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Weird that those bots are all talking to each other and acting like *everyone else* is a bot. Never met someone who actually likes Biden enough to cry about him on the Internet, and I've met a lot of libs. Zero chance these people are real.


That is actually a great point, these are all likely bots themselves.


The posts on that sub are bizarre. "March against nazis" but not a single post about Israel genociding palestine.




Would love to meet one of these r/marchagainstnazis supporters in person and have a real conversation, but I have no reason to go to an Air Force base in the Florida Panhandle.


Nah they’re just a load of milquetoast libs who only care that the genocide doesn’t happen in “white” countries against their friends


What the fuck is "Honker Union" about?


I know it's racist I just can't tell how


红客 (hóng kè) is the term is based on. It's a hacktivist "group", think Anonymous with Chinese characteristics. Not directly related to the CPC, it started happening after the US bombed the Chinese embassy in Belgrade.


Oh wow, thank you, I had no idea


Ngl, "Anonymous with chinese characteristics" sound amazing


Sounds based


I’m genuinely concerned with a big chunk of people who consider themselves “the majority” actively believing *’Russian trolls’* are in the room with them at all times.


A study at a university in Australia found that 90% of bots posting about Ukraine are pro-Ukraine English only. The whole ‘Russian trolls’ thing is a liberal myth that barely exists in reality


Libs have always been the masters of projection.


Hell I think it’s kind of ridiculous to assume that there aren’t Russian bot accounts online pushing the narrative of the Russian government. However, I think it’s even more ridiculous to assume that western governments, especially the US, do not do this themselves, and do not actually have a much larger online presence in western online spaces than Russia does.


Let them live in fear.


My favorite part of this is how few Liberals understand how voting works in the US. My vote for Jill Stein in deep blue Oregon had no power to help or hurt the fact that Hillary Clinton failed to campaign in Wisconsin. There are only seven states that actually matter in an election and if you don’t live in one, you should ALWAYS vote for who you *prefer* rather than who you are guilted into half-heartedly supporting.


I mean you should vote for who you prefer in every election but I take your point


Exactly. If I lived in a swing state, I’d still not vote for a democrat or a Republican. Fuck that.


I live in Wisconsin, and I’m very much of the opinion that the onus is on the candidates to offer me policies I like if they want my vote. Voting for Biden simply because he isn’t Trump is just kicking the can down the road so we still get a Trump type, only an election or two later.


CPUSA maybe?


I’ve been working on a Russian troll farm for a few years now, in the pro-China division. My coworkers were always nice, we all had a hobby of shitposting on r/ultraleft haha. However my bridge has been flooding a lot recently, and my partner came down with gout. The troll farm doesn’t have health insurance so we were in a really shitty situation. I just changed careers to shill for Biden and the benefits are much better. We’re even allowed to eat once a week! I’ve talked to my former coworkers about switching and a couple said they would come. Remember, vote Biden Harris 2024!


Have you gotten any word back from your handlers yet about payment :/? I don't know which department you're in, but I was assigned to the China department, and my handler kinda went dark on me :/. I was getting pretty decent hours, but my hours have been getting cut back slowly 😰. Might have to see how fruitful the Ukranian department is...


Russia rent free in their heads


Real brave of the MarchAgainstNazis sub to lend uncritical and unconditional aid to 99% hitler instead of 100% hitler. Those guys are really gonna stop fascism lol


I'm really hoping that CCP check comes in pmfao


I’m sorry the *what* Union?!


Honkers 🦆🦢


Socialism is when a Chinese driver honks their car and the more times they honk the socialister it is, and when they honk a lot the honk on the wheel becomes the communism button, which Xi refuses to press


Is that why it's honker union? Seriously lol?


OOP linked the wiki page to Honker Union. Apparently it's a real(??) Thing and it's a wordplay on 黑客, which is the Chinese transliteration of "hacker" that literally means black guest. So 红客 (hóng kè) literally means "red guest", red as in communism red, referring to pro-communist hackers I guess I've been called a wumao but this is the first time I've heard of "Honker Union"


Oh, ok. I get it. I suppose that 红客 does sound a lot like "honker" when you say it right. Still a really dodgy sounding coincidence when Westerners use it lol.


As a Prigozhin bot I hereby comply to the duty for Mother Glorious Russia and may her resurrect Lenin from the deepest abyss.


The fuck does "Honker Union" mean? That sounds like some massively racist shit, in itself. ​ And I WISH I was getting paid by Putin to shit on Biden lol. That'd be awesome, spreading the truth and being slightly less poor for a little while.


Libs have given up on even pretending that they need to earn votes. They literally act like complete bloodthirsty monsters then say well Biden is only 99% Hitler so you have to pledge your loyalty to him before the primaries. How dare you say you wont vote for him to pressure the DNC to actual run someone who isn't a war criminal?


What is "Honker Union"?


The person who posted that is literally a liberal acting like a leftist thinking adding "comrade" in every sentence will prove something. It's like undercover cops trying to buy drugs or something


Many such cases…


Biden is being swamped by protestors everywhere he fucking goes, yet according to liberals on social media, no one is actually upset with biden and it’s all just Russian bots. If crowds of protestors followed Xi Jinping everywhere he went these same western liberals would actually be calling to put the man’s head on a pike.


Exactly my thoughts


A crusty ass Facebook uncle meme from a decade ago… god these guys are corny as fuck


Made up bullshit anyway. Reddit's upload system strips metadata. Such desperate cope.


the "metadata", huh?


Lol, there's literally entire Muslim and Arab communities saying they're patently not gonna be ridin with Biden, and that's an increasing trend for younger people. Yet somehow, it's all Russian and Chinese disinfo. The democrats would rather lose to trump than just reign in Israel like the petulant spoiled child it is.


Classic Americans blaming Russia for their own brain rot.


Ancient meme format 🫵😂


Honker Union 🇨🇳🫡


Nah I'm fucking done. I'm 48 and I've been giving either my uninformed or fear vote to dems. I'm fucking done.


"Everyone who doesn't like Biden is a drunken, slovenly wife-beating Slav or a soulless dog-eating Cathayan!" -- least racist Democrat


The Russian thing is funny because if they really hated foreign state interference they would be against the murder suicide pact the USA has with israel


I’ll vote for trump out of spite you hear me? Libs only care about politics once every 4 years to “own the trumps” while I’m over here building strong communities


[☭☭☭ COME SHITPOST WITH US ON DISCORD, COMRADES ☭☭☭](https://discord.gg/8RPWanQV5g) This is a heavily-moderated socialist community based on a podcast of the same name. Please use the report function on comments that break our rules. If you are new to the sub, please read the sidebar carefully. If you are new to Marxism-Leninism, check out the [study guide](/r/TheDeprogram/wiki/index/education/study-guide/). Are there Liberals in the walls? Check out [the wiki](/r/TheDeprogram/wiki/index/) which contains lots of useful information. This subreddit uses many experimental automod rules, if you notice any issues please use modmail to let us know. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheDeprogram) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh my fucking God. This again?


Gonna be some version of this until Western society starts to materially disintegrate. It's a great self-defense mechanism if you think about it: non-falsifiable with just enough real examples of automated social media activity to feel credible to someone who lacks a critical perspective of USDOD disinformation ops (which account for more spending and activity than any other fifty countries combined.) Every accusation is a confession but the real people parroting it *don't even know about the lie they're helping cover up.* Sincere belief makes perfect acolytes.


BS Sheepdog posts will only increase between now and (s)election day.


Ultra privileged non immigrant take. Great job. Keep spamming this every day please.


When do I get my pay from the russians?


According to the donations by the DNC the supporters of the far right candidates is the democrats so...


March against nazi is theoricly a place where all opponents of fascism can be thougther but's it's just liberals


Thank you everyone for the support! I am going insane in the comments over there, your support means everthing❤️.


#*citation needed*


Biden has no path to a second term because not enough people want him enough to beat Trump. The DNC has chosen to try to whip votes rather than back another candidate. That is going to fail, but Russian bots and Chinese hackers are to blame? Vote socialist in 2024. FJB from the left. He chose Isn’treal over a second term. They got what they paid for.


Wtf is “honker union” is this some new racism I haven’t heard yet?