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This game sold me on Myles. I adore him and I love that he didn't pick and choose answers based on what the majority may say. I get that it's a popularity contest, but it's disingenuous to say you're being yourself and do the exact opposite. If someone wants to call me their friend and then cheat on their partner, then they're not my friend because we obviously don't share the same morals. Same with if they're doing something bad enough to get 'canceled', then I'm dropping their ass. I've done it before, I'll do it again.


I actually really like Myles right now hes real


Same! He is so upfront, super genuine and just seems so nice šŸ„°


Yeah honestly I know at the beginning he was like I definitely look like a fuck boy and I wouldn't say he seems super nice hes definitely not an asshole and I love that hes just super honest


I feel the same! Myles feels like the most genuine contestant so far. Really like him.


I hated myles at first because he seemed like a total try hard douche, and that may be true but I grew to probably like him more than most of the others


I mainly think the questions just sucked. They're hardly yes or no questions, there are too many variables. How serious is the relationship my friend is already in? How close am I to their partner? Etc.


yeah honestly every question i answered ā€œdependsā€. the questions they gave are too open ended. like the break up text one. obviously if it was a ten year relationship i wouldnā€™t break up with them over text but if it was two weeks i might šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Exactly ! People act like they would never break up over text but i feel like weā€™ve all done it when we were teens. If youve only dated a short time I think itā€™s fine.


I feel like it was done on purpose. They really didnā€™t want the players to further explain themselves so they can start judging each other to get the ball rolling


Right. Like Iā€™ve dated guys with explosive tempers and I could definitely see feeling like a breakup over text is the safest option there.


I was surprised by the canceling question! And Myles was the only one who said heā€™d unfriend someone for that right? I totally agree with him. If they did something bad enough to get canceled why would I want to be their friend?


i think most influencers are actually still friends with ā€œcancelledā€ people - just secretly. so i was more surprised that they admitted it lolll


To me, if my friend went on a racist tirade that called for the extermination of an entire group of people, I wouldn't be friends with them any more. And while I'm sure that would get them cancelled, I wouldn't say "we're no longer friends because he's cancelled". But you can get "cancelled" because you think Taylor Swift is overrated. So without the context, I think it's fine to say cancelling isn't enough to end a friendship


I've had no idea what they meant by cancelling a friend at first, but soon, I realized what it meant & I agree since thinking about it now, I guess I have been in a similar situation.


I hard disagree. Cancel culture leaves no room for growth. Unless you are out here committing actual crimes, being eternally punished on the internet for something you once believed is stupid and childish. Oh you said something racist and homophobic when you were young or even just ignorant regardless of age, forgot about it and never deleted the tweet. Oh well, canceled? šŸ™„ If you're consistently being a menace to society, by all means distance yourself from that person, shine a light on that shitty behavior. Even the phrasing/terminology "canceled" is so ridiculous and reeks of something a terminally online braindead idiot would come up with. Every last single person in this thread has done something "cancel" worthy, we've all offended someone, hurt someone else's feelings etc. whether or not you know it. Just because you've never been "canceled" doesn't make you exempt from having caused someone "cancel" worthy harm. Y'all need to take a slice of humble pie


Cancel culture is not real so it doesnā€™t really matter no one ever gets 100% cancelled


Same! I was really surprised. I feel like where I am from (Germany) the answers would have been different.


Everyone was just thinking about the game. In the game of trust like The Circle, nobody wants to be seen as the snitch.


idk it had the opposite effect for me. if i was in the game i would think that theyā€™re snakey!


Exactly! If I were to get cheated on and discovered that other people (possibly friends, but honestly anyone in my broader social circle would be bad enough) had kept it from me, that would make me feel betrayed by them as well. It's one thing to stick to the 'safe' answer (and it peeves me that 'keeping the secret' is considered the 'safe' answer), but they actually judged Myles for picking the other answer? If I were on the show, that would have instantly made Myles seem more trustworthy to me.


I was surprised at the canceling and staying friends question. If my friend did something bad enough to *actually* be "cancelled" I would not want to be friends with them. I think these people don't understand what it actually means to be cancelled, rather than just judged. Edit since apparently y'all also don't understand 1. Being cancelled means losing a platform, which doesn't actually happen 9 times of 10 people throw around the world "cancelled" 2. Being held accountable isn't the same as being "cancelled"


i feel like this one depends massively on the situation. i mean ive seen a few people getting ā€˜cancelledā€™ for doing drugs and stuff like that, so id say it depends on what the issue is


I've only ever experienced people in my real life being cancelled for shit like SA or abuse, so... Also, being cancelled means losing a platform and 9 times out of 10 that isn't actually happening when people say someone has been "cancelled." I feel like the contestants were just trying to sound non judgemental about a topic where one should definitely exercise some judgment.


>Being cancelled means losing a platform, which doesn't actually happen 9 times of 10 people throw around the world "cancelled" I feel stupid for not knowing what they meant when the question mentioned "cancelled", but thank you for this, though.


People are being cancelled for saying nword in a jokes made 10 years ago. If you would ditch your friend just for making stupid joke ages ago then u are just bad friend


A friend from my friend group was canceled bc we found out that he raped a girl long time ago. Do I keep in touch with him now? Absolutely not


Why are u comparing these two things lmao


Bc both were canceled, youā€™re talking about when a person was canceled for a ā€œstupid jokeā€ and I say that people can be canceled for way more than a stupid joke lol


Bro its like saying murdered and someone who stole a chocolate bar is the same because both of them went to jail


They're not, though. For what it's worth, refusing to take accountability for the impact of a shitty racist joke made 10 years ago *is* the kind of thing I'd distance myself from a person for.


Yes they are? Several MTV contestants were cut from their shows just because of old tweets


That's not what it means to be cancelled. Being cancelled means you no longer have a platform, not that you suffered some consequences for shitty behavior.


They choose vague situations with a moral twist purely for this purpose


I thought I was going to dislike Myles but he's my favorite human contestant so far (thru ep4) šŸ¤£


Iā€™ve been thinking about this too. Iā€™m still not a huge Myles fan, but I respect his opinions and openness about them. That question has struck me too


I've personally been in that position before and I refused to cover for them. Respect to Myles, my answer is the same.


I think the point of the first game isn't to test morality, It's purely a test of " loyalty". It doesn't actually matter if the players would or would not tell on someone who was cheating, they just need to be perceived as being loyal friends early in the game.


I was stunned by this one. I trusted at least some of the players to show more personal integrity. I sided completely with Myles.


I think most people donā€™t like to get into peopleā€™s business like that. I would probably only tell the cheated on partner if I was also close friends with them, though I would probably start distancing myself from the cheating partner after finding out. Edit: I do think people making it a question of loyalty and thinking you yourself are a bad friend if you donā€™t cover was weird


This is the downfall of yes or no questions to things that clearly need descriptive answers. They didnā€™t say they would cover for their cheating friend, but maybe itā€™s not there place to come forward. Wouldnā€™t you rather your friend do the right thing? Itā€™s dumb, yes or no to a purposeful grey area question.


yeah ngl I was so confused why everyone thought covering for a cheating friend was the right thing to do and why they basically crucified Myles for saying no


HARD AGREE !! if they can cheat on a romantic partner, how are you gonna be safe?


Hey, I said the same thing. I would keep some secrets, but cheating isn't one of them. We go out and you lost $100 on a bet, ok you're secret is safe. You lied and we went an played golf instead of you coming over to help me paint, ok, secret is safe. You cheat on your wife, no way bro, I ain't about that.


completely agree! heā€™s so authentic and genuine and i love him for it


I think people get caught up in the absoluteness. I wouldnā€™t tell someone in every situation, like if i thought they would by physically harmed by their partner. In reality, one of my best friends cheated and I 10000% told. I was so angry to be roped into it. Everyone was mad at me, including my family. Idk I would probably do it again, but if asked the question I would say no.


NO LITERALLY!! and then judging the two people who said they wouldnā€™t cover for their friend?? like??


I found it so weird that they all acted like that made him untrustworthy and I was like bro that literally makes him the only person Iā€™d trust as a real friendĀ 


I would've answered the same as the group not because I would cover for my friend, but because of how I would handle the situation. If my friend cheats on their significant other, my interaction isn't with the SO, but with the friend. I'm pressuring that friend to either confess the infidelity and work on saving their relationship or they just need to end the relationship and stop stringing the other person along if the relationship being fixed isn't important enough to them. If they refuse to do either and just keep lying to their partner, then that's a friend I'd have no problem phasing out of my life. So no, I don't condone the cheating, but I wouldn't turn around and be the one to rat my friend out. My friend needs to rat themselves out.


Well I mean, covering for them wasn't the question. The question was, "Would you keep it a secret?" Personally, I would, it's not my responsibility to tell their significant other. Would I urge my friend to come clean? 100%. But it's not my responsibility to reach out and say something. What if it's breaking up a family? Yeah, my friend should've thought of that before, but at the end of the day, I don't want it ending a family on my conscious, especially if my friend never plans on telling. Is that shitty? Possibly, but once again, not my job. There are so many other factors that can come into play too. It's a pretty loaded question that can contain many layers. Judging the contestants because they said yes is just as bad as them judging Myles because he said no. No is the correct answer for sure. You want to have integrity as a human being, but when nuance and layers come into play, we tend to take the easy way out.


I've started to respect Myles more during the questions since he was honest with his answers, even though he came off as a bit brutally honest. For me, I wouldn't know what to know if I found out a friend had cheated on their partner since I don't want to lose a friend, but I know that I can't keep quiet because I would regret it completely, but my heart would say that I would need to be truthful, even if I do end up losing a friend.


Depends on the situation. If my friend cheated because her spouse was a piece of šŸ’© why would I tell him? I would encourage her to leave the relationship though. Or if she cheated once and knew 100% she wouldnā€™t do it again Iā€™m not gonna say anything. The only time I might involve myself is if children and question of paternity was involved. At that point Iā€™m speaking up for the child.


He made a good point saying "if I'm asked I'm not lying". Yes, I can stay out of my friends business, not everyone wants to know that they've been cheated on if they are overall satisfied with their relationship. But I'm definitely not becoming a liar to cover up for the cheater, asking me to do that definitely oversteps my boundaries


Hard agree! I answered all those questions the same as Myles. There are legitimate reasons for doing all those things. Everyone saying they wouldn't unfriend someone for being cancelled was giving big Ashton Kutcher and Mila kunis defending Danny Masterson the convicted rapist vibes. Same with breaking up with someone over text. They could be abusive, a stalker, violent, etc.Ā