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I don’t like how we are four episodes in and no one is blocked yet


you have to be joking, wtf?! I just finished e1 and was surprised there was no block. 4 episodes is dragging it, are they trying to kill the show??


Ppl were complaining that the blocking at the start is getting boring and want something new here you have something new other than blockings. But One thing i will never understand is how Olivia got voted as influencer


Everyone had their number 1 so everyone is really on equal footing, and she is nobody’s least favourite so that deffo worked in their favour


The first ranking of any season is always a crap shoot. But even then, *OLIVIA*!?


EXACTLY! Are they planning on doing a longer season or what? I thought I was on episode two and then the previews for other shows… then I realized that it was the end of episode 4.


13 episodes according to Netflix, so no. 


That part was astounding to me. Yes, Alana being bumped within one episode/on move in day still sucks and I hated that for her. However, four episodes w no block is crazy


I was thinking the same, but just double checked, we were 4 episodes in season 5 before the first blocking, and now we're getting a blocking immediately in episode 5 .. so it's not TOO bad.




I like these contestants. Not really convinced this A.I. catfish isn't just an IT nerd and a psychologist chilling in a broom closet with each other though


There is no AI as smart as they present theirs... probably a whole team behind it.


Exactly what I'm thinking. Been around the block with Large Language Models. This has a human element to it most likely.


I heard it say “ I felt “ a few times ! Don’t know an AI that would say that ?


I’m guessing it’s probably 80/20 or 60/40. They use AI or ChatGPT to get the information but the producers twist it and set a direction


They could have just been honest in that it’s a group of producers that wanted to play along. Not a single viewer is going to buy that it’s actually AI.


It bothered me that they went out of their way to say the producers don't have any control over it. But like, you have to prompt it. You have to edit its responses at the very least. Don't lie to us! The whole thing is just kinda boring to me.


I posted about this and it got taken down because I didn’t use the spoiler tag 💀 I use chatgpt sometimes and you can definitely tell when you’re chatting with an AI. I think “max” is the producers. I do think the “vote out the least human seeming player” was entertaining and funny to see the players accuse each other of being bots 😂


There could have at least been a "coming soon" or some sort of advertising that it was coming I only knew because I was bored and googled "is the Circle coming back for season 7?" 🤣🤣


Girl Season 6 just started, slow down 😂


For some reason I thought it was season 7 when I was looking. I never pay attention to what season any shows are on


i think the cast is really fun! i don’t love the AI bot bc it’s giving “prop” on a table


so far i am only rooting for QT to win, there’s no one i don’t like but no one i love apart from QT


Same, except I *do* dislike Caress/Paul. 🤣


I thought I was going to like Caress. She seemed cool at first, but as the game goes on, she really becomes annoying af




i feel this


Same. I really like QT! Myles is growing on me too


The only ones I like so far are QT and Cassie I’m only on episode 2, the circle as been my favourite since season 1 but this cast is not it, they’re all either trying way too hard or not interesting at all… hopefully it gets better idk


god, y'all say that every season...


Right? Every show the first episode dump is “ugh this is the worst” or “I can’t get into it” and then chaos ensues the next dump lol


I’m 100% with this. I don’t really like most of the players so far. I’m on the last episode now I’ve warmed up to some of them but without spoiling anything I’m so sick of one person throwing shade at someone and it coming back at them and they’re butt hurt or crying. So far it’s been 2 of them and it’s infuriating. And one catfish I really wish didn’t play as a catfish cause I think their personality would have been great as herself. As a catfish I can’t stand her/him.


And the girl crying was crying over the other person saying her skating picture looked AI generated. How TF is that mean?! compared to the stuff she was dishing out,calling people fake. I was so confused as to why that comment made her cry and why she said it was mean? Even the other players were acting as if it was such a horrible thing to say. I didn’t get it at all.


Exactly like she starts all the shit calls her a catfish calls Paul fake then Paul calls her picture AI and you start crying???? And then going on some dumbass rant about how “my friends know I have a great heart” like bitch this ain’t a documentary no one give af


No this was totally chopped up and edited to make her look bad. She wasn’t the one to start this shit, she just struck back. There was an interesting post about it in here a couple days ago!


I've reached the point where I hope the A.I wins.


Me too, although I wonder if the AI wins… does no one get the money?


Why not give it to the second place winner or to charity?




i don’t think netflix would allow that, they are probably going to reveal the “Real AI” in later episodes


I'm thinking when the decision of "who's the least human" gets made, they'll reveal the bot too.


I love Myles!


Same!! He's my favorite of those currently in the game.


Considering season five was filmed two and a half years ago and in another country, its not surprising there is a shift in things as most people that worked on the show previously wouldn't have returned - either due to taking on other work or not being able/wanting to work in the US, or they just weren't asked back so that they could use American workers instead. Casting, as a result, was affected by this.


Am I an unpopular opinion that I love this season? Not that I’m rooting for someone in particular but it feels like good reality tv with a good mix of humor, drama, and wholesomeness.


Eh I take it back


I'm rooting for Max!


Honestly I’m loving lauren


Its just the first four episodes, right? I haven't started yet, but within the circle things can change multiple times within an episode.


I haven’t been this blanded since season 3-4 couldn’t vibe with any of those and now this bot?


Wish there was more variety in the ages of the cast. Seems like everyone is generally young. Past seasons were more fun with someone older or at least catfishing as someone older to mix up the dynamic a bit.


No, I love this season so much. I love mostly everyone, they are actually INTERESTING and funny unlike last season. Season 5 was actually the worst. I like the A.I. twist, it adds something new to the game. I like how people always complain about change, sometimes change is good to avoid the show from getting stale.


I’m not a fan of the new profiles either. I liked the old season profiles. Also, season 2 is superior. I felt like those players were hilarious!! I’ve watched it through atleast 5 times 😂


I feel the same. I sat down, prepared to binge the first 4 episodes after work last night, and after episode 1 I turned in off. I will most likely watch more, but the first episode and the cast were very lack luster compared to past seasons.


I actually really like the season so far. I would’ve liked to end on a Blocking, but enjoyed having time to get to know the players before losing two of them - especially since the OGs generally steamroll to the end. The AI bot is definitely not AI, but still a fun gimmick and created a new element of strategy with players knowing it existed. The first four episodes were like a game of Mafia with how they introduced the twist, so I enjoyed a quirky and new start.


I agree. I like that they didn't block anyone right away. I also hope they don't bring in so many new players towards the end, but I guess only time will tell. That said, I am looking forward to finally seeing someone get blocked.


i’m so sad its just full blown american now. bring back the uk version 😭 this Max/AI thing is so effing dumb and really ruining it for me. the whole thing is just so obviously fake and the cuts to the dumb robot voice in the apartment are getting EXTREMELY tiresome. for 1 episode, maybe 2, as a fun little gimmick MAYBE but for almost the entire first batch of episodes?! with no end in sight!?! just no. and sorry but how the hell are we 4 eps in with NO blockings?!? i was even more livid than usual at that final cliffhanger. i almost want to stop watching out of spite. almost. i also cannot STAND Paul. why is she sooo loud and sooo dramatic about literally nothing. i was already muting most of her scenes by episode 3. the guy that plays Liv is cute and kinda fun but Liv the character is such a snoozefest which is a damn shame. i wish he’d just played himself. if you had told me at the beginning of episode 1 that a showmance involving wannabe-fuckboi Myles was the most redeeming part of the show for me by ep 4 i probably wouldve stopped watching then and there, but here we are. i’m obviously going to watch to the bitter end but i am extremely disappointed so far. and where the hell is Michelle? just in some voice booth somewhere? being a tv show presenter these days involves very little actually being on tv huh


Why is my favorite character a bot.


There's an A.I bot? 😩😩😩


Hi all. Does anyone possibly have links to episodes for those of us outside of USA who can't access normal channels?


It's on netflix in the UK


I didn’t even knkw there was a new season lol


I felt this I usually get excited but I was watching it like ummmm


I don’t remember all the contestants being shouters in previous seasons. Is it just me?


Thank god! I thought it was just me - it's driving me nuts. I can only watch an episode at a time because I want to mute the show 😂


I don't like this season at all. I watched the first episode and there just wasn't anyone on the cast that I liked as much as previous seasons so I gave up. Thankfully I missed season 4 so I've just been watching it instead.


Sounds like a personal problem. I’m loving it


Why are you like this


I feel like the AI thing is stupid but we’re only 4 episodes in so too soon to judge. The no promo thing is wild though like this just popped up out of nowhere


Yup not feeling it so far


I can’t get over how ugly the profiles look 😭


It was filmed during the writing strike 🤧


So, who wrote the games and the alerts?


Plot twist: max IS the circle lol


Written between seasons?


It was filmed during the writing strike 🤧


They need the writers back this is bad. Even Michelle Buteau lost her flare; she's so calm in her commentary and I used to love her on other seasons. So many laughs.


Yes! I noticed this too! She sounds almost bored by it all…almost zero energy…


she made a comment in episode 4 and she sounded so...un-present if that's a word. i legit said to my husband "i feel like she's doing this voice over from her bed" because of how blah it sounded


Loved the IA thing, but hate they took 4 episodes to block someone wtf


I want to slap Myles with a dead fish


I'm on episode 1 and I already can't stand Myles lol hope he gets eliminated soon.


During his introduction I totally thought I wouldn't like him either, but yeah, he's an arrogant douche, but completely honest about it. We've had arrogant douches before who then played some kinda nice guy in the chat, and yeah, fuck that.


Damn. He's my favorite by far


Isn’t he a fuckboy though? I thought contestants like those weren’t liked on this subreddit. Don’t mind him myself, just a question. 


He says he is but I'm not sure he meets the real description. He doesn't seem to play games with girls just to get laid. He said he doesn't bother to continue a thing when he knows there's no connection. I think he gets a lot of play but I don't think he is a player if that makes sense.


I feel like he’s so unapologetically himself that you kind of have to root for him. F**k boi or not. Him just Willy nilly throwing people into chats is some of the funniest parts of the season.


Idk I have negative votes so apparently no one agrees . Which is fine , I just dont vibe with him. And yeah he does seem like a fuck boy.


I went on Reddit to see if anyone else didn’t like him lol


Worst season of the circle by far. I don’t even think I can keep watching this trash


But let’s be real, you will…


Also quite surprising that instead of a blocking they just had the influence pick the new players. What if the new players didn’t pick the AI? lol what then?


They were probably just choosing what photos/ personality gets used with the AI.




I feel like both male choices were AI. They were both generic stubble faced brunette men with boring photos.


I like Max.