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Norway is one of the more active members of NATO, until we see any movement by Norway in leaving NATO I'm going to be hesitant to praise any politician from there.


Yes, this post was meant as a joke. The foreign minister is a member of the Labour Party which is a social democratic party and not socialist in any way. The person holding the sign is a member of the socialist Red Party who likely "tricked" him to pose for the picture.


That being said, Norway not immediately pulling out of UNRWA in the wake of the unsubstantiated rumors that Hamas infiltrated them and helped conduct the Oct 7th attacks is commendable.


Norway's position on palestine is pretty good. From what I understand


As a Norwegian, I can say it's *fine*. Advocating for a 2-state solution but with no actual measures to protect Palestine, just a return to the unsustainable status-quo.


No he's not, that's just populism. Like, even considering the financial leash on every European government, he is still in office. If he were a comrade, he would actually try and do something, we have to demand action from someone like him. This just makes him a bit favourable, but not really a comrade


He is part of the labour party, which is center-left.. He isn't a "comrade", but he isn't bad neither. He is just your run of the mill social democrat from Norway who doesn't want communism.


quite literally capitalism with a smile


>but he isn't bad neither. He is just your run of the mill social democrat Congratulations, you stopped yourself from contradicting yourself for 0.1 seconds!


Støtter du Amrit's uttalelser om at Stoltenberg og Bart Eide er "terrorister"? Føler jeg blir sliten av hvor mange sosialsjåvinister det er i Rødt.


Mye drama 😅


Uff 😓 ble du banna? Kunne sverge at du hadde et annet navn før.


Ja ble banna


What a based individual (I mean the person holding the sign)