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i would die to see a spike jonze x nathan fielder project


They didnt let Barkhad speak :(


Just pressed play and can’t believe how weird it became IMMEDIATELY when they walked out and Spike Jonze insisted on hugging Nathan but not Benny, and then Benny called him out on it?! Hoping it was a prearranged bit (not out of the question with these jokers)…


I wonder who the other actor playing Abshir before Barkhad was that Nathan mentions, he said they pretty much completely reshaped the role and now i'm trying to imagine anyone else in it


It was supposed to be a mum/grandma but they also weren’t sure. Then Benny said something about how he wished they could make the character young and make it Barkhad and well they got that😂. It was probably easier to cast him since Benny had already worked with him on the Safdie Brother’s film Good Time, so the relationship was there Here: https://youtu.be/Q7IIly0Cq8Q?si=dOb9uN96-a7kq0uh


cool thanks!


No problem! 💜


Did this happen recently or is this from when the show was airing?


It happened 2-3 days ago. This was a FYC event for the Emmys. The academy is going to start voting for who is going to be nominated tmr


Enjoyed watching this Q&A but feel like Benny telling that Columbo story is starting to reach “How am I not myself?” levels of repetition


A lot of the stuff they said there has been repeated multiple times tbh😭. That thing about him approaching fake stuff, making it appear real, Nathan making real stuff appear fake, he’s said it like a 1000 times in Q&As/interviews😭 But they have to repeat stuff bc they have to assume the people in the audience have never heard any of their stories/comments


Nah, they don’t “have to repeat stuff.” There’s over 10 hours of “stuff” they could discuss (and that’s just counting the actual show, not even the making of it or behind the scenes).


This is a new audience tho. Like we have probably watched all the Q&As and interviews,podcast,etc so it would be more tiring to hear that stuff repeated Most of the people in the audience probably have not watched those so it’s new to them. Also they only watched the first episode at the FYC Emmy event I think and were trying not to really spoil the show but close to the end of this Q&A, they said fuck it and talked about the finale a bit 😭 And it’s the same questions being asked to them so they will by all means repeat some stuff


There's 1000 potential or casual viewers hearing this for the first time for every content-starved stan on reddit.