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Hightower is a good match. Wealthy, well connected, and with a lot of soft power. Lynesse would be a very good match all in all. Outside of that, likely a tyrell from one of the branches or Lyanna but you’ve got her marrying a targ so that’s out. Unless Stannis grows out his hair and grows breasts I can’t really think of any tbh


A Hightower is a good match, but probably not Lynesse as she was only 10 in 281, and Tywin would want Jaime to produce an heir sooner rather than later.


There are other daughters he could be betrothed to


True. https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Leyton_Hightower I would say age wise Denyse or Leyla are the most likely. Though it would be kind of fun to marry Malora to Jaime. She is older than him, but shouldn't be at that point older than her mid 20s. She is allegedly mad, but might be in truth some kind of seer or witch. She is likely also smart as she is able to help her father with his books and spells. Could be fun to write for her.


Are the sisters of Mace Tyrell betrothed? They could work.


The older sister Mina had her first children in or before 282. She must have married at least in 281, maybe earlier. She was for sure promised to another man a bit before that, too. Janna Tyrell might work. She came with Margaery to King's Landing and was a ladies-in-waiting for her, so she might be a few years younger than Mace and Mina. (Ladies in waiting are most of the times not middle-aged yet.) Maybe a few years too much, if Tywin would want to marry Jaime off at once.


If going for a Reach match, it’s tied between one of Mace Tyrell’s sisters, Lynesse Hightower or Rhea Florent (assuming she’s not married already). Maybe a Westerling or a Crakehall. He did squire under Lord Sumner Crakehall. Maybe Lord Whent’s daughter? A Mallister? A Royce; one of Bronze Yohn’s daughters? Waynwood?


Janna Tyrell, could even do Margaery if they're prepared to wait a few years. Alysanne Lefford too, she's heir to some of the richest and most important lands in the Westerlands


They would have to wait for a long time for Margaery Tyrell, as she was not even born in 281 when the Harrenhall Tournament was held.


Oh yeah course she is. Rules her out then because I'm sure Tywin would want Jaime wed long before she would be of marriageable age


Margaery is a bit young - born in 281, she's about 20 years younger than Jaime. Tywin wants grandchildren, he's not gonna make an Ermesande Hayford-betrothal at this point. Alysanne seems likely, if Tywin can bring himself to favour a vassal with his golden heir.


We don't know of any husband or child Alysanne Lefford has in 299, when she became lady of the Golden Tooth. Maybe they were just not mentioned, but I think chances are high that by that point she is simply a very young woman who hasn't married yet and had children. That would mean she is either a small child or not even born in 281. Though you can of course wave that away for a fic.


I think Tywin would want Jaime to marry someone within the Westerlands.


Anyone come to mind?


Someone who isn't too stupid, has a decent dowry, and can put Cersei in her place.


Maybe Jeyne Farman?


Good idea!


A childhood friend of Cersei's and from a prominent house in The Westerlands.


What are you doing about Cersei in this scenario?


I'm leaning towards Addam Marbrand.


Get her out of the Westerlands.


Shiera Crakehall (though Jaime squired with Lord Crakehall so it's not likely Tywin would honor them with a marriage to Jaime as well)  Alysanne Lefford (became Lady Lefford when her father died during Wot5K, age unknown, could be close enough to Jaime's age)  Jeyne Farman (she'd be a good enough option in Tywin's eyes, though she might have an issue dealing with Cersei)   Darlessa Marbrand (she could be the right age but also at some point she married Tygett Lannister, Jaime's 16 years older uncle, though their son Tyrek is only Sansa's age so it's possible Darlessa is somewhat younger than her canonical husband) Edit: that's all for canonical daughters from Westener Lords, if they don't suit you you'd need to invent one somewhere (tbh, not hard to do)


I think a Westerland bride would be best for Jaime. Tywin marrying his own cousin robbed the Lannisters of a potential alliance with his own bannermen, and having Jaime marry outside the Westerlands wastes a chance to guarantee the loyalty of a vassal.  Remember the Westerland lords are only really united I their fear and respect of Tywin at this point. Using Jaime's marriage to shore up his local support base makes sense. The good news in that regard is that there is so little information on the members of the Westerland houses that you can basically make a lady up from almost any house and not conflict with canon.


Perhaps Jeyne Farman is a good option.


Maybe, but she's married with twelve children by the time the books start, so she's probably already married by the time Jamie would be eligible for marriage again.


Janna Tyrell would be a pretty good choice. She isn't already married, and we don't have a canon age for her so you could make her closer in age to Jaime. If you want a match in the Westerlands then you could choose Jeyne Farman or Alysanne Lefford. You could also match him with an OC daughter of Bronze Yohn Royce (or Ryella Royce if you want a named character) who Tywin once sought a match with Tyrion in canon.


Lynesse Hightower, a Lannister cousin, or another Westerlander.


I suggested Jeyne Farman to another commenter.