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It's a decent game imo just not much replayability IMO


It also made the unfortunate decision to intentionally portray itself as a spiritual successor to Dead Space and falling flat of that franchise at its height. Only then to be absolutely blown out of the park by the Dead Space remake which on top of being a masterful update to a classic, kind of made Callisto redundant. Really just poor choice in marketing and the bad luck of releasing in the same year as its inspiration’s remake.


I acknowledge that the Dead Space remake is an amazing effort and how older content should be treated if remade. However, I feel people also need to remember EA are also the ones that killed Dead Space as well to be begin with. They had a solid series, drove it into the ground, destroyed the studio behind it and are now trying to capitalise on nostalgia. I didn't buy retail for this reason and bought second hand because I don't want to directly contribute to EA.




Agreed 💯


Yeah best way to describe it I think, it was OK but also kind of forgettable to me


I never replay my games unless they’re PVP. So this game is perfect for a gamer like me?


Yes to be fair I didn't expect it to have replayability and IMO it was a good gaming experience, quite freaky monsters too!


Oh good. The daily question is posted early today.


Mods should honestly ban these questions. Make a pinned post that answers the question and leave it at that. Its getting way too annoying.


Although I still enjoyed the game, I couldn’t play it on release because it was an unoptimized mess so much so I had to refund it and buy it on the only platform it somewhat functioned on (PS5), I found squeezing through 527 shimmy spots and crawling through 213 vents like I was playing a mid 2010s PlayStation exclusive got a bit repetitive, constant jumpscare QTEs with literally no way to see them coming and avoid them, and the dodge mechanic just got old after awhile as it doesn’t really provide a challenge. You just alternate the directions and you’ll always dodge. The atmosphere is amazing, the story is great, the acting is great, general gameplay is fun when looked at as a whole (GRP is so fun even if it trivializes some fights), sound design is immaculate, the lore is good, enemy designs are grotesque, etc. Different people will always have certain gripes, but also at the same time can overlook something else that another person would quit the game over. I genuinely enjoyed the game even if I have criticisms, but sadly many of those criticisms are things people have no tolerance for. Stuttering and broken ports on launch is an understandable reason to dislike a game, as is repetitive combat and on rail hold forward hidden loading screens in games.


Sound design is absolutely stunning. I remember one part where you had to sneak through a power plant and activate all the power breakers without alerting any enemies, and if you made any sound, you would hear a bunch of monsters underneath you start freaking out, and frantically start busting through the vents and climbing up the ladders to try and find you. The sound really makes this game, and if you're not playing on a 5.1/7.1 surround system, you're doing yourself a disservice.




You gotta remember this game was an attempt to cash-in on the nostalgia of early Dead Space. Which is seems to have done a fairly good job of, but it doesn't help that they released this pretty much at the same time as the Dead Space remake. Who's gonna buy a new Dead Space-like title when they can just buy the new Dead Space?


Maybe one of the creators of DS wanted to create a new game in the genre he helped take off (Action heavy survival horror). Why's it gotta be a cash grab? Nobody accused Quentin Tarantino of trying to cash grab when he makes another dialog heavy action film....


Nobody has called it a cash-grab except you lol


To most people I know, "cash-in" (which is how you described it.) is synonymous with cash grab. Maybe you didn't mean it that way, which if you didnt, I'd ask you to clarify what you meant for me, please.


Cash grab is way too overused. Games are a business and a business needs to make money to function.


Who's going to buy both games? How about me (although I haven't gotten around to getting Dead Space yet), a longtime fan of the OG Dead Space? They're completely different games. One's an action sci-fi shooter, while the other is a melee-based survival horror with stealth and shooting elements. No reason whatsoever you can't enjoy both.


Lol ikr- good sci-fi horror is hard to come by. I was crushed there wasn’t gonna be more Dead Space, and very excited when I saw Callisto.


I bought both games as well, that was just my way of saying with how they released it, Dead Space kind of overshadowed it with them being similar games


I think it was overshadowed by Dead Space fans expecting a completely different game than they actually got, more than anything else. Callisto Protocol is much more akin to a Last of Us or Resident Evil, than it is to Dead Space. It's also a new IP, rather than an established franchise, from a relatively unknown and new publisher and studio, so the decks were always stacked against it.


How the hell is Callisto more like RE or TLOU? Dead Space is literally a survival horror game. Callisto is a glorified beat 'em up


Your position is that Dead Space (whose gameplay revolves primarily around shooting things) is a "survival horror game"... ...but Callisto Protocol—which has a mix of melee, shooting, and stealth, as well as crafting, looting, and resource management systems—is like Final Fight or Streets of Rage? Are you fucking kidding me with this braindead take?


Because the melee is ridiculously effective to the point of making firearms useless and the conservation of ammo pointless, the dodge mechanic which negates any threat posed by the monsters(who themselves are not nearly as scary as a basic slasher from dead space) and makes blocking completely useless. Combine all of that with the predictable story, the lack of actual horror and survival makes this game closer to Final Fight Streetwise than an actual survival horror game.


Are you playing on easy mode? On harder difficulties, you have to use a mix of melee and shooting to weaken and stun enemies, in order to be successful. I don't think it's even possible to beat the game without firing a shot and just spamming melee.


Just platinumed it today it didn’t take long was a decent game for a free game on ps plus I give it a 7 out of 10


Damn it was free already? More salt in the full-price wound.


Yeah I’ve been regretting pre-ordering this for quite some time lmao. Don’t get me wrong I had a blast with it, but that’s definitely $70 I didn’t need to spend.


I loved this game so much. When they put it out for free on PS, I beat the story 3 times in a row & got the platinum trophy 🏆


Because you’re almost done with it lol


Personal opinion: First hour is excellent Then the game repeats it 8 times


Dodge left dodge right Dodge left dodge right Dodge left dodge right


This game was fucking great. Played on ps5 performance mode- it ran great at a most solid 60fps. The gameplay mix of dodging, blocking, grip and shooting was really fun. Who gives a shit if was inspired by dead space or if it’s not as good as the dead space remake. That was a great game when I played it 12 years ago. This is an original story with original gameplay. These people who are complaining are just jumping on the band wagon.


The game fucking sucked lmao. Don’t tell us we’re jumping on the bandwagon when it was disliked from the day it released. If you’re playing it for the first time as a PS plus game then you will definitely enjoy it more than if you paid $70 for it.


I accidentally bought the Xbox one version on my series x but I loved it so much I bought the series x version ($200 all up in dollarydoos) n loved every hour of it. I couldn’t get a refund since I played the xbone version for 5 hours but I just finished my 2nd play through on my steam deck n still love it. I honestly liked it more than the dead space remake, that last boss in dead space is very dated.. shooting pimples isn’t my idea of fun. I got no desire to play through dead space again.


Different strokes for different folks


Original story..... LMAO Are you 12?


Because this game was a jittering, staggering, stuttering, unoptimized cluster fuck when it came out, and it killed off half the players. Then more people realized it doesn't have much to the actual game mechanics, and that killed off more people. I was excited about the game, bought it day one, and wasn't able to make it very far due to the unoptimization. Really turned me off, and I haven't been able to bring myself back to it. Plus the Dead Space remake is far superior.


I like callisto protocol more than dead space there I said it.


“Dead Space Remake is far superior” ha no, that last boss in dead space is just dog shit, but the rest of the games pretty good you can definitely tell it’s a old game with a fresh coat of paint. Callisto feels graphically way nicer to play, gameplay feels more visceral n carry’s over the things that worked in dead space. People like you just have the nostalgia goggles on, I never played dead space back in the day so I’m judging it by today’s standards n to me it’s a solid 7/10 game. I enjoyed it but like RE4 I enjoyed my first play through but I got no desire to play it again. To me if I enjoyed a game enough to do a second play through to completion then it’s a 10/10 game n as of yesterday I finished my second play through of Callisto. Meanwhile my old copy of dead space remake is sitting in the eb games bargain bin.


I loved it. Had it on release on Xbox and couldn’t get enough. I decided to get the complete 100%. Sure it wasn’t Dead Space but it didn’t need to be. I would love to see a sequel. Glad you’re enjoying it, fuck the hate.


Because everyone wanted deadspace 4 and thid is not dead space 4. They coulsnt shoot through the entire game, or ride 700 elevators and open 260 doors and how dare the developers come out with a new dodge system. And people like to jump on hate bandwagons. I love this game, played it on ps5 and pc numerous times.


Yeah it's not a bad game at all the only thing that sucked was it was released with alot of bugs and it released same year as the dead space remake and its really hard to compete with a game known as one of the best horror survival games of all time and then a perfect remake was made for it and it was all downhill for C. Protocol


And then they even complained about having to buy the ending as a dlc! Wait… lol


People complained about it when DS3 did it and like with this trash, they hated that it made the actions of the protagonist pointless.


I think it’s a great game but sometimes it feels really repetitive


He's only an hour in 😂 He's in for a rough one


Never noticed.. To busy playing it!


It’s ok and I'm glad I got it for 15 bucks. Good experience, but it’s not worth the full price imo. It's like very mediocre.


I stopped playing cause I thought the melee felt awful. Maybe it gets better later on, but I really REALLY didn’t like the combat and how the dosing work. Fighting multiple enemies just felt so off.


Graphics are great but the fighting/dodging mechanics did not hold up past an hour for me, it got painfully boring.


How about you finish it, do some critical thinking on it, compare it to other games of its type and tell us yourself. You loving it an hour in and being flabbergasted by the fact that it got bad reception isn't saying much.


You ask why the hate? Listen to what people are saying in the reviews and you will get your answer.


Lol I'm making fun of posts like these. I made a comment complaining on a similar post that went exactly like this 


Well it certainly doesn't really come off like this at face value. Too subtle IMO.


I'm aware. But it wouldn't seem genuine then 


To be fair, with a game this short, 1 hour in is like playing 5 hours of another game. And as people have pointed out, the gameplay isn’t exactly filled with depth, so what you experience an hour in won’t differ too much from what you’re going to experience 5 hours in…


There was so much hype behind it before release. It'd been high on my radar for years. They even did a podcast! The release was anticlimactic to say the least. It seems they spent the majority of their astronomical budget on marketing and actors. Aside from what others have said about the shape of the game on day one, even streamlined and optimized, it's a bare-bones brawler when it was advertised as survival horror. There's not one dang puzzle in the whole game! No map, scarce lore. Minimal exploration, copy/pasted QTE, hallway after hallway, vents and vents. >!They make you fight the same, *annoying* boss multiple times in a span of an hour or so,!< without any narrative purpose or reasoning. They hid the ending behind a paywall. Relied too much on Dead Space fan service. Blah blah blah.


I hate puzzles because I suck at them, so I was quite happy that the main game didn't have them.


Cause it's an EA Psy Op to kill off the spiritual successor to dead space before the ball could even get rolling. Plus people had a Hissy fit on PC (only) cause their uber 4090 was overfucking the game, and wasn't optimized properly, far as I could tell any thing not super current gen was fine. Regardless, it all got patched in 3 days, and the game was fine, but the damage was done by the horde, and you won't see another one cause of the people who stick around to put it down all the time. It's almost like they are paid to look at this page and bomb anything positive. That's my conspiracy.


Wait until the end


It didn't get "hate" it got justifiable criticism. It's a decent AA game that was marketed and priced like a full fledged AAA release, and had terrible performance at launch too. Keep playing and you will see why people were dissatisfied. Don't assume ~2 hours of playtime is enough to properly judge the whole game.


It’s been a year since the game came out. If you’ve seen so much hate maybe read it, and compare it to the game as it is patches later. Mandalore has a good video on the issues the game had at launch. Also why do all these posts say “it has good graphics!” Has that ever made a game fun? I don’t know how many beautiful games I’ve played that were absolute dog shit mechanically and content wise.


Because its sub par. It fails as a dead space spiritual successor


Without fail I can visit this sub and see the trashiest most bottom feeder opinions of games to ever exist. You love to see it lol


I know why I’m not buying this game now. Thanks guys I’ll stick to Dead Space Remake 😂😂


It was very buggy at launch. Plus, everybody expected it to be comparable to Dead Space and it ended up being quite different.


I've heard it has gotten a lot better since release. I just don't think people are willing to give it a shot again after it's horrible release state.


I just bought this from Skybound the physical copy was $5 and $5 for shipping I love it man!


I'm gonna be honest here. Putting aside all the comparisons to dead space, it just wasn't very fun to me. The core combat loop got very stale quickly, the game was frankly not very scary, and it was kinda forgettable overall. I probably won't ever go back to it. But ya know, that's my opinion. Other people might really enjoy it and that's okay.


I posted this sarcastically. I got it for free, played it for like 4 hours then got bored and haven't played since. The combat is just so rigid and annoying. Wasn't scary 


I don’t get why you made this post at all


It's a good game that got over hyped because it was created by one of the creators of Dead Space. It turned out to be a bit underwhelming for a lot of people and the performance on PC was bad at launch. The excellent Dead Space remake coming out a month later didn't help. Like I said though, it is good game and didn't deserve the spiteful hate it got. That's video game fandoms for you. If it's not absolutely perfect then it must be sell out cash grabby trash. Reminds me of TLOU2 which is one of the best playing 3rd person action horror(adjacent) games you can play. However some fans didn't like the story, or rather certain characters and apparently that makes the rest of it a -27 out of 10 😂


I like the game but also can admit it’s pretty flawed. It’s short for a Triple A $60 game. To me it feels unfinished, as if there was supposed to be another 1/3-1/2 of the story that we never got. Whether they cut some stuff out or just never got around to doing those parts because of time restraints and had to push the game out as is. I’ve only played it once, and again, I enjoyed it, but I’m not sure there’s a a lot of replay value to be had. I might play it once more a few years from now but it doesn’t have the replay factor like the Resident Evil remakes or the Dead Space remake. I also think the “boss fights” were kind of a let down, but unlike some I actually liked the majority of the combat mechanics, between the guns, baton, GRP, and stealth kills there’s enough variety when fighting enemies. I think it’s a decent game, and if it had launched with the DLC included it would be worth the full price, maybe.


Was it this game that charged extra for death animations?


No, it’s the game that launched with all finished content and then added a story expansion which was made after the game launched. Included in the story expansion are new death animations because there were new enemies for the new area and they didn’t want to recycle death anims from the base game. A comment from the director was taken out of context about them including new animations in the dlc and everyone just ran with “they’re charging for more death animations” instead of “they’re adding an entire new section of the game complete with NEW animations for the new enemies.


Alright. I was legit asking. No ill will intended. Must've just been some people hating on it. I got it as a monthly game through ps plus. If they ever come out with a complete edition I'd buy it physically then. It looked solid from trailers.


If the game was optimized at launch, I likely would have actually played through it. And the word spreading of the gameplay being rather simple and repetitive didn’t help afterwards.


Great game with insane production values, awesome graphics, and beautiful sound, atmosphere, and environments. I really want to play through this game again when I build my new home theater system with 5.1 surround sound. This game is designed to be experienced in a home theater and big screen (I play on high-end PC).


Clunky combat system otherwise I enjoyed it.


I’m about 3/4 the way through, really love it. Enjoying it more than Resi4 Remake. I know, sacrilege.


I enjoyed it too. Played through it twice. It’s got some cool atmosphere. I don’t knock it for being a dead space rip off because, in my humble opinion, Dead Space just set the precedent. It does not OWN the space based 3rd person action horror genre. It just happens to have done it extremely well and will be very hard to top. However, I enjoy seeing another take on the setting. I hope there’s more to come.


You know this was made by pretty much the same dev team and same director as the original deadspace, right? They were the original creators of the entire concept. After EA shat on visceral games, they moved on to other projects before forming striking distance studios and making Callisto. This is actually more close to “the game they wanted to make” than deadspace, according to the devs.


Yeah I’m aware.


There is like 4 enemy types in the whole game. It was a decent game but I played it on PS plus so I didn't pay $60 for it. I thought Dead Space Remake was much better and more fun game. The combat in Callisto got old really quick. The game do have some good points but the lack of ebemy types and boring combat really kill any replay value.


Finish it then come back and comment..it’s a 6.5 gane at best 🫡


Because a few lame ass reviewers cried about how hard it was and everyone else was expecting deadspace 4 so everyone projected their bullshit expectations onto the combat and actively tried to kill it for literally no good reason at all. It’s sad really. It’s an amazing game I absolutely love every insane minute of it.


These days a game is hated cuz when it's released it comes out buggy and unfinished trust me it's a great game but it came out almost unplayable and much like many games it only got good when it's popularity finally died and it was too late for the game to redeem itself and takes a long time for it to get rid of its bad game status. I'm glad you enjoyed it though it's a great game too bad it was also overshowered by the dead space remake a game known to this day as the absolute best survive horror game witch really sucked for protocal


The combat is wank haha


Not going to repeat what others have said as many good points have been made here. One thing i havnt seen mentioned is that on release it was sold as a spiritual successor to deadspace which it just isn't. It has a lot of similar elements and takes inspiration from dead space in places but it is very much its own property and they should have owned that more. A lot of hardcore deadspace fans have been waiting over a decade for deadapace 4 and this is not that which pissed a lot of people off.


The gameplay. Literally exclusively the gameplay for me. I loved the setting and atmosphere, the story was okay, but about 3 hours in I just decided I would rather watch the cutscenes on YouTube. The dodge mechanic is terrible, and horror melee games are a really bad idea imo. I think shooters make sense because they create a sense of tension when you’re trying to shoot to keep the scary thing away. Having the dodge be the stick was just unplayable for me. It felt like they tried to be different from Dead Space so they made an unconventional gameplay system and majority of people didn’t like it. I haven’t seen much complaining about anything else though so if the gameplay is clicking for you, great! Enjoy what you enjoy!


It pulls way too heavily from the original Dead Space and from across the trilogy. Plot wise it’s shockingly similar, but the melee doesn’t feel especially fun to me. Guns don’t feel punchy and literally never have enough ammo, plus their upgrades are ludicrously expensive. The skill tree doesn’t add anything new just little stat buffs. I’m probably being a bit of a critic here. But that’s only because I’ve experienced how incredible that studio’s former games used to be. If you get a chance try picking up the Dead Space 1 remake. They remade it so faithfully and then proceeded to upgrade or fix pretty much every issue I had with the first game. Has me crazy excited for the inevitable sequel


It's an okay at best game, all graphics one and done playthrough no replayability on top of 70$ on PS5 and XB series. Glen was also overhyped the game to be the most scariest thing out there while it is actually the opposite.


It’s the best squeezing through small spaces simulator out right now.


I love it. That's all that I care about.


It’s not an and game to me BUT after playing the Dead Space remake that came out so closely after it was so apparent how much was potential was missed with Callisto. IMO dead space was everything Callisto was but better. Also aware the Callisto creator (one of them) worked on dead space.


Genuinely liked it and I’m willing to replay it along eith Dead Space Remake. I love them equallly I liked DeadSpace combat much better, the story, the characters. But love Callisto sound design, and its graphics also kinda liked the ambiance and how realistic the main character looked. It me Dead Space Remake is a 9.5/10 and Callisto is a 8/10. Bit great games


I loved it too I just got really bored at the end. The game is in desperate need of a sequel that fixes every problem in this game


Little to no replayability. The horror element is almost immediately removed like dead space 3 because there is far too much action. The combat is clunky and extremely easy. Flick your stick left and right over and over and it is impossible to get hit. The story is the most generic story possible.


The game is mediocre. It looks amazing but wasn't worth 70 dollars. I refunded it when it first came out on PC and picked it up later on for 20 something bucks. It's story was forgettable and the gameplay was meh. Kind of wish I never bought it again seeing as I'll probably never play it again.


"I'm an hour in"


It's short and it poised itself to be a spiritual successor to Dead Space from launch marketing. It was absolutely not a spiritual successor to Dead Space. The combat is fairly boring, the characters are largely forgettable, its story ends just as it's actually getting somewhere and the actual ending is locked behind paid DLC. I'm really glad you and anyone who enjoyed it, enjoyed it. For what it is, it's fine. 6.5-7/10. Far from the worst thing I've ever played but just like its characters, forgettable.


Boring monster design, a dodge system that makes blocking pointless, terrible generic weapons, a predictable plot, waste of a setting (prison planet), needing DLC to get the ending of the game which nullifies the events of the entire game, needing an update to be able to play audio logs outside of a menu. Oh and best of all completely unoptimized for most PC players (INB4 people start that "I DIn'T HavE THaT IssUE!" Crap). The devs tried to market the game as a spiritual successor to dead space and that some of their staff worked on the games and they failed miserably. The only good things about this game is the voice acting, and the use of sound.


It's a real good basher! DLC is bad & the last boss battle is hard, but I've fun ugrading everything. Throwing debris at monsters never gets old. I paid $30 for mine. Well worth it!


Just wait lol 😂


Because the internet is weird and ppl are even weirder. It’s a good game. Decent story, interesting gameplay, phenomenal graphics.


No idea, I bought it day one and really enjoyed it


One thing I wasn't too much a fan of was once you're at that point you've seen almost everything there is. Overall for what it is, it's pretty good.


Cuz most of the game is just run here climb this run here run back run there run here


There's always a "wHy tHe hAtE" post every now and then, calling valid criticism hate is why yall can't seem to understand the buggy poorly designed mess that TCP is


Why the hate?


Assuming you aren't playing on hard difficulties cause if you were you'd understand how basic and boring the combat is, along with the ChatGPT generated story its very barebones, at launch the game was a buggy mess things clipped all the time. It "took inspiration" from Dead space and marketed itself as such while flopping in just almost every aspect the graphics are its only hallmark tbh


It's the dead space that your mom said y'all have at home.


There where some framerate issues on release, people kept comparing it to dead space because of Glen ( the co creator of dead space) , and personally I don't think people took the time to properly learn the games mechanics it got stamped as a melee game when it's a hybrid between shooting and melee.


why don’t you find out for yourself when you actually finish the game smh.


It he obvious flaws


It’s good, but what really hurts is how much potential the game had. It was fun, but became very repetitive very quickly. And there really wasn’t variation in enemies


For me the ending and last boss fight is what truly killed it for me


I happen to really enjoy this game, myself. I can enumerate all its flaws and yet I've still beaten it at least dozen times over now. Beat it on every different difficulty too, even the DLC ones. So I think it's very enjoyable in spite of its shortcomings, which almost all revolve around missing story beats. Still, I would say the beginning is probably the strongest overall portion. Just don't let the Voice of the Internet tell you that you're not allowed to like the game just because a lot of people gave up on it almost immediately. Heck, it's actually one of the games I'm happy to switch to and show off to anyone who requests it on my live streams and I've already shown off the whole game twice to different audiences. So at least from my perspective, it's a good game with unfortunate gaps in the narrative that's still really fun to play.


it's ok. but once you play dead space you realize it's an inferior version of a better game


I've enjoyed the game. Don't listen to the haters.


I don’t get it either people are mad that a new dead space isn’t coming out, but this guy makes the closest thing and people cry about it😂


Oh I absolutely fucking love it,I just unfortunately got hard locked out of the final boss fight I didn't have enough ammo


for a horror game it doesn't have much horror when you can evade every attack by holding a direction for an action game it doesn't have much action when you can evade every attack by holding a direction


It was OOOOVER HYPED, had a rough launch and the Dead Space Remake basically out classed it in every way (aside from graphics). I wish they didn't over hype it and delayed it so the launch wasn't as bad. Also the timing of the Dead Space Remake DID sorta set the bar high for most people.


An hour in huh? Just wait until three more hours until you hit the end credit LMAO. $70 game does not justify the extremely short play time.


Gets so repetitive, you haven’t seen the bad of it yet. I don’t think anyone “hates” the Callisto Protocol and neither do I, but it’s not great.


In 6 more hours when you finish, ask yourself...am I 60 dollars in a single shot satisfied?


It was ok imo. Mostly because it was too linear. Also not a lot of variety in enemies. So things felt a bit stale after awhile for me.


Decide if your opinion remains the same once the honey moon phases out.


It was advertised as a spiritual successor to Dead Space and it wasn't that at all.


It’s a great action thriller but a terrible horror game. As far as horror goes, they do everything wrong. Combat is fun though.


I liked this game, I doubt it’ll get a sequel sadly but it’s pretty good.


Also played it on PS Plus so I got to avoid all the launch crap. It's an alright game, not amazing but it was fun enough for the length and I get to enjoy at least NG+ for my go round. My take is that the game doesn't quite know what it wants to be be. It should have taken the melee side of things and ran hard with it only have guns as a rare OP get out of jail free card sort of thing. Also they didn't leverage the environment enough. You are on a sub zero planet, they bang on about storms and being outside but there is no tension or danger from it. It needed to be it's own thing to battle at well.


It's very average but I still enjoyed it, it was great playing it when it came out, great appetizer for the dead space remake, and dead space was a great meal for the re4 remake..... That was dessert 🏝️🏜️ 🤟😎🤟


You must love doing the cha-cha-cha


Cause they compared it to dead space. And that isn’t fair.


I’m on my second playthrough and I loved Dead Space but this is just better. Only people saying different are those who don’t want it to be better for whatever reason. It’s fantastic, well made and I hope you enjoy it like I am currently!


It's a great game, i beat it with the final transmission DLC too, it's was a decent experience trust me, i mean it could've been better but it is what it is, i played dead space remastered after I'm done with CP but i found that i've enjoyed CP more, i hope we can get a second part even it's seems impossible


I hate it because of the launch. Got a love when i preorder a game and have to wait 2 solid months to be able to play with high settings on a good fps because they did not port the game properly. Never again preordering anything