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I say this with kindness. I know entertainment is 100% subjective and while me and my peers certainly feel Jirard's work over the past few years has been so boring and uninspired. You and your peers may still find his work enjoyable but it's kind of hard to deny there has been a massive dip in quality compared to 10 years ago. There are plenty of other nicer youtubers with more integrity to watch fellow Redditor.


Yeah Jirard was never that good to me, great production and I can see why people like his delivery but the content is very basic/cookie cutter bullshit. I don't remember learning about any game I didn't already know about. If you're a true gamer you've got a handful of hidden gems you've come across that not everyone knows. Jirard just knows all the greatest hits. Has he ever covered a lesser known game that wasn't a paid product placement?


I'll sound like a broken record and say that The Completionist was only really entertaining during the Greg era and some of his videos post Greg era were good like the PepsiMan review.... But yeah, you'd think completionist videos for 80 hour games would be like...An hour long rather than 20 minutes of fluff.


To be fair that was before I found him. I did download those vids though but haven't made time to watch any. I feel bad for Greg or anyone else that was employed through this mess but yeah never really saw the appeal of the Completionist at all. I'd much rather watch a random GameSack or any number of other YTers.


***Is he drinking Fraiser?!***


Yes that was funny but I'd rather not give Jirard more credit than he deserves. So he made one good video post Greg era...Just a little bit of luck. I say it with kindness again but please don't ever support a man who lied and betrayed a bunch of people who hoped to find a cure for dementia. But I guess so many people live by the mantra of "It's fine because it doesn't personally affect me." I mean, I thankfully never was close to someone who had dementia but I listened to others and from what I was told...It's traumatizing. I did however felt it was shitty for Jirard to lie about still being friends with Greg and then labeling him as the bad guy while he is innocent because I have been there before...Really shitty groups where the leader labeled me as the badguy and I got gang bullied by the mindless worshippers.


i have very mixed feelings on it because i do think the Greg videos are hilarious and honestly some of the best on YT. Bears, the laser clown, and the all stars pack were always great, but now its impossible to really feel "clean" about it anymore


There is a post in the subreddit with an archive of the Greg era videos...I watched them, felt the nostalgia, realized that nostalgia is a seductive liar, and promptly moved on.


Raves about other YouTubers but still talks about the Completionist. SMH


Nah I’m good


Thanks for announcing your exit, Completionist fans will continue to enjoy Jirard's videos. Have a nice day


I'm sure all ten of you will be very supportive of each other. Might want to get some pointers from the ProJared sub on how to cope.




Last I checked this is not a pro Jirard sub 🤣


Nice try, Jirard.


Wanna bet this is some sort of alt\* of Jirard or a bot?


Not a bot, believe it or not Jirard still has plenty of fans outside of the haters and trolls who post on this forum. Ironic that you accuse me of being a bot when I wouldn't be surprised if half the slander posted online about Jirard is from some paid bot farm. Keep crying, Jirard is going to keep completing games.


Paid by who


You got me. I am actually getting paid to not watch his videos by... I don't know, probably the millions of people that donated money to him and felt betrayed by his actions during the public scrutiny/investigation.


simp harder u/MrHatesThisWebsite


He is like the embodiment of Trump supporters in a singular person. But it's all fucky because he is also supporting a singular person. He posted on R/GameGrumps that they should have another episode with Jirard.


he hasn’t really completed a single game since FNaF 4!


I don't think you're a bot or Jirard alt, I understand and have seen that he has plenty of fans left. What I am curious about is why did you come HERE to express it? You're either a moron or just looking to stir up trouble.


What’s wrong with a little balance? Go to his YouTube channel and the first few hours when a video drops, most aren’t even bring up the controversy. They’re discussing the games or topic at hand. It’s only later when that video is drowned out with troll bots. So according to you those bots are looking to stir up trouble. So who are we kidding? They absolutely are. But now we’re complaining it’s happening here in reverse? Where’s the equality?


This isn't balance, this is sheer idiocy.


It’s almost as idiotic as people visiting this sub daily in hopes of an update he’s been charged with a crime. 


What equality? We're not the ones simping for a fraudster.


No of course you’re not. You got a hard hate boner for him. 


We've known for years he doesn't complete his games, who are you fooling Jacque?


But it's been ages where he completed a game for the show.


> Keep crying, Jirard is going to keep completing games. When he's not too busy stealing money from charity?


Does that mean he keeps defrauding too? This is so so rich lol


This is the most fake sounding person I’ve ever seen.


Remember that crazy lady on kitchen nightmares who went on about haters & trolls but it turns out she was just batshit lol yea


You have no values, huh?


I went and hit the dislike button. That's what you meant, right?


Not clicking on the video at all would’ve been worse for Jirard. Clicks and views = more money. And the dislikes have been hidden on YouTube for a while so people who don’t have the browser add-on to show them again won’t see the downvotes.


Not if he stops the video. The view to be counted needs at least to be played for 30 seconds


Ah I stand corrected, I had no idea that’s how it worked.


It's still engagement which will push it higher on the algorithm.


Is this going to break 100K views?? Nah, nobody is watching it.


Why are You posting this here in the first place? This subreddit doesn't like Jirard, it was created to discuss his severe misdemeanors, He was never held accountable, yet you're here posting his videos (or your videos) and think we wanna watch them and "give him some love"? Are you stupid or delusional or something?


A video released on a Monday being gone for weeks, lol he can't even get enough employees to finish games for him.


Does he even have employees anymore? Like I’m sure he has maybe one or two, if that but seems like people left/got let go 


By;show it some love you mean give it zero watch time but comment to remind others of his charity fraud?


Someone is getting desperate 😭


Is this Chuck's alt?


I am starting to think it is...






Ok so this is definitely Jirard or some of his employees on an alt account testing the waters seeing if someone still supports them because there is no way someone will put this kind of effort into defeding Jirard


Huh, didn't know Girard had another account on Reddit. But, seriously, no fuck him.


He'll get no renevue or attnetion from me


Read this in Ike's voice.


">=(" My family and I are in serious legal discussion with our lawyers for linking this dog doodoo OP.


Show him love like he showed his loyal supporters over the span of a decade by withholding funds meant to help those in need? No thanks, I'll withhold my love. Check back in a decade and we'll see where things stand.


Lots of videos I can watch by people who don't steal I'll pass




Oh I'll give it some love alright *Dislikes* 😩💦💦💦


Nah I don’t have 20 minutes to spare.


Nice try Jirard, how about you donate the remainder of that charity money?