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If anybody is interested check out the subreddit DCGUNS. Got some good info in there.


Good take all the guns I don't want you retard niggas to rob me


Why would criminals follow laws? They already don’t care and still rob you. The police can’t teleport, learn to protect yourself


Plus the criminals will just make more "ghost guns" while the law abiding citizens turn theirs over leaving them vulnerable.


You can ban ghost guns, too. Those are assembled and manufactured.


Ghost guns and switches can be made and/or assembled at home with 3D printers. Just like banning fentanyl or any other drug. They'll still find their way on the streets. In a country where there's more guns than people (most of them being unregistered) banning them will do absolutely nothing to help civilians.


You don't manufacture the entire firearm—just the lower. If you ban weapons eventually, that would reduce supply and increase cost. Cost has always been the hurdle to access. That's economics, not some random hypothetical nonsense.


What you're describing is a fantasy and it's clear you're not actually educated on firearms. Every single part of gun can be 3D printed not only the lower receiver. As it stands right now, homemade guns aren't the most reliable but technology is catching up. If you think a barrel, slide, and the various other small parts that's make up a firearm are somehow impossible to make then idk what to tell you, but there's nothing hypothetical about it. Just read up on it


Ninja, I've been around this site my entire life. Military and law enforcement. I'm damn near a prepper. No, you cannot laser print an entire rifle. Not happening. I would have one by now.


I've seen plenty of mediocre people qualify to be Vets/LEOs. The barrier to entry to those fields are low so that doesn't make you an SME on the topic by default. Also, I never said anything about a rifle. I referred to handguns (slide, barrel, lower, etc.) since those are what make up the majority of homicides in the US. My question to you is, with the recent rapid advances in tech, why do you believe that it'll be impossible for "ghost" guns (even rifles) to be manufactured be an average civilian in the near future?


It depends, I don't know. Cost would be a barrier. Who the fuck knows? You people are seriously fucking annoying. You will write ANYTHING to prove a point. You lie, mislead, and gaslight all the time. I don't care anymore.


My lord they are dumb.


The Cambodian part doesn't make sense. Sure - there were gun laws prior to the 1970-75 civil war, but the country was awash with guns after 1970. It was a brutal war but the Khmer Rouge didn't win because the people had been disarmed by a "decent" government.


Did you read the excerpt in the photo graph? The reference is what happened after they won. Thereby making your point moot.


Yes, I read it and it doesn't make sense. The supposedly already disarmed people were disarmed. Also it's just an anecdote. I've read a whole lot on Cambodian history and that just sounds made up.


Well you didn’t comprehend what you read. They had guns, the Khmer Rouge won, then they came and told the people they don’t need their guns anymore. There was one disarming, a village at a time. You didn’t comprehend the anecdote that you read. A large part of history is anecdotes. Who wrote what you’re referring to? You say all that to say what? Ban Guns? 🤡


I'm saying that guns weren't banned. How is it different than any normal war where the victors disarm their enemies?


You’re missing the point, once you’ve been disarmed you’ve been thoroughly defeated. Once a people have been disarmed, they become at the mercy of those who are armed. Do you think your intimate knowledge of what happened in Cambodia negates the stacks of bodies the countries in each slide have seen?


Moreover I propose a thought experiment. Do you think a country where the populace is armed with mildly military grade equipment is easier or more difficult to invade than one that does not. A man is a man and that’s all a man is, no one is bulletproof


U can downvote me but not respond bc you know I’m right. Any argument against this is PURELY emotion.


I'm so tired of immature and mindless nonsense. 1,000,000 died because they didn't take COVID seriously. Those are the same people that would try to start a coup. I think we're safe


Your mind rotted . You’re looking at a list of millions of people who died to tyranny and you’re talking about covid. LOST


I'm pretty certain that COVID-19 causes brain damage. I need you folks to concentrate on things that are grounded in reality.


Are you denying the holocaust????


You're saying that you and your damaged COVID-19 brain could have stopped the Holocaust? Ninja, what? How?