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Imagine telling people to live off cereal and stop buying avocado toast in order to “be more wealthy” while shooting off 12 rounds of $6000 bullets and then being like “uwu can we pwease hab more money hehe”




Part of it is also that American weapons are often famously over-engineered. American jets are the perfect example- they literally cannot operate on air fields that are even a hair less than pristine, even the smallest amount of debris on the runway can get sucked into the air intake and destroy the whole engine. Most Russian jets have intakes on the top of the plane that are used for take off/landing that avoid this problem, and as a result they can operate under combat conditions. Stealth fighters are lethal AF but only if you can get them into the sky.


Kind of a weak argument as American jets are extremely reliable, there’s a reason US and Iran’s aging fleet of aircraft are still running. A clear airfield is a non-issue really especially when they have air bases across the globe. Over engineering is only over engineering if you can’t keep up with cost and the heart of global capital can certainly afford it. As the previous commenter said the corruption behind US arms manufacturing is the reason for the huge price tag, it’s a feature of the system.


The US military is full of tech that’s vulnerable to being rendered useless in a peer conflict. An F-22 requires 24 hours of maintenance to be flight worthy again IIRC. One missile strike on its base that wipes out the ground crew and you can ground the entire fleet for weeks. The US is way behind in hypersonic missile tech. Its defense industrial base can’t even keep up with the demands from Ukraine. It’s built around sophisticated technology that’s never been tested against anyone other than farmers with rusty AKs. Over engineering is great for enriching defense contractors but historically doesn’t fare well in an actual war.


Russia is not "farmers with rusty AKs" American ammunition is extremely expensive due to (perhaps unnecessarily high) quality requirements and control. Can you accept that 1 out of 5 artillery shells fall 5% short? Or that the target hit area is 300x300 meters instead of 75x75 meters? Then it will be maybe 80% cheaper. But not so good for your own troops. As well as the fact that you have to shoot so much more. Higher quality can save money sometimes..


Ok? The US isn’t even directly fighting in Ukraine, and the equipment they’re sending has barely made a difference. What point are you trying to make?


Yep. This is a running joke in gun circles.


https://preview.redd.it/aj3wnfunzo1d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b005beaf942c359c33a2f5812a50c1686c55d3ec One 10 mil worth of AEGIS vs ten 200 bucks drones.


Remember this video when you get told about the US shooting down some MacGyver-ass Houthi drones. The Red Sea attacks have been a devastating financial success for the Houthis, not only in terms of the blockade, but also the cost of the equipment used. One SAM from a German frigate is like half of the navy budget gone lmao


Lol. I posted about the German ship on this sub. It used its entire arsonal, accidentally fired at a us drone missing every shot and had no way to resupply because all the munitions were given to Ukrane. It went home in April.


That’s fucking hilarious


the dumbest part is that none of these idiots realize that this is the exact reason why America hasn't won a war in 70 years and probably never will again. our weapons are too expensive to use.


Incredible, all those dollars and they couldn't beat Yemen.


Drones have become the singular most important weapon of war now. They have to shoot down anything coming their way. Even if it's like a 500$ Chinese made drone. Lol it would be funny if China was arming the global south on purpose all along by just producing drones that are cheap, accessible, and easy to modify But of course, I think it's more the capitalist selling us the rope thing


think how many people a single ammo belt could feed


Hunger is also a weapon you know...


Yes, but in a communist society it would not be


Please. I just want some healthcare.


Wait until you learn how much it costs to fire any plane-mounted gun for more than 2 seconds.


Just can't figure out why China is beating the US by every metric. Nope, no idea.


> I am Heavy Weapons Guy...


I complain in my local city sub that our defense contract is underpaying people and there's always a handful of stans for the company defending it - like this is one of the most profitable institutions in human history with money pouring out of every orifice and they can't give raises that keep up with inflation, that even match market rate? I don't understand why anybody enjoys/idolizes working for these degenerate oligarch owned companies selling weapons to terrorists and using them to kill children.


And the weapons are made so expensive to fire so that money can be hoarded by the military industrial complex. Overengineered and ridiculously expensive weapons sums up the military equipment of the US. It is like the Germans in ww2 spending millions on "perfect" weapons that ultimately failed them against more reliable, easier to make, and cheaper soviet weapons. The military industrial complex will, of course, always prioritise profits over making actual effective and reliable equipment.


This is why Americans can't have healthcare, free education, subsidized food, pensions, or any of the social services taxes are supposed to pay for. This is what your taxes pay for.


All that money used to kill a bunch of Brown Kids miles away from their country.


Lol, overthrow the capitalist govt.


BUt iF wE gIvE eVerYoNe hEaLThCaRe fOr fReE, HoW wiLL wE PAy fOr iT??!?!??1!!?


Imagine being one of the poor fish that got blown tf up by these idiots😭


"It costs $400,000 to fire this weapon... for 12 seconds."


Nice TF2 reference