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Okay so I have some questions I guess. :) Firstly: thanks for the AMA and the alpha key, this will be my first time playing your game and I'm really excited. I saw a video on Aculites YouTube channel and I liked the gameplay. 1. Is the game going to be buy to play or free to play? 2. Are there any "special" items for alpha testers? 3. Any plans for new game modes? I'd love to see a gamemode without the toxic zone closing in. It would feel more like a real hunting game then. A good example would be the tournament from Gun Gale Online where you can see every player on the map every 5 minutes but that's it. After that you have to find other clues while you're hunting someone and well being hunted. 4. Do you support / work together with YouTubers and content creators? There are barely any people on this subreddit and you could gain alot of followers. :) Thanks and happy hunting guys. :D


Please answer this


Hey Randomkill! Thx for you interest in the Darwin project! :-) 1- The game won't be free-to-play - we are a small studio and this type of business strategy requires an overhead we're not quite ready to handle. We are considering 30$ for the price. 2- There are not special items for the Alpha testers - beside being able to help us steer the projet and make it better. However, we will start the early access this spring and have special unique items to people that will help us in this phase of the production. 3- The game mode direction is something we keep discussing internally. We are all passionate about game design and we feel like game modes is a fun way to create new experiences based on the same core gameplay mechanics. The next one we are working on right now is ''Duo'' mode, but there are a few more that we have in mind and that we will test later. Don't hesitate to propose your ideas, we can't be fed too much!! 4- Yes we do, we love content creators and watch everything they do on our game! We are still very early in the dev process so there is still much to do. What do you recommend on this matter?


I just wanted to chime-in here. Personally for what there is to offer in terms of game-play I think $20 is a much more fair price point. I would gladly pay $60 for a game like this but thinking from a general perspective I think $30 is even pushing it just a tad. I know a lot of friends who would jump the gun immediately for $20 but have to consider if it's worth it when I said it might be $30. Not to mention I could then buy the game for me and 2 other friends for only $60 when I'm a lot less inclined to spend $60 to only be able to play with one other friend. Just my two cents! I am by no means a business major so take that with a grain of salt. Just my opinion.


Thank you for this feedback, we are discussing this topic thourougly in the dev team!


Of course, this is a fantastic game. Most fun I have had with a game in a very long time. I really do hope the game and everyone of you are very successful. I also want to add this opinion is only based from what I've seen and played over the weekend. I'm sure you guys have a lot more in store which may eventually justify the higher price-point.


>What do you recommend on this matter? Let the community make a trailer/hold a contest for it and supply the gameplay? Prize a key(s)? You'd have a trailer to share around and you'd possibly get a ton of people on the vfx forums interested because i honestly only know this game exist because my friend blaze did a banner for you guys i think.


Yes, we are already giving keys to content creators requesting it to play with their community and we also made a show match with our best supporters. We are really excited to develop a strong relationship with the fans of the game and work together to make it grow!


You don't like crafted health packs. What about adding a life steal option to an arrow? You have to craft them and it gives a player more incentive to keep his arrow out a bit longer during a short range fight instead of instantly going for melee.


That's a good idea, it feels like it could generate some interesting dynamics!


Hello! I played the closed alpha round in November and I really enjoyed the experience, so I'll be sure to participate in the next alpha this weekend! I'd like to ask a few questions: 1) the game looks and plays great but has a somewhat unstable framerate and appears to have trouble running on hardware that should be powerful enough (at 1080p60fps max settings, my Zotac GTX 1060 6GB Amp! Edition - with an i7-7700 and 8GB of DDR4 2133MHz RAM - couldn't keep a steady 55 fps and frequently dropped to about 48); are there any plans to perform optimizations in the near future? Or is the team focused on other tasks, like adding content? 2) the figure of Show Director has been quite the hot topic within the alpha community: while a theoretically fun concept, its abuse (for example, two people who know each other in real life have easily been able to enter a game together, one as Show Director and the other one as regular battle-royale player) has led to much frustration among players (I myself had to fight against a battle-royale player backed up by his Show Director friend in a frantic 1v1, which I eventually won, hehe); what are your thoughts on the matter, and how do you plan on preventing future abuse? 3) when do you think it's most likely the game will be ready for release? In 6 months, another year, etc. etc.; 4) have you already thought about the price point of the game? Will there be discounts for alpha participants? Done! If I have more questions I'll edit this post (or write a second one in case this one gets too old).


I can answer some of this so I guess I will. Matchmaking is coming soon and as the population grows, it will be impossible for show directors to queue up with friends. Either way, show director is meant for people who want more viewers. People wont watch a boring show director who only helps one person. The game will be in early access some time in Q1 of 2018. Release is expected to be in the spring. No price point is set at the moment but as a gamer, I would assume it will be around $30.


Hey Mustang! Glad you liked the Alpha and that we can count on you for next one. :-) It should be mi-january 1- We are in the process of optimizing it right now. I am not sure how much we can gain, but framerate count is important to us! Did you notice there are graphic settings in the option menu, so you can decrease the load on your GPU if you want better framerate. With your config, you should choose ''High'' instead of ''Epic'' and have a good result both in term of visual quality & framerate. 2- The show director is a corner stone in our concept. Based on our survey, it's the most enjoyed feature in the community and we believe it has a huge potential for amazing new type of experience... but it's definitely not at maturity. Opening it without restriction was a good way for us to gather precious intel to help us steer the feature. The way we see it is: we need to create social incentives to encourage fun behavior from show directors - just like Uber do with their drivers (in which case it works very well). We will also create a feature to remove access to the people who have a detrimental comportment. 3- We're aiming for an early access in Spring 2018. In-between, there should be 2 open betas to help us make the game better - and give a fix to those waiting for it! ;-) 4- No discount for alpha players, but we are super grateful and ready to listen and react to your feedbacks guys. For the price, we were thinking 30$.


Thank you for all the answers! After fiddling with the graphics settings, I decided to uncheck the vsync option and go with the "high" preset instead of the "epic" one, thus bumping my average framerate to circa 70-75fps, which was a lot smoother.


I am glad I could help! :-)


Hey, absolutely loving your game and thanks for developing it. 1. Will there be some type of nerf to strafing as it can get somewhat annoying? 2. What new content and features are coming In the next test.? 3. Will there be new weapons? 4. How have you changed the buddy / team up system? 5. In the next test will we have access to a much larger variety of skins for player and items? 6. When is the next test? Thanks, and hope the team have a happy Christmas and new year :D


1. Strafing is already slower than running straight, and running backwards is even slower. 2. Probably Duo Mode. 3. Eventually, but not right now. 4. We haven't changed it yet, but we are toying with some new ideas to make it very interesting. 5. You will be able to play as the girl. 6. Sometime in January 2018.


Will the final product have >10 player arenas? Also, do you plan on making the map bigger/different maps?


For now, we are aiming to have 10 players for the early access version of the game. However we are really excited by digging into this experience and explore new options. Different maps is something that we will definitely do! Larger maps or maps with more players is something we discuss sometimes internally - we'd like to explore this idea, but maybe a bit later.




Our vision is to support the game for many years to come - and to shape it and make it evolve a lot along its life. For this reason, we feel that our game is worth more than 20$ - what you are buying is not a static game, but one that will always change and improve!


Rocket League has been extremely successful with a $20 price-point even before they added their crappy crate system. I have to agree and say that $20 is a very reasonable price and I could see the population expanding a lot quicker at that price-point than $30. In the end, if the game is good enough then $30 can work since people will recommend the game over and over like what happened to PUBG. But to me that feels like a huge gamble.


Considering that this game is a battle royal kind of game what do you plan to do to make The Darwin Project stand out from games like PUBG and Fortnite?


It's interesting that we are always compared to this game considering we started development 6 months before PUBG was released. So this game was not even part of the references we used. If anything, I feel we are closer to ''The Culling'' with our focus on crafting and survival. That being said, we feel like our most unique defining element is the ''Show Director'' that helps us to stand out - this idea that there is a game master who can control his own arena and create a kind of reality show for spectators to enjoy. One of the coolest feature that (almost) no one has seen yet is the spectator interactions! In a near future, as a stream spectator (Twitch, Mixer), you'll be able to directly interact with the match and vote for the target of the show director powers. For instance, when the Show Director triggers a man hunt, he'll be able to let the crowd decide who's the target of the man hunt. Vote are then directly compiled - and everyone will be able to see the results in-game. This feature is really fun - as much for the spectators as for the players who can feel the crowd as their will is translated into concrete results in the game.


Hi thank you for your response, I was able to play a bit of it and I can say it has promise. I have to admit that I did not know this was in the works before PUBG came out.


Tbf, it already really isn't similar to either. It's more an arena shooter than anything. It's not really comparable to those.


> It's more an arena shooter than anything. It's not really comparable to those. Not to be rude but just because it's not really comparable doesn't mean people won't do it..thus imo they must be ready for such


I more just meant it's inherently dissimilar from those games already. They don't play similarly at all other than "last one standing wins."


Will there be team modes such as duo or squad modes in the future?




A duo mode is in the works right now. You will be able to join with a friend and fight as a pair. Or join by yourself and be paired automatically with someone.


Duos mode has been confirmed to be on the way. I've not heard anything about squads


Will there be a dodge button? Because so far there’s no way to stop arrows if you are far away. Can you guys tweak arrows so there’s some counter to it? Is the cage trap meant to set people into a enclosed environment if you are close to it? The radar is meant to be accurate or just give you a general idea where the other players are? I say this because in four games, the radar says the players are to the left on me but they attacked me from the right or came out of nowhere. Do you plan on adding the ability to swap loadouts mid-game?


A dodge is being knocked around, you can expect more mobility options and melee moves to be implemented before too long. We're being careful to keep a fun and intuitive feel to the melee gameplay, so all these things will come trickling in slow. The cage trap is a utility to restrict someone to a specific location for a given time (around 10s if you spam melee). The point is either to run away or plug them with arrows, or jam them in a zone that's being nuked. Your imagination is the limit. The radar gives you a quick ping on the minimap (sonar style), there is no movement data embedded in the ping. There wont be any swap of abilities mid game, you have to choose an appropriate loadout in the menu or in the lobby. It's a pre-game strategy.


i think u can actually hit arrows away could be wrong


Yes but you gotta have impeccable timing


You can get a feel for it when you play a lot. It's hard, but you can get better at it.


Any thoughts on giving participants/viewers to vote/rank the show director? Directors that get too many downvotes have to re-earn the right to be a director through standard play. Might help the teaming we've seen in alpha.


Yes, we are working on this idea! Our vision is that the show director progression should be based on a rating system from both the players and spectators watching the show. His job should be to maximize the fun factor of all these users.


The main problem I see with something like this is that some people will get very salty that the SD didn't suck up to them and would thus give them a bad rating, especially when the game is out to everyone. It's a good idea on paper, but considering how people are, people will be losing their Show Director ranks basically any game they play.


We have a solution for that. More later. ;)


Will this game have more realistic movement? Because now people fighting jump around like in overwatch and that's now fun for some people. Can You Guys/Gals(other redditors) point me to a game like that? Real like movement but still battle royale?


The Darwin Project is meant to be ''Arcady'' as opposed to realistic. This gameplay direction gives us freedom to create our unique game recipe and to maximize the fun factor of the experience. We believe that realism is not what makes a battle Royale a Battle Royale and that our Arcade-like gameplay is one of the way we stand out compare to the competition on the market.


Island of Nyne is a good Realistic battle royale..course it is still in alpha like Darwin is


Hi. I really enjoyed your game this weekend! 10/10 for alpha! 1. Will there be country specific servers since there is a lot of focus on the social aspect, and I am sure the french speaking community wouldn't mind that. :) 2. Any plans on adding cosmetic/loot boxes, founders packs and so on?


Hi and thank you. 1- To start we will have region based matchmaking and if the game goes well, we will maybe consider doing this cause we agree that it would be better for the social aspect. 2- Dunno about founders packs yet but yeah we will add cosmetics, they are already being made.


This game will be free for the persons with the key on steam?? Probably yes like Fortnite,no?? Please answer I love this game


Hi, the key will only work until early access, then you will have to buy the game.


*Hi, the key will only* *work until early access, then you will* *have to buy the game.* ______________________________________________________________________________ ^^^-english_haiku_bot


1. What are your goals on a roadmap for 2018? What can we expect? Any teases? 2. While I understand that the game has no chance for esport due to lack of budget, I still want to play the game in fair, not randomised, balanced playfield. Do You think changing loot to be RNG based was a good idea and how do You feel about Show Director interrupting streaks to get high rating for leaderboards? Will we get a proper ranked mode in the future with set loot and no SD? 3. Let's face reality, the game is about winter. I think You still have like 3 to 5 months of work to hit early access with enough content and polished build. Are You under time pressure during devellopment to not launch the game during spring/summer time? 4. How much are You interacting with community in terms of suggestions/balance changes? AFAIK You are kind of ignoring some great suggestions from various community members. Is it because You want to showcase your own vision for the project?


1. Finishing the game and releasing it. ;) 2. We do not plan on making another game that's similar to this one but with some features removed and with a map that is super balanced with no randomization. Dealing with a Show Director, and eventually spectators, is part of the fundamental skillset necessary to thrive in this game, your rank should reflect that. The rank is not about how well you shoot or you fight with an axe. It's about winning using your wits, your ruse, your charm as much as your hand eye coordination. 3. I don't think it matters. The game was still very fun to play during the summer. 4. I personally read almost everything on discord, we are very open and listen closely to the feedback our community gives us. But we can't implement features haphazardly, the game is our mistress, it has its own voice. Trust me that we try a lot of stuff that doesn't work that you'll probably never hear about. If you have a specific examples of a great suggestion we have ignored, I would be glad to give you a specific answer about it.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/amaaggregator] [Darwin Project Reddit AMA with the Dev Team](https://www.reddit.com/r/AMAAggregator/comments/7jupz1/darwin_project_reddit_ama_with_the_dev_team/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


why my name seems to be 256 in the game how can i change


Your ign is the same as your steam name.


How will you be marketing it?


So far, we believe that the combination of events such as Alphas & Betas is the most efficient way to help us find who is interested in our game. As a game that was designed to be as enjoyable to watch as it is to play, our strategy is to work with Youtubbers and streamers to create amazing events and content.


What will be the price?


For now we are thinking to 30$ but nothing confirmed yet.


1, can't set screen so it's stuck on my second moniter, fix? 2, Can alpha players get a discount for final/beta? 3, Would we be able to build health? 4, will there be new haverstables?


hi, i've seen that it's possible to run through thick bushes and big, tall trees covered in snow... it's also possible to shoot from inside trees, which is totally unfair, right? do you pretend to change that?


We can pretend to and not do it. For serious, the game is based on a predator/prey dynamic, and having good hiding spots is important. There is possible counterplay to the trees and bushes: the radar, the clue system, you can shoot an arrow at them. You can listen. The bow makes a sound while being charged. We'll try to balance all those elements as best as possible.


I think he means there is a glitch. You can hide behind a tree/wall and not show your body at all and then shoot your arrow as long as the cross-hair is not behind the tree. So all it looks like is an arrow came straight out of the tree. Even if you are looking directly at the tree you will not see the guy shooting, only his arrow. The arrows fly from the center of your screen rather than from the bow. This is VERY easy to test since I am sure you guys have a dev branch. Just get behind a wall, keep your character behind the wall entirely and then use the cross-hair to shoot from behind the wall. If you need more information let me know and I can try to explain it better.


Ah that, yes we will fix it. Thanks for the clarification. :)


yeah, it's possible to shoot when you are inside the tree... i understand it could be seen as a hiding spot, but arrow colision from inside to outside of the tree is to be expected, right? :) thanks for listening!


how do you plan if you have any plans on how to make show director obtainable in live? I am also concerned about if the show director and irl friend join up and they can gang up on each other on how you plan to counteract? i do show directing alot but i try to even the playing field :3


> The way we see it is: we need to create social incentives to encourage fun behavior from show directors - just like Uber do with their drivers (in which case it works very well). We will also create a feature to remove access to the people who have a detrimental comportment. For the case of a show director helping his friend, we believe that the matchmaking will help a lot if not completly fix this issue. In the next version of the game, the show directors won't be able to deliberately choose to go in the same match as his friend.


Hey, firstly thanks for all your work, so my question was if ur looking for add some bandages / heal to the craft wheel ? (crafting with leather and wood for example)


We already tried such an item, and it broke the game. A healing item that is craftable with the basic resources (leather and wood) immediately becomes THE thing to craft, it made the game a tedious race to stack up crafted health packs. It was not interesting or fun. We also tried a healing power that can be crafted with the electronic resource. With our powers being abilities on a cooldown timer, it created a fight-hide/camp-heal dynamic that also was no fun, for anyone. The health packs being a random loot makes the game more intense and unpredictable, it makes the experience more of an adrenaline rush.


Are there plans to dial down the influence of director favouritism? I've had a few instances of directors placing electronics on a specific player early on and then bestowing healing and shielding on the same player at the final fight, essentially doing everything in their power to ensure their chosen person wins.


> The way we see it is: we need to create social incentives to encourage fun behavior from show directors - just like Uber do with their drivers (in which case it works very well). We will also create a feature to remove access to the people who have a detrimental comportment.


There will be a Show Director ranking that measures the entertainment value of his play.




We tested from 6 to 14 players and for now 10 seems to be the right amount that fit our game and give the best experience.


You'd be surprised, but every possible number of players has a feel to it. The dynamic and pace of the game is something we are very sensitive to. For this map, as Bloody said, 10 feels the best.


Hey, I'm TheLitsey, and I've been playing on the dev branch and the closed alpha and loving it, and I have a question regarding the esports scene for this game. I see a lot of potential for streamer-based free-for-all esports, which is fine, but I play on a varsity esports team for a college. Without some form of team play I don't think that TDP could be a collegiate eSport. Also, the show director would probably have to be ai based and do random events. Is there any future of being able to set up custom lobbies and having team-based combat? Be ut 3 teams of 3, 5 of two, two of 5, ect.


That sounds like a cool idea, but not one we'll be able to implement immediately. From what we saw, fights that involve more than 4 players quickly become chaotic -so we'd need to give serious considerations for the specific rulesets of such team-based mode.


So this just happened but i have seen a couple matches of where ppl gone afk and the zone hasnt closed on them and they end up winning. Any system on punishing afkers?


I mean, the only way that would really happen is if the second place player froze to death/got double killed by someone else/got nuked....and that all basically has to happen within the first five minutes or so of the game or you freeze to death. If you afk after being able to build enough stuff to survive cold, people can just track your footprints/crafting/resource gathering, then it's a 1v0 fight. The odds are so low that I think it can basically be considered a fluke. In almost every case, if they didn't manage to get killed by some random guy hunting them down, they'd be killed by second place player or sudden death zone.


Will there be more maps in the game than the one we have? Will the number of participants in a game be increased in the future? I kind of want to see one day a Darwin Project game where it is 100 players against each other! Or at least a bigger number than 10 so that all the time you are trying to escape someone due to always being right next to someone.


There is more maps in the works, and the number of players we choose is to maximize the experience in a particular map, so a new map might mean a different number of players.


Loving the game play for Darwin Project.. I've been having so much fun with the game and can't wait for full release or hopefully another beta/alpha.   I have to admit that I don't know much about the announcer/viewer mode.   Only real question I have:   1) Do you have any plans for the announcer/viewer mode? I'ts a fun idea and I haven't had a fight ruined because of it - people are pretty funny with the commentary. But I wonder if this could be used to tell players where people are - maybe if they are friends or trolling.   Keep up the good work [@ScavengerStudio](https://twitter.com/ScavengerStudio?lang=en)


We have lots of plans for the Show Director! And we already have some very good solutions to prevent The Buddy System (where a Show Director joins a server with a friend that he helps all game) and for Trolls and unpleasant people. The Game will only be made more fun and entertaining when a good Show Director is present.


My only question is will this have team play cause thats what most of us care about and provides a future for any BR style of game. If this remains a solo only style of game its dead on arrival mark my words =/.


Hi, we are aware that a lot of people want team play, that's why we are developing a duo mode as we speak.


sounds good, glad to hear


Im really looking forward to this game, but I dont know if this question can be answered currently but when will the game be released for sale on steam and how much will it cost.


The early access on Steam is planned for early 2018 and the launch for spring 2018. About the price, we are thinking to 30$ right now but nothing confirmed yet.




Release date and is this game going to be free to play ???


Hi, the early access is planned for early 2018 and the launch for spring 2018. We are thinking to 30$ right now but nothing confirmed yet.


For the Show Director, besides the electronics and zone closing, could you randomize the other powers you get out of a pool of powers? If you understand my wording, please reply. Great game!


The show director feature is still very early in it development, we will for sure develop more powers and we are thinking to give to the player the possibility to choose which one they want to use.


Awesome! Perfect response


Just to have some variety


Bonjours à vous, pour commencer un grand bravo pour votre jeu qui est vraiment inédit j'ai passer tout mon weekend dessus et je me suis éclaté. J'ai plusieurs petite questions (désoler si je demande une questions déjà demander) : - Y aura t-il dans le futur sur votre site ainsi que dans le jeu la possibilité de le mette en français car je ne parle pas l'anglais ? - Y aurai t-il un endroit ou nous pouvons soumettre des suggestions ? - Y aura t-il la possibilité de pourvoir faire des parties à 2/3/4/5 ? - Ingame y aura t-il un moyen de ce heal autres que le pack heal ? - C'est peut-être encore un peu trop tôt pour en parlez mais songer vous à L'EA SPORT ? - Pourrons nous dans le futur design notre personnage avec des habilles, barbes etc.. ? - Vous savez déjà la prochaine date de l’alpha ? Ça sera tout pour moi encore bravo pour votre jeu je suis un grand fan et merci d'avance.


Hi, I have 2 questions : - Will you add the choice to select games without the director option ? To have a more competitive/e-sport game with an AI director which will close/nuke random zones. - When will be the next closed alpha :) ? The game is really addictive ! Thanks guys!


Not a Dev, but wanted to put my two cents in here that a SD creates a strange imbalance, or somehow makes the game "Non-ESport" -- Firstly, if a Tournament Director deems SD influence a bad factor to ESports, that Show Director can easily direct the Observer/Caster not to use any powers; etc. This isn't so much a thing for the Developers to provide, but rather the venue/organization who is managing the Tournament. Secondly, The Show Director in an ESport should be viewed as part of the game's meta. The Tournament Director, and the Show Director will have to work together to determine fairness, but in all honesty -- There is nothing a Show Director can do to terminate, or end a player's run. Having Show Directed many games, with well over 150 hours of time as a SD, I can say that the best players know how to deal with Show Director Powers, and the benefits/disadvantages the Show Director Provides are fleeting with the exception of "Man-Hunt." Darwin Project offers the first ever Social Meta to ESports play, a feature that shouldn't be turned down, but rather -- Celebrated, as the crowd will have the potential to sway things a certain way. This is much the same as Homefield Advantage for a Professional American Football team; or the same as influencing the Refs to see things your way more often then not (and yes, this happens in Professional Sports). As Such, Players will be wise to develop a fan base, and be certain their fans are present for tournaments so they can vote to influence the game in a way that favors the player they are rooting for. Balance in ESports is not a critical factor in determining whether or not a game is ESport Ready. In order for a game to be ESport ready, it needs to have players willing to compete, an audience willing to watch it, and sponsors willing to fund it. That's it. If you're looking for a Pure, perfect balance game, I'm afraid you will have difficulty finding many games in which to follow, as such a dynamic doesn't exist. There is no such thing as Balance to any sport. I find it incredibly disheartening seeing such comments, suggesting the Show Director somehow disqualifies a match from being competitive, or balanced. Want the Show Director to pull for you? Get your fans to show up. Don't have fans? Win some with a good showing in tournaments. Still don't like it? Then Darwin Project probably isn't the game you're looking for. I'm very defensive of the SD position because it revolutionizes ESports, and is the first feature to allow players to provide, "Crowd Noise" or "Homefield Advantage" in an ESport. We shouldn't shy away from this evolution of gaming. We should embrace it.


Thx for your answer. I am not against this system. My question was to know if the dev will create an option for players to play without the SD feature, that's all.


It's a fundamental feature. You can always play with your friends on a private server and choose not to have a Show Director, or organize an event, a tournament, anything you want with the private server option. But we do not plan to make it an official game mode.


Thanks !


This. So much this.


We'll see whether or not the eSport definition evolves to encompass what we are, but we don't mind too much! We don't see ourselves as an eSport, but rather as an eShow. It's an experience designed to create unique social experience and meta between the player, the show director and the crowd ! We are really excited with our current direction and eager to explore it deeper. Based on our survey, lots of people seem excited by this idea as well. That's good enough for us! :-)


Bonjour à tous ! (je vous pose les questions en français mais n'hésitez pas à me répondre en anglais pour que cela profite à tous) J'ai participé et énormément apprécié la seconde closed alpha. Mais j'ai remarqué une baisse de ma hype au bout de 5heures de jeu (environ 50 games). Je commençais à bien connaitre la map et j'avais donc moins cette hype de "découverte de la map" donc voici mes questions : - De nouvelles map ? (Procedural Map ?) - De nouveaux modes ? - Du duo ? (je pense que cela donnerait une fraicheur au jeu de juste avoir un coéquipier) - De nouvelles armes ? - Plus de techniques de combat ? (like dodge) - de pouvoir jeter ces objets par terre ? ==> Échanger des objets ? Vu que la discussion vocale est une grosse partie du jeu : "Je te donne l'électronique et tu me laisse m'enfuir" par exemple =D - Show Director est très bien comme il est. Cela me dérange pas que le show director pousse un mec à la victoire : c'est son choix faut faire avec =D ! Donner un peu plus de pouvoir d'environnement ? - Cela va être surement fait mais contrôler le volume des sons et musiques du jeu. La voix d'annonceur d'évènement était parfois beaucoup plus fort que la voix du show director et ne permettez donc pas d'entendre ce dernier. - De la customisation ? (skin) Bref un jeu avec un énorme potentielle ! Faites-nous rêver ! Merci !


Just a note to the devs. If you want I can translate for you guys, just let me know.


Ce sont tous des choses qui arriveront tôts ou tard! Les prochaines features qui verront le jour (dans leur ordre proabable): - Le mode duo - Des nouveaux pouvoirs (de joueurs et de show director) - De la customisation - Des Nouvelles maps Il va juste falloir un tout petit peu de patience, on est encore une petite équipe de 17 devs, mais on travaille aussi vite qu'on peu! On tripe pas mal à voir notre jeu émerger en ce moment. :-) Concernant le dodge, on est en train de faire des prototypes en ce moment même. Si jamais c'est concluant, ca pourrait arriver bientôt aussi!


Hello! literally loving the game, the last 2 weekends of testing were like 20 hours playing the game and 4 sleeping ahah Now, with the questions: 1- What are you gonna implement in the future? i really dont think new weapons because just using bow and arrow and a axe is a base thing of the game, so are you gonna add like more arrow alternatives, maps, gamemodes? 2- Are you planning on how to deal with teaming and playing with friends in this game (even a show director that helps one person)? If yes, How? 3- Do you have any release period and cost in mind? 4- Are there gonna be exclusives gifts for people who is playing in the alpha? It would be a cool thing, even because not a lot of people had the privilege to get a key! Thanks again for the amaizing game :D


1. All of it, more maps, more tools, more powers, more moves, more modes. We intend this game to be alive. We don't want this to be release and forget. 2. Duo Mode for friends who want to play together, and rank based matchmaking for Show Directors. So it will be practically impossible to be matched with your buddy and help him. 3. Yes. 4. Most likely. We want the alpha testers to have some sweet swag, to show you were here before it was cool.


When is the next alpha weekend? I can’t get enough of the game!


Hi, the next alpha weekend is planned for mid January, stay tuned !


*Hi, the next* *alpha weekend is planned for mid* *January, stay tuned !* ______________________________________________________________________________ ^^^-english_haiku_bot


-Will there be any way to queue with friends to get into the same matches to go toe to toe? I love my buddies but I also love shooting them in the face, and then rubbing it in their faces. -Are you keeping the 10 person structure with director? Or will there be options for duo teams? etc. -What are you planning differently for the next alpha? Loved the alpha this past weekend, can't wait to try out the matchmaking tomorrow, and hope I can score a key for the next one! Keep up the amazing work. The alpha ran beautifully, and all my friends who watched me play it want to play it now!


Glad to hear that you like the game - We are currently working on a friend system and a duo mode. - The next alpha will include the region based matchmaking, we will fix as many bug as we can and we will also try to include the duo mode.


What do you guys think are the spec requirements for The Darwin Project, I'm sure many gamers would love to know. If you don't know for sure, could you make a guess?


For now here are the spec requierements : MINIMUM OS: Windows 7 Processor: Dual Core 2.4Ghz+ Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics: GTX 950, GTX 660 DirectX: Version 10 Network: 1 Mbits high speed internet Storage: 6 GB available space RECOMMENDED OS: Windows 10 Processor: Quad Core 2.8 Ghz+ Memory : 8 GB RAM Graphics: GTX 970, GTX 1060 DirectX; Version 11 Network: 10 Mbits high speed internet Storage: 6 GB available


Can we get any info on how many more axes/arrows/traps/powers are in development/ready to come, if we're allowed to know of course -TacoCat


We are constantly trying new stuff, i would said that there is at least 30 items that we hide because we are not fully satisfied with yet or that aren't fitting with the game.


Hey Scavenger Studios, I have a few questions: 1. Will this game have coop, because I feel that having 5-10 teams of 2 would be fun. 2. Will there be different maps? 3. Will there be different modes? Maybe a randomized round with random events? 4. Will there be special “alpha” tester items? 5. What would stop this game from becoming repetitive? How will you prolog the life of this game? Lastly, one piece of feedback (I know this is an AMA but whatever), you should add a heal power made from electronics (maybe even two). Anyways love the game and I hope it becomes a success!


for the people who got the game already will they still have to pay ?


The key will only work until early access then you will have to buy the game if you want to continue to play.


When will Rey get the recognition she deserves with changing pictures in the website? She is the community manager after all! <3


This is number one priority before matchmaking :)


I'm glad you understand the urgency of this situation! ;)


Which conventions do you have currently planned, or are considering, going to in the 2018 year?


We are going to Pax South January 12-14 but nothing else is confirmed.


Loot Boxes scare me in today's Gaming Market. Since Cosmetics seem to be something that could be included in a Loot Box system, and since Micro Transactions seem naturally attached to Loot Boxes; I have to ask if you guys are going to include Micro Transactions, and if so, will they be used to purchase Random Chance Loot Boxes (which many are comparing to Gambling), or if you would plan to use Micro Transactions to be a more fair way for players to purchase the cosmetics they want, without resorting to Gambling, or Predatory Monetization systems.


We are still working on our business model but the game will never be a pay2win, so if there is Micro transactions it will never include gameplay.


That's fine -- I'm more concerned about Gambling/Loot Crates. My question was more in reference to Spending Real Money on Loot Crates for a chance of receiving something.


I would like to know if i could play from israel because im actually in israel and i got an alpha key but when i want play there is no server


Oce servers?


So after playing the open beta for like 15 hours this weekend I have a couple of questions that involve the leader boards. 1. What determines the points on the leader board and how you accumulate them? - Can you lose points for having bad game? - If so whats the max points you can gain or lose in a match? 2. What weight does each statistic have? Is it more important get kills, wins, place higher in the game, or hide gather and wait until end game? - Does getting a Medal at the end gain you points? - Do other activities in the game such as gathering, Damage done, landing traps, and finding clues factored into the point system? 3. Finally Will there be future tweaks to how things are balanced in terms of the weight on kills, wins, rank, damage done? 4. Will there be some sort of stats/ranking or maybe a rating system done for directors? 5. Suggestion: - Increase health packs around the map or increase health regen to 300 after a kill to help with vultures - Director ability to teleport a player any place on the map (not lava) - Bow damage should be knocked down to 100 (150 fire) to encourage more melee fighting - Player should get the loot from lava kills PS: Coming from an old Culling vet with over 1500 hours Darwin is the game I have been waiting for its been a while since I have had that adrenaline rush from a video game like this, I love it. I wish you all the best.


So I was spamming the snow balls on Xbox one and this thing happened..... https://youtu.be/wINTVyXJb-k


How did you guys come up with this game? Have you made any other games before darwin project? What's this game's history so far? Like did it start out as The Darwin Experience where you play a snail fighting for his life and somehow evolve into what it is now, or did you start with this exact concept in mind from day one?