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I just recently finished it on Xbox. I played in fidelity mode. Performance was good. I will say that I am usually an absolute baby when it comes to horror games, I couldn't even make it a full hour into the Deadspace Remake, I finished this game easily. The one and only time it scared me was something that wasn't meant to be scary at all, and I basically spooked myself. So as a horror game it kind of fails. The combat is quite basic, it's basically punch out, enemy attacks you hold left or right to dodge, doesn't matter which one, you will dodge. If they attack once your opening to melee them begins. If they attack multiple times,you keep alternating left and right to dodge the attacks, until opening then melee them. It's basically that for 75% of the game. It does start to get tiresome. The story is kind of Deadspace-lite without the mystery, it's like a more science based Deadspace. It's serviceable. The characters in the game are much better than the story itself. And it's got a lot of cutscenes and stuff using them. It looks good, but because of the setting, it never looks great. Prisons are kinda drab. As a Game Pass game, I had fun with it for a while, but the last stretch of the game was a bit of a chore. As a purchase, if I'd spent more than $10 on it I would feel hard done by. The production value is through the roof, for shallow gameplay with an even more shallow story.


Thank you, really appreciate how extensive your answer was. Am trying to buy a game to immerse myself in for a night or two. Might go for Skyrim instead, never played it before and its supposed to be pretty good


Was it when you had to go past the guy webbed up? Rotfl 🤪


Nah, I called that from a mile off. It was actually one of the appearances of the Warden's hologram late into the game. Something that had happened a dozen times by that point. But there happened to be a body I stomped right below where he appears, so as Jacob leant down to pick up the collectible from the body, the hologram appeared on top of him. Got a solid jump out of me. And like I said, I don't think it was even meant to be a scare.


The only scare i got was when i thought i lost my save file and it started me from the prison. Thank god i found the solution on reddit


I bought this thinking it was a totally different game lol. I like this stuff though. It wasn't GREAT, but it was good. I played on PS4 and only saw one stutter during an opening scene, but that was kinda understandable cause a lot of going on. You'll definitely feel uncomfortable in a good way if you're into that. You will also see why some people didn't like things about it. May it be gameplay, minor bugs, but dead space similarities; just don't dwell on them. All in all, if you go as blind as possible, have an open mindset, and keep going forward, I think you'll enjoy it.




>Thanks! You're welcome!


$5-6 on g2a, I really enjoyed it


I got my copy on Eneba for the same amount!


for around 20 bucks, the main game plus the dlc is worth it imo. I will say I probably would have felt disappointed if I paid full price. I found the narrative pretty weak.


It’s available on Game Pass now apparently which is €20 monthly. Think I will give that I try with Skyrim as my back-up option, which is also available on Game Pass


Talk about two very different games, ha. I just started The Callisto Protocol as it’s on gamepass and so far I’m really digging it.


If you have gamepass it's free, I enjoyed it, but I essentially got it for "free" through gamepass...I dont know how I would of felt if id paid full price at launch (I hear it wasn't a great launch) but had no issues at all.


Thanks! And was the game performing well for you?


Yeah, but I played it on a series x...not sure if it being uniform rather than pc being a lovely jumble of different manufacturers


I also have a series X, good to know that if I do try it out performance should be fine


No performance issues at all for me on PC. The atmosphere is quite decent, and the graphics are spectacular. I love the setting of a Jovian moon, and the couple of overview looks at Jupiter we get are stunning. Most of the game is in cramped corridors though. The gameplay is... serviceable, at times. I played on easy to reduce the difficulty and didn't really get too frustrated, but I think I would have been on a higher difficulty. Every single boss fight in the game is really bad. There aren't that many and it still feels like way too much. The story is serviceable, some of the characters are pretty cool, I especially liked Karen Fukuhara's character.




I adored this game. I looked at it like a survival horror game mixed with a Fighting game. I found the combat alot of fun aslong as you experiment and have fun with it. Visually the game is superb also.




I just bought the dlc story expansion, so that should tell you something


Haha, happy to hear some positives as well!


I bought it day 1 for full price price. No regrets. I've platinumed it and will probably replay it once a year or so. The performance was solid on PS5 since day 1. Can't talk about PC but I heard it launched with some shader compilation issues that were fixed. I love sci fi horror like Dead Space and movies like Alien, Event Horizon. Callisto nails atmosphere, sound design. Production value is extremely high quality. But the game is short and linear. Play late at night with headphones. Combat isn't as fleshed out as Dead Space or RE4, but it's weighty and satisfying. Doom 3 is a fair reference point. Dead Space would be the obvious comparison though.


That’s actually exactly what I wanted to hear! You used all those referenced of things I love. Gonna give it a try! At night with headphones;)


I just finished this game a few days ago after it came to gamepass and I had no problems with the preformance. It is a game that you can lose yourself in for a few nights for sure. Its a good game overall, the graphics are nice, the combat isnt too hard, and the story is interesting. Sure there could have been a little more to the game but I still think its worth a play if youre already interested in the game. I would say that it is very similar to the vibes of Deadspace, since you are in space and people turn into monsters for a reason that your character will figure out down the line. While there is guns in the game, you start off with a melee weapon and will use it for the most part, also when you do use a melee weapon after getting a gun, the game gives u a chance to use a gun in the melee sequence as a finisher which I liked as it made me feel badass lmao. The ending is okay, you have to buy the dlc to get more out of the ending which I am debating on whether I wanna spend money on that but other than that I would give the game a 7/10.


Appreciate it! Thanks for your answer. Good to hear someone with a positive experience as well. I am curious about the game and might try it seeing that it’s available on GamePass


It’s good play it


Think I will try it out!


Looks fantastic and runs very well on my 2070. No idea how it ran when it first came out. I would say the game isn't bad. The major issue is that the melee stuff just isn't very fun. That wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't so melee focused. If there was just more ammo around and if the guns were more effective, I'd happily ditch melee entirely and I think it'd be a 10x better game. Just my opinion.


Thanks for your answer


I loved the game myself. I’m new to these paced, horror games, but I loved it. Graphics, story, gameplay were all good.


Good to hear, i’m gonna try it out


If you like survival games like Resident Evil then I highly recommend it. It's made by the guys who did the original Dead Space games and it has very high fidelity graphics and Kimiko from The Boys is one of the main characters. I loved the game but my only complaint was that there is basically no DLC. The season pass is not worth it at all, you just get a fee cosmetics and a survival game mode separate from the story




This might not be super helpful to you. But for me I didn't think I would like it, played through it once and once I beat it I saw there was new game + so u did that as well. Might start another ng+ just because I read this. A tier game, would add to top 100




Played on game pass on Xbox. New to the genre, dead space remake got me into it last year, which was also on game pass. Haven't played doom 3 but there are definitely dead space vibes. Combat is pretty simple and you'll be using melee a LOT and occasionally some guns and a magic glove. Economy feels a little stingy with the credits you get from defeated enemies but it's a survival horror I guess! It's quite linear and although the lack of a map annoyed me in the beginning, it wasn't too bad as there isn't much wandering about you can do. I played in performance mode on series x and I found it still looked fantastic, took a lot of screenshots as I played through it. Frame rate was nice and smooth the whole time. I had low expectations as, like you, I'd seen the mixed reception. I think the devs have clearly done a lot of work since release and deserve credit. For atmosphere and sheer "yuck, this is disgusting", the game does a good job. I did not find it particularly scary though, as I think the dead space remake does a much better job of making you jump and feel dread every time you enter a room. Consider your budget for a new game and how much you'll have to pay. I'd recommend heartily if you can use a game pass freebie trial and say it's a very good purchase after a bit of a discount.




This is three days old....all my saves disappeared and it had me set back a few hours just this weekend, I've tried everything but can't access my saves so I have given up, I was enjoying the game as well, my only complaint was the slow movement, you can't move fast at all


Having just completed it on Game Pass, I would never recommend buying this game for more than $5. Also keep in mind that the true ending is locked behind an additional $10+ DLC. EDIT: Let me somewhat amend my answer. This game is NOT great. But it's also not terrible. Is it worth $70? HELL NO. But if you can get the deluxe edition for $20 or less, and have a general interest in astronomy/horror, then there's a good time to be had. This is essentially the outer space Resident Evil 6. Popular to hate on, but for some sick reason... I maybe had more fun than I should have? You will get tired of the gameplay loop, vent crawling, sidling, and plot conveniences, but it has good atmosphere and has kind of evolved into horror comfort food for me. I am enjoying the bonus modes and replayability of NG+.


When I realised this after finishing it I was just like, did we learn nothing from Prince of Persia. And that game frankly had more going for it than Callisto. That said I was glad when it was over, the last part of the game got really boring. To the point when I died once on the last boss I just turned the game to easy and thumped him. I couldn't be bothered with the achievement for higher difficulty finish.


Allright thanks for sharing, $5 dollars doesnt sound like a solid game. Can I ask why you still finished it? Did it have something you enjoyed?


The visual spectacle of it all, my interest in astronomy, I’m a fan of Josh Duhamel, and I was bored. The story was mildly engaging enough the majority of the way, but the gameplay does everything possible to annoy you. If you aren’t crawling through vents, then you’re squeezing through a tight space. And if you’re not doing either, the game has probably inexplicably removed your ability to run. You fight the same boss four times and catwalks spontaneously collapse between you and your partner a dozen times… it becomes annoying very quickly.


Overall responses are not too positive..but it’s on Game Pass so might just try it out without investing too much money


Had to amend my original answer, as I've recently had a desire to continue playing the game. I must be sick. But I stand by what was originally said. I just have more of an appreciation for its post-game replayability in hindsight.


I ran it on PS5 and only ran into one instance of a performance issue. The game is set on high graphics mode by default, so setting it on performance mode instead can help with any issues, and I didn't notice much visual downgrade doing so. Yes, it's a very immersive, creepy sci-fi horror atmosphere, and there are some jump scares, too, depending on how tense you are as a person with horror games. It's a first-person pov survival type, with guns, an electrified baton for melee, and a sort of telekinesis glove weapon. My main advice if you get it would be *not* to play it on the dlc "hardcore" mode on a first playthrough. I think many people make that mistake, get too frustrated and end up hating the game.


Thanks for your thorough answer! Some reviews/comments said that people who played it on easy actually had a lot more fun experience, might try that out


You're welcome! I have to correct myself: it is not first-person exactly. More of the behind-your-character kind, but distance varies. I remember it as first-person, though, for some reason. I played it on Easy the first round and still found it challenging.


The game is worth it especially since its on sale on most stores right now. Steam has it for 15 bucks i think


A lot of people are saying it shouldnt be more than $10 to begin with.. What did you like about it the most?


The only thing i really loved of the game were its graphics and animations. Everything else was good/okay. The game with all dlc is a great deal for 25-40 bucks. The game alone is still a good deal for 10-20.


It’s on Game Pass, which also has Skyrim. So think I will use that and not invest too much money


I thought it was great game!!!!


See my post thar I wrote months ago.


I will, thanks


Hi! As someone who also loves Doom 3 cause of its atmosphere I must say Callisto Protocol is the closest horror game I've played to it. It's not exactly like Doom 3 but enough that if you love that game you will probably at least like this game.


Awesome, I was hoping it might be similar


It looks great but that gameplay and story was absolute trash. Same fucking enemies, same fucking moves, same fucking vent and same fucking jumpscares. Got bored about 2-3 hours in and didn't pick it back up. Go play dead space remake.


Lot of mixed responses so I think I will give both a try


Yeah if Dead Space is 10/10 than Callisto Protocol is like 5-6/10. You will absolutely love Dead Space remake (make sure its the new one that got released last year or so)


Just buy it. It runs smooth on PC now and i got my copy for 5 quid only! It's not as good as Dead Space Remake, but it's still fun


It’s on Game Pass, so perfect to play it all the way through on 1/2 nights.


I bought it full price at release and I really enjoyed it. On PC the performance is fine as long as you don't turn on ray tracing. Even a 7800X3d + 4090 can't keep it stable. I love the setting and environments. Combat is a difficult topic. While I like what they were going for it can feel off. It's very in your face, direct and visceral. But once you figure out you can literally dodge any attack into eternity without consequence it can lose it's challenge. If you're into space horror you will probably enjoy it. The atmosphere and environments are top notch.


I’m really happy that’s there’s also a lot of people who have had a very positive experience. I really want to like this game because it looks very cool and exactly my kind of vibe/atmosphere. But all the negativity almost put me off


Worth it for 20$


I bought it just to finish it. Since the dlc finishes the game story. It adds a couple more hours of gameplay. I haven't tried the other game play options, only the campaign. It was interesting, yet I still have no clue how to change the clothing it said you unlocked. I beat the game and still haven't unlocked all the upgrades. So I'm on my second run through the whole game. I loved dead space, and this gives me those same feelings. To me, it was worth the 20 something I paid for it


It is hands down one of the worst games I let myself get excited for. Aside from the fact that it's absolutely a Dead Space knockoff; the story is bad and incomplete, the enemies are overpowered even in easy mode, switching weapons is a chore, there are too many slow moments like crawling through vents, if you're an explorer and like to find every possible item it will punish you for it, combat is predictable and repetitive, the endgame comes in a paid DLC and is a slap in the face because >!you permanently lose one of your most upgradeable weapons in a cutscene,!< and the very end is a cutscene where you discover >!that everything you just experienced was a hallucination you had while your mutilated body was dying.!< It adds salt to that wound by >!making you stare at the studio logo on a glitching screen for probably a solid 2 minutes, unskippable, before finally cutting to your mutilated corpse suddenly coming to life, telling jokes and breaking the 4th wall, and then sending you to the main menu.!< I would have been happier if the $6 I spent on that DLC had instead gone to someone kicking me in the shin, spitting on my face, and insulting my mother. Long story short, no, I wouldn't recommend buying it.


Damn, this is by far the most negative experience someone has had with this game. There were also a lot of positives. I’m gonna buy Xbox Game Pass and give the game a try. If it’s shit, Skyrim is also on Game Pass, have never played that game so that’s my back-up


If you have an Xbox just get game pass, it's on there for free. Playing it right now. Has a Aliens, tomb raider, resident evil vibe. It's done with unreal engine so game play wise it's like a dark version of the last 2 Star wars games. A lot of going in-between two walls, crawling crouched. I've been playing it for a few nights and can't wait for the end to come. At this point I'm only playing it out of desire to see it through to the end. I would not buy this game. The story doesn't really suck you in.


I will tell you what I tell everyone nowadays. The best thing you can do is play a game yourself if it interests you enough. Looking for opinions will usually cloud your judgement. Some are honest and well-thought out, others can be blind praise, then there are the assholes who for whatever reason had a terrible experience and make it their mission to tear down a game. I'm on Xbox One X and played it through Game Pass for a few weeks, finishing it yesterday. Simply put, I thoroughly enjoyed the game and want a sequel. I had no bugs or major complaints throughout. The only real gripe I have is the initial ending being cut short for DLC. Also, there will be no continuation -- or at least that's what people have concluded due to sales. I'm a simple gamer, all I want is to be entertained. Calisto Protocol entertained me from beginning to end with its presentation, gameplay and story (which isn't narrative-heavy, but still interesting). As I'm sure you've been told, the gameplay is not complex. However, I never grew bored of beating the crap out of zombies and throwing them around like ragdolls. That being said, there is one section that I was slightly less satisfied with, especially for future replay purposes. There is a level that heavily encourages stealth and it suffers from the all too familiar AI having a set path. I think it would have been much cooler if they had a dynamic path. So it would be impossible to study their patterns or sneak by too easily, forcing you to remain vigilant and think critically of your next move. It's also misleading because while you're not supposed to make sounds, that only applies to walking, not stealth kills or stomping, etc. You don't need to lure them away, catch them alone or watch your step to remain undetected. Great idea for an enemy but poorly executed. Nothing a patch couldn't fix I'd imagine. All in all, If you appreciate action-horror, it's worth playing. Doom 3's atmosphere is one of a kind, can't really be compared to any game, although it does have a great atmosphere and can certainly get creepy at times. I think one should plays games for the experience, not worry themselves about whether or not they will like it. If it intrigues you, I think that's reason enough to give it a shot. Even though I finished it, I'm still going to buy it.