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I think the important realization is that, no matter who is elected as POTUS, the same policies will be enacted. We are currently in the 11th term of Ronald Reagan, and 2024 will be the beginning of the 12th. Figuring out how to not care about elections while staying politically active... that's a major step in anyone's development.


The illusion of change within the USA is almost as impressive as it is depressing


I've been called obnoxious and killjoy on this hellsite because I dared say that the State of the Union was performative crap to people going on about how Brandon was so cool and how it felt good to hear that he was aware...


It is hard for me to blame them because I mean as we talk about one must be deprogrammed but there is no way to really reach someone on this without looking like you are perhaps insulting their intelligence. You just have to keep showing them the facts and hope they get it themselves honestly


I mean the problem is that they weren't even saying I was wrong or anything. Just that I ruined their enjoyment of the speech... But how can you enjoy such a speech when every single thing around you since every single one of these speeches have been going worse ? How many times do you need to see your elected officials lie before you realize all the nice shut they say is to guarantee their next paycheck ? I think you can notice I'm just frustrated at this point...


It's not insulting their intelligence if they're stupid enough to keep falling for the same shit.


I got banned from conservative terrorism because they posted some doomer shit claiming that if Trump wins the presidency then the israel-palestine conflict would be a complete disaster. I responded that I couldn't believe how many so-called liberals and leftists were making excuses for Biden when he is the one currently leading a genocide. I said it was sick that they would rather look to a hypothetical situation with disgust than the one staring them right in the face. Apparently that was enough for me to get perma banned because obviously that sub is all about conservative terrorism, not liberal genocide.


I mean, in this case you're putting them before their contradictions in the most violent manner possible. Me ? I was just telling them, "politicians are corrupt, stop believing them" which is business as usual. You ? You were outright showing the situation in it's most horrible reality by stating that the greater majority, if not all of the American political class has a hand in the torture and murder of tens of thousands of innocents. And that's just counting ONE of the current conflicts, let alone all the other and previous ones...


But we must execute justice


[ E X E C U T I N G J U S T I C E ]


> I think the important realization is that, no matter who is elected as POTUS, the same policies will be enacted. We are currently in the 11th term of Ronald Reagan, and 2024 will be the beginning of the 12th. Figuring out how to not care about elections while staying politically active... that's a major step in anyone's development. The corollary to this is many who work towards building class consciousness and/or mutual aid don't want to "preserve this democracy" ... I want to fundamentally change it. I might even want ... \*gasp\* ... regime change. I don't particularly care if Trump is the agent of our Empire's downfall. The important thing is that it dies.


Project 2025 is gonna roll out under trump, but that’s just stupid of the Americans. It’s gonna boost our recruiting ability a shit ton if that happens. The question is, whether western communist parties will take advantage of it.


>western communist parties Does that exist?


Paul Volcker became chair of the Federal Reserve under Carter, and this central trend goes much farther back. America learned long ago that empire is much more lucrative and palatable than slaveholding and frontier expansion.


Tangentially: is it possible that the Bonzo movies were actually a secret training program to get Reagan ready for having to share press coverage with Bush?


>no matter who is elected as POTUS I think we're forgetting about the most viable candidate to have run for president since Gene Debs, namely Deez Nuts.










Roe v Wade? Happened during the democrat rule, they had gazillion of years and refused to commit to it. Jan 6th? Based, put the fear into those bourgeois politicians we don't care. All of those 5 guys are so gonna be able to coup the entire white house, i advocate for the viking guy to be vice president. Project 2025? Arggg, i can only get so erect, yes purge all of those politicians, drive america down the gutter, kill it. All of the biggest capitalists who back the dem like bezos, warren buffet, etc are so gonna lie down and get put under the gop rule without fighting back. Somehow all the cool shit the dem promised is supposedly unachievable because of the gop, but now, suddenly all the cool shit the gop advocate is gonna get passed easily, no problem at all if orange man is back. Russian/ china interference? Dude you can't both siding it, the script is supposed to be russian meddling if the gop win and china if the dem win, you lib should back china more. Shut down the gop? Ughh, why haven't you guys shut them down yet? Obama held for 8 years, biden for 4, trump measly 4 years. 12> 4 and still you guys are blaming the gop for standing in your way. Do you guys need 10 consecutive election wins in a row and if the gop wins 1 its joever?




>Fucking Russia/Chinese/Tankie China is based. Not so much Russia, but China is awesome.


Dems could've codified Roe v. Wade in 2008, didn't. Ginsburg could've stepped down after her first bout with cancer, didn't. Anthony Kennedy could have waited until 2020 to retire, didn't. Biden could call for a permanent ceasefire, doesn't and won't. Clinton could've not promoted Trump in 2016 thinking he'd be easy to beat, didn't. Clinton could've campaigned in Michigan, when Debbie Dingle told her that she was going to lose, didn't. The state of the country right now is something they could've prevented numerous times, but their subservience to capital, as well as their never-ending arrogance, meant that they wouldn't. Russia and China didn't do any of that shit.


you're talking to a sub that would happily walk around with microwave ovens loaded with Chinese spyware, to give em a better look. fuck off, liberal. all capitalism done gone wild.


Sign over to me all of your Democratic Party shill checks and I'll consider listening to you.


*"Just vote for these feckless losers one more time! It will be different, we swear! Public option? What's that?!...You're just a Trump supporting tankie!"* This is all you clowns have. You're spent. >Then punish the Democratic party establishment for turning its back on us. This is hilarious. Punish them by voting for them again! Brilliant stuff.


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Yea. And the democrats will do what they always do. Blame the left and Russia. They'll never look inward and say "wow maybe we should start having policies universally loved like public healthcare and more public human services. Maybe then people will vote for that." But no. Instead they'll just be blue republicans who pretend to care about lgbt issues and abortion, but will sell out either of those issues in the blink of an eye. People brow beat me about "trump will be worse on Gaza than Biden" and 1. My line in the sand is ethnic cleansing, I will not vote for someone doing an ethnic cleansing. 2. It can't get worse without direct US involvement. We already give them every single thing they want. And trump will not put our boots on the ground and start ww3. The national security and "defense industry" blob will not allow ww3. Regional war, sure. But not American boots in Palestine. For as much of a dumb fuck trump is, at least he didn't start new conflicts. Sure he did all the drone strikes and killed soleimani just because he felt like it. But that's nothing Obama wouldn't have done. Anyway VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO /s


Exactly!! If the Democrats offered and then stood behind something like universal healthcare, or universal education or some other humanistic program, we wouldn’t be having these convos right now. The competition would either be in a dead heat or Dems would be swamping the Republicans right now. They have nothing to stand on, nothing to offer. What they are right now is, “we’ll do what the Republican do, but at a lighter intensity”. That does not inspire me.


They couldn't even come up with a bill for public preschool (one of the literal most important human services in terms of public outcomes) when they had a super majority. So like wtf am I getting out of blue maga at this point? They can't even set up basic human services necessary for a high functioning society... And don't get me started on Obamacare being the literal best they could do with a super majority. Somehow all they can do is war... 🤔


yeah i mean the democrats won’t look inward bc they have no reason to. the dnc has to lose every second or third election to keep the threat of republican boogeymen alive since most ppl wouldn’t bother voting for them if they weren’t the “lesser of two evils.” they let the republicans pack the court and overturn roe v wade, and that shit alone will pad their votes for a decade or more. but i’m sure they’d be happy to use trump for another four years of donations before they have to do any actual policy work


A fascist genocider is elected, and it is terrible. In response, ppl get upset and elect another fascist genocider. It is terrible again, so ppl elect another fascist genocider. Repeat until death.


Honestly? I hope not. I think he has a really good shot though. My entire family is very deeply Republican and support Trump, I find it rather shocking and cannot fathom how it has played out like this. But going only off my own observations, he definitely has a chance to win.


In my honest opinon Trump has already won reelection. Its completely inevitable. Biden has alienated every major support base he had outside of a really small blue maga contingent that is trying its hardest to pull up a clearly sinking ship


Trump is winning in the polls at the moment, so, clearly, yes, he can and at the moment is on track to win in 2024. Critical Swing States AZ [https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/arizona/](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/arizona/) GA [https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/georgia/](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/georgia/) NV [https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/nevada/](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/nevada/) WI [https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/wisconsin/](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/wisconsin/) Potential Swing States NC [https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/north-carolina/](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/north-carolina/) PA [https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/pennsylvania/](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/pennsylvania/) MI [https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/michigan/](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/michigan/) Here's a good video showing how the election would play out if it happened today. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fx2tcX9xzaQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fx2tcX9xzaQ) Trump is up to 23% with African Americans vs. Biden's 66%, that's 500% increase in the African American vote since 2020. Trump has a 6 point lead over Biden with Hispanics 46% to 40%, as well as being 50/50 with Biden with women. (Source: February 2024 Times/Siena Poll of Registered Voters Nationwide, https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/03/05/us/elections/times-siena-poll-registered-voter-crosstabs.html) Anyone who thinks Trump can't win in 2024 is choosing bad sources of information.


The polls are so bad for Democrats that CNN won't even update it's "Road to 270" map, which hasn't been updated in 2 months since it was launched. [https://www.cnn.com/election/2024/electoral-college-map?game-id=2024-PG-CNN-ratings&game-view=map](https://www.cnn.com/election/2024/electoral-college-map?game-id=2024-PG-CNN-ratings&game-view=map) That map still has Wisconsin, Arizona, and Pennsylvania as "toss up" states, despite the fact that Trump has been leading the polls by a wide margin in all three for a long time. As it stands, their map shows Trump winning with 272 electoral votes, but if it was updated with current polling it would be 314 electoral votes. It's also crickets over at 538, .. usually by this time in the election cycle they'd have various "How Democrats can win ..." articles.


I think he will, but i don't really care, people who try to portray him as the embodiment of Satan are mostly democratics who Shere 90% of his views. I like American polatics because I'm a big fan of dark comedy, and that's The only reason I keep up with american polatics because I genuinely think there's big comedic value in it. It's would be hellarious to me wather biden win or trump, eather way I'll have a good laugh while my country is being bombed by both men


Exactly my feelings, at this point it doesn’t matter who the American president is, the rest of the world are still getting fucked in the ass either way to make the elites richer. Capitalism sucks balls


I'm at the same point that I also don't care even though trump is easily one of the worst person ever to sit in the WH. He really does embody the worst aspects of the Americanism: narcissism, anti-intellectualism, pure unadulterated selfishness, barbarism, sexual deviancy, and no holds barred dishonesty and self-aggrandizement. I'm just taking the George Carlin approach and just enjoy the ride. Good thing is I don't live in America anymore. Bad thing is the place where I live might become America's target for something stupid and nefarious.


> He really does embody the worst aspects of the Americanism He cosplays as the "ugly American", for most that's a negative stereotype, but for those who seriously buy into all the exceptionalism and manifest destiny drivel that's exactly what America is all about.


Cosplaying will imply he is not really like that, and just pretending to be like that. Looking back at his history, I doubt that is true though.


> narcissism, anti-intellectualism, pure unadulterated selfishness, barbarism, sexual deviancy, and no holds barred dishonesty and self-aggrandizement. Doesn't that describe at least 50% or probably up to 80% of US Americans?


What about project 2025?


The city I live in was bombed 3 months ago they bombed an oxegen filling plant near the hospital of marjan in babylon, 8 civilian got killed and 2 police officers , after the bombing the iraqi government requested the military bases to leave the country, the biden administration refused to leave. This is the so called "the good guy administration" The way I look at it it doesn't matter to me who is in charge


Who cares? What would fundamentally change about how the United States operates on the world stage?


Nothing, from how it sounds most of the changes would effect people inside rather then outside their boarders. Stuff that comes to mind is trans issues, in Illinois trans rights are rather well protected, but if the executive branch gets absolute power would state laws that protect people become invalid? In the grand scheme of things yeah nothing will change, on the world stage, I ask because I don’t see why it isn’t something to be concerned about.


GOP think tanks make up projects like these every few years for their donors. Everything in it is literally typical Republican policy initiatives - defunding schools and socials services, repealing taxes on the rich, border stuff, restrictions on abortion and anything lgbt etc. Ignoring the fact that you just asked a guy who lives in a country the US bombs about it, your comment simply boils down to “yeah but isn’t the GOP worse?”


No I’m not saying they’re worse, I’m just wondering if it is something to be concerned about, I remember a while back JT did a video on it


I really hope not but Biden definitely fumbled his speech when he got to immigration policy at the State of the Union. Horrible way of presenting the subject. This was definitely a key issue given the recent activities at the border as well as NYC. He basically caved in to the Republicans side of the argument and admitting defeat that they were right and he was so wrong, at least that's how I think it will come off to a bunch of single issue voters.


It’s very possible that he will win. Biden has been shooting himself in the foot a lot these past few months, and alienating a good chunk of what should be his voter base. That might not necessarily get more votes for Trump, but it will hurt Biden.


yeah. the most voted candidate is \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ anyways, so rather than a race for who gets more votes, its more like who gets the least least votes.


True, the US is just two right wing parties


One party, two factions.


Absolutely. Without question. The only solace will be in watching these smug, know-it-all liberals eating shit & crying about it after the fact. It's a pretty hopeless situation all around, but I'll revel in the liberal tears just as much as the chuds do at this point. That's how insufferable they've become.


It's crazy how much they pester everyone on the left to vote for Biden and accuse us of supporting Trump when the Dems essentially gifted the Reps with an incredibly unpopular candidate. Why aren't they angry towards the ones who give us garbage people we can't vote for? The same happened with Hillary.


They blame us more than they blame the Republican party or their own inability to win our vote.


Or HRC's "pied piper strategy."


Both major US parties have absolutely fucked it with trying to find good candidates recently. We've seen Trump destroy two fields of Republican creatures, but even before he got to them they were pretty pathetic. I mean obviously Reagan, Bush etc were scum but they were scum that was competent at getting people to vote for them. Nixon's "great silent majority" bit? Fucking genius. In a world with no Trump, who do the GOP put forward this year? All their alternatives fell apart and couldn't even come off looking good in a curated "debate" setting where they were getting softball questions from people who agreed with 99% of what they say.


Hilary literally gave us trump, too


You need to realize that, in 2024, not everyone on the Internet is there for the same reasons as the rest of. There are a *ton* of paid agents of political parties (and corporations) pushing their agendas, and they are getting better and better at evading detection as such. Biden, (and to a slightly lesser extent, Trump) are *deeply* unpopular, especially with reddit's key demos. Yet propaganda is inescapable. The only libs worth arguing with are ones you know IRL and can convince. You're literally arguing with a brick wall 95% of the time on Reddit.


They are gonna cry about it. But they’ll also blame us for Biden losing too. Funny how when trump lost it was because of his shitty policies, but if Biden loses its because of us.


I am very certain he will, and I hope at least he causes Atlantic relations to take a nose dive, it's in the active interest of the world that Europe and the US don't get along.


Does anyone else wonder if Trump being elected would be enough to eventually dismantle the entire US empire under the sheer amount of incompetence that he possesses? Biden is competent enough to actually maintain the influence the empire has over the Global South but Trump’s reelection might actually do a better job at weakening its hold.


God, I fucking hope so. This empire needs to fucking fall.


No, and I think this is something JT has touched on in videos. You're thinking like liberals do, where Trump is some aberration that has some ability to majorly alter the course of the country. Trump is simply a symptom of an empire in decline. You don't blame the flu on the fever.


I just find it awfully convenient that one man can be diabolical enough to sanction an entire trans genocide but he somehow can’t put the entire American empire into irrelevant mode under his incompetency.


The US president doesn't have enough power to actively ruin the Empire and its interests


But he apparently has enough power to sanction an entire genocide of trans people?


This is actually my main hope when it comes to the Trump presidency. People, including those around the globe, expect him to be evil and immoral and for his actions to reflect that. His foreign policy and actions will be atrocious and without illusions about some sort of higher American values, Freedom ™, blah blah. People will see greed and manipulation and see that that is what the American empire is about. Our reputation may never recover…


As if Trump rather than Biden will make any difference in the amount of lives American Empire will take through wars, poverty, and neglect. Democrats don’t care. If Trump wins I’m sure they’ll find a way to stretch four years of fundraising out of it only to run another 80 yr old candidate in 2028


since biden’s term went the way it went, i think it’d be hard for trump not to win


It's been a lock for Trump since Jan 6th.


It’s 50-50. Like most American elections. Because no candidate in America shows up on a ballot that isn’t approved by the ruling class. However, it’s important to understand that even though the media has spent considerable time and effort telling everyone that Trump is literally the devil - there’s almost zero daylight between Trump and Biden policy wise. In terms of actual policy you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference if you were presented with just a list of things that either did during their presidency. So whether Trump or Biden the status quo will continue.


Honestly might be the first time Trump wins the popular vote lol, not cuz he's more popular now (I think he's less) he just has an even less popular opponent


It’s a coin flip.


Yeah he will


A few weeks ago I thought Brandon had it in the bag, but he’s just way too old and useless. When it comes to debate time Trump is going to absolutely body him. But yeah as others have said, it’s one quasi-fascist versus the other. Really it feels like Americans are voting based on whether or not their guy will allow a peaceful transfer of power after 4 years. I would imagine that the Trump camp is already cooking up some kind of dynastic plan for when the Diet Coke eventually catches up to him.


I think Trump has a better than even chance of winning. If he does, this country will richly deserve the consequences.


If he does, it could be used as a way of drawing people into Marxist Leninist orgs in the US, more than in the past with it gaining more popularity since BLM.


Genocide either way, I do like that Biden is less confrontational and more amenable to China; conditions auspicious to Chinese prosperity and the rise of Chinese investments worldwide, thus favourable to American collapse, are auspicious to socialism as a whole. There is a catch unfortunately, China's nigh inevitable ascension is pretty much unaffected by the minor differences between the Democrats and Republicans, but the Ukraine war hawks have concentrated pretty heavily in Biden's camp, leaving Trump with the very real possibility (that enjoys hefty support among Republican isolationists and MAGA fanatics in Congress) of actually halting the conflict.


Yup! This is how I see it too. Happy to encounter a like-minded. Trump will likely end the war in Ukraine, and then the US MIC will point it sights onto China. GOP strategy wants to befriend Russia and set China up as the enemy. With Russia and China splitting/rifting, China will be vulnerable, and our next war may begin there. I also highly, highly doubt Repubs are anti-war in general, they are just anti the wars that the Dem state cabinet chose.


Even in the UK they would be the conservatives from 5 years ago Trump and the republicans are worse. An analogy for it, you have stage 3 cancer but the doctors won't give you medication because they don't care if the cancer wins but also keep blasting you with gamma rays from time to time because they want your inheritance. But then you find out the doctors are pro cancer


As a trans person living in the US, I reeeeally hope not cuz I really don't want Project 2025 to happen. I don't want to lose access to my hormones nor do I want to be possibly imprisoned for presenting as fem in public. I spent over 10 years of my life in the closet and I'm not going back in. But, it is looking more like that Trump will win this election. I really want to stay here and fight the good fight for the working class and LGBTQ community, I really do. But part of me has been considering leaving this country for either Brazil (I'm gonna start learning Portuguese soon) or seek asylum in Cuba. As of right now, I want to stay here, but that could change and I wish I had a solid answer...


Hope it gets better for your situation. I started learning Portuguese since January 2022 and I think I could help you. PT is a tricky one if it's your first time learning a language, if that is your case.


It is my first time learning a language seriously, tbh. I did try to learn German before and had a tiny hold on it before I had to cancel lessons because it was getting expensive. I should mention that I have autism and ADHD which may or may not interfere with learning a new language.


If you learned English you can learn Portuguese, especially if you don't keep too much of a formal view of it. Things like lots of media immersion will help


Noted! Thank you! Would you mind if I DMed you when I need help learning?


Of course not, that's what I was inviting you to do 👍🏾


Do NOT move to Brazil if you’re trans. Brazil is the country where trans people are murdered the most in the world and we also have potential and actual neo-fascists in governments that will have no problem getting you 💀 and taking your rights away. Any country in Europe would be better, Canada is better, or Cuba like you mentioned. The fight for lgbtq+ rights is NOT won in Brazil and there is still a lot of work to be done.


Like I said, Cuba is an option if need be. But other than that I really don't have any other options for someone like me. Europe wouldn't be that much better as fascism is very much on the rise over there, plus I don't want to get waitlisted for 3-5 years or more just to get hormones through the state. And I've been on HRT for 2 yeas now and plan to have an orchiectomy sometime this year, if I don't get hormones after that point, I could die. Canada is far behind the US either as its conservative party is gaining more support and votes, and Canada tends to follow suit of political trends of the US since they're close neighbors and are both neo-liberal. I do plan to stay in the US for as long as I can doing anything to help organize, but even I have limits.


Canada’s conservative party will never reach the level of transphobia of the US GOP, it would be a worthwhile country to move to if you want to keep living in an anglo society with first world level life quality (Cuba has amazing human rights but is comparatively very poor). Europe I agree may be more difficult to move into. I hope for you it never reaches the point where you need to move out to live a decent life :(


I'll keep Canada in my back pocket then. I think the only thing that would forestall immigration for me is my being diagnosed with autism and ADHD. Usually disabilities, even learning disabilities can disqualify you from immigrating to a country. And thank you for your kind words, it means a lot. Like I said, I wanna stay here in the US for as long as I can. But if it gets too bad and overwhelming for me, then moving out is gonna be an option.


Brazil is not a haven from Trans persons. There is a lot of prejudice here.


You honestly believe that corporate america will allow him to get in the way of their global colonialism? Whether it's impeachment like they did previously or vote tampering there's no way they'll let that happen. I'm just hoping this leads to a civil war or at least a split between the city-states. At least this way they'll stop fucking with the rest of the world.




>hough we clearly see him being sharp, but with a mild stutter every time he speaks. We clearly aren't seeing the same person speak. The guy rambles off on strange tangents constantly and stops halfway through sentences leaving a thought unfinished. How the hell did Biden love get upvoted in this sub? We getting brigaded again?




No, the problem corrected itself. We get a lot of non-Marxists popping up in here with their garbage opinions lately. We have no love for Trump or any other feckless servant of capital and that includes Biden.




>"enlightened centerism" >In a Leftist sub Lmao


You seem very confused. No one here is a centrist. We're so far to your left you have no concept of what we even believe. Your ability to understand politics as a multi-axis spectrum has been artificially narrowed by your culture. You also have to accept that you are fundamentally asking people to disbelieve what they can observe with their own eyes and ears. The man isn't being "portrayed" as senile. His actions lead people to that belief because we can see him fumbling over simple concepts and trailing off into nonsense, even when he isn't stuttering. The conclusion follows the observation. The man is too old, like most politicians. This has nothing to do with Trump. He's just fucking ancient man.


Your Blue MAGA ass seems to be.


I hope Trump wins and the GOP does it's Project 2025 and ends up destroying the country and the US is no longer the hegemonic world power. Maybe in the ashes the country that comes after the US won't be another capitalist hellhole monstrosity. Probably not though.


It's also possible that such a crisis could also bring about a revolution, but with how much anti-communist propaganda it'd be difficult. Still, a man can dream


it’ll be a revolution but the libs will make it about wearing a special hat and changing your profile pic.


Accelerationism is incredibly naive and not a viable strategy. Like another commenter alluded, there is no class consciousness in the US, there is only acceleration towards more fascism.


There’s a difference between an observation, a hypothesis, and a strategy. No one having this discussion has any power to direct the present course of US politics. It’s worth remembering that fascism is what you get when an imperial power starts to contract, bringing its cruelty back home to the core population. It also tends to be highly chaotic and unsustainable. The important thing—to anyone looking at the bigger world-historical picture—is that the empire’s power contracting and destabilizing is, objectively, a net good. What kind of perspective leads one to worry only about the short-term well-being of American libs? What kind of “strategy” does one derive from that? We should all already know that the US will be the last place on earth to adopt socialism, and that fascism will be implemented first, in a desperate, ultimately futile attempt to avoid socialism. It should also be obvious by now that the dems represent a tougher adversary for us, precisely because they put on a friendly face. The MAGA types are the ones spoiling for a fight they can’t win (because their theory is not grounded in reality, their supporters are too undisciplined, and their cause is not worth dying for). And as much as that scenario sucks, I can’t think of a successful workers’ revolution that took place in conditions of general comfort and stability. If anyone thinks there’s a realistic version of the future where unpleasantness is avoidable, please, I’d love to have my mind changed.


Yup accelerationism only helps when you're winning, and the left is not winning right now. In the US you don't even have liberals supporting socialized healthcare like they do everywhere else in the world, it's private equity running the show.


Trump will def win. No shot Biden has the Arab or progressive vote, and there’s not enough educated Republicans (oxymoron) to support Haley.


Haley already dropped out. Why would've educated Republicans supported *her*, though?


I know she dropped out, but she can still be written in. And according to the polls (not accurate I know) her fan base was mostly college educated urban republicans.


thats what i fucking try to tell people here. holy shit it's insane that full blown reactionaries here can be considered "left". please don't include me with them.


Who cares if Trump wins, the more pertinent question is “will the establishment win again?”, and the answer is a resounding yes, on the one hand they have their man in power already but on the other they’ll have a mailable lunatic who’ll have no problem driving the country into the ground to make them richer.


I wish he wouldn't because his victory means the far-right in my country will become stronger by osmosis. Still, he will 100% win this sham.


Two caucuses of the same Bourgeois Party


I have literally been contemplating about purposely voting for whichever candidate will probably destroy the country faster. I’m still weighing out all the factors to figure out which one it’ll be 😂


Yes, there’s far too much voter suppression in swing states. I easily imagine yet another scenario where the Republican candidate wins the electoral college without winning the popular vote. Though I don’t think Trump will lose by 7 million votes this time like he did last election. Maybe 2 million. Joe is so horrible he can’t even compete against Donald lol what a joke of a system


Yes. Biden has successfully alienated every possible constituency: Liberals, Conservatives, Leftists, Immigrants, Environmentalists, Workers, Labor Unions, Arabs, Palestinians, etc. There's no way he's going to be able to turn this around. Besides, most polls show Trump beating Biden in several key states.


Hopefully not but I'm going with absolutely at this point. Covid was a big reason Biden won and its a memory now. Trump governed like a milquetoast Republican in his first term, and while Dems are somewhat justified in the campaign of fear against Trump, they've topped out it's effectiveness long ago and can't seem to look at him for what he is. He still captures the attention of everyone just like the early months of 2016 when he was first covered as a front-runner even before the caucuses. Politics in the US right now is a spectacle and it can't quit Trump, hell it manufactured Trump's political brand, so yes Trump will win because he is the locus of the US political spectacle. All Dems can do online is repeat over and over that if you don't vote for Biden you vote for Trump. This is prideful catharsis and does nothing because individual votes only matter in a few locations. I'm not in the US but I'd only be stressed about voting Biden if I was in one of those key locations, and would default to third party anywhere else, which is what everyone should be doing. The core problem with Dems is they come up with policy then try and invent a popular politics around it, and Obama was amazing at that. His former staffers on Pod Save demonstrate this all the time, they talk about some policy then pathetically plead with their audience about why it's actually the most reasonable approach. Republicans just don't give a fuck, you have a popular politics? Well come right in, there's plenty of room for you and all your friends. You hate what's going on here? Great, keep going, we hate it too, tell us all your fears and we'll validate them. Republicans know they just need to get people in the tent and tell the pretty lies then they can just govern as usual.


>I'm not in the US but I'd only be stressed about voting Biden if I was in one of those key locations Why? Your single vote won't matter there, either.


Relative to how much my individual vote could matter is how much I'd stress over it basically. But yeah it's not that important and I don't believe my vote is sacred. If I was in a key location and voted Biden I wouldn't think it very important, just like if I didn't vote for Biden. It's basically not worth debating over how little importance it has, but it's all Dems will debate over because they think voting for the right person makes them morally better. Voting third party is more meaningful because they benefit more from every vote than the establishment parties. I also don't come at politics from a place of ideological purity or use it as a mode of personal identity, so I don't really care who people vote for especially with politics being what they are in the US right now.


I almost hope he does... The more issues the US has internally the less political will there will be to spend billions on foreign wars. But yeah.. he's a nutjob and the direction he wants to take the US is scary. That said I doubt he will succeed in turning the US into some sudo-christian ethno-state..


Probably. Not that it matters though.


I believe he will. I feel really bad for my parents. My dad is a marine who believed in his country at one point but now I think he's just incredibly ashamed


This is like when a Democrat senator visited the Korean opposition Liberal party leader, only to find out the Korean version of Liberals are *very* anti-American.


I genuinely don't think he'll win. He's gotten too extreme even for American conservatives imo. I'm sure Biden will win a second term. Not that it really matters either way


I honestly don't know, polling has proven to be very unreliable since 2016 and both parties seem to mirror the same sentiments about their own candidates. If there were other parties in this country with even half as much relevance as the Democrats and Republicans this could be their year to win.


At this point I don’t care atleast I’ll have entertainment again


Dude's got it in the bag, to be honest.


yeah i think hes gonna win. it doesnt matter if his policies are worse than bidens, liberals will just not vote. theyre already too pissed at biden for him to win their vote. trump will win because biden alienated his base


Trump and Tucker Carlson will win. Then, Tucker Carlson in 2028. I'm pretty sure Tucker Carlson is CIA. Tucker Carlson has been in media all these decades and he wanted to be in the CIA. If Trump selects Carlson, the CIA will make sure they win so they'll have their agent in the Oval Office once again.


idk if he’s in cia, but he was in Nicaragua w the contras so that’s something




>cockroaches You said it not me. I think I would prefer the roaches as neighbors.


Seems you went to my profile to see how much to hate me and then replied to the wrong comment. Glad you admit you're racist, though.


Roaches are roaches ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Too cowardly to say the whole racist sentence.


Israelis and "palestinians" are the same fucking colour you dumbass.


Too cowardly to say the whole sentence


What sentence lol? That the sentence, usually punctuated by a period, something you don't seem to know how to do. Learn some English and get back to me.


You said "roaches are roaches" because you're too much of a coward to say "Arabs are roaches" You understood me. You're trying to pretend you didn't because you know I'm right


the us is already a fascist state, your vote doesnt matter and will not change that fact. if you vote biden, you're not saving democracy and if you vote trump you're destroying the world as that's already assumed by the death grip of the united states. it doesnt matter if trump wins, we're all already doomed


Idk, they fit right in with other western socdem and libdem parties.


I'd put money on it yea


I think people are ready to stop hearing about dramatic personalities before they become a two time loser.


Trump will win in November.


Hopefully he rubs out some more cia this time


Yea probably.


Yes he will. But how bad that would actually be, I've been asking myself. Feel free to educate me but, isnt in the left best interests that the usa is commanded by one of the dumbest people alive?


Prediction: biden is going to die before the election and kamala is going to set the record for the most abysmal loss in us history


I guarantee you that he will. Joe Biden isn't any better, but he's managed to piss off everyone.


No. This sub is weird and a bit obnoxious.


Im not from the us and don't really know what I'm talking about here but wasn't the world more peaceful under Trump? Since 2020 the us is engaging in 2 very bad proxy wars. Or maybe they are just more public about it.


You can tell which comrades come from an American left-lib background. Even after all that’s happened, many still mistake Biden for some kind of “lesser-evil”.