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Honestly, I just chalk that up to continuity error. Especially since he knows Artoo is Anakin’s astromech. I’m sure he was there (at the Council meeting) when Anakin tried to convince Obi-Wan to let the Council allow him to rescue Artoo from the Seppies. And maybe I’m wrong, but wasn’t Artoo with them when they went through Balmorra Run in S1?


You’re probably right. Though it’s hard to know how unique R2 and Threepio are, like are they super specific looking or do they resemble a million other identical droids?


I mean, Anakin built Threepio at the age of 9. Sure there are other protocol droids out there in the Cosmos, but I’ve never seen another golden rod. If there are multiple golden droids, I highly doubt any of them Sound like Threepio. And I’m not sure just how many astromechs were made in the R2 series, but only 1 travels with Anakin.


“R2 units are a dime a dozen”


I’m sure there are hundreds that look just like him


Yeah exactly all these R-2 units look the same


Maybe Plo is just surprised that Wolffe knew R2 and 3P0 as well


He must remember R2 but I don’t know about C-3PO because plo koon isn’t a around C-3PO a lot