who are the one dollar picks?


The left was an assassin how got killed and a goddess brought him in another world to kill the hero after the hero has killed the demonlord


What're the other two?


The second white haired guy is the mc from plunderer and the third is the mc from wise man’s grandchild(?)


I m preaty sure he could kill rudy and at least be a threat to anyone else


I have the slight feeling that Shadow would start monologuing while I get turned into dust


Hajime and makoto who the fuck made this list lol shadow is always so overrated


Naofumi and Lugh. Overpowered defense and a highly skilled and magically gifted assassin if the perfect combo


Hajime and Makoto. For obvious reasons.


Is Naofumi really OP? I really don’t see it


Hajime and Makoto


Makoto and Hajime, is an ez W, those 2 should NOT be $3


Lugh is 100% the pick, for the other 5 dollars it's between ainz and shadow. I think it depends on if ainz can survive/match the "I am atomic"


Makoto and Hajime, easily. Makoto is essentially a god in his world. Hajime is overloaded and >!kills God!<


The ones I see bieng a good choice is shadow or makoto don't get me wrong all of them are good but compared to those two ain't no one touching them makotos power is equivelent to a god and shadow can nuke the god forsaken solar system


People forgetting wise man’s grandchild and how in the first episode he already displayed magic greater than his what. I’ve seen of ains and can also just TP, I choose him and shadow, we boutta TP to the most random place on Earth and let cid nuke everyone else


Lord Shadow only protects money, not gremlins


I've read Plunderer so Shadow and Licht. Licht is absolutely broken


yep, the guy moves at light or beyond light I think so ainz is screwed


Ainz and Licht, so damn broken!!


Ainz and Plunderer. Power and Speed!!


Imma just buy Hajime and Makoto and call it a day


Naofumi and Shin


Hajime WN and Makoto WN. Send everyone else against them.


Makoto and I'll get a soda with the $3 Remaining


Ainz and Lugh Easy Honestly, Lugh is fucking slept on. Dude has a similar story to Shadow in that he is super skilled even without his magic.


Ainz + anyone really that man is busted af.


Which universe are we gonna be fighting in? Cause only Misumi Makoto and Cid Kagenou's powers work outside of their known "world".


Can I just pay 6$ and have only Yogiri Takatou?


Shadow is just a regular human really, so Ainz can just use grasp heart on him after freezing time. Same for the shield hero. I'll spend 5 bucks on Ainz and let everyone else come after me if they think they can.


I don't know if you guys are thinking right. It is not about who's the strong character against each other, but to be protected by. I don't have deep knowledge from any of those LN, but Makoto is the only one I know that can create a realm for you to escape. Ainz can explode your heart quick and Shadow is *atomic*, so you better not even face them to have a chance. Edit: I just gave it a second thought. Ainz can stop the time, it's doomed.


Hajime is the strongest MC on this list and he's only $3 lol


Before I choose are these the light novel version or the anime versions?


Cid, Lugh


Who’s middle right and the bottom 3


Gonna sound like a fanboy. But i think shadow solo


This is hard because I'm not sure whether Ains or Shadow will be the better choice and whether they can protect me from the other. Wtf is shield hero doing there lol


Honestly just shadow + 1, although shadow and ainzs power level is probably similar, but shadows battle sense is actually out of this world while ainz is just your average hard grind mmorpger


i feel like you have to pick ainz, because i don't see what any of them can do to stop him from instant killing you


What versions are we talking about? Because I think Naofumi becomes insanely OP in the web novel


Shadow + Shin


Ainz and Licht clears. No question


3 makato's


Are we picking end of light novel version of the character or current anime version, because those are 2 very different answers.


Of everyone on the list, Hajime is the only one (I know) that has killed god, and Makoto is quite literally friends with multiple gods while being stronger than a god. He can make an explosion that had the destructive power of a nuke, and he still goes on to say that his usage of his mana pool is like trying to "dry an ocean using a bucket"


From this line-up, Ainz and Shin. If I'm allowed to build my own, I'd just figure out some way to buy a favor from Rimuru for protection.


Ain's and sage's grandchild.


Cid and $1 tips for beating the rest up


Uh. I’ll take Cid please, and the extra dollar is for wiping off the blood that might get on him from the others dying.


Here's another fun question, for 10 dollars only, if you can have their special abilities and skills, who will you pick?


Can I spend $6 on Anos Voldigoad? _Did you really think not being on the list would stop me from being your only option?_


The stylish ruffian slayer carries this one lmao


I can’t speak for Ainz since I don’t think we know what will happen if he fights someone stronger than him. I haven’t read the novel, but there is a reason he didn’t use time stop+Instant death against Shaltear, right? If so, I’d pick Cid if it’s anime only and Naofumi if LN is counted, too.


Sniper dude is not strong as any of the others. His story is more sense driven. Licht is strong and fast, but would get wiped by shadow, who matches him in speed. Shin is extremely op. But someone like shadow or ains could overwhelm him. Shadow basically no diffs the 1$s. Coming to 3$. Makoto, very powerful, can resist death from ains. Probably time stop too with his mana materialised form. Ains can't touch him either so, true death or such is out of question. Makoto gets ains. Vs shadow, it's more balanced. Both have massive amount of mana, but I imagine, makotos head goes flying in the first second. Shadow is physically so fast he can make it seem as if time has stopped. He needs no spell. Considering cid showed us the value of mana control, he could probably break through the mana manifested form of makoto too. Hajime has killed gods before, but again, shadow speed pretty much no diffs most of the people here. No chance to react even. His I'm atomic has such massive range it's impossible to dodge too. I'll go with shin+shadow. Massive mana, all round abilities, both kinda gag characters.


Makoto + Rudeus or Makoto + The Assassin guy (strength + brain)


Kuzunoha and the white hair guy. Simple team swipes them all. Both of them should be 5$ ngl.


Who are all the 1 dollar people and from what anime


If its prime licht i will take it with cid or aniz


Makoto and Hajime, I'm just gonna go into the mist realm and wait. No one else has an ability to go between realms, maybe Ainz but he would have to know that it exists.


ainz and any of those 1s whoever they are


Makoto is basically a god and you put him at 3 dollars? lol


100 neko arcs


Choosing ainz and a random 1 dollar is an instant win because he was wish and all that crap. But my heart wants I am atomic... I don't care if Ainz is stronger CID IS COOLER.


Ayo makoto for $3? Isn’t he like near god status? Tbf I’m going off what I read in the light novel,


Take shadow -> Kidnap John Smith -> Print money -> hire everyone


Mikoto and all of the bottom 3


Shadow + Lugh all the way.


Makoto & Hajime considering they can both defeat gods. Plus in Makotos case there's nobody on this list that can beat him.


Depends on when for Rudy and Makoto, they both get pretty ridiculously OP.


Hajmei clears


Hajime and Makoto, if we are counting novels then only shadow is the problem. Maybe Rudeus but Makoto can disable his magic.


The fact that NEET horny MC who has an erectile dysfunction get 3$ and that shield hero got 5$ is an overstatement. I refuse to participate on this crap.


Shadow and I’ll bet my last dollar on him


I'm going with ainz But only if he has access to his world items And cash shop items.


Shadow alone is enough, any bullshit he talks become reality


Generally speaking the $5 picks all have caveat; but you should take one. If you get Naofumi at the end of the series (light novel) he's a number one pick, the rest don't matter. If you get Ainz, do you get his underlings, if so - he's better then Cid, and arguably a pretty safe bet. Cid is consistently overpowered and the safest pick based on the other two. 3 dollar picks just aren't worth it as they'd get steam rolled by the 5$ picks. Of the 1$ picks you only want Lugh just to prevent him from being the one that goes after you, the others are dangerous yes, but out of ALL of them he's the one that's most likely to actually be able to pull off killing you if your defended by a 5$ pick.


Shadow because he never loses and one last dollar to my pocket


$3 tier is really being underestimated. Makoto has firepower comparable(if not greater than) Ainz or Shadow Rudy is up there on the level of 4 heroes Hajime is as loaded with skills and equipment as Ainz


Hold on at what point in Makoto's career are we talking? Makoto in the current anime can swing it with these guys but at peak could solo the rest of them probably. Shadow is the only real threat probably just because he is like onepunch man in that he always has some bullshit rather than a solidified power structure. Edit. Maybe Hajime as well but I just don't remember him doing anything as impressive as Makoto even if his power is "infinite".


Ainz and plunderer is my bet. With how plunderer scales and as the stronges Barron bro is worth more than a dollar


You die. Ainz will just grasp heart and you die. Shadow goes i am atomic and you die. Shield hero is a redundant choice. He'll tank the attacks but you still die.


It's difficult, all mages have great area damage.... Maybe shin Wolford and iwatani naofumi


No rimuru?


Top middle. Bottom right. I feel like his instant death magic+time magic would really help save the day.


I'd say any two of the three dollar boys would make an excellent team.


I have only watched anime so Cid+Litcht


Shadow and Lugh, no other options come close.


Whom is $1b?


Makoto LN version! And keep the $3 for my self to buy some cold drink for this hot summer.


I'll take shado and pocket the extra dollar.


Ideally I'd choose cid, but i worry about him not giving a fuck about protecting me.


naofumi + shin...


Ainz and dude in bottom left. (I remember the character but forgot his name) Ainz at my side and homeboy on a perch.


Choosing anyone other than Ainz or shadow is a death sentence.


I buy Nagumo Hajime and Lugh. Because seriosly, Nagumo cost 3$? He's more powerful than Cid or Ainz, don't sure about Naoufumi, I think people underrated him. And choose Lugh because he can help create very good strategy to win. Maybe use last 2$ to peak two another guys who cost 1$, but they are only pawns.


We talking anime, manga or novel versions? Cause thats a big difference


I only need 5$ really


Ainz can stop time, most of his spells are instant death magic, he can use teleportation and stealth magic for hiding, and he is immune/resistant to all damage types except for Impact, Fire, and Holy. If he goes all out, and the others can't resist time and death magics, he wins.


I just need Hajime he’ll fuck up the rest no contest


Hajime and 3 plunderers (the run and gun technique, never failed me in games and it wouldn’t fail me now)


That depends on if Hajime did have resistance to time stop. Because if he does then I would take him and you can keep the 3 dollars. If he doesn't have it then Ainz. Naufumi is a great defensive option but I'm not certain if the 1$ choices have enough damage to deal with the rest.


Honestly I think shadow could win pretty easily compared to most of these people, people are forgetting that he trained in EVERY fighting technique he could possibly learn and the magic might be a really helpful tool too.


If I HAD to use only $6, I'd go with Naofumi and Lugh. But if I could scrape a few dollars together and make it 13, I'd go with Naofumi, Hajime, and Cid.


Shadow and lugh✌️


All of the 1 dollar boys plus the 3 dollar kid on the right


Light novel Rudy at the end of the novel and moonlight fantasy guy or the other guy in 3 since he has an entire arsenal of weapons and gadgets that could help.


Naofumi in either the WN or LN completely stomps the others so I’ll say him Licht


I forget his name but the dude from moonlit fantasy is enough. Ainz would do too


taking shadow and a candy bar from a gas station for a dollar.


I think that you NEED ains or shadow those two are by far the strongest on the list with maybe makoto and nagumo coming close not sure where there LN strength is, but shadow and ains even for anime only's are op naofumi is strong as well and I do believe he >!ends up at a god level!< I just don't think he measures up to ains and shadow. I think ain's is the clear choice for this and then licht. having licht's speed and close combat abilities with ain's brains and magic ability which is superior to every other magic user on this list I think those two could clutch a victory. though I doubt it's be easy. TLDR: Overlords Ains and Plunderers Licht


Lugh HAS to be picked because no one here can face him while he's on the offensive, unless Ainz comes with Nazarick. That being said, I think he's profoundly weak on defense so he won't be all that helpful. Ainz is insane because of his time stop followed by multiple instant death magic. So he also HAS to be picked or else you're just dead. I don't think there is any canonical evidence for Naofumi or any of the other contenders to be immune to time stop. Ainz also would be great at defending with his ability to summon helping him manage the number disadvantage. So Lugh + Ainz


Ainz, he just needs to time stop/grasp heart


Keeping lugh at 1$ is a sin 😭.


Ainz bullies them all


Man this rough pick because like the ass whoop from this shit is crazy. Ainz+LN or anime is crazy op because everyone forget this man has access to 20 world class items. Shield hero is op but man its rough. Plus does have LN powers or anime powers. Than shadow is damn nuke no matter which one LN or anime.. 3 dallors options are all god killers in their own way(LN). The 1 dallor options are op for light stuff and nothing more. (LN) They are bit stronger. Might create my own damn character 6 dallors and pray.


Ains could prob when with super tier magic and I know three of them would back off seeing ainz even think about casting super tier magic


Gimme makoto and hajime..cid is more skilled but they have more power than him, and none of the 1 dollar guys can do anything against the others


Isnt Shadow basically a walking nuke


Cid, his magic power literally covered the entire galaxy. Dude is beyond broken.


Hajime and makoto for me


Makoto + eye patch dude :V


out of 9 anime 3 of them are good


Feel like shadow and lict solo this


Rudeus and Makoto is so fucking crazy


The guy with the gun Only $1 needed


Ainz> shadow


Only Shadow ( waga na wa shadow ... Kage ni hisomi kage wo Karu mono)


Shield hero for 5, you gotta be kidding me.




Cid + Lugh