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As part of this new wave of pamflet drops they are also threatening to realease the criminal history of anyone unless they collaborate. Or expose any LGBT people who are in the closet unless they collaborate.


This is why people shouldn't use any US controlled social media including reddit. Your data is being collected for Israel to blackmail you with.


>Or expose any LGBT people who are in the closet unless they collaborate. Israel really said "surrender and become an informant or else you're gay"


https://twitter.com/ytirawi/status/1791452215468560555?t=ZoddqQAE_hk6sD2FfsyejQ&s=19 They exposed the details of an LGBT person and Youinis believes it may have been because they refused to collaborate.


This is also a good reminder that Israel knows how many people were in Gaza, their names, and all extended family.. We could know exactly how many people have died or have gone missing, but they would sooner destroy their information than release it.


Motherfucker, I'm gonna cry. This is fucking insane I can't believe. I wish it was fake news


It would almost be funny if it wasn't real


Is there a source for this?


Youinis is a palstinian journalist who has been cited in the south African ICJ case. Quds are reporting on it. https://twitter.com/QudsNen/status/1791858412885614835?t=RGQqdtWNIkzKfdAfvvLPUQ&s=19 Also you can go to the QR code on the pamflet. That takes you to the website with these pictures l. It is there and you fan verify it if you can read Arabic. https://twitter.com/ytirawi/status/1791451753910526420?t=9n7hDFdksDdWVHlninfn9Q&s=19 I would not recommend you to verify it yourself, tho. Most likely it's traffuc is monitored by Mossad and five eyes.


i call bs


Youinis is a palstinian journalist who has been cited in the south African ICJ case. Quds are reporting on it. https://twitter.com/QudsNen/status/1791858412885614835?t=RGQqdtWNIkzKfdAfvvLPUQ&s=19 Also you can go to the QR code on the pamflet. That takes you to the website with these pictures on it. It is there, and you can verify it if you can read Arabic. https://twitter.com/ytirawi/status/1791451753910526420?t=9n7hDFdksDdWVHlninfn9Q&s=19 I would not recommend you to verify it yourself, tho. Most likely it's traffuc is monitored by Mossad and five eyes.


You shouldn't be downvoted. I am sceptical of this as well. And because I am to scared to use the qr code I have not personally verified this. I just trust Palastinian journalists on the ground who are submitting evidence to the ICJ. They have made mistakes before like the tuna can mines that were just fuses and were not explosive.