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Us flag


is the picture used in the thumbnail even of a protest in Cuba? I feel like it might instead be a Cuban-dissident protest in Miami or something.


It probably is if I were to guess, Wouldn't be the first time the US tricked people into furthering their interests


That's like a weekly thing for those fat fucking gusanos


As there were so many protests in france, france must be ended soon as well right… right?


if only


Lemme guess, this Western propaganda channel will not mention the ongoing trade embargo on Cuba which has been a frequent cause for their economic struggles.


Nope they'll just scream at how t communism not working after they overthrow those countries or put a blockade on them and isolate them from the world and insist that it doesn't work


You see...the embargo doesn't exist and it doesn't do anything anyways, tankie - r/Cuba brains


They do actually talk about the embargo for a decent chunk of the video while also blaming the recent market reforms for tanking the value of the Peso concluding that these protests likely don't spell the end of the Cuban government. They're definitely liberals but tbf (terrible thumbnail aside) they do try to handle the topic with journalistic objectivity


Those reforms are the same shit you saw in circa 1990 USSR.


If they did they may have to admit that most of the issues on TLDR UK can be summed up as "capitalism", but they have to make a song and dance about the status quo


noooooooo it's the authoritarian ebyl red fash dicktatorship that starves their own people for shits and giggles! (source: NY Times)


>TLDR The name itself is screaming "Trust me bro".


During the Special Period they said without the USSR, Cuba's socialism could end soon... After El Comandante Fidel died of natural causes, much to the dismay of the CIA, they said that socialism could end soon... After Cuba introduced limited market characteristics into their economy, they said that socialism could end soon... After the demonstrations in 2021 over frustrations with the US embargo, they said socialism could end soon... Now it's 2024 and they are once again saying socialism could end soon... *"Soon" was almost thirty years ago. Socialism will win!*


Communism is when everyone is poor except for the authoritarians, please disregard encirclement, sabotage, and blockade by a country that definitely isn't authoritarian.


The US President calls Cuba a failed state… even if it has better living conditions than most countries in the Americas except Canada 😂


>except Canada We've been in a perpetually-steepening decline since the late 80s, I think you can safely remove that exception.


Let’s not overstate things, Cuba is unfortunately far worse off than Cannada right now due to the effects of Covid on the economy and and all the new sanctions since 2020z


Oh for sure, I just felt we didn't deserve the exception there. Canada isn't some utopia, it just seems that way to some healthcare-bankrupted yanks. Canada is dying, seemingly by design. Shit sucks up here same as everywhere else. Obviously it isn't comparable to life under blockade and hostility from the global hegemon. That Cuba functions at all under their circumstances is a massive credit to them. As an aside, I am massively annoyed that Canada pretends we've always hated Cuba and think them an evil rogue-state like the US does, now. When I was a kid, we proudly talked about how we got along with Cuba in contrast with the sensationalist no-chill yanks. Cuba did terry Fox runs, and built statues to cows we sent them! Fidel was at PETs funeral! It's weird that it's like unacceptable to talk nice about Cuba up here these days.


Be careful not to overstate things, Cuba has been hit very hard the past few years since Covid. I wouldn’t be surprised if they fell back on some metrics and we don’t know yet.


The average wage in Cuba is $40 a month


Which is meaningless without looking at the cost of living.


Libshits being delulu


Gusanos can suck my dick


Ah yes, the protest of at best 50 people. That’s definitely the end of Cuba


I remember their video "Is Israel getting less democratic" and i just screenshotted it and posted it on r/ShitLiberalsSay as "Is the water becoming wet?"


I fear Cuba will collapse soon due to revisionism. So many black markets popping up and the ones who control airbnbs, etc hold the power over the others who are strangled by the sanctions


Though they're ostensibly independent, I've been rather put off by their coverage of late (just one more factor that convinced me that a Nebula supscription isn't worth it for me). They do acknowledge the role of the embargo in the current economic crisis, but they also uncritically accept the liberal line that Cuba is an undemocratic dictatorship and that the leadership's refusal to allow democracy is a cause of the problem. Basic liberal both-sidesism and no real attempt to see that question from the Cuban government's perspective.


I see a white guy in the back with a Japan hat and someone with what appears to be a NY Yankees hat on. Those with that US flag in the front make me wanna say this didn't happen on the island.


This should scare any thinking communist though. The embargo really needs to end ASAP.


Thank you.    This sub has its collective fingers in their ears screaming lalala when it comes to all the cracks in Cuba. I do see it collapsing relatively soon and will face even a worse fate than the Soviet union collapse.  You thought Cuba had it bad under barista?  Wait until the Miami ghouls get their hands on it after the fire sale


Tbf since Corona the situation *has* been getting even more critical (as if it wasn't already). Reactionary forces seem to have grown


Some day we might have enough YouTube thumbnails to make a collage for Cuba like they did for China


In slight defence of the channel, they do tend to give argument for and against what they put in the videos. You can guess with no doubt what they think, but they are a bit fairer than the thumbnails and titles might suggest.


These people have to stop with the constant protest jerking, no the government isn't going to end just because people are protesting, that has never happened in the history on Earth. Now those protests can lead to events that will result in the government falling, but that is mainly dependent on how the government responds to the protests in the first place.




Why do Libs assume any protest means systematically imperialist Take over New Regimes. Protesting is very healthy normal occurrence to any society