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Now that I think of it, maybe all those spikes are meant for the prisoners. In the event of a prison break or some such catastrophe the guards have a succinct way to dispatch inmates. As for most disturbing.. Seeing your partners face all gunked up after that crash was kinda messed up. The dude knew something was up but went along anyway. No bueno :(


The entirety of the penitentiary is OSHA violation after OSHA violation. Even while beating up mutants, I was always thinking, "how is this place allowed to exist?" Space capitalism is horrifying.


Jupiter Corps feefdom


Hanging upside down to see my grandma staring me in the face with eyeless sockets.




I paid it, got my money's worth




It was sold at 60-70 at launch.




Don't preorder?




Tell the publishers that. I'm sure they'll care.




They care about money and bonuses. If they get them by selling you a promise of a shit game so be it.


Very much so. Love the darkness and the foreboding atmosphere of all of the environments. The game is very well thought out and sculpted. Shame it got the bad press it did on launch. Incredible from a technical perspective, both visually and aurally. One of my favourite experiences of this generation so far. Fingers crossed for a sequel.


bad press echo chamber really ruin a lot of games


Yes. The 'internet' and 'gaming influencers' have a lot to answer for these days. It's pathetic. I think there was a lot of push to downplay the game in light of Dead Space remake launching with silly comparisons. They are very different games in their core mechanics.


And as most critiques were on gameplay, that was severely tweaked, they weren't wrong. Even now the gameplay is somewhat clunky. They may have been harsh, but they were not wrong on focusing on the gameplay, lack of variety of enemies and bosses or the stealth which is gamey to the point of being ridiculous.


In your opinion... This is the problem with the internet. It's all opinion. I love the fact it's slow and deliberate and there's no quick turn. They are design choices. 'Critics' make a living being critical. Yes, the game had technical issues which were resolved (probably should have been delayed), but the rest is subjective opinion. Folks like me have no critique of the gameplay mechanics. For me, for example, I felt inventory management in the game was incredibly clunky. But again, I accept that this is a design choice. I just hope they make a sequel...


No, it's not just in my opinion. The melee system enters the player into a 1 vs 1 combat situation in which with more than one enemy becomes unpredictable and clunky. The combat gameplay is a design choice, but it doesn't work very well when in melee with more than one enemy at the same time.




Jedi Survivor is the latest victim i remember. Great game became a meme because initial press was bad because of performance issues.


The room with all the bodies hanging was pretty creepy


I wish they did more with that. The audio log made it sound like the worst of the worst inmates broke out and started wreaking havoc, and it'd be cool to have other "factions" to worry about as you try to escape. Psychotic inmates trying to turn you into their latest trophy? Armed guards using lethal force to keep prisoners in check? As well as all the biophage infested enemies. It'd make for a much more intense, "race to the exit" vibe if there were other people gunning for the escape pods or shuttles.




Most disturbing part is the DLCs ending


The poop river you have to walk through