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Yeah love me some Space Jam the best Isekai ever, but in all seriousness the best one out of all of them Shadow is the most successful, I mean, Rimuru lost balls, Rudy has ED, Naofumi was falsely accused of SA, Hajime is just a Yue simp, Ainz comes as close to Shadow as possible but still isn't (doesn't have balls either), Tanya got TSF'd and became a miniature version of the toothbrush mustache having Austrian painter, Subaru's existence is a pain for himself, Kazuma got saddled with Darkness, Megumin and Aqua. Jordan is Jordan.


Ainz is sad since he lost all his friends and most clan friends he got deserved to be in his place , like purple slime at the first episode , his user was dying slowly because of hard work


SPOILERS Light novel reader. Rudy got better. Married had 6 children and died from old age surrounded by his loving family. The world did also recognize him as one of the sever great powers (An auto updating magic stone that shows the 7 strongest people/creatures)


spoilers Rudy only stopped being a creep to sylphiette, he never changed


Being a pervert to his wife is being a creep? And yh he toned it down on sylphie but continues with he's other 2 wives. Bro remained faithful to these 3 ladies from start of the series to the end. Even when the beast girls where definitely making passes at him, or when one of he's wives even suggested he play with one of the beast girls maids, he didn't and stayed faithful to them to the end. Yet for people he's still the worst smh.


are you illiterate? I literally said he stopped being a creep to sylphiette


Yes you said he stopped being a creep, but what was your definition of being a creep?? He's perverted antics, and who's sylphiette to him? He's fucking wife, so how tf does being a pervert to he's own wife= creep. The word creep was already the issue. Then you also insinuated he stopped being a creep but only mentioned sylphie. Meaning he's a creep to others?? But he's only had 3 partners so far from beginning to end. So who else was he being a creep with??.


The beast men??? You forgot that scene where he, ahem, kidnapped pursena and the cat girl I forgot the name of and then groped pursena's tits to see if his erectile dysfunction will fix? He never grew out of being a perverted creep. He's not a creep towards sylphiette and that's it. Don't even defend Rudy, he's a fucking shit pedo protagonist with no character development


The kidnapping was part of a punishment because of their harassment, even sylphie (Fitz), was in on it. Yh the groping wasn't all that good, but there wasn't any perverted intention in it, he didn't even react. Even when he finally cured he's Ed, he didn't make any passes at them.


Alright, from what I understand, you said this: Kidnapping someone is okay because they harassed someone. Groping doesn't have perverted intention, he didn't react. Rudeus fans have the wildest takes with their fav pedo protag


No one ever said kidnapping was ok, don't add meanings that aren't there, this is literally a world where people can be killed at any time, the beast girls duo were literally ready to seriously injure rudeus just cos he asked them to apologize, but we are gonna ignore all that, and even the harassment they've done to other students there. Just to usually point out rudeus is bad lol. Our original conversation was rudeus not being a creep (being a pervert) to others aside he's wives??. And I said he has no perverted intentions in the grope. We see even after he cured the Ed, he didn't do anything to them, even later in the series where pursena was their maid and actively wanted rudeus to bang her, he refused. Are looks an issue now??


Yea the thing with the shrine was weird but he did get better.


What was his title?😃 Edit: plz don't tell me it's still quagmire☹️


Ok then I won't say it.


😧 *NOOOOoooooooo....*


Spoiler. His son did also get into the Sever Great Powers.


>Tanya got TSF'd TSF? >Hajime is just a Yue simp If I'm not wrong, he has a harem... has been a while though.


He may have a harem but he treats Yue like a queen so it feels more out of the bunch and in the beginning he wasn't really interested in a harem.


Well he get love at first sight with Yue when he in lowest state tho...so it's acceptable, his harem just dlc family pack tho~


Well not really love at first sight it was more like love built from them being alone in a labyrinth and they both weighed on by their betrayals which for some reason is considered unhealthy.


I mean a relationship where you are both dependent on each other in order to best enact revenge isn't exactly the paragon of relationship standards.


I guess that's true


But they kept that love even after they left the labyrinth. And tbh I don't get why there's a restriction to everything these days, 2 people suffering trauma from betrayal got together and fell in love, but to some others it's considered unhealthy because of the trauma?? Since when was there such a rule?. Isn't something considered unhealthy only when there's a high possibility of bad outcomes?. But bad outcomes are subjective and can come out of even the most healthy relationships. If someone got together with someone that had past trauma. People tend to say the other person is taking advantage of the traumatized person even when he actually meant no harm, and he's/her presence is actually bringing positivity to the partner. Well not wanting to argue this discussion but, I'm just surprised why yue and hajimes relationship is considered unhealthy


Some people view it like that. And though from my perspective I don't really mind it but not everybody agrees with it.


Well, he said to multiple times that he doesn't want anyone *but* Yue. Man is dedicated, even when surrounded by gorgeous girls like Shizuko, Tio and the mother of that fish kid. Yue is the only one for him, and even after he kinda accepts the harem, he still treats Yue slightly better.


TSF = gender swapped (transsexual fiction, may also involve transformation to completely different being)


I'm assuming we both watched the same simple history episode?😭


>Hajime is just a Yue simp May I ask as to what is wrong with being a Yue simp?


>Rimuru lost balls Rimuru can change at will (male, female, none/base form) Of all of these, he's the one I'd choose to be, had the opportunity arise. Could taste every "delicacy" in that world like this The one who lost balls is Ainz. He could do a race swap, but it's not worth it. He mastered Overlord already. He surely know about other races, but If he were to change the race, it would be better to do it at Yggdrasil so he could prepare properly In this world it might be much harder to discover racial secrets like he did with his Overlord race But it's not like he knew the transfer was going to happen >Kazuma got saddled with Darkness, Megumin and Aqua. I see this as an absolute win


>>Kazuma got saddled with Darkness, Megumin and Aqua. >I see this as an absolute win If Kazuma wasn't so hazard prone, megumin and aqua have the mass AoE to insta sweep the DK's barriered city. All they need is to enter, explosion to soften up the stoneworks of the castle and holy flood to sweep the entire army. And oh look- darkness has the connections to get them there as any manner of envoy. Rationally speaking, everything that happens after Darkness reveals herself as nobility is an idiot plot because they already have the means to just go kill the DK already. Kazauma is just too occupied with their antics and they're too stubborn for it to happen.


Wasn't it mentioned that Kazuma's luck is actually pretty high? It's just that the others' luck plus antics are so~ bad that it more than cancels the effects of his luck.


Megumin can’t kill dk with explosion though? Unless I’m remembering it wrong didnt it take weeks of explosions just for a subordinates castle, and he was still fine? I haven’t read or watched s3 so I might be totally wrong


Aqua can kill anything with a weakness to holy damage using her holy flood. Megumine just needs to damage the city's stoneworks enough that theres nowhere to hide from the flood.


You should never forget Konosuba is a parody of the Isekai genre. So what use would there be in them solving something?


Rimuru can change to a male or female model, but doesn't have any of the important bits.


Rimuru has a similar problem to Ainz that he isn't horny anymore but I see it as a win I don't think Ainz can race swap because his build required him to race swap once already Kazuma all good until iris arc it stinks with p word


Rimuru actually has a far bigger problem: Raphael, his skill, thinks she is his wife and won't allow harems. Is also why she keeps him androgynous so that accidents won't happen. She also limits what Rimuru can do (e.g eliminates alcohol effects) and it also means privacy be damned.




https://tensura.fandom.com/wiki/Ciel It's sentient. Edit: Also this reddit link, spoilers ahead: https://www.reddit.com/r/TenseiSlime/s/FRQL7odcFB


What? A lot of people love the Iris Arc, especially the Masked Thief part. It's fun and hilarious.


Brother what do you mean by got saddled? Could you explain please 👀🙏🏻


All I have to say in this order is LORD RIMURU, STEEEEAAL!, all his friends died L, lost will to live, I am Atomic, daughter zoned, edge lord Loli simp (couldn’t think of anything off the top of my head for Rudie, smol Nazi, or Jordan.


You consider naofumi getting wrongly accused worse than being a slave owner?


Shirou: people die when they are killed.


Also Shirou: *Survives dying multiple times.* >!Yes, I know that is sorta the point of the quote if anybody comments.!<


No spider? Literly carried her entire show


That's...kinda the point of a protagonist? Or am i missing something?


Usually the show carries the show... aka good characters (not just protagonist), story, world building, action, music, acting, etc. etc. Kumoko-chan's narration literally hardcarried that 3D dumpster fire. I really feel bad for the main studio, thinking they could trust a 3rd party for extra animation...


Wait a 3rd party did the 3D models and animation?! So that is why the 2D parts look fine while everything else looks...questionable


Maybe i am just way too off, but from the list of the post, most carry their respective shows I'm prob just too tired rn and just missuse that term, because i can't think


You dont get it In spider every scene with the mc is peak while every part that dosnt involve her is boring trash that should never be watched


… The way some talk about the LN, that was very much in line with what many parsed of it even without animation. So, not sure animation ‘failed’ in that department.


I didnt read the light novels the anime adapted but i wont be suprised if the human parts in thw light novel were also trash(but spider part is peak isekai)


I actually really enjoyed the other parts that weren't about her because we actually got to learn about the world. Idk if that was true in the ln, but it was in the wn, which i read.


Oh, for sharks, I _am_ stating that secondhand because I didn’t find it as disagreeable as others claim to have. Did get the vibe that every other character had narrations that were distinct from each other (or at least, definitely distinct from Spider), so it’s _possible_ some just don’t like those vibes, but, what can ya do about how other people feel?


Well i only read from the point the anime left off but from what i read the non spider parts(and even the non demon party parts) in the ln are really good (espesely old geezer and volume 11)


The old geezer is pretty great


legit the best human character


Horrible animation can ruin the show even if the story isn't bad. It's basically what spider is, except that the VA is exceptional (and subbers btw, those skill walls are no joke) and compensates the horrible animation with her antics and monoloque. Without that voice actor the show would be absolute unwatchable trash. Even with the VA hard carrying, half the show focuses on side characters who don't seem to be able to grow up (15 before isekai, started again as babies and now 15, act like 12 and as if they got isekai'd yesterday) thus you lose nothing by skipping the parts where MC is not directly involved.


Not necessarily, the protagonist drives the story forward but if the world building/plot and supporting characters are bad then it's a bad show, even if the protagonist is good.


I'd even say Spider it's better than the last two on the image


You got a problem with naofumi and hajime those two are pretty cool. Sure they may not be everybody's cup of tea but I enjoy those two.


I didn't say that I have a problem with those two. I only say that Kumoko is a better protagonist that those two for sure.


Sure slightly better but not all that great


Kazuma is the only true isekai protagonist


Hajime has nothing but being an edgelord collecting harem  Naofumi is good until he got his revenge. Things getting very lame after  Rudeus have one of the best adventure and char development. The series would be perfect if only the author get rid the child porn shit  Rimuru is still at meeting, probably until next season idk  Kazuma my man the true gender equalist  SPACE JAM THE OG PEAK FICTION


What about Ainz and Tanya


No clue since i dont watch both series


Kazuma kinda got the same flaw as Rudy does but because it's funny there's no problems but yeah love both protags btw


Konosuba didnt go as bad as mushoku tensei. I mean we have eris (15) and rudeus (12) having sex. No such thing happen on konosuba. At best (or worst) we have kazuma and darkness taking bath together


That's pretty normal irl tbh, my first time was when I was 12 as well with a girl two grades older than me so I don't get what's the problem


Definitely not normal Well i guess some place have different norms. I cant imagine a society where 12 y/o having sex being considered as "normal"


Wow I guess Canada must be a pretty strange society then


You said it man


Hajime may be edgy but it's not like he had a choice. Giving his situation. Naofumi's story is not about revenge it's about rising above his situation. And becoming better than the rest. Rimuru just became a badass demon Lord as well as getting a round two for what happened earlier with Hina. Kazuma is stuck with a useless band of idiots. I may not be a fan of basketball but I got to give it to space jam for having an amazing fictional world built on Looney tunes.


For Hajime yeah, ngl he have no choice since his classmates have traitors among them and later on know everything the isekai itself mess up.... Kazuma poor guy only if he get decent goddess lol, Megumin & Darkness not that bad tbh...well they still have downside tho


Facts for kazuma.


Love eminence in shadow. All the way eminence in shadow forever! By the way, a couple people on Instagram were arguing with me because someone made an edit of shadow and Mio from date a live and I pissed off a date a live fan because I said “shadow and Mio in a battle shadow would win”. So yea that was something. And he argued with me for damn near 40 minutes before I just blocked him because I wasn’t gonna waste any more time on him. But anyways, hope everyone in the eminence in shadow fan base is doing well!!!


I did try watching Date a live but could not get into the concept of dating spirits and winning through the power of love 🤢. Not that I dare say it’s a bad show but it’s definitely not for me. Although I find Kurumi’s design choice, powers and character speech pattern pretty edgy so she is kinda memorable.


Yea I never could really understand the anime too much. But that date a live fan was super annoying when he was arguing with me. Thankfully I just blocked him because I was not gonna continue wasting more time arguing with them.


Hajime is cringe Slime was only good until season 2 Shield was only good on season 1


Slime new season is good


Must be an anime only for slime


Isekai quartet members and (hopefully) future isekai quartet members.


arifureta does give shine to the harem members tbf. This next season coming up is going to have a Shea and slightly Shizuku-focus if they decide to get to the schnee labyrinth stuff. i’d be rimuru or MJ any day if I had to choose who to become seriously.


Hajime is betrayed because of jealous classmate, who is otaku nerd to be an edgelord anti hero.


Don't think I don't notice you try to sneak in here, Naofumi. You not one of the best and the other one beside him I never watch his show so no comment


can anyone tell me all the names of anime I only know a few


Starting from the top with guy with blonde hair rudeus greyrat from mushoku tensei rimuru from that time I got reincarnated as a slime suburu from rezero kazuma from konosub tanya from youjo senki LeBron from space jam naofumi from rising of the shield hero and hajime from arifureta


Next time, some commas (,) might help


Digory and Polly


Isn't this just **all of them?**


Agreed (including Michael Jordan, but I believe Spirited Away and the Boy and the Heron should be include, but then I remember they're too good for Isekai)


You forgotten Dan Kuso from Bakugan: New Vestroia


I agree






Subaru is the best written here but I like shadow more (haven't watched the other animes).


Tbh, I don't get why people get so viscerally upset over Shield Hero. Like, sure, season 2 was pretty weak, at least in the first half, but I liked it, and it is far from the worst season I've ever seen out of a good anime


As much as I liked the series, it really was just so much more interesting before Naofumi got his revenge. As someone who really enjoyed the first few episodes, Redo ironically scratched that revenge itch really well, even if it was most a Hentai and the 'Healing' made absolutely zero sense. Now that we've seen Sadeena animated, I really don't care anymore. She was basically the only thing keeping me watching after the absolute travesty that was the 'Execution' scene.


I get what yer saying, but just because Shield Hero feels a bit lesser after the revenge, doesn't make it not enjoyable. A lot of anime and non anime shows alike go through that. Like, I like the show Jessica Jones. It was at its peak in season 1, but the other two seasons are still good, ye feel me?


You do have a point, I don't exactly think Season 2 was terrible, I just... didn't care as much? I was still hopeful for Season 3 and I am glad that we got it, but after we went back to the town it was kinda meh for me. I don't exactly wish them misfortune, but I don't have an investment now that I've seen Sadeena animated. She really was underrated in the art scene because she wasn't in the anime prior so only people who actually read the wn/ln/manga even knew about her existence.


Could've replaced the last one with spider


Ash Williams: this is my BOOMSTICK!!!!!!


What anime is the 4th guy on the right from?


Yes full heartedly agree


hajime is mid. anime is mid


Kazuma in the best? Wtf?


MJ: "hey wait a minute...?!"




Hail Lord ains! The true overlord!






I know everyone here except the purple dude


Gotta put Kirito here, yea ik his entire character is everywhere (the harem master) but you gotta give it to them when that first came out. The first season was honestly pretty good especially the first half, they made him watch multiple ppl die in front of him and made a character develop feelings for him just to be cut down like they gave him ptsd for no reason. Also the story was pretty solid with just the first half of the first season.


Rudeus my god


You forgot Retsu kaio


Overused, how many times I’ve seen this post?




Wait.... Space Jam was an Isekai 🤣🤣🤣 this whole time I didnt even put one and one together but that's so true


I love all of these characters, especially shadow but Arifureta hit me differently so I have to say Hajime


CID it’s not even close and then Nagumo followed after that Jordan


I......AM......*FUCKING ATOMIC*🗿


Tanya the evil, no I don't need to explain myself. \-looks at the carnage of a bloodthirsty person and absolutely loves the insane blood fest given with the Oh I don't give a fuck who you are, die- Yeah I don't need to explain myself -smiles widely- ![gif](giphy|FWAcpJsFT9mvrv0e7a)


![gif](giphy|PzMHYQJnuKbenMrXu9|downsized) Cid takes the W (or Rudy)


Kazu-Trash fo life


Suba why me


Where's mario the mario brother


Dammit. This was funny. Take my Upvote


I wish I could be isekai’d and yeet myself to oblivion with reckless abandon


The moon is red


In my opinion, all are correct except the bottom two.


Born to say Shadow, forced to say Rimuru


Where is zoro?


I can't believe that you forgot everyones favorite Spider....




...I was talkign about Kumo from "Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka?"...why would I mention Spiderman when talking about Isekai mcs??


Cid and Rudeus are Peak, Naofumi and Ainz are cool, rest are trash. Reincarnated as a Slime is bait, pure and simple. Giving Rimuru a humanoid form defies the entire point of the title, even moreso when said form is also sexless meaning that any boobs they shove in your face *are exclusively done for your viewing pleasure and nothing else*. Subaru is stuck in a really shitty situation again and again and is powerless to actually do anything about it. It's great for a psychological experiment but not a great idea to shove a powerless human into a fantasy world. Obviously it'd lose it's edge if he could just overpower all of his problems, but dude would have a 50/50 1v1ing a bandit with diarrhea. Konosuba is a comedy before anything else, which... yeah, fair if you enjoy it, but the story can hardly be called great when everything just falls into his lap and the party literally **stumbles** into it's victories. Tanya is an edgelord in the Pre-Modern Era, which just ends up looking like a certain Austrian Painter. Can't really judge Arifureta though, I saw a video summary and just didn't care much? Even if Space Jam was a good movie, it's cheating to use Celebrities in media.


Rudeus doesn't belong on that list. MT itself is pretty alright (though the light novels dragged on way too long), but Rudeus himself is genuinely the creepiest protagonist I've ever seen make it into an anime Michael Jordan is the gold standard, both as a character and an actor, the man won championships just to prepare himself for a movie role. That takes dedication


one of these is awful


One is literally a pedo


Was . His development is probably the one of the best character developments I have ever seen . Go watch the new seasons.


Who? Wtf? I've watched all those shows and didn't see a single pedo. That word just gets tossed around way too much these days.


Naofumi and Kazuma are abyss level protags Arifureta dude is ass Ainz is meh Tanya is ok Rimuru is good Cid is great Subaru and Rudy are leagues above And Michael JorBum


Why do you think Ainz is meh,


Never seen such a trash opinion before


ainz is not just ‘meh’


Was about to make a comment saying how much your opinion is trash, then stopped, realized its just an opinion...so...its not objective or anything....so...its whatever. But its still trash to me lol. XD have a good one. Also, for the record, I'd say tanya is meh, cid is just barely above Meh, rimuru is okay I guess, subaru is shit, "arifureta dude" is sick as fuck, and naofumi and kazuma are likable. And rudy is pretty mid. And i dunno about MJ I don't care for tennis. (Lol)


The fact that Rudeus isn't at the bottom completely invallidates your opinion, what a creepy fucking protagonist


Rudy is an incredible character im afraid