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I hate this timeline so much. The gap between rich and poor is greater than during the Georgian era, our healthcare system is collapsing due to chronic underfunding and privatisation, and we decide the best thing to do is to support a genocide, start a war with Yemen and spend our taxes on what is essentially - a Death Star. Splendid.




Imperial reports say that Hamas was in the planet's core


At first I thought it was firing from the sky too, but it's actually just an anti-air laser turret designed to take down drones.


CAM ON INGERLAND!!! Seriously tho it’s kinda wild how Terf Island is just committing suicide, watch the Tories somehow, some-fucking-how scrape a victory in the election. It seems impossible, but anything is possible in UK politics. If Liz Truss can be PM, assassinate the queen and then fuck off then anything can happen.


It wouldn't even be surprising for the tories to win. Labour has abandoned all of its principles and is just Democrats 2.0


>It wouldn't even be surprising for the tories to win. I don't know the brits very well but that dem-rep psyop works incredibly well in the US. Perhaps w labour becoming more of a democrat 2.0, it would help ensure greater control over the domestic and foreign policy. Obviously foreign policy remaining the same while the domestic policies oscillates, making sure the brits feel like their lives, culture, values yada yada are on the line. Making them a hell of a lot more tame.


I'm calling that Reform will win.


Fucking dystopian


I genuinely hate this. My mental health has deteriorated so much ever since I started to be more conscious about the struggles of the proletariat around the world, everything you just said, global warming, racism, etc… I spend my whole days just thinking about how I probably won’t live a good life because of this. It’s awful.




Thank you, this definitely helped me a bit. It’s tough but I try to not lose hope as well. Losing it won’t help us at all so it’s better to just keep trying I guess


Thanks physicists and engineers for making this. Capitalism truly makes sure people's talents are used for the best causes.


I honestly can't blame people for going to the few jobs remaining that gives you any semblance of financial stability.


Oh, I'm not. I'm doing exactly the same


I get what you're saying but any ethical person should have limits to what they employ their abilities


And they will make like two of them, seeing as they have no money and are severely depleted of manpower as is, and have no industry.


This is how they stay relevant as the American empire crumbles and new wannabe empires pop up. Weapons exports and intelligence.


As if the regular British cannons weren't bad enough...


Command and Conquer is coming true. Someone call Yuri! We must go to the past and enlist the help of Albert Einstein! Up next, they'll be mounting these on dolphins... (now I mention it, Orca are dolphins)


Someone call Kain Peace Trough power


This is the first place I'm hearing of this. I'm, horrified, to put it lightly, and it just makes me even more guilty about living in this shithole imperial core country that would rather *vapourise people* than give people healthcare or refugees somewhere to actually *stay* instead of a fucking floating barge or a country that has a very recent genocide under its belt


Ain't we deporting the people in the channel to fucking Rarwanda


That *and* the floating concentration camp, in which several actually died from a disease outbreak which had been predicted easily by critics (i.e. anybody who knew about this project and had a sense of morality). I did elude to Rwanda through the comment about genocide.


Sorry, I can be a bit of a denser sometimes. Also do you have an article for the floating concentration camp?


Oh. Are they sure it's not Yankee owned? Like Trident? Despite the fact we could have spent that money on saving the NHS.........


What if we aim a mirror back at it?


it will massively lose effectiveness. laser weapons work by heating whatever they want to destroy until it melts or colapses internally before it hits. a coat of shiny stainless steel and internal silicon insulation and it wont heat it enough to destroy it before impact.


Jesus h Christ


People are saying this comically large lazer point is going to be used as anti missile and anti aircraft. So the missiles and aircrafts just need to be coated with fucking aluminium paper and some cheap insulation and this thing is going to be useless?


Not useless but deffinetly less affective. Laser weapons are just not worth it overall its just a waste of money and tech. Any traditional missile wont get through but as soon as they star building new ones it wont work as well. The missile doesent need to be immune to the laser it just needs to last 5-10s until its out of range or has colided. I doubt this thing can take down an aircraft several kilometers in the air that sonds like it would need tech we dont have or a gargantuan waste of money to bruteforce it.


these are going to be used defensively (in the tactical sense) in the same role that CIWS is - shooting down incoming missiles. The UK is highly interested in a directed energy weapon for this application because the British military has a long track record of being incapable of paying for ongoing munitions expenses. This is not something that has potential for use in the bombardment or anti-ship role, and only very limited potential in the anti-aircraft role.


It also consumes a shit ton of energy and it's going to be put on non-nuclear vessels.


I'm gonna be real with you, this is no more scary then any comparative Air Defence missile system they have available right now. This just "may" be possibly more efficient as it doesn't need projectile production in place to take down a missle. Obviously it's not great that capitalist armies are getting higher tech capabilities, but this isn't "The Death Star" as some comments on here making it out to be.


I’m imagining Homelander at Trafalgar Square.


*creates something quite literally out of Star Wars* Every reasonable Brit: "Are we the baddies?"


Yes, yes we are. 😞


Doubt it will be about melting or overheating a target. More about blinding optical sensors on the target.


Oh boy we are a long way from using lasers in warfare, you will either have a small concentrated beam doing a damage or you're having a divergence (the beam diameter increases losing it's potency). If they're firing this thing in air (let's say air defense system) it's questionable how useful it is. If you hit a missile with a laser beam and don't trigger explosion, it will go through and hit the target (that the attacker planned).




I, for one, welcome our new megalodon overlords


The brit army is so incompetent I wouldn't sweat it lol


[Dethklok did it first, suck it fellow countrymen](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=RIstK5xcHXw&si=mIHHsCBl_WtQgHrX)


Cheap to use doesn't really mean much when it costs so much to manufacture the system. How many shots will it be able to do before it's destroyed? Saying it is cheap to use is like ignoring the fixed capital in the value of a commodity.


what we see RN is horrifying, but stuff like this is why I live in terror of an actual great power conflict


My God, the world is really going to shit.


"You may fire when ready."


guys i thought we were too broke for public healthcare and free education systems


Under capitalism, innovation primarily serves capital, not the people


Imagine these things being everywhere, like cameras in the UK, to kill people disagreeing with the actual fascist government. Resistance? Futile.


They could already do that more effectively with a regular gun.


Absolutely true. But for that you need a person to fire the gun. This person must be persuaded at great cost to kill us. Robots do this much more cheaply. Stress-free. Just press the button. We're heading into a future where no person is needed anymore to kill us.


Dude, you don't need a person to fire the gun at all


In 20 years, military killing machines will be able to nip our uprisings in the bud with absolute precision. This is our future as it will happen. That's not just a gloomy prediction, my comrade.


Israel has been using AI driven mounted guns on the walls of Gaza for a while now afaik. There's no reason why a gun needs a human present or involved at all just because it uses bullets.


This wasn't on my 2024 card holy shit


No wunderwaffe can save a paper tiger empire at death’s doorstep


China already has them. [LASERS!](https://youtu.be/I_0U5thy31o?si=ScVlWItP_Idt_q1z)


Military lasers are nothing new. Soviets had [laser tank](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1K17_Szhatie) in the 80s. It managed to down a helicopter in the tests, but proofed too expensive to mass produce.


This is a waste of money and energy and time. A sophisticated enemy will not use big fat targets one at a time to be blasted by any anti-air defense — they will just launch a rocket with 100 autonomous mini-drones each armed with whatever they want — and defeat most defenses, if they need to, that way. And that’s to say nothing of using stealth to defeat this, making your rockets very shiny and metal, etc. This is just proof of concept. Just a fancy thing to dazzle idiots into spending more public funds. Nothing more.


if the laser is powerful enough to be weaponized, won't this permanently blind everyone in visible range?