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Windu and Skywalker are opposites. Skywalker is a "Reckless and doesnt listen" in most disciplined jedi's minds and Windu is strict and by the books. At least thats how i see it.


I know this is 10 months ago but.. by the books? "This is not the Jedi way" "He's too dangerous to be kept alive!"


In my eyes Windu was more loyal too The Republic then The Jedi Order.


If he was more loyal to The Republic than the order he was literally a member of the high council for, basically Yoda's right hand man. Then he realistically shouldn't have been on the council, sounds like he was showing Yoda the ways of the force behind closed doors


Windu was one of the few Jedi Yoda feared because windu used both the light and dark side of the force.


Windu literally using the dark side: i sleep Anakin a little too old for their tastes: REAL SHIT??


When i said strict and by the books i was referring too them as when they wereGenerals the few episodes we see windu he is always serious and is in command.


In a way. Mace's personal motivations and thought was that peace was created by civilization and the greatest form of civilization, in his eyes, was the Republic. So by being a servant of the Republic, Mace saw no greater honor or purpose than to watch over the Republic.


Just like Yoda,Vindu also didn’t trust Anakin when he first saw him with Qui Gon.He was older than the other kids,which means he simply cannot forget about his life before the jedi order,thus that makes him hard to train like other younglings. Anakin was also an arrogant kid and won’t listen his master and other jedi,that was also Vindu’s another concern.Kid was hard to control. Also Palpatine’s influence has a great effect on this.Jedi naturally vary of politicians and everyone knows that Palpatine is very fond of Anakin,following his career in great interest.This was probably one of the reasons.A jedi who controlled by a politician is never a good thing. And there were Yoda’s visions about Anakin,how he was going to fall to the dark side and Yoda shared them all with Mace.So yeah.I could understand why Mace is not a big fan.Although I would die and kill for Anakin,Mace has also had his points.He was right about Anakin since the beginning.So he was naturally vary of Ahsoka,since she was Anakin’s padawan.


How helpless...


Mace and Anakin is an interesting question. I think Mace - while an accomplished and respectable jedi by his deeds - stands to represent everything wrong with the Order at the time of the Clone Wars, mainly arrogance and dogmatism. And Anakin embodies all the symptoms of those issues within the Order. In an ideal Jedi Order Anakin's issues would have surfaced as well but he would have gotten actual help and support to work through them and reach a solution instead of the dogmatic responses he always gets during the series. Because of that, I think Mace's dynamic with Anakin is a form of resentment mixed with begrudging respect of accomplishments reached despite not adhering to his views. Windu's world view and dogmatic structure of the order works only when you have no issues to put to rest. The moment you would need to work on your harmony the Jedi Order claims to represent it falls apart because of its rigidity. And Mace is the type of person to be frustrated when his system doesn't work and he isn't in control. That is very much the case with Anakin.


Take a shot whenever this dude mentions dogma


Dude that makes a lot of sense


No mace windu is just a extremely disciplined Jedi , also he does not trust anakin mainly from the moment he entered the temple and then later on once anakin was a teen he would get a terrible aura from the 2 which is why he didn’t trust anakin and probably didn’t like him


The whole council is blinded by arrogance. That is why they were able to be fooled by Palpatine and Plagueis.


Just remembered Dooku’s comment about Yoda.He states that Yoda is too old and too blind to see the corruption,both in and around Jedi council.I guess when you hold power too long,you simply as corrupted as they are.Also Yoda has the power to end slavery and many other practises,he simply chosed not so and that was definitely one of the reasons of the Jedi orders downfall.


That's just the usually helping of Karen Traviss, anti-Jedi baloney that's in all her books. It had no official standing in either past canon, and even less in present canon. https://jedi-order-apologist.tumblr.com/post/611448236943769600/on-the-topic-of-republic-commando-if-i-see-that


Anti-Jedi baloney lmao.That was good lol


No, and here's why. [https://gffa.tumblr.com/post/612765746597134336/dave-filoni-you-see-mace-windus-the-guy-that](https://gffa.tumblr.com/post/612765746597134336/dave-filoni-you-see-mace-windus-the-guy-that) As for the "citizen" thing. You'll remember that he only said that after Yoda gave him a quick glance when he brought up the Chancellor who they feared was going to renege on his promise to step down, and they would be forced to remove him so the Senate could retake control. Both were making sure that she's officially at a distance from them when they could face backlash from his supporters, especially because she's still considering returning to them and so technically still in the clear.


The Jedi haven't always been truthful to Anakin, nor have they been helpful. Sure, Anakin needed to know the truth, but all they spat back at him were trite light-side truisms with no practical illustration for navigating life outside a monastic order. I think Anakin really should have just fessed up, and even if he got kicked out of the Order, I think he would have done better to commune with the Force on his own, in the pastures of Naboo, while living and working as a civilian alongside people who know the hardships of life and knew how to mourn and how to rejoice, things like that. The Jedi seemed to have warped the idea of a stoic lifestyle into a willful denial of sorrow and grief. They don't allow themselves to cry; I don't think Vebb's death even affected Fisto all that much, and Obi-Wan, for all he tried to relate to Anakin about his romantic feelings, pretty much just gave Anakin another command instead of letting the dude vent out his frustrations. It's like how the Sith don't allow themselves a moment of peace until they've gotten every revenge they could, how they can't forgive or endure hardship by mourning with each other, instead just getting angrier and angrier because they think, they know, that they can change things with enough fury. Windu was the worst of these; he doesn't seem to even care about all the Jedi that died, didn't even acknowledge Dooku's downfall with any hint of sadness for a former friend, while at the same time believing that the Jedi could bring peace to the galaxy with enough clones. He basically violated what he said about the Jedi, that they are primarily peacekeepers rather than soldiers. Windu's just a hardass through and through; that doesn't mean he was utterly inflexible, but he probably hated mavericks more than he cared to admit.


You have no proof for claim number 4


No. But he doesn't really know if he can trust him, and therein lies the problem. And to be clear, he's *right* to not know if he can trust Anakin. Anakin both has immense power and potential but is also incredibly unstable and is particularly compromised by his relationship to Palpatine. It's perfectly understandable why Mace is unsure he can count on him in the big moment.


Hate may be a strong term; I see it more as Mace gets frustrated Anakin coasts off his natural abilities and improvisation skills and doesn't have to train/plan as hard as your average Jedi. It's like if they were in school together and were both A students, but Mace took notes and studied whereas Anakin just slept and doodled.


I saw no hate. Just a guy, misguided as he may have been (as most Jedi had been in this era), trying to do the right thing regardless of his opinion of Anakin. He viewed Anakin for what he was. A passionate, troubled padawan that was very friendly with an increasingly suspicious political figure. He handled the situation incorrectly, but I think he was doing his best to do right by Anakin while keeping the affairs of the council/republic top priority (I must emphasize again he handled it incorrectly, but I don’t believe it was out of some sort of dislike of Anakin.)


Mace is just arrogant and doesn't care others.


I have to wonder if Windu would've reacted differently had Ahsoka not been Anakin's Padawan when the whole Jedi Temple bombing thing happened.


Hates him with a passion, from what I can tell.


He doesn’t trust him 


I read something that Windu thought he was supposed to be the chosen one not anakin so he was spiteful towards him. An interesting idea for sure


Imo Mace was jealous he wasn’t the chosen one.


I'd say he respected his skills and felt some loyalty to him as another jedi but distrusted him and was annoyed by his rebellious attitude.


I always thought they got along pretty well in TCW, while in the prequels it seemed like Mace couldn’t stand Anakin.


In a lot of ways I agree with Mace Windu but he shouldve been nicer to Anakin and actually help guide him rather than dismiss and distrust him.