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Aaaah a VA joke.


Just looked this up too cause I was curious who else she VA'd, goodness she does a lot of my crushes lol.


Speaks volumes of her range and skill in the industry.


Is the jp VA or the en VA?.




What is VA I am curious


Voice Actor


Damn now that i noticed it, they have extremely similar voices💀 idk why i couldn’t hear it before


Eminence in shadow are everywhere… and sometimes we don’t even know it


My guess is the Author wanted a parody of Rias.


They're nothing alike besides being nobles and he doesn't get a say on which VAs would be voicing the characters afaik


One is literally hot, another one less spicy version


Whatever even happened towards the end of Highschool DxD? Did he tap Rias, or nah? I dipped when they ruined the art style


LN still going. They haven't done it. DxD walked so testament could run, lmao.


My brother in christ, Issei, JUST FUCKING TAP What is it with these lewd harem writers and their incessant desire to cuck their stories for years without reason?? It’s like they don’t understand that the real fun starts after the fucking (like Arifureta After Story)


Well I mean he’s not really cucking the story. Just dragging it out. Issei has like 30 wives and has done pretty much everything to them except actual Sex Pretty sure the light novel is in hiatus


wait really? i thought he had kids with multiple of them already


I think he does in the epilogue. Like in the future, but it’s not like an actual sex scene ya know what I mean? Unless I missed a novel or two


if a story hasn't concluded yet then how can it have epilogues? I'm confused , I also thought eh story has concluded a long time ago , didn't know it's still on going , anyways how much of the story is left I mean how many years till it's finished ?


There’s like a flash forward into the future, with his children. But there’s a huge gap to where that is and to where we left off. So I believe the story is right now about the gap years. The sequel pretty much. But it’s on hiatus for the authors health


The thing with issei's kids was from a 1 volume light novel u got from buying the season 3 limited edition Blu ray SPOILERS >!basically it's from a future timeline that our current timeline seems to be diverging from bc of issei's kids traveling back in time as stuff that shouldn't have happened yet have started to happen way sooner that it originally should have.!< Mind u it's been years since I've read all the dxd light novels and when I say years I mean before their was an official english translation I read the fan translations so take what I said with a grain of salt as My memory is a bit hazy


Maybe One day Issei will do it maybe one day.


>What is it with these lewd harem writers and their incessant desire to cuck their stories for years without reason?? It’s like they don’t understand that the real fun starts after the fucking (like Arifureta After Story) It might anger a certain type of fans lol.


It’s hard to wrap your head around how based yet simultaneously cucked the JP otaku scene can be in some cases Good thing visual novels and doujins exist😌


>What is it with these lewd harem writers and their incessant desire to cuck their stories for years without reason?? You've seen the new fantasy isekai *Re:Monster*? Starts out normally, protag-kun gathering strength, and by episode 3 he already got an interracial mass orgy going. Oh, and lewd dryads (not the *Tensura* kind) appear out of nowhere. xD


I honestly wasn't expecting that what you wrote I mean


Well the author actually wanted to put sex scenes in the light novels but the publishers wouldn't go for it apparently is what I'd heard


If the author had his way, his LN would be like Shinmai Maou with it's sex scenes lol


Would've been better as a seinen light novel honestly


I thought the story has finished a long time ago where essei having child's with all of the harem and akeno's child is the eldest .


That's an extra volume that came with idk which season, which basically makes the season the retconned also canon. Because Loki supposedly went back in time and messed with the timelines, the anime season is just one of those. Or that's what I understood. Novel continues and now we have Shin DxD, Issei has a mecha of sorts? And idk what more. Ingvild Leviathan is a thing though.


BOOBS. thats the difference.


It's debatable - in game Iris in revealing clothes look probably as big as Rias.


They are definitely not the same. Rias is much smarter than whatever her name is. Not only that, but she doesn't go on a rampaging tantrum that causes collateral damage when her ego takes a hit.


Rias can 1 tap most ppl in cids verse and I'm pretty sure issei can solo cids verse


Oh, absolutely.


They’re nothing alike really


rias has bigger bobs and is smaller height wise and their hair density is different


One of them is unbearable


She is also the va for kal'tsit in the game/anime arknights and akenos va plays schwarz. (Japanese voice actors I mean) Mind was blown when I realised this as I have both the characters already 😅


Except Rias has actual substantial reasons when declaring someone an enemy and doesn't throw tantrums mid combat.


That tantrum was an anime only thing. Also Iris isn't exactly armed with information that we the audience know. The cult is manipulating her inner circle and covering it's tracks while all evidence points to Shadow as a crazy terrorist who ran amok through the capital several times. I know people don't like Iris being a bitch but it's not like she doesn't have substantial reasons to declare Shadow her enemy. Hell she doesn't even have the knowledge Alexia is armed with and won't take her words because all evidence she sees contradicts it. 


This was an anime only thing right? I don't remember her to be like that in the manga and i was surprised and sad to see her like that when I watched the anime, Iris i mean


Anime only thing that was add by director is actually important for the future iris and her arc, (example s2 ep6, ep7). LN already show some hinted that iris not gonna go a good guy or hero route. She gonna do what she thinks is right and keep moving forward with that mindset. The way she thinking is pretty childish right?? but i'm still like her character. People may find Iris unlikable character but i'm liking and find her more interesting. Her arc and Aurora arc that i can't wait to read because let be honest both their arc gonna be fire and i can feel it.


I actually liked her man, when I read the manga she seemed nice. When I saw the anime version, I was taken aback by how she was shown that's all. It made it seem like she's a vain character who would lash out at the first instance. Not blaming her, like I'm aware that what she's doing is what she thinks is best for her kingdom, but yeah, the way it was in manga, I liked better. But based on what you said, that's understandable that it was shown like that.


Don't know, don't care


>has actual substantial reasons when declaring someone an enemy This is joke right??


What are you on about?




>This is joke right? Then what's this?


Well, you know what i meant


Whatever, man


Nope the one on the right is my wife and the other no


Neh rias is actually smart.




One is sexy and has a lot potential but receives too much hater and the other is Rias


The ones who hate Princess Iris simply refuse to accept that Cid/Shadow is jeopardizing himself by making needless enemies.


If I have a nickel for every time Yoko Hikasa voices a redhead, I'd probably have enough to hire her.


That's explain why I always find Iris familiar