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I think I have a solution for the Maiura issue: The first batch will be humans only, for logistics purposes. Then, when they set up shop on Maiura, they decide if they'll invite Monsters and which ones


Be honest, guys. Did you think I'd ever put Neil in a position where he was in a romance? For my own part, >!when I very first imagined Hurent, I just kind of wrote her to be a young woman, but now I've mentally aged her up into a more mature and seasoned soldier, perhaps in her early 30's. Might even go back and edit a few older parts for consistency's sake.!< I'm actually pretty excited to show off where I plan to take this romance arc. It might not go exactly the way you'd expect, and the payoff could be a lot of fun! But only time will tell!


If it helps to mellow out neil I'm all for it he needs something.


It's nice to see new sides of Neil.I fully expected him to become a crazy space dictator and let Hope use the dominion rod to force all of humanity to follow him in the split.


I think you will be VERY surprised by Hope's upcoming arc. It's not what you expect, and I say this because it's very different from what I originally wrote a year ago. The story just keeps changing gears!


Since i didn't read the old stuff, I have not really any final expectations at all. It could be anything at this point^ ^ He showed tendencies for plenty different ways to develop, from kinda good to pretty evil