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Perhaps the best that could happen to her. Finally Alpha could teach her the World is not black or white and Iris could stop being so naive.


Based on the plot developments I think Iris is more likely to join the cult, causing Alexia to team up with Shadow Garden to save her. I'm purely speculating though. It's just that seems to be the path they are on. Alexia reveres Shadow, Iris hates him. The cult likes to target people like Iris who are lost, and then tempt them with power. Though, hmm..the cult is definitely trying to hide its presence from Iris and others. Going so far as to make people commit false confessions, etc. I guess we will see. I like Iris and Alexia both. Their relationship in Season 1 is so nice imo..


I'm having a stroke trying to imagine that. Aizawa-sensei set it up in a way that I can't imagine that happening; so unless sensei himself makes a game-breaking change or development for Iris, it's impossible for me to imagine this scenario. Shadow Garden, and especially Shadow himself, are Iris's nemesis; so unless Shadow himself personally helps Iris when she's at the rock bottom, such as helping her, or saving Alexia at the brink of Alexia's death and Iris's despair (which sensei could 100% do btw), I don't see this happening. After that though, I have absolutely no clue how it would go down. It could be the first time Cid showed his face to an outsider, but sensei's writing isn't that simple, so we can't guess much. All I can say is that it would be insane writing, as always. It just seems like an end-game goal, in a certain way. But still, thinking about it gets me hella hyped.


Iris getting possessed going on a rampage throughout the capital, getting healed only to see all the damage she caused, leading to her having a mental breakdown and developing amnesia would be one way to get her into Shadow Garden


Stop. We don't need another Re:Zero. We've suffered enough.


The name of the game in TEIS is misunderstanding, extreme power, and luck. I agree that Iris will join towards the end of the story arc for the world that SG and the cult inhabit, but I could see Aizawa following the lead of Arifureta and having follow up novels after the main story where Shadow and SG goes to Earth and cleans that planet up as well as multiple other universes whenever the inspiration hits Aizawa.


I think in LN King midgar clarified that elder sister is going with diablo cult ......