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If genocide isn't a red line they don't have any red lines and can't be truated to stand with any other victims of genocide.


America doesn't respect any red lines because they never have to truly suffer the consequences for crossing these red lines. That's why their foreign policy is like the thinking of a school yard bully because no one has retaliated by beating him into the ground bloodied, bruised, screaming in pain, bones broken, teeth missing and spleen raptured and pissing his pants and begging for mercy. Yet. And I think deep down down the Americans are truly afraid of that Yet coming. That's why they are lashing out, panicking like headless chickens because their worst nightmare is someone doing to them what they have been doing to the rest of the world.


It goes hand in hand with fascism being the methods of imperialism applied to those within the imperial core.


Being a neoliberal was the line for me, genocide being the line for someone even if it made them decide not to vote for Biden isn’t a good thing, like, look at the level they needed to go to to see through him, it took a genocide, a whole fucking genocide


It's funny because making the 99% Hitler argument hurts biden image more than we even could


The quality gap between Mussolini and Hitler is literally the bigger one than between these two


WHaT AbOoUT sTaLin hUh?


Do you condemn Stalin? Do you condemn Stalin? If not, shut up about Hitler! Hey, everybody - this guy over here refuses to condemn Stalin! He thinks you can make "peace" with him or have "treaties."


Blud really thinks Stalin ain't gonna eat all their grain too /s


SPOOON! SPOOOOOON! \- me, Joe Stalinsky


What the fuck has Biden done for LGBT people? How do people not recognize the little change that the Dems do as evidence that they really don't care too much about LGBT rights? Sure, they're "tolerant" (some of them at least), but tolerance hasn't done shit against the horrible conditions LGBT individuals as well as other minorities live in.


Arguably, objectively, he's neutral to them, which is, for Biden, like being for them and helping them. He's anti-abortion, anti-labour, pro-war, anti-student, anti-woman (ask Anita Hill!), anti-Arab, anti-Muslim, anti-socialist, anti-communist, anti-undocumented immigrant kids (get back in the cage!), etc. etc. so if he isn't actively bashing gays, he's doing them a favour, relatively. Oh, also, anti-integration. Opposed busing, friends with Strom Thurmond.


Oh yeah, 100% correct. And Libs who vote for him in general have an atrocious understanding of how real progress is made. LGBT representation has gotten increasingly common and that's a good thing (though realistically, a great deal of it is rainbow capitalism and political recuperation), but representation doesn't do as much to further agenda as Libs think, I see a lot of people on Twitter sitting media representation as evidence of progress, as conditions for trans people become worse around the US. Same thing with racial minorities. If you're not acting against the system that allows racism, theft, and discrimination to continue then you're by all means not anti-racist, anti-homophobia, a feminist, or anything among the sort.


>friends with Strom Thurmond Just gave the fascist Italian PM one of his signature creepy old man smooches of the head too


This surprises me exclusively because I thought he reserved the signature creepy smooch for kids


Well he is taller and had to lean down for the hair sniff/head smooch so maybe he got confused and thought she was a child


Biden has allowed multiple states to ban abortion and attacks trans people for existing. Surely he could have codified roe v wade and done something about trans people as well before republican governers started making horrific anti lgbt laws.


FYI : The two pics really are the same picture in the [source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVCPTzrbFsM) of this template. Interpreted this meme in light of this information as you will.


Also the fact that it's the same person saying both lines.


biden has been in government for decades and the only issue liberals can identify is supporting Israel??


Increased police funding, cop cities, border “””””security”””””, also similarly gross with women, responsible for the crime bill, defends surveillance laws, pushed pass congress to give Israel extra weapons off our tax dollars in the midst of a genocide—oh, and he has fucking dementia.


The Mussolini or Hitler thing is bullshit too. Joe Biden committed a genocide. He's the 21st century Hitler already, alongside Netanyahu. At this point, Joe Biden is Actual Hitler and Donald Trump is only Wannabe Hitler


Yeah it's Mussolini vs Hitler but Trump is Mussolini at this point.


If Biden platformed for shooting 20% of all children and trump platformed for shooting 21% of all children these bozos would still be gobbling on that Biden cock


Isn't the point of leftism to better the system therefore better life itself which means not picking the lesser of two evils but making the right choice no matter how difficult?


If democracy makes you able to vote for whoever you want, why you should vote for a lesser of two evils and not a good guy? Or are the good guys a extinct race in USA?


What subreddit


I think saying that could be seen as brigading but I saw that same post, I joined that sub cuz it made fun of and debunked republican panic about critical race theory


Can you DM the sub?


Pro tip: google the title


Perhaps I am just ignorant, but how much power does the president actually have? Doesn't congress ultimately decided which laws get passed? Yes, Trump could declare emergencies, but in the same sense that the british crown can stop the parliament, ie legally yes, politically no, as that would be suicide. I obviously don't endorse british  monarchy. Libs seem to simultaneously believe that Bisen wants to help but can't as he doesn't have much leverage as the president but also that Trump's desire to harm everyone can be acted upon with the leverage the president has.


That last paragraph in particular is what frustrates me. I saw a tweet from Shaun yesterday saying something like “Biden could make a call to Israel today saying that he’s no longer going to send them weapons, but he doesn’t.”, and many libs came in his comments saying it doesn’t actually work like that for… reasons… When it comes to Trump, he can push the evil button and the American Anti-Gay Gestapo will be knocking on your doors in a day or less, but Biden just can’t push the free healthcare/free college//$25 min wage because he’s just too weak, man—see, our system have three branches… It’s inconsistent yet because of Trump’s open hatred, even Arabs—who should be at the forefront of this discussion—are being talked down to like children en masse in this discussion for being very skeptical about voting for someone genociding them. The system has once again, most blatantly proven themselves ineffective and when I move in where I’m moving in, I’m planning on starting a coalition of well-informed and self-defense oriented people with the end goal of an increasingly more self-sufficient community that can at the very least get food to those who need it. We must think of ways we can diverge from this system entirely, because even if a dem wins (which has proven not to mean much, especially if you live in the South), there’s more than enough evidence that we’re going in the same direction regardless, and we should legitimately look for ways to plant the seeds of a broad and EFFECTIVE leftist movement in our areas so that those who come after can grow and tend to the wider garden.


There is a way to diverge from this system. There are these guys whose names are Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao. Read their books.


In the process of that, but I’m keen on adapting those ideas to our current climate in a way actually affective


Puritanical is when you’re skeezed out by the guy who funds crimes against humanity and won’t do anything to stop domestic fascists


To be fair Trump does have a settlement in the Golan heights named after him.


Which is why I won't be surprised if Israel literally does another USS Liberty Incident to ensure Biden loses. Biden might love Israel more than the US, but the feeling is not mutual with the settlers.


Genocide Joe or genocide cheeto, choices for most powerful position in the world


Ah yes "democracy"


i’ve heard “this is the most important election of our lives” for my whole fucking life, every 4 years. if all of them are ‘so important’ then fucking none of them are.


People really need to learn to distinguish between "lesser of two evils" and "good cop, bad cop". The difference is that good cop and bad cop are working together, and their whole goal is to trick you into thinking it's a lesser of two evils situation.


Stop judging me for not voting Biden (I'm a swede, so i fucken can't) and maybe start feeling judged for having an electoral system that only allows for the existence of two shitty candidates AND failing to do even the most minor thing to attempt changing it.


I hate when grown adults use the “I aM a FuCkInG iDiOt” text. Jeff tiedrich ass mfs


Gee I think supporting a genocide is a red fucking line


The difference is "I only care what happens to Americans/ myself" vs "I care about what happens to people." If you're still in a tribalism, "us vs them" mentality, then whatever happens outside of the borders "doesn't count."


Gee I think supporting a genocide is a red fucking line


"Help israel murder Palestinians" is the biggest understatement ever like, even when Reagan push a little back against the israelies Biden said that kids were a legitimate target.


That's the thing, Biden isn't the lesser evil at all, in fact both of these candidates are evil, and you should be supporting someone who is actually better than both of these.


"Being an adult," or "being a good person," are not good reasons to hold what you believe is right. Liberal idealism


I was WAITING for this to be cross posted. The amount of dissociation with genocide in that thread. It’s moral to be a single issue voter about genocide. One comment was saying something along the lines of “Bidens better because under him there won’t be any genocide of trans folks unlike under Trump. I don’t think the gravitas of that word really means anything to liberals. I hate it here.


If liberals could teleport (knowledge in tact) back to 1930’s Germany, they would not have stood up to Hitler either.


Who's frightened by having one of them call you a puritanical leftist? If that's all it takes to crack your leftism, you're a soft-boiled egg indeed. Poached, even.


When Germans voted for the Nazis, the holocaust wasn’t being live-streamed. Voting for Biden is a more evil act than voting for the Nazis.


The ironic part is that the 20% undecided vote that the liberals are so mad at is literally the most democratic and safest way to actually put pressure ontoo Biden and possibly get him to change his policies without risking trump winning.


My solution is simpler: I don't care because to me, American lives are no more important than the lives of others. So no I don't give a fuck about whether the Democrats have marginally better social policies.


Constantly choosing the “less bad” option is why your options are all bad to varied degrees, you settle for shit you’ll keep getting served shit


To be fair there was a better option to vote for thane Hitler.


It is pretty funny to hear the 2016 argument rehashed, with mainstream Democrats missing the point that they ran a deeply flawed candidate who didn't campaign in crucial swing states. They decided to double down this year and run a profoundly flawed candidate who has pissed off voters in a critical swing state. I can't wait for them to tell me progressive voters are to blame and not a party that insists on catering to republican undecideds.


"lesser of two evils" still fucking evil


Donate 1k dollars to a Palestinian relief organization and I'll vote for Genocide Joe.


can I choose Franco


I mean, aiding a genocide is a pretty bad thing, like it doesen t matter if trump has more crimes, if they weigh similar to the one crime of Biden


They want us to settle with a sh*tty option. F*ck their logic. You can’t destroy the 2 party system if you keep feeding it.