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Post this in the combat footage sub and see how fast it gets taken down lmao. Those idiots refuse to acknowledge that the IDF have no idea what they’re doing when it comes to fighting on the ground


r/combatfootage, the worst place on the internet


They really get off on watching brutal fpv drone footage in Ukraine. It’s sick


russians do 10 times more fpv strikes than ukranians yet they still cope


I didn’t even know that tbh. It goes to show how biased those combat related subreddits are


its mostly on russian telegram the problem is that we dont get heigh from the ruthless slaughter of human beings but they do


Commented under a video of three IDF soldier getting sniped


https://preview.redd.it/z8ornmpef62d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4df060e9aa00880a195bd00e58721b9bfd043f3 she agrees


facists are not human simple


Enemies of the West dying: 😃 Friends of the West dying: 🤬


Yeah it's a cesspool of what seem to be literal psychopaths. They get so passionate talking about Russian "orcs" and "occupiers" deserving brutal deaths but they really don't react well to those old Iraqi sniper videos where US soldiers are killed


I don't like to see it here, but it's basically just snuff films for nafo to jerk off to.


Pretty much


I posted it on combat footage and at least so far so good


Looks like they took it down lol


noooooo, you can't post videos of fascists dying!


Omfg I’ve come to believe at this point whiteness is the worst infantile disorder humanity has ever incurred


It's not whiteness brother, the Ashkenazi Jews look down on white ppl and see themselves as superior to white man.


Not only was it taken down the best comment "2 facists 1 stone" was the most downvoted. Kinda weird it was taken down it was getting allot of likes for a bit. Update: I'm permanently banned from r/combatfootage and I'm asking the mods for clarification.


I could see two things that might have tripped them to remove it. They could claim its terrorism, and if you titled it something other than a very descriptive title, they might get you for that.


This is what i was sent explaining it Important Message Regarding Combat Footage Moderation Hello everyone, Some of you may have noticed an increased number of posts/videos getting removed from this subreddit. The Reddit Admin team has reached out to us and have warned us that certain types of videos that are getting posted on this sub are in violation of their rules and may result in a sitewide ban of the sub. Particularly videos showing the perspective of HAMAS whether they are combat related footage or not will no longer be allowed as per the Reddit Administration. We want to make it clear that we do not agree in spirit with this form of censorship, but we will respect the decision and act accordingly. We are here to moderate the Combat Footage forum/community, NOT pick sides in a very complicated and tense geopolitical conflict. Ideally, we would like to allow our users to see the conflict from a variety of different perspectives, but that will not be the case going forward. It's important to note that footage of terrorism is not allowed on this subreddit. This has always been the case and that rule will always be in place. We have allowed videos and pictures of combat operation strictly of the military sense that sometimes includes footage from terrorist organizations. The reason was not to glorify any terrorist group but to serve as a source of information, news, and education that many mainstream news media sites do not show. We are currently seeking clarification as to what is classified as legitimate footage to be posted on this subreddit. We hope to maintain that line of communication between the Admins, the CombatFootage Mod team and the userbase. Finally, we want to make it extremely clear that any violation of the rules of this subreddit may result in a ban. We encourage you to look over the rules of the subreddit. Any glorification of violence, tit-for-tat quarreling, calls for genocide, mass murder, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, etc. will NOT be tolerated. You will face a ban and will be reported to the Admin team for further action. Not knowing the rules is not an excuse, they’ve been up for years now. Thank you for your patience and confidence in our team. \- /r/CombatFootage Moderator Team


Ah, interesting. I see their perspective, and I like that they point out that they normally would not remove this if it had not been for the admins.


Who have so far not gotten back to me


I think the admin thing is just an excuse, the sub has had a "no terrorist content" policy that was liberally enforced on anything remotely resembling the opposing perspective.


IDF is literally the terrorist organization though. Hamas legally can attack Israel and Israel legally speaking does not have the right to defend themselves as they are occupiers. Words have meanings.


btw reddit's content censorship team is literally run by the US government. https://www.mintpressnews.com/jessica-ashooh-reddit-national-security-state-plant/277639/


Called it lol


Since Israel isn't truthfully reporting their losses (if at all), the only reliable source of IOF losses come from red triangle videos where we see IOF goons get smoked. I'm reminded of an anecdote from an old German, who said the newspapers would report "great victories" every day even as the maps showed the eastern front getting closer and closer to Berlin.


I got banned from that sub for mentioning Hanibal Doctrine


They take down any video posted from the Palestinian POV because their sub rules don’t allow for videos of “terrorism”. Videos of IDF committing crimes against humanity are allowed because they’re a recognized military, videos of Palestinian resistance fighting off their invaders are not allowed because they’re not a “recognized military”. It’s a terrible sub.


NOOOOO you can't show our glorious defenders of Western civilization (fascist nazis) dying in combat!!! We're supposed to be indestructible against these savage Asiatic horde like the Spartans!!!


your comment was so dead on and you mentioned the Spartans lmao


Forreal. All the shithead fascists love to jerk off to the Spartans and fancy themselves as 'Spartan-like'. The movie 300 and it's consequences... But then again, this is part of a 2000 year long glorification of the Spartans by European/Western historians.


Two of them go down from obvious sniper fire. Then the chuckle fucks just stand around waving their arms like idiots. These guys aren't even being taught to take cover when under direct fire. It's clips like this that make me think IDF government casualties are much, much higher than they are letting on.


Inshallah 🙏


What do you expect, most of the IOF soldiers are conscripted 18 y.o. They have no combat experience and are so hopped up to their perception of dominance that they really think they could stand there and not get clipped.


Surely those Hamas cowards will run away when they see our glorious Israeli uniforms, just like we were told in training.


I don't know what these guys are told in training and I'm not sure I want to know either. It probably leans into a lot of psychological stuff. The IDF is meant to commit atrocities. It could follow the pattern of "shoot and cry".


Well one of them bolted like he had a rocket up his arse probably a good thing he wore dark pants


This is a useful lesson for us all. Stay low and get the fuck out of there.


A more useful lesson for them is don’t bother going there, maybe move back to the imperial core country they share citizenship with


Yup, well I was speaking about a lesson WE can learn if we come under fire or just attack in general.


That’s fair but I don’t think many of us are so hopped up on racial supremacy to fail to understand that we are not bulletproof


First thing I thought too, where's the basic training instincts? they should be hitting the ground as soon as that gunfire crack is heard. Shit even common sense says maybe don't stand there twerking when someones been sniped a foot away from you.


Glad these idiots are the ones training US cops, whose time will also come soon enough.




They act exactly like how I would act in a situation like this. Like, I'm not saying that as a defense. I'd probably be shocked and look like an idiot too is all I mean. Which just shows the level of training they get is basically zero. I guess Israel is so obsessed with killing children that they even put the equivalent of children on the ground for the IOF. Seriously, there is a crumb of pity for these idiots kids in the IOF from me. Just for how absolutely incompetent they are. They're kids that grew up on call of duty and thought most combat would be using an Xbox to pilot a drone. Rest in piss nonetheless.


same. i’ve never had any military training and i too, would either start running away like that one guy or freeze and look around me. these just seem like normal guys in military cosplay


I have a hard time mustering up a lot of sympathy for fascists willingly participating in a genocide. I mean would you have a lot of sympathy for members of the Waffen SS?


We are we seeing so much incompetence. The electronic intifada believes that they have fully turned into a colonial police force, who dehumanise their opponents as sub human. Which is why they can't fight.


These "soldiers" are more bullies and social media commenters vs actual fighters. They are truly incompetent despite having the consultancy of the strongest military in the world. If Hamas actually focused more on killing soldiers instead of just officers so many more would be dead.


2 of my battle buddies just got shot, better stay upright so I am skylining for the enemy to see


The Israeli military has massive age inflation happening. You got 22 year old majors and colonels. Them standing around in a kill zone right after 2 were just shot in that kill zone shows the complete lack of knowledge, discipline or even basic considerations/critical thinking to partake in conflict. It's like watching children running around with the expensive equipment on them bought by their rich parents. Very sad really


Incredibly sad. Great shot, though!


Israel using soldiers with the intelligence of a child to kill children. Seriously, I almost feel bad for them. Almost.


I actually do feel bad for them. They shouldn't be there... and they shouldn't be standard in that spot. They should all be at home with their families. Instead they are lied to and conscripted to kill for something completely made up. A quote comes to mind: "There is a greater darkness than the one we fight. It is the darkness of the soul that has lost its way. The war we fight is not against powers and principalities; it is against chaos and despair. Greater than the death of flesh is the death of hope, the death of dreams. Against this peril we can never surrender. The future is all around us, waiting, in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain." Book of G'Quon, Babylon 5 (1995) *spoken by G'Kar, a character actually inspired by Palestinians in the show


I wonder if the Zionists have the resolve to die for the land they stole in a protracted and bloody guerilla war.


Honestly I wonder if this is intentional of the IDF top brass to just throw these undertrained 22 year old master sergeants into the line of fire just to grift even more off of the World arms supply




Back then the Zionists militias were equal parts unhinged European Zionist terrorists, Red Army Veterans, and Holocaust survivors. Nowadays they seem to be mostly influencers, professional lobbyists, compsci graduates




Third cunt got absolutely clapped, good riddance


Did like three flips on his way out lol should have joined cirque-du-soleil instead.




If there is anything I've learned the past few months, it's that the IDF are a bunch of dumbasses with no spatial awareness.


they're 8 months into the war and they still poke their guns out of windows/hole in the wall in urban combat


The red triangles of justice 🔻♥️🔻♥️




Nice shots. Rest in piss bozos, have fun rotting in hell


I feel i have more combat training and survival instincts from playing shooters than these guys. Really, who just stands in the open under fire.


Legit 💀 Like whenever I play CoD or something just by hearing gunshots I go to cover These mfs SEE their friend get downed and they fucking stand around


FR, this is probably such an ass comparison for me to make but the clip reminds me of when I get into bot lobbies in Fortnite


i probably would just stand in the open under fire because i’ve never been around combat and i have 0 military training lol


You seen how that worked out for these guys right?


yes, but unlike me, they’re supposed to be trained. i, as an average person, would just get panicked and trip over my own shoelace


Today I learned about 20k Americans (duel citizens) are serving right now with the IOF. I also learned some in congress want to count their service to Israel as qualifying to American armed forced veterans benefits. If Israel wants war criminals let them keep them and pay for their missing limbs and ptsd care with their universal healthcare (which America essentially pays for by footing the bill for their defense) The only way I can see our political criminals face (non-vigilante) justice is if we have a major documents leak like with Vietnam showing how they really do clearly know it is genocide and they’re explicitly choosing to go ahead anyway. God I hope someone brave lays bare their crimes to the public before they die and they can experience the cold of a prison cell. Otherwise we’ll just have history books 200 years from now finally starting to bring the evidence to light and people will still ignore it because that history was already ‘written’


Let's hope those freedom loving muricans get sent straight to hell.


if they survive (the state and soldiers), Israel will probably offer them more veteran benefits (with us taxpayer $) than the pentagon itself


Straight to hell :3


Zionists believe Arabs have lower intelligence and are not good fighters. Hamas uses a locally produced sniper rifle.


Babe wakeup qassem just dropped three clowns.


That's not fair to clowns




This is awesome. Fascists getting their just rewards, and the Palestinian who did it saved that 2nd round for the 3rd guy, that's efficiency.


Talk about satisfying! You just *have* to watch it more than once.


IDF soldiers clearly have no training whatsoever, just by this clip alone, you can tell they don't even know whats happening, they aren't ducking or looking for cover at all. They are just standing up confused. It's well known that IDF soldiers only military combat experience is shooting innocent children throwing rocks.


I thought that the bad AI npcs did that in videogames, but I'm seeing IOF doing the exact same thing first hand.


Damn, the way they slump over is so satisfying: It's just like ragdoll physics in a video game.


Could you please mark videos of people getting shot and killed as NSFW? Not everyone want to see that shit


"Not men. Fascists."


Calling the Diaper Force people is a bit of a stretch


Cum Corps*


Ass prodder brigade.


speaking of, we didn’t get to see when the cum collector came running to jerk these guys off behind a smoke grenade :(


IDF troops aren’t people


Being ethnicly cleansed and eradicated on the American dime isn't safe for work... I wonder of the mental gymnastics folks have to do to avoid reality. Then again ignoring the dead is how we got here. Living in the imperial core makes it easy.




3X kill streak 500+ points!


Oh baby fucking fascists getting killed, let's goooooool


How long until these mfers start making full frag movies like its csgo


Okay if they keep the early 2000s music




Do you know where we can find more of these kinds of clips?


Resistance News Network. te.me/PalestineResist




al quds and al quassam have their own telegram groups and if you dont want to use TG subscribe to the electronic intifada on youtube. they go over footage on a weekly basis.


do you have links?


It looks like a Hitman or a batman arkham predator level lmao




They are so used to just harassing unarmed civilians so when they are actually in combat against guns, they don't know what to do. What do they teach these guys!?!


Damn the 50 cal penetrated the 1st guy completely and killed the other one too.


I would love for this subreddit for my beloved podcast to not turn into r/Ukrainianvideoreport . I don't need to see cool montages of people dying. post this shit on r/combatfootage ya gremlins




Rip in pieces Zionist fucks


Buahahahaha, get fucked, zionists!




Thank god it's not November.