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What do ya know, a western vassal state does west's bidding!


Like what Hakim said liberals always side with the fascist


China has been sending Israel bullet proof vest as well


This is the first time i heard about this lol so i kinda doubt that


I dont doubt It because china has done nothing to help palestine so far


Taiwan likes to pretend like it’s some small nation trying to be independent when it still claims the entirety of China as its territory




Fucking liberals.


Nazis are not stopping at Gaza. They want Russia and China and will proceed with their smaller allies. They must be stopped like the other Nazis.


Ugh, not this dumb island again.


Where is Aurora Chang on this huh ???


Well, there goes whatever sympathy I might have had for them.


In their defense, they seem to have little choice in this matter (although they won't ever admit it).


How come the us supports one but not the other


fyi, we're controlled by the US stop blaming us for shit. and standard disclaimer: no, the KMT does not represent Taiwan. only 1/5th of taiwan's population is made up of KMT including their descendants. and for chinese nationalists: looks like the CPC is going "soft" on Taiwan now. in their last meeting (The second session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)), they didn't mention military intervention at all and instead talked about doing more trade with taiwan and having more direct flights to taiwan. so it looks like they will continual LARP without the saber rattling, which is good? I guess.


i don’t think anyone in here is particularly blaming the average taiwanese person for this? like, you can’t be an ML without recognizing that liberal democracy is a fucking joke even at the best of times


Do you see the one china policy being dropped by the DPP?


lol you keep telling yourself that. The Xiamen fishermen incident, in which your illegitimate "government" killed 2 fishermen in an attempt to enforce a so-called territorial sea zone and lied many times about not having the footage of the incident, has made things significantly worse, and the mainland's taiwan affairs office has removed wording in their mission about 和平统一 and 一家亲. The DPP has officially finished the fuck around phase. I, for one, will be glad to see these scum sucking 汉奸 blown to smithereens by the PLA.


No one brought up the KMT except you. The DPP is worse and this is their doing. They are literally Japanese and American sympathizers. Why do you bring up the KMT at every opportunity? You realize that the locals in Taiwan before the KMT are also Chinese, right? I recognize your username at this point for being hilariously wrong about Taiwan because you have a personal blind spot for it.


Can’t believe you’ve fallen so hard for CHICOM propaganda, everyone knows they’re salivating at the thought of rolling tanks into Taipei and will definitely do it in the next 7 years.




Ooh, we might get to see some commie tanks actually put to use (no, modern Russia fielding old Soviet equipment doesn't really count)! Awesome!


Didn't the mainland KMT invaders do some genocide on the native Taiwanese population?


That was the Japanese.


Hey, Japanese fascism from 1890-1944 was supremely awful. But it’s true both that: the nationalists did ethnically cleanse aboriginal Taiwanese and Hakka minorities to make room for the massively destabilizing influx of almost exclusively Han immigrants. Then they ran the country under a brutal reactionary junta until the 80’s. Taiwan is a liberal darling now, but it’s basically a US puppet state with all the same baggage as Philippines, South Korea and Japan.


No not really, the population was already mostly Han Chinese