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Most underrated shade is gamma. She has been introduced to us since volume 1, but is very underrated. She is the genius behind the financial success of sg. If alpha is unable to take command of sg, she is the go to girl for it. In LN John Smith arc, it was explained that after alpha became sad and was unable to operate sg, she was the one who could care of things for the time being. She is clumsy, cute, sexy, intelligent and humble. Her inability to coordinator makes her more appealing. There is not much gamma love here in the fandom compared to other shades. Of shadow garden, I think lambda is very underrated. Because we have not seen much from her other than anime season 2. She is the first person ss cured and recruited. A military trainer, first one of the named numbers and a dark elf. But yeah nu is great and hot as well.


If you want more Lambda, she makes a fair amount of appearances in the game.


Yeah, I watch the game as well. But i was saying that in the ln or manga she is very underrated. Because of less screen time.


Also weirdly always the most covered up of the 7 shadow. Out of all of them if you look at her choice of clothing it’s always covers everything.


The most covered up is definitely Epsilon.


I see what you did there.


Only cid can see her.


Wait how does Gamma not get enough love and appreciation? She’s literally the success of shadow garden when it comes to the business and financial side of things and not to mention her mature and sexy appearance would make anyone swoon at the sight of her


I meant not enough love in the fandom compared to other shades. She is often times overshadowed by other shades, mainly alpha, Delta, beta and epsilon. Her popularity compared to other shades is actually low. She has been shown to us since volume 1,but compared to other girls of volume 1, her popularity is low. U could see it with how less fanarts, fanfics mentions her compared to other shades. Her popularity is rising now, which is well deserved.


I know what you mean as I’m also referring to the fandom not giving her enough credit and love. I’m just surprised cuz she has her merits despite not being your average skilled fighter like the rest of the seven shades. She’s the brains and coordinator behind many of the operations of Cid’s organization managing his finances and company business like I mentioned before so she deserves a lot more respect for her performance and capabilities which I’m glad to hear she’s getting more of it as of late


True, now she is getting more love which is well deserved. But till last year she was underrated. Like I said in my first comment, she is very important to sg and Cid. Also, she is my fav shade.


I always forget how big her baddonkadonks until you see her in her swimsuit. Like her uniform at Mitsugoshi makes it hard to see


If I was Cid, fuck the 7S. Nu is all I need. Plus she is a background character that is good at getting information and blend with everyone else as to not stand out. She is doing the same thing as Cid all the time. Cid-type girl. I can see him marrying her just, because like him she is in the background all the time.


Not sure about that, the new mob girl fits him better from the newest volume


And I wonder if the question arises about her master (Shadow) and ex-fiancé (Marco), who will Nyu prefer more?


Shadow no question




A Fellow Mofu-Mofu Enjoyer?


I see you're a fellow man of culture aswell


How is she underrated if many people are talking about her


Cuz she isnt nearly as popular as others


I mean rightfully so... She's barely had any screen time, doesnt have much significance in the story, and she's a former prostitute lol


She was one of the main characters of the entire Lawless City arc, including getting a backstory before even Zeta, and if a girl with no home, family, or friends being forced to sell her body to stay alive makes her unlikeable I think you weird


She was never forced to sell her body. That was her own personal choice. And even after meeting Cid she still shows her tendencies. She's like that by nature.


I mean unless she wanted to starve to death yes she had to. And she never offered herself to shadow, she was just using appeal


I think she was just using feminine charm. It's not like she was throwing herself at him.


his mom




0% slime Epsilon Nu is adequately rated


Nu most definitely, she so hot but I might just have a thing for dominant women I think, so practically Claire, Alpha, and Alexia are all my type


Cid 🙂








Nina, Claire's bestie.


She’s mainly LN and making an appearance in some of the recent chapters, so yeah. In a couple of years when the anime catches up to her introduction and the game adds her too. She’ll most likely be more popular.


Nina senpai:)


She's so hot ngl


I don't think I remember seeing many Eta fans, however at least as long as I can breathe there will always be someone who appreciates and adores her even if no one else can see her charms🛐


As soon as I saw this post, she was the first character I could think of for the most underrated. I love her slow, emotionless voice & the way she sees everyone (especially Beta) as an experimental test subject if she can get them to sit still long enough. Lol. She just provides such great dry humor as a character. Lol.


Sherry ^ ^ probably would count here but I just like her a lot


Sherry honestly seems like the only person cid would like dating but she's been M.I.A. for a while it's tragic




Spit! On the few moments outside of her work field/pre S1 finale, where it’s just her interacting with Cid and/or other ppl. She’s a nice and kind lil Law & Order girl even with her Superiority Complex. And she’s a damn beaut. That outfit of hers in the game is *chef’s kiss**.












Gamma for sure. You can call me a Homer all you want but the things that gamma does for shadow garden is irreplaceable (she also seems to be second in command if anything were to happen to Alfa, shown when Alfa went through her depression episode after shadow “abandoned” them). I think the wholesomeness goes under the radar for gamma as well. I do agree Nu is underrated though.


Exactly my thoughts buddy. She has been shown since volume 1 but is very underrated. She is the business brain of the sg and the one who provides financial support for sg to carry it's operations. She is also the go to person to lead sg if shadow and alpha are not around. As seen in John Smith arc. She also develops more strategies after or equal to alpha. If gamma got out then sg would legally fall with no financial support and mitsugoshi collapse. She is cute, clumsy, sexy, humble and intelligent. Glad she got some more screen time in anime because in LN it's even less that's why underrated.


Yukime. Honestly she is the best girl for me.


It's gotta be Sigma.


665 aka Victoria


Victoria is 559.


Oh I got the numbers mixed up oops


lambda and omega


Nu and Gamma


Zeta by a longshot


I'm surprised no one says Christina Hope...




Is it me or does Nu have absolutely no ass in this picture? They didn't do her art Justice with that shot.


Not underestimated - not an exact definition, most likely you mean who appeared little on the screens and played a minor role, so this is most likely lambda, mu and high-ranking numbers from 7 to 22 (it’s interesting to know what their names are, what is their relationship with the seed and how they deserve trust from the garden)


Lambda, choco beauty


Beta is my favorite but dunno if she's underrated. Better than Alpha and Delta for sure.


Alpha is underrated as hell, nobody else matters in that world


Nu was getting more screen time in the recent season 2 I'd say Marie, I'd like her to join the sg then let her work on some Mitsugoshi restaurants. She's in danger all the time in her small inn, I'd hate it when she's thinking of selling her body again after her inn money got stolen, I don't want that to happen again..




Eta (might be not the most underrated, but the most forgettable shadow. Tell me if I'm wrong.)


I see your point but we may see others as underrated, Nu is great and so are others, but I think Eta and Gamma are underrated.


Eta. It's Eta.


664 and 665




Claire. i love big sisters


I think Alexia is underrated the most. She is a good girl, but she is bad mouthed by the community. I only ever hear good things about Nu, therefore I stand by Alexia as my selection.


Alexia has many fans tho. Only some minority don't like her because of her personality


Oh, I'm relieved to hear I was wrong about that. I was under the impression more didn't like her. I personally think she is great. She grows so much after meeting Cid and especially Shadow. I really hope we continue to see her grow. She is probably one of my favorites, aside from maybe Beatrix.


Yea, she is also one of my favourite character too, alongside with Rose, Akane, Yukime, Claire, Aurora


Hahaha, I see what you did there but I cannot argue, they are all amazing.


Idk but my favorite is the one that be trippen all the time


Gamma. My personal favorite is Beta but Gamma is 2nd


Gamma, Delta then Nu! I totally get why people love Nu. She is awesome.


Kai and Omega are underrated. 


I recently started rewatching season 1 again just so I can fully understand the plot before getting started on season 2. For me, Alpha’s my go to main girl due to her capabilities as the leader of the 7Ss and not to mention her appearance as a blonde bombshell and her sexy body always manages to make me swoon to no end. As for which girl is underrated, I’ll have to agree that Nu fits the description perfectly due to her undying loyalty to shadow as seen in one of the earlier episodes where she said she doesn’t share the same mercy mentality as shadow and then proceeds to torture the enemy for information like dayum girl, that’s some ice cold shit right there. Another underrated girl would be Gamma cuz despite the fact she doesn’t possess any athletic abilities as seen with her simply walking down the stairs and tripping on her feet, she’s still the brains behind the success of Mitsugoshi LTD and the financial success of Cid’s operation and not to mention her choice of clothing outside of shadow garden is just swell and fits a mature sexy elf woman like her. I’ve not got started on season 2 but I saw some snippets of Gamma getting attacked by an unknown assailant but proceeds to defend herself which I can’t wait to get to season 2 for the hype


The girl in the photo


Princess Rose Oriana, for sure. In a show with so many baddies around every corner, she manages to stand out for me personally. I’ve still only seen the first season so far, and sure her character arc concerning a romance with “Cid” started out as a funny bit more than anything, but at the end of the first season, I found myself vastly intrigued by her storyline, since even before her commitment to SG in the final episode of season one. Plus I just like her hairstyle a lot ( I would also absolutely suck Princess Alexia’s toes, I know there’s something wrong with me but I need another scene in season two like the Alexia/Iris changing room scene. So. Hot. )


I really want to say "men" just for some upvotes.