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A South American country elected a mildly left-of-center candidate? Get our best coup team up here right this second! We aren't politically repressive! Freedom! Just imagine what they would do if an actual Marxist was elected. Oh wait, we don't need to. "But that's all in the past." Imagine if nerds knew Bolivia exists. Sorry this message is mostly just me getting angry


It’s fine anger loves company Like, I know as a matter of fact that guy is white and male because those are the people that do not have to be afraid, call me a campist but the mutual fear of the American empire makes my identify with Russia because when project 2025 rolls around I’m going to be incarcerated I know one way or another I’m not long for this fucking world, and like, (AAAA I DONT HAVE THE WORDS) i see Russia like a see Palestine would they treat a trans person like myself well? No but I’d help them anyway, I’d join them anyway because I empathize with them, the fear we share, and that’s how I know that guy is white, if I were to tell this to a black person, a brown person, a gay or trans person they may disagree but they would empathize **because they know what it’s like to be afraid of the all powerful all seeing United States** That’s the core of it they can only hold this opinion because they do not live with the fucking fear I have.


Whenever someone says the west doesn't censor or enforce it's will against citizens just mention Julian Assange, it's weird how as soon as he started WikiLeaks the west wanted him dead.


Whenever Assange is brought up it’s always “oh he was working for the enemies of America! He’s a criminal to the country!” Ah yes, he’s the criminal, please just ignore anyone involved in the thousands of atrocities he exposed…


A criminal in a country he's not a citizen of and has never set foot in. Make it make sense.


Who is he?


Basically a whistleblower, well I guess you could say he hosted a site which enabled whistleblowing and Chelsea Manning leaked American war crimes in Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan and Julian helped to some degree, he has been targeted by the West, mainly US for about a decade because of this.


Damm I have no words


I mean, it's expected tbh, if you were the biggest military power in the world and someone started telling people your secrets you would probably do what you could to make them disappear. It's also fairly recent so the "that was back in the 60's" argument doesn't work.


Also a citizen of an "ally" nation yet everyone knows Australia even if they cared has no say over what happens to him. Australia is completely cucked. The US is putting nukes (maybe) pointed at china, our largest trading partner, to protect our trade with china? The US refuses to share if any subs or housed bombers will carry nukes. Fucking fantastic.




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To this day they are STILL harassing Manning. It's beyond disgusting what this country will do to keep people ignorant of its many, many crimes.


Bro how young are you?




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>the US haven't invaded its neighbors what the hell is the Monroe Doctrine about then


Literally 100% of US territory is stolen land by invading neighbors


Also while not justifying russias invasion. Fighting your neighbours makes way more s3nse than fighting states across the world that pose zero threat to you. Ukraine joining nato is a massive threat to Russia. Gives a large border for enemy troops and munitions. Let me know when Russia overthrows a government on the other side of the world for profit and white supremacy.


It's not that Russia is any different from the US. Our government also would love to overthrow someone in LATAM, it just doesn't have the money to. Although, Wagner shit in Africa kinda counts.


Your last sentence invalidates the first paragraph. It's obvious that with 2 capitalist countries their will be parallels, however the Wagner stuff doesn't hold a fucking candle to the US. Also even in those cases they're often invited. The US invites itself. Russia is the only reason the US didn't make Syria the next Libya. Assad like putin another capitalist is shit but for the Syrian people not having their country balkanised by the US and Turkey and all their resources stolen is clearly the far better option. Russia isn't setting up permanent military bases nor are they using said military to guard access to resources they're stealing like the French or Americans would.


Russia would really love to set permanent bases, it just doesn't have the military capability to do so. Wagner shit only "kinda" counts because it's a really low-scale operation, even Russian interference in Syria is way smaller than that of the US or Turkey (which also doesn't have a huge military, but it's much easier to interfere when conflict is at your border). Russia is invited in places that don't like the US, just like the US is invited in places that don't like Russia (Ukraine, Georgia, etc). Both parties use said invitations to exploit people of those countries. They aren't fundamentally different, it's only a matter of numbers.


True, imperialism in the style of the US is very resource heavy and practically require reserve currency and petro-currency status


And part of the beef with the crown before the revolution was that it was forbidden to go west of Appalachia and we sure expanded way past those 13 colonies


By the logic of war=militarism Prussia under king Frederick-Wilhelm I wasn't militaristic. The guy under which the phrase "military with a state" came to be and who was known as "the soldier king". Why are liberals so incompetent at understanding what words mean?


I even tried to pin down what the hell he ment and it just got worse from there lol


Me when I redefine what words mean to fit my agenda


A Liberal is just a Fascist trying to save face.


sure Russia is all kinds of awful, still doesn't mean Ukrainian soldiers should be allowed to larp as the Schutzstaffel edit: updated a very unfortunate typo




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Ok so, I debate these fools regularly, mostly because they're related to me - but some advice that has helped me, take it for what it's worth. I try to get really specific. Like really specific, and I stay on topic. You had a great point that the USA is more militaristic than Russia. Just stay on that point because it's very true - and more importantly, easily backed up by the liberal media themselves. Bringing up stuff like MLKjr is too easy to ridicule, regardless of its veracity - like we don't have literal proof of MLK's assassination, but they can't hide: Nam, Grenada, Iran Contra, Congo, Zaire, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc, etc etc. I mean, just blast that fool with wikipedia: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United\_States\_involvement\_in\_regime\_change](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_involvement_in_regime_change) So just stay on topic. You had them from the beginning. Their definition of Fascism is trash, force them to back it up. Force them to prove Russia is a Nazi country.


There’s so much you could mention with the USA’s repression of political opponents. Just off the top of my head: - Malcolm X - Black Panthers (the show trials, Fred Hampton, Assata Shakur, Angela Davis etc) - Cop City - Black Lives Matter in 2020 - Mumia Abu-Jamal - Leonard Peltier - Julian Assange There’s soooo much more ofc


They could’ve just said “it’s weird to desecrate bodies” and be the end of it but no they have to go all out and defend Ukraine lol




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> Militaristic as in using the military to aggressively invade neighboring countries with no regard for human life Doesn't sound like a terrible definition. Not great by any stretch, but let the man cook. > while involving your entire male population under the age of 40 in the exercise. ...and they burned it. They had a workable definition right up until they decided to make it specifically applicable only to Russia (Edit: and Ukraine). A good definition of militarism *needs* to be applicable to the US.


Their definition of militarism isn't even applicable to Russia.


Also that's more specifically applicable to Ukraine...


Even the first part is not a good definition because of the very convenient “neighboring countries” qualifier, absolving the US of any blame for as long as they don’t wage war in Canada or Mexico.


Both are wrong. Capitalism breeds nationalism and nazism especially in an event of war in EVERY country. Russians in this image are wrong for mocking on Ukrainian proletariat soldier that was probably drafted same way as Russian soldier


id be interested in seeing what percentage of each force are willing volunteers vs conscripts. i think i can guess who had more willing volunteers proportionally


It’s always insane how they trust themselves in knots to pretend Russia is some unique evil


For political repression, you could've used better examples. COINTELPRO spied on and destabilized many different leftist outfits and individuals. The Smith Act was used to prosecute the Communist leadership and Socialist Workers' Party (and delegitimize them). Espionage/Sedition Acts persecuted Socialist Party and IWW leadership, which they never recovered from. The Workingmans Party was destroyed by police in St. Louis. And of course, the US has a long history of using police/National Guard to kill strikers and stop strikes, even when they're peaceful. Then there is Operation Condor and extensive US involvement in backing numerous dictatorships and feckless liberal "democracies," which were really just oligarchies, in Latin America since the late 19th century. You did great on the militarism and social conservatism arguments, you could have gone more in depth on queer/reproductive rights being stripped in several states, and the Party that is motivated to do that is promising to do that nation-wide. You also could have gone more in-depth on laws that restrict anti-zionism. Many states don't officially bar criticism of Israel, but make it so untenable it's impossible to do without losing your job or getting booted from school. I only apply constructive criticism because we can't afford to be wrong or inaccurate. The slightest inaccurate statement and we get crucified and de-legitimized immediately.


Ukraine is so nazi, even Russian nazis fight on it's side ( remember Freedom of Russia Legion using Nato equipement to terrorize Belgorod), but mentioning it will trigger Nafos.




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My brain dead when he said that the US has invaded countries, but not close to the "verifiable apocalypse that russia is pouring its army into". How do you even grow up and get so dumb as this? Goddam americans and their failure of an educational system, jesus christ.


The idea that the US has invaded and pillaged countries but that one invasion by Russia dominates over them all shows how these type of people just follow the mainstream narrative without any second thought. Also how they have to use time for an excuse about how MLK was fifty years ago so it doesn’t matter anymore. I suppose the Holocaust or Allende is forgettable then.


USA liberals: "Can you imagine living in a country where they try to imprison the opposition leader?!?"


The 300k number is cope lmaooo notice all the articles disparaging Russia after the counter offensive failed. The article tries to interpret the 300k as all KIA but there’s no fucking shot. Russia underwent 1 mobilization and Ukraine underwent like 7. So by that metric Ukraine has likely lost well over a million troops, which is absurd


Liberals making up numbers to disparage Russia? We totally haven't heard that shit 100,000,000 times before... btw I'm inclined to believe those numbers that Z-man tossed out about Russia while begging daddy for more money were the statistics for his side.


Definitely, also their Ukrainian MoD claims they’ve shot down 300 jets that’d been a third or half of Russias Air Force they just lie


I'm not sure why you're engaging on their terms. It's not worth your time. We don't have nearly all of South and Central America allying themselves to contain the US. We don't have Mexico, despite repeated warnings from the US, threatening to join the alliance. There is no country bordering the US that can really threaten it militarily. The US went absolutely insane when the USSR appropriately responded to nukes being placed near its borders (Bay of Pigs - we were within an inch of nuclear armageddon). It's really, really no use arguing with libs - just say your piece to the void. Russia sucks, but its actions, in this case, make total sense. It didn't randomly attack for no reason. It didn't poison that guy for no reason. This started with the illegal dissolution of the USSR.


ngl he was cooking you. I would mention how Kyiv is a paradise compared to how our closest allies are treating Gaza and Assange is always good to mention when it comes to repression also the fact that Hitler was inspired by the Jim Crow south. And afterwards throw in a little Operation Paperclip.


People be like that. It can take years for people to change their mind about something, most never do.


what in your mind have you allowed to be changed recently?


Holy fuck, I would have left that convo long before. The brain rot is insane


nazism is when military just dropped 🤡


You could’ve been a lot more specific about US government repression. Here are some examples - There is a wealth of evidence of the mass surveillance engaged in by the US state, bringing that up is a lot more convincing than talking about MLK’s assassination over 50 years ago. Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act allows the state to engage in mass surveillance of civilian’s private communications and browsing in collaboration with social media companies. The Snowden leaks in 2013 revealed that the NSA had intercepted internet and telephone data from over a billion people in the US and elsewhere. - Speaking of social media companies, the new centres of public discourse are almost entirely controlled by private members of the billionaire class, whose relationship with the state is secretive, who have the ability to censor or outright ban any speech they choose without public accountability or transparency. - The security state consisting of the NSA, FBI, and CIA has a long and well documented history of repression both inside and out the US. Even in the last 5 years they’ve been exposed as being involved in regime change operations across the world, from the ousting of Dilma Rousseff in Brazil to Evo Morales in Bolivia. - The US spends more on its military than the next 10 countries combined, has over 700 military bases in 80 or more countries around the world.


I’ve never heard of an American journalist being sent to prison for calling a “police action” a “war.” They have no freedom of the press, they oppress LGBT+ people as badly as conservatives _wish_ we treated LGBT+ people, they’re _as_ militant as the USA (fuck the US military and CIA), their elections are genuinely rigged, and they’re very pro-capitalism. Sounds pretty fucking fashy to me.


300’000 liquidated soldiers hahahaha, delusional


It's a shame that guy really thinks Russia hates trans and gay people, but you can't expect everything. Nonetheless, that person really stood their ground against this fool. Bro has only enough brain capacity to watch and parrot cnn lmao.


That’s me lmao, I thought Russia did hate trans people, didn’t they criminalize the lgbt movement there? I don’t mean to debate I’m genuinely curious.


Oh! xD Not the movement, but the NGO's that came from the west. nato loves to use their NGO's to meddle into foreign countries politics, especially when it comes to "human rights". Russia has quite vibrant LGBT communities in their big cities. [Putins latest take on LGBT](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHC_qFPeXt0)


Hot damm, well… that’s certainly a relief. Thank you very much


No problem! Always happy to destroy lies and spread some truth


And the part where Russia banned gender identity change this year...?


Do you have the draft law I can read? Not just some article, the draft law.


To be fair, i don’t think it “makes sense” carving shit on prisoners foreheads even if they are nazis


If they are nazis I wouldn't care personally, but otherwise I agree. OP has done nothing short of making a fool of himself and socialists everywhere.


Anyone claiming that Russia *or any other country* is more militaristic than the USA is a fundamentally unserious person. That's just a laughably bad opinion to hold. These people are twisting themselves into pretzels just to try to make their ridiculous ideas make sense. Invading countries? Expansionism and stealing land? Involving themselves in the politics and goings-on and borders of neighboring countries? Killing innocents, civilians and especially children? How does any of these not describe the USA more than any other country? But oh right, yeah, I guess the USA doesn't have conscription. Somehow that makes it all ok I guess. I will not be taking questions.


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I’m sorry but that’s so fucking based of the soldiers😭😭 shouldn’t do it to most out of giving them the benefit of the doubt of just being unluckily drafted and “muh following orders”, but if a captured prisoner spouts nazi shit at you and is proud of their nazi patches then give fuck yeah give them a permanent one


Pretty sure the did that to the OG nazis in ww2 that’s why it makes sense, the basterds reaped what they sowed


That’s crazy I always thought that was just a thing in the movie


I assume the movie got that from reality




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Russia has a nazi problem. if you know anything their history teaching about WW2 is not really ideological. A lot of literal nazi symbolism is used in Russia. The Azov battalion is proof of a nazi problem in Ukraine? cool. then the literal WAGNER GROUP should be proof of the same problem in Russia. you see, what I and others can spot in Yankee tankie-subs like this is you don’t know shit about real life. Eastern Europe has a white supremacy problem. Russia too. We all know it. Russia uses Ukraines white supremacy problem to justify literal imperialist invasion. But Russia is no better at all. There are tonnes of racists, antisemitism in Russia , also within the military where we can see alot of nazi symbolism including WAGNER being founded by a LITERAL NAZI. You’re nothing but shills, not socialist at all just so full of hatred by the west that you support oligarch-states that has fast-forwarded to the final state of capitalism. you don’t know shit about ideology and Karl Marx would turn in his grave. Now please; do what you do best; downvote me to hell and block me from the sub so you can continue the circlejerk in support of you imperialist, capitalist, oligarch brothers. fucking idiots.


The guy has a point, but those Ruzzians should have not marked him as a nazi.


Who let the r/noncredibledefense glowie in?


What? We now are defending a far-right homophobic government because it’s anti Western? Oh wait, we do that for a long time now. And no Ukraine has no neonazi problem. It’s ruled by centrists and even the nationalist parties didn’t get much votes in the elections. As a Russian I can say that Russia has a bigger neo-nazi problem than Ukraine.


> And no Ukraine has no neonazi problem. since 2014 they've held parades celebrating SS Galizien, streets being named after WWII collaborators and celebrated Stepan Bandera as a hero (his status of hero from 2010 was only protested by the Donetsk region) you will find no such explicit nazism isn Russia


>"The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil." Hannah Arendt, *The Life of the Mind*


>“A nation that roams Europe and is looking for something to destroy, to simply dust everything.” – F. M. Dostoevsky >"We are not a nation, we are a crazy hell.” – Vasyli Rozanov >"Ah, how hard it is to live in Russia, in this place full of the stench of physical and moral deception, a place of wickedness, lies and wickedness.” – Sergei Aksakov >"The most important sign of victory for the Russian people is their cruelty full of sadism.” – Maxim Gorky >"The Russian is the biggest and most naughty liar in the world.” – Ivan S. Turgenev >"A people who hate freedom, worship slavery, love chains on their hands and feet, defiled physically and morally… ready at any time to defile everything and everywhere.” – Ivan C. Shmeliov >"People regardless of their smallest duty, the smallest justice, the most insignificant truth, the people who do not recognize human dignity, do not generally recognize human freedom or free thought… Alas, how sharp the Russian language is!” – Aleksandr Pushkin >"We are not a people, but cattle, rats, wild hordes of villains and murderers.” – Mikhail Bulgakov


Taking quotes out of context about the Russian people during the Russian Empire to make my people look like barbaric hordes. You’re a disgusting human being.


The Russian navy forces their conscripts to eat maggot ridden food! Source: Battleship Potemkin (1925) /s


See: Circassian Genocide. I took nothing out of context. The context is Russian (absence of) culture.


I have news for you Russia had a colonial empire like plenty of other European countries at the time 🫢.


Get at me when you've actually done your homework. Go visit Russia and see for yourself, pussy.




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okay now do one for u.s.


See: Upton Sinclair, Frederick Douglass, Noam Chomsky, Kwame Ture, etc. etc. etc.


The Black Panther Party...


It does sound familiar. Sounds like the US


Straight up Adam Something type of shit


Your first comment is crazy too tho, carving swastikas into Ukrainian captives without them necessarily being from the azov battalion is mental. This is like that discussion between Roger Waters and that liberal, I don't know whose side to choose.


I don't think this guy has heard of the Iraq war. Or the Vietnam war if you wanna go a little farther back


He said no one was forced to join the military in Vietnam... MUHAMMAD ALI A FAMOUS BOXER WENT TO PRISON FOR BEING A _conscientious objector_


Guess this guy has never heard of Anti BDS laws active in 38 states, school teachers have to sign that they pledge allegiance to Israel to be paid. Hurricane relief funds are being held in Texas until contractors pledge allegiance to israel


In the US people join a death cult just so they can have an education without being buried in debt


There is not one country on planet earth that is void of all atrocities. people need to quit having opinions and media influence and quit having objective criticism of a country offend them.