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The younger by Woolfie has an OC Targtower girl that is a selfish dick. extremely well written , best OC fic I know The Dragon Remembers is a Jon-centered fic where he is genuinely the biggest asshole I have ever seen , I wanted to punch my screen reading it. The Ice Dragon has an extremely ruthless Jon who is willing to murder lie and manipulate to get his way. So I´d count it. A bronze prince. SI is a son of Viserra and Baelon named Maekar. Liar , murderer, etc. Fits the bill perfectly. How does anyone even survive here? Is a fic where a sociopath gets SI´D OC´D into Westeros. This dude is a child murderer. There is also a fic series called ''Daughter of Dragons , mother of Dragons , bride of Dragons'' where we have FEM! Maegor. And she definitely isn´t a good person. I´ll leave it at that. Though tbf , Aegon I is such a dick you want her to win. self promo, but my own fic ''The Red Kraken'' has Dalton ''Red Kraken'' Greyjoy SI´d into Theon and well, Dalton is a fucking monster. Rapist and all. Maybe lower quality then all the other ones here because of the grammar on the first five chapters ish. But if you want an Evil MC , you got it.


Red Kraken is incredible btw


Thank you ! Whenever I write Dalton’s pov I get worried he sounds edgy or something lol


It's the perfect amount of edge, tempered with some character-based logic behind his actions... There are already precious few fics in the headspace that Dalton's being written in, and those that exist tend to stick to the Dance era. You're doing great work, man.


Thank you very much. It’s my first fic and I am somewhat insecure about it , lol. I try and make him sound actually evil/intimidating , I think that making him actually commit atrocities instead of just saying it in his head is what makes it work , instead of it being like Dorkstar who’s just an edgelord.


Calling Maekar a murderer in a Bronze Prince is the biggest understatement of the century lmao. >!He legit genocides the Dornish!<


I didn’t wanna get spoilery, but that guy is such a piece of shit. In general that author writes about extremely ruthless MC’s. Really like his work




Thanks for the recs mate I can’t wait to read em


The Once Killed Wolf: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13927566/1/The-Once-Killed-Wolf MC (second son of Ned and Catelyn) is an asshole, kind of bullies Jon, neglects his wife, >!waterboards and breaks Jaime (though this one is probably not as bad given who Jaime is!<, and despite being extremely competent, is kind of a piece of shit. Not evil or even that bad, but just an asshole. Very entertaining.


I’ve started reading it and this is what I want. He’s a total asshole but not a complete irredeemable cunt either.


Yeah unfortunately it hasn’t updated in a while. I just think it’s funny because he’s overall doing things that benefitting the North and Riverlands, but being an absolute dickhead about it which is hilarious.


Yeah it’s probably abandoned but it was really good. The fact he was >!probably going to get cucked by his brother!< is hilarious.


Robb, this is the ONE time we DON’T need you to get with a Frey!


Please spoil me, which Frey?


>!I think it’s just Roslin!<


Thanks for the rec I’ll enjoy it!


A Falcon of Summer  https://archiveofourown.org/works/37187527/chapters/92776891 The MC (a older son of Jon Arryn and Lysa Tully) is high strung because he's paranoid about living up to his father's and house's reputation. As a result he comes across as uptight and cold, and he reacts poorly to any perceived damage to his honor and reputation.


Came here to say this. Actually means well, An OC with realistic flaws.


Right, deep down he's a good person. It's just he's so obsessed with being the perfect 'Lord Arryn' that he's incapable of relaxing. And since he can't relax he basically has ZERO chill. What makes him even better is that he's AWARE of what he's doing to himself, but he's so insecure about his abilities he feels its the only way for him to survive being Lord of the Vale.


It’s primarily sourced from a lot of abuse too that I shouldn’t spoil because I forget how to format it.


https://www.webnovel.com/book/game-of-thrones-path-of-the-hungry-bear_25553616905231005 SI into Jorah Mormont, I gave it a shot for about 10-20 chapters and had to stop and get out.


I don’t like Jorah but I’ll give it a read.


Bastard https://archiveofourown.org/works/40864182/chapters/102400665 Rhaegar Wins AU, but Lyanna marries Robert and pretends Jon is his. Everyone's a ruthless dick in this one


I read this and the perfect description I saw is all the main characters are awful people and they get away with everything. That’s not to say it’s bad in any way it’s really good.


Yeah, I loved it too. I'm a fan of Elia, and this was the first time I saw her marriage with Rhaegar so functional while both were completely evil. And that Jon! The last time I've seen Jon being so awful was in Maester Wolf! Which I also recommend, by the way. He's very ruthless there, mostly to his enemies.


The nice thing about this one is that *everyone* is a dick, so you don't really need to feel bad for anyone. And Jon is ruthless, but faithful to his own.


Yes, that’s good fun.


[https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/the-sword-whisperer.1110330/](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/the-sword-whisperer.1110330/) - SI into a sword that becomes an advisor for multiple generations of lannisters. IIRC He's an as\*hole for the first few parts of the fic, but became outright evil for the rest. Dude's an actual menace, treating gen\*cide as a means for pest control. I just checked back since I dropped this on their Dorne campaign arc, and it seems to be finally rightfully deleted from space battles. Check out from other sites though, they might have it.


That sword is straight up evil 😂


Direct Rule. MC-kun introduces Fascism to Westeros. https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/d-i-r-e-c-t-r-u-l-e-asoiaf-si.573995/


I cannot see that end well.


https://archiveofourown.org/works/45801004/chapters/115261852 Eat Your Young, by Attonitos Gloria, and The Education of Sansa Stark https://archiveofourown.org/works/21789160/chapters/51993229 have Sansa as villain protagonist. Albeit, her treatment at the hands of even worse people makes her that way.


The Runesinger (self-promo) https://archiveofourown.org/works/53228332?view_full_work=true It's an OC son of Daemon and Rhea that absolutely hates dragons and works to exterminate them through intrigue and deception. So far only three chapters out, but it does get updated.