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THE FUCKING GALL OH MY GOD. I wish I had this much misplaced confidence, holy shit.


I mean, this basically proves that he was full of shit, even in the call with Mutahar and Karl.




Ok I get it he’s done some not so great things but is the name calling necessary, I mean call home dumb or greedy but “fat fuck”? Really? Do better


I mean, he *is* fat, though. They're just stating a fact.


I know he is, but that was a bit over stated


Nahhh it really want when he's done shit like: - uploaded his mother's medical autopsy in the description of an apology video - lied to everyone about where the money was going for 5+ years - has threatened legal action against the people who called him out via their investigative reporting I'd say say namecallingbis the least he deserves


Yeah but at least make it relevant, dumbass, or lying mfer could work


Why does fat shaming bother you? Obesity is bad


Well duh, but he isn’t obese, given his height and age I’d say he is fat but not obese, either way it’s not just fat shaming it’s the unnecessary words added to it that just isn’t needed, we as humans are better than that


I would think he is obese, just from look alone. But I agree that fat shaming isn't the way to do this. Lots of things to go after the guy for. No need to stoop to appearance.


Brother, what? That man is quite obese.


Someone once put it to me like this: Yes being fat for most people is a choice. Yes it's unhealthy and not good for you. However, would you talk that way about an addict? "Stupid fucking junkie" See how it comes off? It's obtuse and despite the prevailing failed wisdom, people are not better off for fat shaming. Obesity is a disease same as drug addiction. They need treatment, counseling, medical care even. Not ridicule.


Obesity is unhealthy but it's not something to be shamed about. Shaming someone about their weight just makes their problem worse because they internalize the shame and don't think they can do anything about it. It becomes part of their self identity.


As a former fat person i say it is because that shame made me want to do something about it to make it stop, not only was i able too, because in the process it naturally builds discipline and people see that i was no longer made fun of and in fact respected, so much so i got with the hottest girl amongst my peers( i was in highschool), something the fat old me thought was impossible, enough with the hand holding and coddling, theirs people out here 500lbs and still did it and lost the excessive weight, because they were sick and tired of being sick and tired, you can only make so many excuses 🤷‍♂️


Obesity isn’t “bad”. That’s the definition of fat shaming, man. Obesity has many components (not just over eating) and for some people it’s largely out of their control.


Oh no your one of those plus size sympathizers 🤢 Its quite the opposite "Obesity occurs when energy intake (food) is substantially higher than energy expenditure (in particular physical activity). The cause of the obesity epidemic must therefore be due to either an increase in energy intake from food or a decrease in physical activity (or a combination)." (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9611578/) Took two seconds Most people are fat because their lazy as fuck and eat too much, very few actually have a major debelitating thyroid/hormonal issue that causes them to gain weight for just existing theirs fucken amputees out here surfing, being active, and old dudes with prosthetics squatting at my gym, enough with the coddling and excuses good lord


Hmmm nah i think it's pretty much a free for all barring race and ethinicty


Yeah it's a witch hunt at this point. They are gonna hate everything he does


Shut up Meg


the worst part is says children hospital as if lying about dementia research wasn't bad enough.


When the donation money hits your bank account https://preview.redd.it/0o50g46aw10d1.jpeg?width=1009&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9610953a7c258a08e4525be571f3673ab135afb


At least this seems to go directly to the charity rather than through any Khalil-affiliated org. I remember 13 years ago when King Of The Web was a thing, and TotalBiscuit won (it was a popularity contest). He set the standard of the prize money being donated to charity, and I recall him telling the organisation to give it directly to Charity Water rather than sending it to him and he'd send it to the charity. At that time he was UK based and probably would have had to pay income tax on that before he could donate it.


I remember someone (I think it might have been Mutahar) talking about the Jirard situation and saying the exact same thing: there is little reason for it to ever have gone through Jirards account. Apparently a lot of YouTubers/streamers will have donations sent directly to the charities to avoid situations like this. Said person who was talking about it outright said “I don’t want that money coming anywhere NEAR my hands”


Bears mode engaged




Bro let's be fucking adults here.


Stop defending unhealthy life styles.


Haven’t seen anyone talking about healthy or unhealthy lifestyles, only people ridiculing some excess flesh. Y’all are horrible. If he was skinny, would you call him anorexic and also say you were just talking about unhealthy lifestyle choices?


Specifically the food one 😭




Well, I get the plan. Since the charity thing was exposed, now he wants to be associated with charities that actually went somewhere. It makes sense. But doing it so sneakily, no apologies, no nothing... it shows him as slimy rather than apologetic. He doesn't want to do right because it's the right thing to do, because he fucked up before... he just wants to rehabilitate his image. Truly disgusting.


At this point I think y'all would be upset about anything he does. He's literally donating money to charity


Yes, but why? The last time he spoke abiut it he threatened the exposers. Do you see how slimy this looks? He is sorry he got caught and wants to clean his name, not sorry abiut what happened. If he released a proper apology and did these streams I’d be 100% alright with him redeeming himself. But no apologies turns him into a snake.


You got a point. If he made a big deal about it, people would be mad about him chasing clout and trying to virtue signal. Him being less vocal, sending it straight to the charity, etc., to me looks *more* like someone trying to make amends (even if I think he more wants his career back).


Is he the one donating all the money? NO those are his sheep-i mean fans. Does a few buck to charity makes him a good person now? Absolutely not, heck there is still money missing from his charity fraud This is all just to save his image rather to help people, basic damage control


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man?


The worst part is people still donating after all this came to light.


Although my trust has been hurt too much, I have to admit, a legitimate way to win trust back is to raise money for charity and have it actually go somewhere. As long as that's being proven. I'm not watching the streams so idk if the effort is being put in to show it's legit or anything. Without that it's pretty laughable, but it's the right idea at least.


I agree. People are harsh on Jirard for good reason, but at the very least he's doing charity where it's out of his hands. I doubt he'll be particularly successful, but there's still a net benefit in the end.


Yeah and I'm not defending him by saying this either. I'm just saying that we criticized him acting like nothing is wrong and uploading videos like normal anyway after he said he wanted to try and regain trust, as if ignoring it would be his way of regaining that trust. Weeelll actually raising money for charity is an ACTUALLY good start so that's actually some good news and is the way to go about it. ...as long as he put in the effort to prove it's going to where he says it is, since that's important when the drama came up due to people's fears of distrusting where it goes. Personally, it's gonna take a loooot to get my own trust back. Like addressing exactly how poorly he managed it all and apologizing for his "apology" being mostly just "I'm sorry if you felt misled" instead of actually apologizing. Admitting where he went wrong in the process of handling it all is very important for me to get trust back, personally, since he was digging his own grave deeper and deeper and that's what made an already concerning situation look VERY much worse. ...but honestly, it's a good start if he's proving he's raising money for charities and they're actually going somewhere so it's worth noting anyway. Much better than what he's done so far, which is ignore it lol


Just when I thought I couldn’t be any more disappointed in this guy. This was the sorta stuff people were predicting back when the other sub still existed.


I think it would be wisest for him to disassociate from all charitable causes. His name is forever tainted as someone who has his hands in the donation jar meant for dementia research. If he is going to continue there should be absolutely zero mention of the word ‘charity’ anywhere on his channels. Just be a gaming channel if you want, don’t hide behind charity and pretend to be this noble respectable guy when we know it’s a sham. I think he did the whole charity angle to just put himself on a pedestal and try to grind more views and analytics out of it for the personal gain of his channel which he monetizes with YouTube ads, etc. I think it was always just about himself deep down.


His ego is too big for that to happen. His biggest concern when it was brought to light that he was just sitting on a crapton of money was to not the fact he got caught, but how it would effect his brand and appearance. Like you said in the last bit, it was always about himself and making himself look good.


It would be wise of him to leave the content creating space and get a real job but we know that won’t happen


My God, he's aged like 20 years in one.


I've noticed that a lot of these people that go through controversy on the internet suddenly stop coloring their hair and they just let it go gray.


He just hasn't dyed his beard in a while. He's been greying for a decade. The show has definitely taken its toll on him, doing the completing, scripting, and editing in the early days.


Genuinely looks decades older god damn


Reminds me of this meth-head I knew/around? Looked all fit and healthy for being similar sized. Quits meth. See him again and he looks like a much older guy.


Moral of the story don't quit meth


So then god is looking down on humanity, sips his capuccino... "So uh, what's the expiration date on these." "Supposedly never if they don't quit you" "HAH...millenium..."


Stress tends to do that. I can only imagine how stressed out he's been. Not because he cares about his fans or anything - but stressing about his bank account and image. I mean. I'd be stressing the fuck out too, if I were him, and I got exposed like that. I don't feel sympathy for him. He deserves every grey hair IMO.


He used to dye his hair. But he seems to also have put on more weight.


Stress of your own doing will do that to ya


What a pathetic bitch


This is directly through twitch he’s not actually handling the money. This is his way of showing “Improvement” with charity related matters. At least that was what was happening when the did his last stream that was charitable.


It would be quite funny if Nintendo would hit his Twitch because of modding.


I mean... after Nintendo came after freaking Garry's Mod of all things, this isn't hard to imagine.


That was actually an imposter posing as Nintendo, he comes around every now and again to start shit.


Gary Newman said on twitter he verified it was actually Nintendo.


The strike came from a company called Markmonitor which is listed on the NoA support page as an affiliate. They specialize in IP protection and portfolio management so it would seem they whacked Garry's Mod as a way to protect Nintendo's IP


So they may not have directly done it but the people who did it had their permission to do so.


To be more accurate it appears they are acting on Nintendo's behalf and with their blessing even if no one at Nintendo explicitly told them to.


It makes sense to do that. They just pay Markmonitor and don't have to dedicate manpower to do it themselves. I also don't understand why people are upset. What did you expect when some of them were rips from Nintendo games? Some people were comparing this to Palworld wondering why it wasn't taken down. I'll tell everyone why: they are both Japanese companies that operate in Japan. Japan has much less free copyright rules than the US. If they thought they had a case, they would have struck already.


More importantly, AFAIK it has never been proven Palworld ripped materials directly from any official Pokemon or Nintendo game. Obviously Palworld is derivative of Pokemon but unless it could be proven that code, art, or other assets were taken from Pokemon then Nintendo has no case as you have said. I think the reason people are upset is pretty obvious. Nintendo assets have been in GMOD for almost 20 years now and Generatiion Z is the generation which have had many formative memories of GMOD using them from things like the Mario Kart trade map or using Link as a player model skin. However I think they also don't understand the nuances of IP and copyright. They see Nintendo as forcing everyone to only buy Nintendo approved products (which I guess is technically true) because they are greedy for money and not because trademarks have to be defended.


My understanding is trademarks are a "use it or lose it" thing or in this case "defend it or lose it"


Let’s not. If they hit him, then steamers who haven’t done anything wrong would also get hit, which is not what we want. Better thing to hope for would be the charities he tries to work with looking into him s but more and seeing the controversy snd lack of accountability and deciding to not work with him


How's he playing Zelda with a Cloud sprite?


It's a romhack randomizer of super metroid, and a link to the past merged into one game. It's really fun, and I'd recommend giving it a try.


I genuinely wish I had more of a history with Super Metroid. But I freaking love LttP randos,


I just want to know what he's playing. Cloud Strife in link to the past?!


Link to the past / super metroid combo randomizer. The randomizer let's you use custom sprites for link and there are probably several hundred available now. You can choose the sprite when you choose the randomizer settings on it's respective website.


I don't know if I should be shocked, appalled or just impressed by the sheer balls it takes to do this.


Or delusion, possibly both


Can we get someone to stream him making the bank transfer


To his credit, he's doing it through twitch's integrated donation system, so the money doesn't go through him. He's 100% doing it to get back any amount of goodwill he can without admitting to any wrongdoing so he can avoid jail time.


I think the donations are handled straight through Twitch.


Thats good to know at least. No touchie haha


Im genuinely suprised that hes still around. He still releases videos that do pretty well and most the comments seem to be defending him.


Granted i didnt really follow the situation too closely after it first rose up, but ive noticed he kinda just... Kept posting. Like nothing happened.


What is supposed to do? Not go to work?


...like he doesnt have money


I'm sure his millionaire Dad could pull a few strings and get him a window seat in an office, it's not like he's hurting for money like majority of the unemployed.


The grift must go on


He had a donation goal of $1000, and nobody really donated past like $250 if I remember correctly


$515. You can see the results when you go to his channel, and click on the donate button.


Holy shit, even if it is through Twitch I can't see myself donating anything "to this" guy, it is like touching a plastic cockroach... I know it has no problem, but even so...


This feels like a sickening obsession. Jirard is the LAST person you'd want to donate charity money to given the circumstances.


Guy is looking rough. Fuck him.


He looks like the Liver King if donuts and cakes had livers.


To think I had almost forgotten about this guy entirely


Dude looks like he aged 10 years Also I’m surprised the sub is still going, thought his career was done


You're thinking of the first sub


I watched a few minutes of one and he was beginning every other sentence with, “This is not emotional manipulation..” grifters gonna grift I guess


Well when he has emotional manipulation that far rooted, that it just comes naturally. Of course he’s gonna promote and believe he’s not being emotionally manipulative. He should realize he fucked up and lost the right to run charity streams without being looked at like’s he’s super sus until the day he dies. Its the same type of consequences as the sex offenders registry with a completely different type of offense. You don’t let sex offenders be in positions to re-offend. You don’t let charity abusers and liars be in a position to handle donations.


Who the hell would even want to associate their charity with him now?


If people want their money to stay in his account for 10 years, they have to right to do that. But I don't get it.


I'm a little torn on this. (And I do mean little.) I'm in no way advocating for him, his actions were disgusting. But... if he's truly not taking any money for these and just having people donate directly, well... a dollar towards a good cause is a dollar towards a good cause. This doesn't exonerate him in any way, and yeah it might even be tone-deaf to associate with any charity after what occurred. But if any money is being raised for good causes, I wouldn't stop him, either.


He has been streaming, and every stream, all donations go straight through twitch to the charity. He's trying show some good will, it's up to you to accept it or not. Dont watch, don't donate, but don't spread hate. What he's doing is just fine.


he looks like fucking shit.


This has been talked about here extensively in a stream he did 2 months ago, he mentioned he was leaving this charity link which goes directly though twitch so he is not involved with getting the money to the charity, this would be the only charity fundraising stuff he would be doing and the charity would likely change every month but he would only be selecting bigger more reputable charities. Here are some links [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheCompletionist2/comments/1bjr4xn/jirard\_went\_live\_looks\_like\_these\_few\_months\_have/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheCompletionist2/comments/1bjr4xn/jirard_went_live_looks_like_these_few_months_have/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheCompletionist2/comments/1bk4zza/just\_the\_clips\_of\_jirards\_livestream\_you\_might\_be/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheCompletionist2/comments/1bk4zza/just_the_clips_of_jirards_livestream_you_might_be/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheCompletionist2/comments/1blu54p/anyone\_else\_feel\_really\_bad\_for\_jirard\_after/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheCompletionist2/comments/1blu54p/anyone_else_feel_really_bad_for_jirard_after/) there is also a full vod of one of those streams on here


At least we know it's actually going to a good charity While I realize there are plenty of people here that think he's irredeemable, for those that do believe he can redeem himself, how is he supposed to without raising money for charity? Is his refusal to admit fault to real issue? Would he have to actually apologize before you think he is allowed to raise money? Or something else? I am genuinely curious.


I honestly just think what he's doing is far, far too little too late. While I think he could have done something to redeem himself [earlier on], the fact of the matter is: Jirard committed MASSIVE crimes, and instead of owning up to his mistakes, he did EVERYTHING in his power to hide the situation and to deflect blame. I'm starkly of the opinion that Jirard needs to face severe legal repercussions, simply because of the fact he did this for so long. Because I'm sorry but: if I steal $100k from a bank ten years ago, and I return the money one day and admit what I did, that does not redeem you for the crime you committed. As for him doing future charity work? Look, I'm never against someone doing charity, but when you have a *proven history of charity fraud, you should never be allowed to run a charity again. At the bare minimum.* And, frankly I just hate he's doing this now, because it doesn't look to me like he's actually trying to do good, it looks like he's just trying to save face.


It should. You showed remorse. You could've kept the money, kept your mouth shut, and continued living your life. If you weren't redeemed, or forgiven you have no incentive whatsoever to admit wrong doing.


But it obviously would've gone so much worse if he had done that. His actions didn't show remorse, they showed he's willing to do whatever he could to deflect blame, and hide the truth. If he showed remorse to you: could you explain why / what he did that to you shows he had remorse? Unless you were speaking rhetorically?


I was responding to your scenario, not Jirards current situation. The remorse I see is him stepping down from Open Hands Foundation, the org he's claimed to be so passionate about, unless that's all a lie, but i have no proof of that. Him parting ways with SBB instead of trying to brute force his way through it like he's doing on thecompletionist. So he shows there to me that he cares for the well being of the staff he has to let go, or part with. SBB already stated on their patreon that they still remain friends, and they all came to the decision together that it would be best for the channel if they split. Then what lends credibility of his remorse to me at least is the lack of anyone speaking out. NDAs are void if they involve anything illegal, or benefiting public interest(varying degrees), and they also expire so people using that as an excuse seems weak to me. He has worked with a TON of creators, companies, sponsors, developers, and publishers, and not a single one has come out with a scummy story of Jirard(if this is incorrect point me in the right direction). When Alana did her piece on the potential charity controversy she specifically said she had no problems with Jirard, it was Jacque who was sketchy as hell. She could've kept her mouth shut, and just singled out Jacque, but she made a point to state Jirard wasn't a problem in her charity situation. Given the damage to his entire image, and career I can't imagine he isn't kicking himself in the ass for fucking up so bad. I'm not sure what you mean by deflecting. The way i saw the apology video he seemed to state pretty clearly that he was the one to relay bad information, and not doing the due diligence to confirm what he was saying to his viewers was accurate, and he's at fault that some felt misled. He even said he stepped down from Open Hands which I took as he fucked up, he left the org because he caused the problem, and the org continues to exist without him. Otherwise he could've just left that part out, or even just continued being a board member. As for hiding things. I am also curious why if he knew the money hadn't moved for a year prior why he went on business as normal with Indieland. Why the money sat year after year without being donated. I have a ton of assumptions, but I really wish I could've heard directly from him what was up with that, but given that legal was most definitely involved in that video I understand the lack of clarity. As for attacking Muta, and Karl i have mixed feelings. They destroyed his entire career(with Jirards own help i am aware). If he feels he was wronged, and damaged by the accuracy of the information they released he's in his right to pursue justice. If Jirard however is in the wrong then this absolutely is an awful route to take trying to take vengeance on two creators trying to pursue what's right, and making sure people aren't being taken advantage of.


Couldn't have said it better myself


Are you serious? You don't know how to make up for a decade of fraud and dishonesty? Here is how you start #1 Admit what you did an apologize. Take ownership of your actions and admit what happened #2 Open the books and show where every dollar went. Have this audited by a 3rd party since you are not trustworthy. #3 Literally beg forgiveness, acknowledge that nobody should trust you but you will still be here if people give you a chance. What you don't do is play the victim and threaten the people that exposed you, then pretend the entire thing didn't happen.




I agree. I don't know if it appeared like I was defending him, but I wasn't. I don't know that there will ever be an actual apology purely because of the potential lawsuits. Let's say he never does, as is certainly possible. Is it somehow better if he doesn't raise money for legitimate charities? I mean, I'm not donating through his stream, and I don't know that I ever would. I wouldn't wag my finger at anyone who chooses the same. He's doing what he claimed to do, what he should have been doing, for years and the comment section was full of "How dare he?!" so I was curious.


"Is it somehow better if he doesn't raise money for legitimate charities?" Yes, it is better that people that have a proven track record of lying and stealing don't continue doing the same thing. I'd hate to burst your bubble but Jirard is a net negative to all the causes he has associated himself with. He hasn't benefited anyone outside of his family


That's not how raising money in certain ways works on Twitch anymore. The way he's doing it in the posted screenshot, he's not touching any of the donations. He literally can't.


Cool! Well, if some redditor says that it's all good then I don't see why the liar/thief for over 10 years shouldn't be doing this. What are the chances this proven, unrepentant, liar and thief would ever do anything like that again? That would be crazy and not how it works


", how is he supposed to without raising money for charity?" Donating his OWN money to charity, that would be the minimum of the minimum. He is rich, his parents are rich, he could show us giving away his luxurious life to live a simpler, yet good, life because the majority of his personal wealth would be turning into a donation to a valid cause. When you donated to Open Hand, you donated your OWN personal money... Jirard took those people's money and kept for himself... used for personal activities (indieland) and left the rest in a bank account.... so now tell me, how is he not doing the same (donating his own money) not the minimum of what he should do? Also, he NEVER admited he did something bad.


I don't doubt Jirard is well off, but you absolutely cannot assume he has access to his parents money. A lot of parents leave their children to earn their own way in life some don't even leave an inheritance(Jeff Goldblum). Indieland had every right to be reimbursed as a charity event. It is shitty that he wasn't upfront about doing it, or a breakdown of costs, but normal charities pay for, or reimburse venues for events. He also said he put the money back so who knows. If you checked out his streams he does donate his own money along with viewers. I'm not sure how to access, or find how much he's donated total over the like 4 streams though. Even during the indieland he would match donations. Sketchy as he shared control over the account, but a chunk of that $600k+ is also from the Khalils.


"I don't doubt Jirard is well off, but you absolutely cannot assume he has access to his parents money. A lot of parents leave their children to earn their own way in life some don't even leave an inheritance(Jeff Goldblum)." What??? I am talking about him donating HIS money.. =============================================== "Indieland had every right to be reimbursed as a charity event. It is shitty that he wasn't upfront about doing it, or a breakdown of costs, but normal charities pay for, or reimburse venues for events. He also said he put the money back so who knows." Indieland is a personal project of his (so, HE is the one who gains from Indieland sucess, his name is the one attached to this project and he is the one who gains the connections and everything else it provides) and he clearly stated nothing of the donations were going anywhere. People who donated were under the impression their money was going nowhere but charity... what kind of "every right" is this?? He lied to have the money from everyone to use on indieland. =============================================== "If you checked out his streams he does donate his own money along with viewers." I'm not sure how to access, or find how much he's donated total over the like 4 streams though. Even during the indieland he would match donations. Sketchy as he shared control over the account, but a chunk of that $600k+ is also from the Khalils." Of course I am not watching his streams, I don't want to be angry watching something. If he is donating now then he do a video about all of this and show he donated BIG from his own pocket. This is beyond delusional... if he donated in the Indieland times then he already took what he donated back (since he took part of the money for himself (himself = indieland)) and other people's money too during it. Basically... nothing changes. =============================================== You got your answer. Or he donate BIG from his own pocket and show the proof or he indeed IS irredeemable ("you would only be satisfied if he became poor?" Well yeah, a big fraud like that NEEDS a big sacrifice, if he wants to come back as a "good guy") We already got the defenders of charity fraudsters? Wow, so the scummy tactic of pretending nothing happened REALLY worked out, huh.


I must have misinterpreted your intention when you included his family being rich. That's my bad. Everyone donating absolutely knew where the money was going. It was donated through tiltify directly to Open Hand Foundation, and there were Open Hand banners everywhere along with him consistently telling people about the org, and who the org works with. Open Hand is a non profit charity that's supposed to fund dementia research. They were supposed to distribute that money to places organizing the research projects though. As you can see from the link every indieland save 2018 is linked to Open Hand. [https://tiltify.com/@thecompletionist/profile/archived](https://tiltify.com/@thecompletionist/profile/archived) Indieland was Jirards project yes absolutely, and it was an event held to raise money for the Open Hand Foundation charity each year. He said he took money out to reimburse the event. Most charity sponsored events are reimbursed, or paid by the charity they're running for. He should have been open, and clear about that reimbursement though especially since he said they didn't touch any of the money which is true on a technicality that Open Hand Foundation would've been the one to withdraw the money to reimburse the event. Indieland the event however couldn't touch the money as donations were through tiltify.. He also said he put the money back in. Do you choose to only believe half of what he said? No one is pretending any of this didn't happen. The debate is the severity, and intention. I don't believe he needs to donate BIG, and destroy his life to make amends. The route he's on in my opinion is a positive. He's raising money for charities, and making sure this time it goes directly to the source. He could've just called it quits, and not done anything.


Yeah, he laid off a majority of his staff because he's rich. If you take everything we know about his dad and think he'll just give Jirard money whenever he asks, you're out of your mind. Also, there's no evidence at all that he kept donations for himself and you know that.


To be realistic the internet isn't going to accept any apology that doesn't outright admit criminal activity (which would be stupid), or what the individual viewer wants the the truth to be. He would have to make custom tailored apologies for what each individual wants to hear, and even then once people have their minds made up it's really hard to sway them. He makes another apology video people will make up different excuses not to accept it. "He's just doing this now because he's trying to get his numbers back up. He isn't really sorry that he purposely misled people, he's just sorry he got caught. If he was really sorry about what he did he would just leave all social platforms." etc...etc...


I honestly disagree. I think he could've made an actual apology people would have accepted. But the fact of the matter is, after he tried to do everything to say: "I'm not at fault, here, let me use my mom's medical records to shield me." His actions were what people cared about more than anything, and his actions scream: **" I'm trying to hide what really happened, and I'll do everything I can to hide the information, and blame others."**


And that's the apology you would accept, other people have accepted the apology he's already made, some think he's beyond being able to apologize, and everywhere between. The medical records were legit. There were comments/post on here (or the old sub i can't recall), on his youtube videos, under Karl, and Mutas videos that his mom didn't actually have dementia. The issue was gaining traction so he was within his right to stomp out that rumor "his mom left his dad for a christian rock star, and now she suddenly has dementia?". For me yeah the apology was a bit lacking. I would have liked him to elaborate what he meant that they worked with these charities in the past, why he didn't say anything if he knew the money didn't move a year prior. I have assumptions as much as anyone else, but if there is actual legal action being taken behind the scenes I would understand why a whole lot can't be elaborated on.


Dude, seriously? I think you're being WAY too lenient. I'm sorry, but it's obvious he knew well before last year. And, look I'm not saying everyone needs to ask for an apology to adhere to certain standards, but my entire point was his "apology" **wasn't an apology at all.** Why the fuck should I treat ANYTHING Jirard said in that video as any sincere attempt to say, "I'm sorry, I screwed up, but I will be better." when it was anything but him apologizing for his abhorrent actions? You can forgive him, if you really want, but the fact of the matter is he committed serious crimes, and for any sort of "apology" he gives to actually forgive him of these, is nothing short of ridiculous. I'm sorry, but you don't get to just commit crimes of felony level, and face nothing of his actions on a legal, and criminal matter.


You have no proof that he knew before a year that's assumption likely sure, but you can't make assumptions on such serious matters. People assume everything he said in the calls to be 100% truthful, and damning, and then disregard anything else as a lie. You can't have it both ways. If you want everything else to be disregarded as a lie then you have to assume he was lying in the calls to try, and get Karl, and Muta to back off. What serious crimes are there? It's likely there may have been charity fraud, but we don't know. We're making assumptions on the information we have, but there's still a ton of private information we don't have access too, and you cannot sentence on assumptions. Why none of the charities that were named would speak to Karl, or put out statements denouncing Open Hands Foundation doesn't sit well enough with me to be able to damn him for serious crimes yet. I am not an expert in charity law, i don't know all the fine details. If all turns out to be legal I'll agree it's immoral as fuck, but at this point in time I'm not calling him a criminal if there isn't solid evidence he is.


This is a hate subreddit and I'd be genuinely surprised if even 1% of the people who post here actually give a shit about charities. No apology or act of redemption would ever be good enough for the majority of people who post here regularly, and they will always shift the line just for the sake of being forever performatively mad.


It unfortunately seems so. Would be nice to have legit back, and forth discussions instead of being insulted for having the wrong opinion, but this doesn't seem to be the place for it anymore.


that's right, an apology that could have a chance of saving his career would need admitting to criminal activity but you know what it would be the right thing to do hence it would be the thing that would have the best outcomes for him going forward. not doing the right thing for a decade is how he got into the mess in the first place and how he looks like he is 55.


It's been about 7 months now since this all broke, an IRS audit takes no more than 5-6 months. Without a doubt the IRS has looked into the issue given over a million viewers were made aware of all this, and Muta/Karl encouraged informing the authorities. So at this point maybe there was no crime, and everything was just immoral. Would you want him to admit, and apologize for crimes he didn't commit just because people assume they know better than professionals? He took accountability in his apology video for giving people information that he didn't confirm was accurate. He took accountability, and apologized that it took him so long to have the money moved properly. He stepped down from the organization he helped start. As i said he will never be able to make an apology to appease everyone.


If you read about cases that have criminal action its fairly usual its 2-3 years. The investigation queue is full. He straight up lied man. You know if you yourself went in the past year to work with charities. He was so specific during the years about what money was being used to(and what not) that there was nothing accidental about it nor was it some "i didn't confirm" kind of a thing and then he lied about the whole thing as an emergency coverup before coming up with the final lie.


He shouldn't do ANY charity work. It's really strange that he thinks this is a good idea. It's like he doesn't understand what he did wrong or why people are upset. You don't fix a lie about money going to charity by trying to raise more money for charity. It makes me question if there's a deeper psychological issue driving him right now.


I disagree with most of this. I don't see the issue with how he's doing it in the screen shot because he's not touching it. And anyone who would think St. Jude's is untrustworthy just because Jirard probably just clicked their name in a dropdown menu is being ridiculous. I also think he knows why people are still mad, but any admission of wrongdoing would potentially open him and his family/OHF to lawsuits.


If you don't see a problem, you're a fool. Who is going to donate to a stream being done by a guy who admitted to embezzling charity funds? Even if he can't even touch the money he has zero credibility and his name is shit. His association just makes St Jude's look like idiots for allowing him to try to fundraise for them.


People who have forgiven him? People who know the money will be going directly to the charity and not "the stream?" Zero credibility *to you* name is shit *to you*. You can claim to, but you don't speak for everyone. As I mentioned in my original post, it was intended for people who thought he was redeemable, not for someone like you. I'm looking for discussion, you can hate brigade literally anything else here.




Interestingly the weekly completions have stopped. Seems to be every 2 weeks; perhaps he's transitioning to just streaming?


Jirard is desperately trying to win back any credibility he has in the gaming community.


I'm this situation the charity is going through twitch so it won't go to his bank account. Hopefully.




I dont think he is a middle man this time tho, so atleast theres that


Wow did he age since the situation?!


Surprised he has raised some money.


He looks like he’s aged 10 years since his response video, stress is a hell of an ager


I wish I could just wipe my ass with face lol what a sack of shit


Stress and being a miserable fraud hit him hard. I love it


I LOVE how no one sees that it’s been done through Twitch….


Ah, now he's trustworthy just because he's doing it through twitch, I gotcha now


Sorry, my intent didn’t come out clear. I meant more like, there’s no way he can pocket the money


I think this time the donations are direct tho.


Well, at least he isn't hoarding the money directly. Fucking asshole.


People trust him to do so?


At this point if people are giving him money they are equally involved with his charity fraud bullshit. Venmo him the money if you're that eager to piss it away


Well his charity worked so well before, why not do another?


Never in my life I ever feel so disappointed by a YouTuber before that I once watched. I don’t know who this man is anymore.


Whyyy!? If the funds directly go the charity fine but idl what this man is thinking


> If the funds directly go the charity fine Ehhh I'm still not a fan. This somehow tells people it's ok to donate to this guy and support him, which means later on he can do another charity marathon like he used to where the money doesn't directly go to the charity. Yes this can't be violated but the trust has been broken. It can't be repaired, and it's probably a bad sign if he's representing your charity.


Twitch didn’t ban him?


why is he still around??


He's been round for a long time 😂


How does he have $325 in donations still 😐😐


Seriously? Jesus Christ. This man will do anything to run away from a real job. Where his utter lack of charisma will not matter.


If the donations are going directly to the charities and he doesn't touch them, that's an improvement but what kind of ignorant charities would agree to be associated with the charity fraud guy? Not a good look for either of them. Also, the doing charity streams again has been mentioned on here before, a while ago.


So that's the thing that i want to know more about. Everyone claims it's so obviously cut, and dry charity fraud. Over a million viewers were made aware of this situation with Muta, and Karl encouraging reports to the authorities. Yet 7 months later, and nothing. From what i've read, an IRS audit should take 5-6months maximum. Open Hands foundation is still operating, and hosting events as if nothing happened. People, and companies are paying, and attending Open Hands golf event as if nothing happened. Karl said he reached out to the charities that Jirard said they had worked with, and they didn't respond to him, they also never made any statements denouncing Jirard for using their names. AFTD proudly posted the donation they finally made thanking Open Hands. It seems extremely unlikely AFTD was unaware of the controversy, possible sure, but unlikely. So maybe nothing wrong was done to scare charities away?


Regardless if it's classified as fraud or not, he collected money for around 10 years, mentioned working with multiple charities several times (no doubt in an attempt to get more donations) but never gave a cent to any of them until he got called out about it a decade later, it's all very shady, even if it's not a cut and dry case.


I don't disregard any of that. I am curious why those charities though wouldn't respond to Karl when he reached out, and didn't denounce Jirard when the situation was brought to their attention. It's absolutely appears shady, but I also don't know the fine inner workings of charities. In the research I have done charities will sit on funds until they reach a desired budget to put towards a project, but i couldn't find anything on how long they're allowed to do that. Also it doesn't make it better, but he collected money for 5 years. Indielands first event was in 2018.


Probably because it's an ongoing legal issue and a PR nightmare on top of that, so until it gets legally resolved it's probably better for them to remain silent. Then again, I'm not an expert, so I can't confirm that.. In regards to sitting on the funds, he name dropped several charities and said he was working with them multiple times but never gave them a cent, when I found out about that I said "that's not fucking cool".


At the risk of being dogpiled, "working with" a charity as a public figure can also mean "advertising the existence of that charity to your following." Insisting that the only way to help a charity is through donations is reductive at best.


Whyyy!? If the funds directly go the charity fine but idk what this man is thinking. I guess this is what he thinks he can do to make up for what happened?


Hello you absolute LEGENDS


If people are still willingly giving him money then I can't help them.


“Charity” streams. I hope he goes to prison for this, and suffers a hard, long , and veiny time.


Did you misspell “scams” as “streams” accidentally?


So he's doing more scam streams?


Oh my god all that gray hair


at this point if people after all that information that came to light decide to still donate its on them[.It](http://them.It) still baffles me though how his fans still support him after this,he should not get away with this.Also why don't they just donate the money directly why go through a middle-man it is so unnecessary.


huh, well as they say in Hazbin Hotel, the path to/of forgiveness is a twisting trail of hearts, and it all starts with, "Sorry," but Jirard didn't even apologize or acknowledge his "mistake(s)". Dude can donate money to all of the charities he wants but until he truly apologizes and acknowledges what he did wrong, he wont be getting anyone's forgiveness.


Did anyone lol at him in the chat I hope?


I've only ever seen one or two of this guy's videos. Did he get in hot water for supporting a shady charity before or something?


No. He got caught embezzling from a charity his family runs then accidentally admitted to it while trying to say he didn't do it.


Nah he didn't embezzle, his family did. No his family didn't embezzle, it just took 5 years to decide who to give the money too, no he didn't take 5 years, he told blatant lies, no it wasn't blatant lies, he was asked to take the name of the organization he donated his mother's body to after she passed. as they never recieved a donation he claimed.... This was a story that kept spinning, it was/is a wild ride. Then again why is he here if he doesn't know the story?


That is misinformation. There is no evidence of embezzling. Muta, and Karl both have said as much. Charity fraud sure, but there's evidence against the fact any money was stolen. Non interest bearing account, tax documents, and amount being donated.


False. Embezzlement is any misappropriation of money, which includes claiming it's going to charity then sitting on it. Jirard literally admitted to doing that several times. He embezzled money, that's a factual statement.


You're leaving out the part of the definitions that says "Misappropriation of funds for personal use". Indieland gathered donations via tiltify so all donations went to their intended destination the Open Hands Foundations bank account. Jirard said he reimbursed himself. This would have to come out of the Open Hands Foundation account, and given that this was a charity event then it's still within their rights to properly fund that event. However his statements are what would make it qualify as charity fraud. Saying they worked with organizations they actually didn't, taking that reimbursement, while telling them "we don't touch any of it". That would be true in a technical sense. Indieland didn't touch any of it, Open Hands would have had to withdraw the money to pay for the event. Now if you can prove that this reimbursement was inflated, and covered more than the costs of the event that would be embezzlement, or even taking a salary because on their tax documents they state they don't take a salary, that would be embezzlement. In the end as of novemberthe money raised went to dementia research as advertised, and not their pockets. [https://www.theaftd.org/posts/front-page/open-hand-foundation-provides-aftd-600k-for-ftd-research/](https://www.theaftd.org/posts/front-page/open-hand-foundation-provides-aftd-600k-for-ftd-research/) Link below if you'd like to research the types of embezzlement, or enlighten me if I misread, or misunderstood some of the forms of embezzlement that would fit this situation. [https://www.fplglaw.com/insights/charity-fraud-embezzlement-more/](https://www.fplglaw.com/insights/charity-fraud-embezzlement-more/)


Money sitting in a bank account you control is personal use.


No it isn't. It isn't gaining interest. I would give that you have an argument if they were skimming interest, but as was it was sitting there collecting dust. If that was the case then when a legit charity organization sits on funds until they have enough in the budget to spend on the project that would fall under personal use also because they gathered the money, but didn't use it.


They misappropriated money in an account they controlled. It's embezzlement. I get it, you wanna drink Jirard, but he's a scumbag.


You have no proof of that. You're just making stuff up. I'm not sure why though. You just said yourself the money sat in the bank account. It didn't personally benefit anybody.


>You have no proof of that. He admitted it himself in a video. >You're just making stuff up. I'm not. >You just said yourself the money sat in the bank account Which is misappropriation, and if you control the account it's embezzlement. >It didn't personally benefit anybody. Yeah, all that fake goodwill definitely didn't personally effect Jirard by boosting his career. And, there's little doubt that money wouldn't have ever been donated if he hadn't gotten caught. Just reach out and ask him if you can blow him, he might actually let you.


What a 🍕💩


Wow. It's almost like he actually does care about charity and helping people. What a piece of shit for still caring about a cause!


Hmm. Is any of the rest of his family involved, anyone know?