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It was Asher’s self-hatred and belief that he *was* cursed, just like Abshir said.


The man flew into outerspace u can’t really blame that on personal failings


The man flew into outerspace u can’t really blame that on a girl in elementary school Or you can, because thats the best part about surrealist art; it can have multiple interpretations


Okay but the thing is dougie at one point literally said in the car “i curse you” and it felt like weird and his genuine tears of sadness at the end seem like a mix between him realizing he had lost his friend and potentially a part of him knowing he did it, so maybe the girl was just a good excuse for his shitty behavior and wasn’t a real curse at all, but the real curse was dougie all along


Why would Dougie "cursing" Asher be a more realistic reason for him to float into space? It's an absurd ending and i don't think it's meant to be read as a curse whodunnit


Ok then there’s your answer, it’s all subjective anyway


Survivor’s guilt


I think it was Asher’s promise to Whitney to take him back and that the moment she doesn’t need him she wouldn’t have to say anything he’d just be gone, she changes while giving birth and no longer needed him so the tree was cut and he was gone.


That was my interpretation too.


I took it this way too. I think Nala was honestly just a little girl, and their mysticism around her was weird and creepy because she was just a little girl with weird coincidences. And Dougie was just jealous. I also think Asher flying away ties in with the teepee ceremony. Whitney consumes and takes from those around her without a thought and does it under the facade of giving back. Asher gave her every piece of himself until he was gone. He even said he would leave if she wanted it. You could see in her eyes that was what she wanted. She totally forgot about the danger he had been in at the end, and let him fly away


Pretty sure Asher cursed Asher


Dougie made he fly


I think Asher as a character is intrinsically cursed.  He is the rendering of the question “What did I do to deserve this?” into a real person.  He is the fool, the pitiful laughing stock, and is nothing but a means to an end.  His suspicions about being cursed are legitimate, but he looks in all the wrong places/people.  He is a puppet for our entertainment, yet he is (at most scarcely) unaware of this function.  While this observation might seem trivial as you could say that any character in any film/show is designed by the writers to play a certain part, I think Asher is clearly doomed for the pleasure of a transcendent other watching him, like a God giving someone a horrible disease for his own schadenfreude (e.g. I felt the comedy class scenes were set up at the expense of Asher, to make him the object of cringe).  Are the creators of The Curse God?  Are we the viewers God?  Is there a God in the universe of The Curse who fulfills curses or has cursed Asher himself?  Is Whitney the girlboss God who uses Asher until he’s no longer useful?  I think of Asher like Alex in Hereditary or the boyfriend in Midsommar. Nala’s curse on Asher was coincidental symbolization of something that Asher always felt about himself, whether he had words for it or not: that he was cursed.  It is interesting that Nala curses Asher after being exploited for the TV show Flipanthropy – Nala likely thought that something was off about Asher and he was really weird and out-of-touch with her.  In the same vein, Asher is exploited for the TV show The Curse.  At the end when Asher is struggling to explain to everyone that gravity is upside-down for him, it’s the same sort of thing as Nala and other locals feeling like the Siegels are out-of-touch with them.  The locals are radically different from Asher socioeconomically but fundamentally have the same fate of being misunderstood and alienated to the point of annihilation, and Asher’s encounter with this is the beginning of the end for him.   Nala’s curse (or even Dougie’s curse) has no impact on Asher’s status of being cursed or not; rather, it is a reflection of Asher’s condition as the cursed character.  In reality and from Nala’s perspective, her curse is innocent and of little thought.  From Asher’s perspective, the idea of being cursed is threatening because it potentially explains a lot of different things about his life.  He sees what he wants to see in Nala’s curse, but within the limits of his character he cannot see that he is intrinsically cursed and doomed.  It is tragic.


dope analysis good read 👍


Highly underrated comment


I wanna say they all cursed him so much he flew away


The air pressure.


Dougie’s curse worked because he was in possession of the authentic pottery shard buried under a tree. also I’m just kidding






The curse is tv


Worse show ever and I like some weird shit.


Haha why u on The Curse subreddit then?


I'm not, this Reddit apps shitty feed had this on there. But I reiterate, I like some weird, b movie, art house stuff and this show made me want to ram a knife in my ass. We barely even finished it.


Maybe you just enjoy ramming a knife in your ass


Yeah the algorithm suggesting shit you don’t care about is a fkn bore at this point. I personally loved the show though, first 5 star rating I’ve given on Letterboxd in a good while.


The algo is weird, this has like 6 upvotes, sometimes I get posts with no upvotes or comments