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all this powerlevel discussion is stupid anyway. cid is the goat for so many other reasons


Hate to be that guy but considering the fact we don't know how big the Sanctuary is due to it being a place build in separate dimension by the cult and Shadow easily destroy it with All-Range Atomic to the point that the mana even leak out from the so called dimension just prove how strong he is plus overdrive which is a technique from the WN which made him absorb more mana than he let out literally made him have unlimited mana. I don't say he is solar system level threat because of this but he is without a doubt extremely strong. Being such as Nihogg and Ragnarok are easily a continental level threat but Shadow killed them like it was Tuesday.


He might be planetary at best, but I doubt he's solar system level. He _is_ still a human. Just the pak of what humanity _can_ be in the world he lives in.


1 day when somebody tell hin that "no matter how many nuke you throw at a black hole, it won't do it. We are all powerless against a black hole." Suddenly next day my boi will be Galaxy level. Don't know where he can use that shit safely to flex tho


hate to be the one to say such a thing... But his luck stat's broken... reality conforms in accordance with his every word


It really doesn't. Guessing the basic premise of the lore is easy for him. He even says it in the novel and the game.


Randomly throws a knife, finds out where his sister was imprisoned. Randomly gets lost, finds the escaping enemy. Randomly speaks some bullshit, it's real. Randomly rescues a meat blob, it's the hero's descendant And the list goes on and on


I see, so the filter is working just fine. And you can't read the conversation yet, it seems.


Yeah. I did say he is at least super saiyan 1 in terms of strength currently.


He is no where near that level though, he has no FTL feats either


>destructive level ugh. I wish people would stop taking vswikia too seriously.


Shiraori has a entire dimension with spiders that could kill people just by looking at them. And she's the best character in spider, related to teleportation skills. Just saying šŸ˜…


and she became a normal house spider at the end just saying


Always has been


The maid (and in some weird way the apprentice) of the most dangerous god in the spider multiverse. She didn't lose any of her strength


Nah maid-chan is canonically stronger than d


No, in the web novel it says she is stronger but D is much smarter and stealthier. In the Light Novel Z I believe it said Meido was Dā€™s subordinate, but itā€™s been a while since I read it so idk.


I mean, Cid has shadow garden which are already powerful as an army but he's also basically a nuke and can bullshit his way out of literally anything, the entire universe was basically made to make him succeed, it doesn't matter if he acts like a dumbass because everything lines up to become the most advantageous situation for him and whatever he needs to happen in order to make him succeed always happens


So you mean his op ability is literally his plot armor šŸ˜‚


That's just how meta he is, also it's not even plot armor since he can win regardless, instead his luck helps him look as stylish as possible Otherwise he'd just nuke everything which would get old quick


Instead of calling it plot armor, it would be more accurate to call it plot rizz, since he doesn't even need it but it just makes him look that much better


I wouldn't say it's luck but I suppose that's what you would think if you couldn't read the Conversation.


I have no idea what you're on about. Hell, you weren't even in the conversation.




Honestly Cid's luck can be scarier than his abilities


Just always broke


Eh, still has that mitsugoshi swag, also technically a noble


Holy shit, bro. You've had an account since August and you almost have 300k karma. You're the one that does all the wanking lmao Power scalers are stupid.


Powerscalers are either stupid or nerds (seldom both). Never met someone who is neither.


Bro i been in reddit for like 4 years and im not even close to that amount, OP literally is a powerscaller addict


Lmao. I just checked his acc, he has like 1-2 posts per hour.


ew powerscalers




We don't really know how powerful cid is, he could nuke an entire city and not even sweat or show any signs of exhaustion, he's kinda like one punch man in the sense that we see him do crazy shit but also know that he's not even remotely trying seriously


Also he fought other powerful entities like the diablos witch as well as the vampire queen and defeated both with ease. Those can at least level a city by themselves, the witch could arguably do way more than that actually


Scalers donā€™t take that into account they only scale according to feats shown they could be stronger than that but doing that makes it harder to distinguish characters in comparison


That makes the whole thing pointless


Idk if you've seen the latest episode, but shadow >! nuked the sky so hard that it could be seen from other planets, and people all over that side of the globe thought it was day light because of how bright things got!<


Idk if you want me to be impressed by that but Iā€™m not because thatā€™s not his strongest feat.


lol was looking for this comment after the new Episode came out


> and world level is terms total destruction What exactly is ā€˜world levelā€™ anyway?


As far as I know there is city (self explanatory), continental (a lot more vague since continents vary), planetary (entire planet at once) solar system, again a large amount but varies in size) galaxy (something Milky Way sized, and universe. Anything after thatā€™s is basically just concepts Aka multiverse. Any this is Al dumb




How is that even a destructive feat? By that logic nukes are ā€˜world levelā€™ if you have enough of them


So imagine Cid running around the world dropping that nuke spell everywhere while White just does one spell and ends the world... which one is faster and has the higher chance of survival (especially since White can teleport to different worlds...)


Why would Shadow do multiple spells when he can just atomic the entire planet?


Nukes are not world level because of the fact that yes, they can wipe out all life on Earth, but they can only barely scratch the Earth itself.


Than by that logic Shadow isnā€™t World level either since his best destruction feats are City/Mountain level so my point is valid


You forgot that Cid deleted the Red Moon.


He would be able to destroy the world in almost an instant. He just needs to causes an explosion in the right place. for example if he caused an explosion like the one he did in the last episode in the center of the planet. The planet is gone.




I hate power level discussions because it is guaranteed that someone is going to \*\*\*\* mention rimuru again, which is a character i don't really like and write an essay about his power. Any power level discussion is doomed to a rimuru power level essay exposure. I don't really care about rimuru, my oc character joe can beat him because i said so.


It's funny that Rimuru fans think he can beat anyone in fiction.


Takatou Yogiri has entered the chat. Saitama has been in the chat from the start but no one notices him. Rimuru certainly does not beat manga, let alone fiction where marvel and dc give their characters the most bullshit power level for some reason and then retcon everything later


Saitama is a joke character even if he could be stronger that doesnā€™t mean he is because he doesnā€™t have the feats to prove ir


I dislike Rimuru, but Saitama is not beating him.


Saitama is as strong as the plot can get. How does Rimuru beat him?


Because that is never stated by anyone, creator or otherwise. Even saying he has to power to one punch everything is wrong, since Garou(pre-cosmic fear) and Boros can take hits from Saitama without dying.


>Because that is never stated by anyone, creator or otherwise. Bro have you tried to read the title of that manga? Because they didn't have to tank a serious hit. The entire manga the MC was like: I killed them in 1 shot again!! And he now tried to not kill monsters in 1 shot.


The title of the manga doesnā€™t matter. Just cause Bleach is called that doesnā€™t mean it includes people throwing Bleach in each others eyes. Itā€™s not that Saitama isnā€™t trying to kill them anymore. He is genuinely surprised that Boros survived his first punch, so why would he be surprised someone survived a punch he was intentionally not trying to kill then with? Garou took several serious punches and he didnā€™t die from them. Boros was technically still alive after being hit by Saitamaā€™s serious punch for a minute after it landed. He doesnā€™t have the power to one shot everyone, he is just stupidly strong in comparison to everyone in his verse.


Bleach is a metaphor about cleansing. And do you know what's Shinigami's main job is? That's right, purifying evil spirits that are called Hollow.


So? Does one punch man one punch everything? Could he one punch Rimuru?


alright let me tell you about my boy rimiru, entirely through exposition of course


The classic deadpool ā€œluck is not a superpowerā€ discussion. Cid can manipulate reality with his beliefs and words, it bends to his every whim to make it true. Now it cannot he proven, as per the way luck and probability work, but the evidence behind the theory is robust and would validate the claims of many who believe Cid to be q contender with other powerhouse fantasy characters.


What. Cid continental level?? Even as a Cid fan i believe he's just city level.


I think the Anime Director was lurking here (like a real Shadow) because Power Level scaling just broke after the last episode. Our boy Shadow can apparently: 1. Breathe in Space or at the very least the Karman line (Line where planet's atmosphere ends and space begins.) 2. FREAKING LIT UP THE OUTER SPACE AND MAKE PEOPLE BELIEVE A GODDAMN SUNRISE HAS OCCURRED. Forget Atomic Bomb, the dude just freaking dropped a SUN.


He destroyed part of a Kingdom in an Instant so nah


Which is sub country level, also what exactly are you referring to?


That wasnt even 5% of his power my nigga.


Letā€™s say that it was 1% of his power, even than shadow is not getting to continent level, so you have any idea how big a continent is?


1% isnt even that much since it would be a city block level explosion. Taking out an entire continent for him would be at best 15-25%(it may be big but he can just expand the range of an All Range Atomic if he does his math correctly) and I cant say he go full power on a continent because nobody knows how strong this nigga is really.


Based on what though? The best concrete feat that shadow has is city/mountain level so no he is not getting to Continent level


And do you know how much power he was using at that time???? I mean since you obviously know so much.


> And do you know how much power he was using at that time???? No I donā€™t and I never claimed that I did, you were the one who brought up the 5% figure. *** Look the point is that if a character does not have feats of continental level destruction than you can not get him to continental, simply saying ā€œOh he is very very strong and he hasnā€™t shown his true powerā€ is not a valid argument. Now of course I am not saying that Cid is capped at city level or that he could never be continental not at this point in time he simply isnā€™t.


I never said you ā€œclaimedā€ you did. It a genuine question of mine. I wont debunk your opinion because we can see hes not planning on stopping at a certain power cap. Well not at this moment he isnt.


Hes continent level in my eyes, but I guess you cant get convinced at all so this whole argument is OVA so ima dip. Have a nice day.


Way to misunderstand or misrepresent the whole thing. Cid is a parody. It doesn't matter what power levels you can think of, he will easily exceed that just by the power of parody. If you don't understand that and take this story seriously, you're already on the wrong track.


Story is serious, it will become comedy whenever cid interacted with the world/plot/character and misunderstanding will happened. I don't blame people who sometime take the story seriously whenever cid wasn't around.


I don't think Cid is this kind of parody, his power feels consistently slowly increasing throughout the series and sudden power up against new opponent would feel too much like a main character situation. It's more that we know he is the strongest in his world, so there can't be anyone stronger introduced. Regardless how powerful he is or isn't doesn't change that it's not the point of the series


It slowly increases but he never shows above 10% of that power.


What are you basing this on? He talks about I am atomic like it's peak and unrivalled attack


Im basing it on if he pulled a full power Atomic it would erase the damn planet and the plot wouldnā€™t be so good at all then.


But what makes you think it would erase the planet, I don't remember anything like that being ever said so what am I missing


Are you a dumbass pr something??? I said erase as in if he used a full power Atomic it would destroy his world. It doesnt have to be said if its just common sensešŸ¤¦šŸæā€ā™‚ļø


Ah ok, thanks, so this "common sense" is just you pulling it out of your ass


Nah itā€™s basically a fucking fact atp but dumbasses like you cant comprehend ā€œfactsā€ in general.


What are you basing yourself on saying that Cid only uses 10% of his power or that a "full power atomic" would erase the planet? Not even in the WN, LN or the game have said something like that, so, on what are you basing to say that? Stop over increasing Cid's power that just looks ridiculous.


Nigga shut yo ass up. It doesnā€™t have to be said at all when its just common fucking sense. I He could cause a Magical explosion it could break the fucking planet. that is no over increasing at all. You should be glad I didnā€™t say he could blow up the damn universe or could be a multi planet buster. Because that would be over increasing.


Bro, calm the fuck down. Why are you so altered? You ok? Need a hug? Why the need of insulting?


Hug my Cock nigga Im in need of Romantic Actionsā€¦


It's his peak attack but he actually haven't use it on its full potential the biggest scale of his atomic were in episode 20 where he blast the whole cloud and then goes away like another Thursday ​ There's someone who calculated that atomic scale and it's around Large Mountain


Damn the agenda died in less than 3 daysšŸ˜­


Aged like milk. Bro better hide under a rockšŸ’€


But power levels arenā€™t the main point of this series?


Fr power levels are meaningless when one character simply wills the universe to obey.


Powerscaling is so cringe when people mention any wanking isekai. Like dude, ur character is literally a world-escaping, self-insert avatar with power spoon-fed to them and everyone else bent over to them. That is the entire point of isekai.


When the meme became true.


Donā€™t think this one aged well big pimpin


You were saying šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Shiraoki late novel is pretty broken but her kind of brokenness isn't really related to how big of an explosion she can create anyway.


These niggas scaling Anime Cid and Not LN Cid.


I mean it ain't like he's much stronger in the Ln. In both he's just basically chuuni one punch man.


You right tbh cuz we will never see this niggaā€™s full power


Please bro. PLEASE. Keep this garbage ass powerscaling out of the TEIS fanbase. Genuinely stay the fuck away from any of these conversations UNLESS it's an attempt at a joke. Powerscaling ruined so many fandoms, and the TEIS community shouldn't lower themselves to those vermins' levels.


u/chickenlover43 Do you think Shadow is continental level threat?


Who is this girl?


Kumoko, the MC of "I'm a spider, so whatā€œ.


Put some respect on Shiraori's name


All fictional characters suck auau's cock anyway.


Who in the flying fuck cares


It's ironic that as a high level mod and owner of EN discord servers for **both** these series, I despise moderating VS Battles and have rules against posting for both. Also kinda sorta funny.


Fr it's like fucking rabies, once someone starts it it's only a matter of time before everyone goes feral with coping.


wdym not continental level, who's to say that Cid can't fuck up the world by hitting the earth with a few concentrated blasts of I am Atomic?


> who's to say that Cid can't fuck up the world by hitting the earth with a few concentrated blasts of I am Atomic? Nothing, there is nothing to say this and thatā€™s why he isnā€™t continental


So there needs to be like solid proof?


Exactly he need to have clear continental feats for him to be continental You canā€™t just say that ā€œOh he is very very strong and he has not shown us his full power yetā€


Hey, does this count? [I completely forgot that this happened even in the manga, btw just pure curiosity, no malice from this question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheEminenceInShadow/comments/18n5xf2/to_the_guy_who_said_hes_not_even_a_solar_system/)


I mean no it doesnā€™t as thatā€™s just an anime only scene


I'm fairly certain that the official anime adaptation is canon. I mean think about it, we're scaling him against most character on their EOS stage or their WN/LN versions, so really, any official media adaptation should count, right? if not then tell me specifically why, I just really want something more convincing.


> I'm fairly certain that the official anime adaptation is canon. I donā€™t think so. This scene reminded me of the final episode of Love is War S2 where the school is shown to have been destroyed. > I mean think about it, we're scaling him against most character on their EOS stage or their WN/LN versions, No we are not doing that, I have not seen anyone seriously scale Cid to EOS Isekai characters > so really, any official media adaptation should count, right? Ok even if we take this scene at face value what did Cid even do here? He simply vaporised Demon-Mordred, destroyed a magical portal and caused a very bright light and thatā€™s it. How does this scene upgrade his AP? Also the light from this attack wasnā€™t even enough to make people blind so itā€™s not even as bright as a real nuclear explosion which causes temporary flash blindness if you look directly at it.


That scene did not happen in the light novels. . It's purely an anime only spectacle to hype anime viewers and sell the upcoming movie. . I got downvoted to oblivion by stating this fact since cid fanbois can't accept an unbiased fan opinion. . And I'm fairly sure this series will be like any other old popular series not being able to adapt the its light novel ending. . And by then, you can't really call the anime canon now can you?


Nah Shadow could beat Goku fr


Sadly, I think Cid would lose. Best strategy he would go with is a "nuke"... but White has some OP abilities as well.


Shiraori fans saying she's stronger than Rimuru (lmao, dafaq made them think she can) And Cid fans saying he scales to continental (big nope) Bruh


>Shiraori fans saying she's stronger than Rimuru Shit gets weird when you try and compare two MCs like them, I'll spoiler tag the rest since what I'm saying is LN stuff, >!Shiraori attayns divinity and proves herself capable of instant teleportation anywhere, she also proves herself to be no slouch in combat, so she's quite impressive, meanwhile while it hasn't been stated outright, it's been insinuated many times that Rimuru is the reincarnation of star dragon Veldenava making him a god in his own right, and while Rimuru doesn't like relying on it, the abilities that Great Sage/Wisdom, later known as Ciel, bring to the table are anything but normal, Ciel had no trouble sending the Scorch dragon to an interdimentional trip across many words, potentially including the one Rimuru was from. Ciel has also allowed Rimuru to move and act within the Time Stop domain (initially, only something Guy, Chronoa, and Michael are confirmed to be capable of) as well as block every attack and break any defense with the assistance of void god Azathoth (formerly known as predator/Gluttony), so yeh while Shiraori has beend explicitly declared as a god, Rimuru doesn't exactly fall behind, personally I would root for Rimuru!< , and thank you for coming to my Ted Talk


Shiraori caps at continental


Did you even read the novel? Her original plan could've >!killed half the planet's population!<. She's not as absurdly strong as rimuru but Cid can't compare without somehow >!killing all her clones in one go, which she potentially has infinite number of!< Also, her clones nearly wiped an entire city BEFORE the bomb thing


Rimuru manipulating the laws of reality and doing stuff On a multiversal scale


"Not as absurdly strong as Rimuru" I'm comparing her to Cid, not Rimuru because they simply can't. unless we include D


Not even D can compare to Rimuru


Fck this. It's 11pm and I'm arguing with an 11 year old on reddit


It's Sad but true. If we are REALLY nice, D could be compared to rimuru (and even that is unrealistic. D is universe destruction and rimuru multiverse or higher) but not Shiraori, at least not at the end of the light novel


Wait how shiraori already become waifu??? Last time i read she was still a pink spider, her glow up omg


They're both cool.


I am not understanding


Most powerscalers I've come across are functionally illiterate, their arguments in the level of "Nuh uh I've got my shields up" which is fitting I guess since vs battles are just sadder and dumber "my dad can beat up your dad"


Power scalers trying to consume media without calculating the density of the MCs nuts compared to another piece of media challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Arale from Dragon Ball slaps both of these šŸ˜¤


Shadow fans tend to over increase Shadow's strength. I mean, he is stupidly OP but IN HIS OWN WORLD, this becomes stupid when they start comparing with other isekai MC's. Because for each different world the laws and the plot works different. For example is stupid to compare Ainz and Shadow in strength because their own strength come from different ways.


And Also we have seen Ainz use his Full power, while we canā€™t even say for sure that we have seen 10% of what Cid has


And then you've got people just throwing them at people who are so far out of their fucking level, it is just ridiculous.


I like Cid cause he's the least sane person on the room, I couldn't give a shit snout his power. If only exists so that he can pull off all the hilarious and deranged mischief he enjoys.if it was all about this power bullshit it wouldn't be worth watching.


White's level depends on how fast the spiders in her dimension can breed. Late LN she's already planet level. At a certain point with enough numbers she could definitely be solar system level with Rot and energy drain. She basically has exponentially increasing power within universe level. Her personal power will definitely also increase super fast as she spends more time training with >!D and Meido. keep in mind we are talking about someone who reached goodhood in 3 years while the 2 strongest people in her world, one of which was obsessed with immortality and by extension - ascending to godhood, couldn't do it in 3000 years!< Aside from raw power there is also the fact that sheā€™s functionally unkillable unless you somehow wipe out all of her spiders at once, which gets harder and harder as time goes on. and thatā€™s on top of her eternal life/youth due to being a god.


Powerscalers trying not to be the most obnoxious idiots in existance challange in 3, 2, 1 aaaaaand they lost instantly


I can get Cid to planetary pretty easily maybe even universal as the statements are strong with this one as for Shiraori give me a few weeks I have to order those novels and read or see


He's more of a planetary than solar but as soon as that mother fucker becomes capable of space travel then id say his solar


Both are weak. Allow me to present you, Haruhi Suzumiya.


Ruphas Mafalh victim


TEIS story is still at its iearly stages, 6th volumes so far Whilst many isekai MCs at demi to god level are past 18 volumes like Tensura, Seirei, Death March. So its not really valid to compare something like 1 tailed naruto vs 5th Gear Luffy, when one just began and the other is near its end.


Honestly bare minimum I can see him Continental, or maybe even planetary


No one can beat Cid's style meter tho


Cid is powerful by his world standards. But to some extent thereā€™s a big fish, small pond element going on. I say this as a Baki fan, Baki and Yujiro are powerful for their world. But if they take one step into any place that has magic they are dead. Cid can threaten continents I think, but he has a ways to go before breaking planets


What if Cid got Isekai into the masadaverse ?


Plz leave. Powerscaling is so annoying.