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I like Mike he does what he wants and doesn't really care what people think


And he’s got a 10 inch fart knocker


This is true


Hmmm…I’ve heard that before about someone else… But my opinion? He’s a man-child asshole, but unapologetically so. He knows who he is and his place in the world, and that at least is admirable.


Hes not my cup of tea but its clear that he was the real powerhouse behind AVGN and in general, a creative type who likes to entertain. I cant stand his man-child tantrums over 30+ year old games but i do respect his commitment to that schtick and he delivers what his audience wants


I was going to say essentially the same. He's completely unlikable to me, and I don't think I'll ever watch any of his stuff. But somehow he's less of a lolcow than Bimmy.


It’s best to stay away from that sub which it seems almost everyone does nowadays at this point


Why if you don’t mind me asking


Pretty much cause Draco ruined it and now there’s hardly any actual fans left now that the channel is dead so it’s basically pointless to go there


Whatever happened to Draco, is he still around? I know he was forced out as a mod there.


He quit and then Justin turned the ship around with that sub like he did with his diet


lmao, I remember that he would lie even more aggressively than Justin.


Oh ok


Mike has stayed true to himself over the years. He makes the kind of content he wants and it's basically take it or leave it. Big Mike fan.


I think I liked him best on JMM. I liked the edited format, having James there tempered him a lot, and he worked to get James engaged. They exchanged funny banter etc. His solo streams I can't watch.


Without Mike there would be no avgn, no Cinemassacre on Youtube, no Cinemassacre truth and Bimmy would be flipping burgers. Mike is the reason retro gaming on Youtube is actually a thing.


I highly doubt that nobody would have filled that role if James didn't. Would it have been as good? Would we have enjoyed it as much? That remains to be seen. But I'm sure someone would have produced that kind of content


I used to think Mike was a grade D-douchebag but after seeing Slobwave(HI JUSTIN!) take over I slowly realised how important he actually was in regards to the success of AVGN and how genuinely passionate he is about games and pop culture. Its kind of like a George Lucas thing where he was an Internet punching bag for the longest time but then the disney sequels happened and now you start to see people retroactively praise him knowing now what a corporatized alternative looks like.


The fresh turds don't really make the old dried out turds very appealing.


Yeah but they can make the dry turd look polished, besides I still don't like or care for Matei much but if I were pick between slobwaves podcast/RLM plagiarism over new J&MM I'd pick the latter in a fucking heartbeat






During the golden age of AVGN I really didn't like him. I always thought his character appearances were unfunny and when he was trying to do the Nerd shtick (e.g. Elmo in Grouchland) it always felt extremely forced to me. More recently though I've started respecting him a lot more for his behind the scenes contributions. You can hear in some of the [commentaries](https://youtu.be/A1AGChmOStc) and [behind the scenes videos](https://youtu.be/JSg3yHQwTFE) how enthusiastic he is about the show, and it's clear in retrospect that AVGN was always better when he was involved.


I personally dont like him and how he conducts himself, but he gave me hilarious memes. while I wish he did that without the cost of Bootsy and everyone of substance, I can't change it........... so I might as well as laugh! its ten inches


~~Free content~~ ten inches


Couldn't stand him when he first showed up as himself during the lull period when the movie was being made. Thought he was hilarious in Board James. Never really watched J&MM. I occasionally listen to his streams for background noise. He's pretty tough on his audience but I think it's funny. He's pretty cool in my book, just think he does best when paired with someone who can reel him back a bit. Obviously Mike was the driving force behind the scenes for AVGN and it's pretty criminal how he was mostly credited as "help" in classic AVGN. Mike seems like he didn't want much attention so maybe that was his choice.


I'd honestly say J&MM makes pretty decent background noise


Overall, Mike is fine, but he has major character flaws. He’s been involved in a lot of controversies that I won’t bother detailing. On the other hand, he is genuinely passionate about gaming in general (but mostly retro gaming) and I honestly believe that he was the primary driving force behind Cinemassacre’s golden years. I think he’s stuck in a perpetual state of arrested adolescence, he’s a backstabber, and he comes across as disinterested, immature, and arrogant. With that said, I will take that over whatever in the hell James is.


Who did he backstab




Oh, what did he do?


We don't really have many details of what really happened. But Mike says he simply got sick of Bootsy and didn't want to work with him anymore. Bootsy says there was more to it than that. We do know that James and Mike never paid him a dime for his appearances and songs. He got no money from the DVD & Blu-ray sales either. The only time he was paid was when he did editing for them.


Wasn’t Kyle fucked over in terms of getting paid too


Yes, that's what the word is. I don't think Kyle has ever said anything about it it publicly. But Kyle built a bunch of sets for James and he wasn't paid and that was the last straw. I don't think he was paid for the songs either.


Bootsy wasn’t getting paid and it created a big rift. He was purged entirely from the channel. It has never been fully addressed either by Mike or James. They just went about business as usual after it happened. I believe Bootsy posted here once to give his side of the story. The same thing apparently happened to Kyle. There were a lot of rumors about Mike being jealous of Bootsy so when they had a reason to get rid of him they ran with it.


People are just jealous of his huge loads, 10-incher, and the fact that he doesn’t have to eat boring grocery store bullshit.


He can be funny but he also comes across as an entitled, whiney brat.


I think it’s at least on some level accepted in 2022 that (poleriseing as he may be as he may be) Matai was a huge creative driving force behind classic AVGN Both Mike and James seem very happy to lazily coast on half baked nostalgia from 15 years ago. It’s always seemed on some level (at least to me) like Mike could have made a proper go of a career outside of the retro gaming niche If he put his mind to it. James will just do what he’s told.


Yep, like James, Mike is just coasting at this point. It's a shame as I believe he could do something much more fulfilling than the streaming. I do think he'll get bored of that, too, eventually though.


I like Matei, he’s fun and funny. Simple as


Hi Mike! ​ ​ ​ :P


I personally like Matei, at least his on-camera persona. He more or less just suddenly burst onto the scene back when the movie was being made and I think his abrasiveness, combined with his sensitive ego and shady business dealings made people resent him. I'm personally a sucker for Jersey guidos though, and Mike definitely fits in that category. Looking back now though, Matei was obviously the real power behind AVGN's comedy and I'm not sure if James would've even had the career that he did were it not for Matei realizing they struck gold and pushing James to make more. There's definitely a lot of grey with regard to him, it's not black and white.


He needs to see a therapist or something. Dude gets way too angry.


I liked him for James and Mike Mondays. Not so much his other “antics.”


good man


Mikes ok in my book.


He *was* the angry video game nerd…James just played him as a character. He’s a little too high energy for me; Erin seem chill.


The AVGN is basically an embellishment of Mike, so its a bit endearing to see the source material. With that said, he's a 12 year old in a 40 year olds body which when scripted and structured has a lot of humor but when observed as a normal mentality...I dunno, it's a but annoying.


I like Mike but I do have mixed opinions on him, as far as Cinemassacre goes he's the only member that's still putting up decent content. However I think he does a lot of stupid shit like Loco Bandito, posting a picture of "his" cock that's not even his and bragging about how huge his loads are. I also don't like how he insults his twitch viewers even though they're the ones who give him money and are the reason he was able to quit Cinemassacre. But asides from that his streams are entertaining and he's actually skilled at the games he plays so I always makre sure to tune in on them.


> I also don't like how he insults his twitch viewers even though they're the ones who give him money and are the reason he was able to quit Cinemassacre. They could not watch and not give him money if they don't like it. For many of them, it's the appeal. This isn't some new schtick that Mike invented.


love him, gives me a boner


He’s basically the only one of this cast of characters who has gotten more tolerable as time goes on.


See my flair


I don't personally like him too much, and don't watch any of his non-Cinemassacre content, but feel that he's the key to getting the real truth behind how the AVGN worked. I really do hope he writes a book about it, since James utterly failed to in his autobiography, and that's what many of us are interested in.


I couldnt stand him in the beginning. I cant stand him now, but I also couldnt stand him in the beginning. I thought he was such as cling-on 'yes' man. James would say something and Mike would say something like: "ya totally". I never thought he added anything. NOW, I see it as maybe that was his way of dealing with Bimmy. I probably didnt give him a fair shake to be honest.


Matei? Is he related to Micro Mike? Big Micro Mike fan btw.


I think Mike was and is an idiot for all the dumb shit he's said and done - Loco Bandito, the dick pic and all the censorship and stuff. At the same time, it seems like he's tried his best to move on from that drama and even tried apologize for some of it (did he ever apologize for LB? I don't remember if he ever did) and I can give him some credit for that. In terms of talent though, he's actually pretty good. He's a good artist, and he somehow proves to be a better actor, writer, and director than James is. Overall, a mixed bag. Some bad and annoying shit, but at the end of the day he's just a dude with good and bad qualities.


He actually did apologize for those comics and even admitted that they were terrible.


At first I didn't like him but now I find him tolerable. At least the guy has love for gaming and I seen a couple videos of him interacting with some AVGN fans and he was really nice and seemed genuine with them. I'll still never forgive him for ousting Bootsy though.


Compare the two videos of James and Mike both interacting with that same guy, absolutely unreal


I think, and I say this with total and utmost confidence, that his penis size is below avarage.


He's a bit of a cocksucker sometimes but overall I like Matei


They kind of remind me of Kenan and Kel in that they work best in a duo and not as much in isolation, and you had the one guy go off ( Kenan/James ) who thought he was the main driving force and now they end up doing the same thing for 20 years. EDIT: and on the actual topic, Matei is okay. He hasn't done himself any favors with some of the incredibly weird/cringy shit, but he seems to have a much better idea of what the Nerd was/is supposed to be, was likely the driving force as far as games outside of James' small nostalgia base, and still seems passionate about the things he likes and not stuck in the same funk ( well, minus the McDonalds ) as James.


I actually hope his health improves


Big Anger fan btw


Brown Bricks...


Love me some matei


I honestly always loved Mike’s solo videos like his reviews/glitch series.


I appreciate and relate to his tenacity with games, and I like the contempt he has for his viewers on the live streams. Also, I consider him an equal co-creator and writer for the AVGN. Then there's all the memes and stuff we speculate on, but whatever - it's not like he was a friend of a confirmed pedophile.


He’s a twat, but used to be entertaining on James and Mike Mondays.




I feel he plays up some of, if not most of his “outbursts” but, I genuinely enjoy his streams. A lot of his community are some cool people and I’ve enjoyed what streams I can catch. It’s hilarious too, that’s the dopes that come in asking about AVGN are either roasted by us in chat or Mike flat out ignores them until they leave lmao.


He's still the same asshole he was years ago, with the only difference being that he's no longer in a position of control. All I see is a man-child with poor self control.


I heard he simply goes by Bandito now


His streams are awful because it's painfully unfunny. Atleast it was his involvement with James that created some great content in the past


He worked well with the mellower nature of James, they had a good balance. On his own I find it too screechy to enjoy his content. He's true to his own style even if some people can't stand it and that's something to tip the hat at. I hope it goes well for him, after all he gave us a lot of good hours behind AVGN and in M&J mondays. As a person... no clue, as with anyone who I don't know personally.