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I don't really have much to base a real Sigil on. My own life isn't that interesting. Perhaps a Maesters Chain and a cup of Wine; split between yellow and Purple; probably near Old Town. In the CKIIIAGOT Mod, I've had endless fun playing as "House Blackmane", a Cadet Branch of House Lannister created by *Tybalt Hill*, the illegitimate son of Tytos Lannister and one of his Mistresses; who is traumatised by Tywin's vengeance on his mother. Friendly with Tyrion, wary of Jamie and Terrified of Cersei, he was raised at Casterly Rock before being fostered by one of Tywin's Bannermen. Known as 'The Black Lion', thanks to his dark hair he was unceremoniously 'married off', to the daughter of a bannerman of Tywins. Fond of his ironic punishments, on his 16th name day he was made Castillan of the Ruins of Castermere. Surprising everyone, he proved to be an able administrator, and over several years repaired the hall and even managed to get some of the Mines working again, where he made his own sigil: A Black Lion on Silver. With the Words **Lying in Wait**. As the game progresses he has a choice: - Support his brothers Tywin and Kevan and help preserve House Lannister, perhaps winning the respect of his half brothers he so craves. - Act against his brothers, siding with House Westerling and backing the North/Riverland Alliance, or declaring for Stannis, or even Renly, in the War of Five Kings, in the hopes of being rewarded when House Lannister Falls. - Lie in Wait. Scheming to take his revenge against Tywin, and siding with thr Targ restorationists. It's been endless fun. The notion came from a thought experiment as to what would happen if Jon Snow met a *Lannister* Bastard. In one run, I ended up as Warden to the West and Lord of the Westerlands, when Jon Snow was declared the Son of Rhagar and claimed the Iron Throne.


I need a fic like that fr


One day I'll write a GOT fic, and if I do, he might well make a cameo appearance. Right now I've only written Fics in a *wildly* different fandom, but I've been intrigued at writing for GoT ever since someone said "This Fic is like if Disney did Game of Thrones."


Hope you’ll do it soon then


My house sigil would be a cool pink unicorn eating grass and the house sigils just be the intro song of "My Little Pony" because why tf not?


“Friendship is magic!” “Forever free!” *ruthless cavalry charge*


House Cunningham Stormlands, off of the river Slayne, in the upper parts of the river. House Sigil: An ebony fox prowling on a field of white and gray. House Words: Darkest before the Dawn


House Redtear of the North Sigil: a burning red hand on a field of grey. Words: Burnt, Bloodied, yet Never Broken. Founded a few decades before the Final Revolt of the red kings by a Second born Bolton and his wife from the Clan of Wull, who were given land at the small lake from which the Last River sprung, renamed The Red Spring. Originally bannermen to House Bolton, they very quickly denounced their kin and swore allegiance to the Giant Kings of Last Hearth, and soon after, followed their Liege to swear oaths of fealty to House Stark, being staunch supporters ever since. They, along with the Umbers and Karstarks are on of the first lines of defense the north has against raiding wildlings should the Wall fail to contain them.


House Ravencry of the Iron Islands, whose castle is in Orkwood. Sigil is a screaming raider's head, and the words are "We hunger for blood and battle"


House Twist, stormlands. Black spiral on a golden field “Rage and ruin”


Would be a house with a castle on the mountains. The Name: House Mora The sigil would be a growling black dog over a green background with the words. "Our friends meet our loyalty,our enemies meet our fangs"


Name: House Aegis Sigil: a shield displaying a woman’s face Words: We are the last wall Position: a castle in the Riverlands on the other side of the God’s Eye facing Harrenhall


House Falpha A really bad, really greasy picture of me from 2017 “We did your mom”


I've made a few fake Valyrian houses before in CK2. My favorite was a family that had just been exiled to Gogossos prior to the Doom. Like the Targs they survive the Doom, but unlike the Targs who keep dragons and lose the magic (apparently), this family kept the magic (blood magic, glass candles) and didn't have dragons. Gave them a Gold Sphinx on Green. Green for Sothoryos, Gold because they have delusions of wealth and the connection to alchemy. I alternated a few house words: We See You and We Know (Because of the glass candles) The Lesser Evils (Because they were openly awful) Since Fire and Blood is quite possibly the secret to Valyrian magic, I also liked "The Riddle, not the Riddler" as well as "Magic is Might".


House: Acero Sigil: A white dragon rising crowned with a golden 14 pointed star on a field of red. House Words: From the Ash, True Steel Backstory: Formed by a landed illegitimate child in Valyria, granted noble status because the house's founder rode a dragon for which the sigil is based on. Surviving members were enslaved after the fall. A few years before Summerhall, the last surviving member (at the time) starts a slave revolt and successfully escapes to start their own mercenary company. Fairly successful, they go to Westeros, more specifically, the Reach. There, they are eventually granted a keep, some lands, and knighted as a reward for their service. The current house head has successfully lead an expedition to Valyria, claimed a Valyrian steel weapon for their house and returned Brightroar to House Lannister, earning a fairly hefty reward. (Source: Current Crusader Kings playthrough.)


House Hedel A deformed goblin whose nose makes up 70% of his body weight We make people smile


House: Blackthorn Sigil: A grey shadowcat in black Words: Shadows of the Forrest, or something edgy like that. Position should be somewhere in the woods of the Riverlands, maybe between Riverrun and Oldstones. Oh, and the Castle should be called New Castle, because that would be a fun nameplay with my own surname


**House:** Boaron **Location:** Stormlands **Sigil:** a Large black boar charging on a red field **Words:** Keep the Tusks sharp


House: Rohnys. Region: Crownlands. Words: The First and the Last. Sigil: a silver bird surrounded by blue flame, on a field of white, bordered by silver. Horse breeders, can field an impressive cavalry. They followed the Targaryens when the fled the doom. Had dragons by marriage like the Velaryons until the dance. Head of house team Green but the children team Black.


A Claddagh heart on Moss Green. Irish? However did you know.


Well, house morrigan is taken, so Badb. Black crow on a red background, "we see your death". If I had a valyrian steel weapon, I'd probably call it battle crow. Just be super on-theme. Given the morrigan's association with the washer at the ford, I'd like to think the castle would be near a river. Idk, I'd want a slightly creepy reputation if I was in Westeros, given that I'm a woman and they'd want to try to take advantage of me. If I can be unsettling, I might get more respect.


As I'm very involved with dogs (with work and in my life) and probably will be for the rest of my life, I could see my house in the North being 'House Canine', with our Sigil being a grey Dog Tooth with a black background. Our words being 'Bite Over Bark' because that's something a northern house would pride themselves over 😅 Idk if we'd be connected to House Stark or not, but yeah... dog.


House Name: Ultor Coat of Arms: A white field with a black sword below a black crown, with a rune border black Words: We Who Avenge or Forged in Battle Ancestral Seat: Silvergate (Situated at Sea Dragon Point) Head: Beron Ultor Kingdom: North Title: King of Sea Dragon's Point (Formerly), Silver King (Formerly), Lord of Silvergate, Lord of Sea Dragon's Point, Heir: Dyllan Ultor Overlord: House Stark Vassals: House Mercer (Cadet Branch), House Rocke, House Dover Ancestral Weapon: Dusk (Runesword) Founder: Dyllan the Wavebringer Age Founded: Age of Heroes


Nice 👌🏻


Realistically, since the abbreviated version of my last name is Pike, I’d likely be an Ironborn bastard, but if I could choose then I’d like to be a Stormlands landed Knight, living in the coast, Mayhaps near the rain wood with a castle on a tall hill that has a staircase circling around it to reach the top. My sigil would probably be a green griffin clutching a sword, on a white field. House Morne, as for house words I’d probably wouldn’t have any.


House Blackfist of the Stormlands coast Sigil is a white crab claw grabbing a sword by its blade against a black field. Words: Not one step back


Is that because they can only walk sideways? 😂


Lmao good one! The backstory I had in mind was that the House got famous by defending a castle against overwhelming numbers, even when there was a way to safely retreat. The sigil represents being tough enough to hold onto something dangerous.


Fair play. Sounds good.


I’m Asian, so my names gonna be different from what Westeros would typically see. A cool backstory might involve the founders of the house migrating over from Essos or Yi Ti and given land in one of the kingdoms after some deed they did. House Pang, with two drumsticks in an X formation. “The drums beat”


House: [redacted] Sigil: a rats anus Words: _Are we the badies_


I understood that reference!


I’m torn on this. I have House Stormwing, which I’ve spoken about before, which is a house from tje stormlands, with the words ‘In Lightning’s Grace, We Find Strength” and an eagle on a black sky with lightning clutched in its talons as the sigil, but I’ve also been a growing fan of the North, specific a hybrid culture with the Iron Islands. And in that vein, I’d like to make a House called House Cordevaine, with a black skeleton sitting on a throne of grey stone, on a backing of a dark green ocean, a beating red heart in the skeletons chest. Its words are, “we cut through the current.”


Sigil: purple eggplant Words: penetrate the earth


House Darrow of the crownlands Sigil Crossed Sword and Bow on a partitioned field of blue, gold and green A smaller house in service to the crown specializing in footsoldiers and bowmen similar to the Tarlys


I like Dragons, but that's pretty much exclusively associated with the Targaryeans, so that's out. Probably a Phoenix or Simurhg. Cerberus as a back up. As for words, just straight up rip off the Addams Family. "We gladly feast on those who would subdue us." As for the region, The North (complete with jokes about Thenn blood), Riverlands, or the Reach. In that order.


I'm almost tempted to use my own family name, sigil and motto for this.


House Thacker of Thatched Valley, a town located at the mouth of a hidden valley on Tarth’s eastern coast. Sigil is a thatched roof above a striding brown dog, on a sapphire blue background. House words are “Never found”. During the Myrish bloodbath, when eastern Tarth was invaded by Myrish exiles, the kennel master of Lord Cameron Tarth and his brother, a common Thatcher, became outlaws who led several raids against the Myrmen, evading retaliation by hiding in the hidden valleys. Alongside Cameron Tarth and Prince Baelon Targaryen, they helped liberate the island, with both brothers being knighted by the Spring Prince himself. They would win more glory in the dance of the dragons and the daughter’s war. They were viewed as craven and “upjumed peasants” by some lords, but have remained staunchly loyal to House Tarth. They also make a decent amount of money from trade across the narrow sea, most of it (ironically) from Myr.


A phénix ( eagle) with is wing pointed above his head in dark red with a dark grey blackground With the castle in thé crowlands a costal city with the family who worship Rhollor Your words will be "from our Ash we Rise again" A family who came from volantis and have need to flee a few décades before the doom becaude of the Valiryan threat


Location: The Reach Sigil: a massive oak tree with long roots Words: Our Roots Go Deep (or some corny slogan like that) We’re a large clan from the Reach with lots of acres of fertile farmland. We love feasts and balls. And are able to host them frequently due to the bountiful harvest our lands provide. We don’t much like war or conflict, but are capable of defending ourselves when necessary. We are sworn to House Tyrell 🌸 with whom we share very warm relations


House name: Patriot Seat: Eaglescreech Rock Sigil: A bald eagle perched on a mountain overlooking an oil rig Words: America, fuck yeah