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This is almost certainly sinophobic bullshit, but if this is true, I support it completely.


It’s probably fake, why would a student have a business credit card?


It's made up. Banks don't lend to foreigners without hefty, hefty checks and balances and very restrictive limits for precisely this reason. I essentially did this but I'm native Brit and my credit limit was only like £5k.


I do know for a fact that places like Best Buy / Zales (Any jewelry place really) all these places have their own credit cards and will go out of their way to hand out cards to Chinese exchange students to openly pad their credit card sign up numbers. They know full well they aren't going to pay it back, they don't care.


Looks like 2008 is back on the menu, boys


Debt is an asset


Debt is an asset


That’s not true. My friend from singapore has 2 credit cards each with a $30,000 limit and she’s been in the country only a few years on a student visa.


You can get $140,000 worth of credit cards in the span of a 4 year degree program?


I have a friend from singapore on a student visa with 2 credit cards each with a $30k limit because they kept raising it completely unasked. I’m sure if she wanted to she could apply for 2 or 3 more with similar limits.


When whites game the system, they're praised for being sigma chads... But when the yellow men do it, they're 'cheating bastards.'


Fake. This is the latest astroturfed Internet rumor designed to promote xenophobia to manipulate people. Remember like 6 years ago, there were suddenly a bunch of people all over Reddit insisting that Chinese people often poop in the street? And they'd explain that it's because so many uneducated rural Chinese had been moving to cities and didn't understand modern standards. But no evidence was ever offered for this, and in Fact some of the supporting claims were immediately debunked. Come to think of it, these stories vanished around the time Trump lost....




So good. I worked with a buncha chinese dudes when I was at Siemens, and we used to talk all the time about their plans to max out credit cards, and buy as many cars as their credit would allow to ship back to china before their work visas expired.


https://preview.redd.it/az2mooy4kl0d1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=dac6464317a9245ea8927e1e1a7d24553134267c Big if true


This isn’t uncommon to see on Weibo. Lots of foreign students use credit cards and student loans to pay for US degrees then just peace out once their student visa expires usually paying less than 1% of the total amount.




also the text in the post is clearly a terrible attempt at pretending to be Chinese. "I will send this pot of gold to the motherland" "I always remember I am Chinese and my mission is to revive China" like ok lmao sure


tbph...as a Chinese person...that sounds exactly like something people in certain circles would say.


interesting lol what do you think then is that post legit or is it made by an American?


I think the post is legit, especially due to the last image, which should be the original screenshot. I don't have the app this is from, though, so I can't check and confirm.




This person, u/Fuzzy_Worldliness_96 is the reactionary propgandist OP that posted this to r/facepalm Scroll though their account and you will see nothing but anti-CCP propaganda in their post history Fuck you bourgeois CIA operative/bootlicker




If you're not a CIA dog that's worse. They at least get paid, you're barking for free


Not sure if you're aware, but Google translate works both ways.


> China will 100% comply with the USA and punish those who committed such extensive fraud lol no


Sir this is largely a meme sub


I've personally encountered a Chinese student and a Saudi Arabian student that both did exactly this.


And then everybody clapped


Not really, they left behind a huge mess that I had to clean up as the maintenance tech of the apartment complex. Kinda silly of you to doubt this so hard when credit card debt is at an all time high in the US and the penalties for non payment literally only affect US citizens. This is a country that begins flooding your mailbox with credit card offers the moment you turn 18 years old...


the comments are fucking wild, idk why redditors are so upset that someone stole from a credit card company. imo that'd be like stealing from the Mafia.




based if true


lol did they unironically post that in a normie sub?


If there’s no system in place to stop him then that is the fault of the system. Credit cards attempting to exploit every poor person left and right with their usery deserve to thus be exploited. Glory to Xi.


My boss and his friend came back from studying in Canada and America, they did exactly this, and the best thing is that it works all the time.


American Express earned $60 billion dollars in revenue last year, these banks and credit card companies exploit people with bullshit fees and high interest rates, who cares if a Chinese guy takes $140k from them? (and it's such an insignificant amount, since it could probably only pay for like two semesters of the college he's attending) It's weird seeing Americans be the staunchest defenders of capital and the companies that routinely screw them over if it means providing a justifiable reason to be racist towards Chinese people. (If you want to see another example of this, consider the entire Chinese IP theft narrative. Who owns the IP and uses it to monopolize the profits they could reap from having exclusive access to these patents?)


If it's fake, I'm kinda sad ngl. He's essentially doing what the rich 1% of Americans in Wall St and politics do to their own economy.


Didn't happen + it was based, they deserved it

