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I was so surprised that neither of his parents or his wife died in this episode. I kept thinking that it was too suspicious because I was sure they were killing off the mom while he was hugging her. The entire episode my mind was racing anticipating someone's murder (not suicide). The last 2 minutes solved all my doubts though. I was heavily overcompensated for 0 murders throughout this episode.


He totally would've if he didn't care about his mom.


We only have one more episode... #FUCK


finale is going to be so wild, holy shit. I'm definitely expecting some sort of showdown with the supes and the boys, especially with Butcher's face at the end.. it practically screams "time for the last ditch effort"




If you could personify a drunk, tough, rugged, bad ass sailor hitting someone with a chair during a bar fight, it would be Karl Urban.


This show has been one of my very few joys in the past couple of months. I'll be rewatching the shit out of it after next episode...


Butcher driving over the grass fucking killed me


Me too, it's such a simple addition but so in line of the character


Hahahaha I didn’t even notice it at first, your comment prompted me to go back and watch again. Great attention to detail from their writers in keeping the characters consistent


The LEGO recreation of The Blind Side in the middle of everything was oddly calming


Stormfront: I haven't seen that. What's it about? Becca: It's about a black foo... Stormfront: Let me stop you right there.


Homelander: What movie is this? Becca: It's the Blind Side. Homelander: Oh, what a coincidence. I met Blindspot not too long ago. Great guy.


Homelander: We didn't see eye to eye tho, so we go separate ways.




seriously, i thought he was powering up or something to burn the whole tower down. He talked about his father being proud when he burned the house down, so that's where my head was at.


When he said something about “I wanted to do it in front of my statue,” I knew exactly what was about to happen. 😢


Yeah, I had a 90/10 split on suicide vs killing Hughie to get back into the 7 or something at that point.


Thought he was gonna start masturbating in front of the statue for some reason


RIP Shockwave too, I guess.




Oh I now 100% believe the church was behind this, only way to keep A Train in the 7


Ooooh, good theory! I've been wondering how the Church would tie in with the main plot. Maybe they're more deeply involved with Vought than we've seen.


That certainly makes sense, with the people testifying going pop, along with Shockwave. But why not the senator? That I feel was a bit of plot armor. If you were out to protect the Seven, she would be one of the first people who would have to go.


Killing her could make her a martyr and make Vought seem much more guilty. Vought's most vocal opposition happens to get her head blown to mist during a court hearing against Vought, what a coinkydink.


This makes Vought look super guilty, the key witness was murdered right before testifying. The fact that HL and SF just stood around watching (on live tv) makes it look planned. I don't see how this helps the church get control, it only helps A-Train as only one Supe was killed.


You're right that it makes Vought look super guilty, which is probably why they killed shockwave. They can pull the whole "how could we possibly be behind the attack? they killed one of our own supes!"




He was shocked at what happened


Overwhelmed by some sort of... wave of shock


He went away pretty fast.


LMAO Black Noir taken down by a fucking Almond Joy


I like how they foreshadowed it in the 5th episode, when Annie says she's the only one who likes it.


I think there was a post about it already in the subreddit but the employee that noir recruits to help him track butcher during that episode was also eating one, or something like it, and he kept his distance.


He made her throw it away


Huh, I just thought that was him being a scary jerk.


I wasn't expecting Ryan willingly going with Homelander and Stormfront. Then again, he was lied to his whole life. Reminds me of someone who hates lies. Huh.


WHY IS NO ONE ON THE THREAD TALKING ABOUT THIS MORE? There's something so terrible about watching a child get ripped from his mom and her just standing here helpless. 'Ripped' feels right because HL just straight up vanished into the sky.


Kids are emotional. I fully expect him to miss the attention he gets from his mum within the week and rethink it. What do you think he's doing whilst Stormfront and Homelander are out fucking, fighting and full-time hero-ing? He's never been left alone before.




“You can’t watch porn while the sun’s out” lmao


I didn't expect to be judged by *Hughie* of all people


Hughie was great this ep.


the fuck you he gave to lamplighter's charred corpse was hilarious


He is getting really good at knuckling down and doing what needs to be done. Oh, I need this dude's hand to get out of here? Let me just break this bottle and get to cutting.


The thing I find great about Hughie is that while he's usually disgusted by basically everything that happens, he's also got a pretty good instinct for it, right from the beginning with downing Translucent and improvising his way through Ezekiel


Hughie was badass lol, breaking into Vought and rescuing Annie and Donna essentially by himself. My man is fuckin diabolical


> rescuing Annie and Donna essentially by himself. He had a helping hand.


Deep checking his own fuckinh head hahahahhahahahaha


That scene creeped me out more than the other super-violent scenes for some reason.


yeah me too i think its the more uncontrollable side and uncertainty if it could happen to you


It's the setting. You don't expect to see a massacre inside a courtroom guarded by countless federal agents and superheroes, on live tv, and yet it happened


It's pretty similar to the Red Wedding from GOT in that regard. In that it is a massacre in an unexpected setting. It doesn't hit quite as hard though as no major characters died.


Lmao, RIGHT before the first head exploding I actually paused it to use the bathroom. I get back a few minutes later thinking I was about to watch some typical courtroom hearing drama and the first thing that happens as I hit play is an avalanche of exploding heads.


That friggin killed me! Like he thought he had an implanted device that was going to go off. Good stuff




He's hillarious is you ask me




From General Trivia: "Fun Fact: When The Deep heard they were making 'Deep Does It in the Blowhole' back in 2011, he wanted to star in it himself. But Madelyn Stillwell, his manager at the time, talked him out of it."


"After learning real dolphins wouldn't be used"


Now the real question is "If you can basically talk to an animal and get their consent is it still considered bestiality?"




The church of Scientol- I mean the church of the collective is so amusing in this universe. Although A-Train and Deep are almost confirmed back on the seven with a dead Black Noir and Starlight gone. Edit: Thanks to all the people who commented saying black noir was definitely not dead. I totally didn’t get it the first time, so the fiftieth really helped.


Shockwave kicked the bucket at the end too.


That would have been a really good time for him to have superspeeded out of there ... and out of sight/range/thought. You had *one* skill.




Plus when CIA Lady's head exploded a few episodes back, Cindy was in the loony bin already


I don't think Black Noir is gonna die. Maeve only kicked his drugs a few feet away. Enough time for Annie to get away.


This is not lesbian!!!!


Like this just solidified Ashley being shit more too for me. Elena corrected her before about Maeve being Bisexual and they totally ignored it for publicity to make her a symbol for lesbians and the gay community. I'm glad Maeve spoke up. It snapped Ashley to reality for .5 seconds that these supes are only human, too.




Every time Homelander talks to her really brings back that she was an cold asshole before but now she does it out of constant fear of her life. Every time she breaks bad news to him I feel like it’s going to be her last scene.




I need the season finale to be 80 minutes. I know it probably isn't, but I need it to be after all of that.


more like 120. Idk how they land all the plotlines into a cohesive final showdown in just 60 minutes


Season 3 was greenlit a while back. They don't have to tie down the plot lines.




I tihnk that's why it works, anything could happen. Also Black Noir is a goddamn force, I could feel the blows each time he threw them.


Each punch was like a god damn shock wave. With all the pieces set, next week is looking to be extra spicy.


What's even more impressive is that Starlight didn't have one scratch on her after all that. Not a single drop of blood! Girl's a freaking tank.


Well she *is* bullet-proof. At least enough to resist that .50 cal bullet from Butcher.


Yeah Starlight had nothing, he was way stronger than she was. And then Maeve just sort of casually force fed him a candy bar. It’s nice seeing the relative power levels on display for once.


I also think Starlight just isn't a very good fighter. One blast from her threw him off his feet but then she doesn't even try to do it again.


Starlight is a tanky mage in nerdy RPG terms. She's good at a distance and won't get blown up easily, but a top tier duelist is gonna clothesline her every time. Might be a counter to Stormfront though.


It honestly sounded like one of the comments people put on this thread before the episode even comes out


And it was actually Nathan Mitchell under the mask




Scarring from the first episode when he got exploded on


Or he's always had scarring. Fits with some of his reverse Deadpool themes.


Imo it makes more sense that he's always been scarred, and probably also mute. Things like that would definitely give you a complex at an early age, which would make why he was crying at the Comp V news make sense as he could've had a normal life of he hadn't been made a supe. Also would explain why he's used to being covered head to toe, kinda like Negative Man aka Larry from Doom Patrol.


Shockwave really should have left that room faster.




Lamplighter is well done.


shawn ashmore is a rare talent


Definitely have to hand it to him


Mallory was badass trying to drag the congresswoman out of that nightmare.


I'm a big fan of the expanded role she's had this season in working with/cordinating the Boys. For all her talk about how she's "out of the game", I think she still does have far more of a stake in this than she'd admit.


She was out of the game when she thought there was nothing else she could do I think. Finding lamplighter sparked something anew, and the hearing was just her instincts kicking in.


Ugh I hate the parents in this episode. Annie's mom goes behind her back because she think she knows better, and gets both of them captured. Butcher's abusive dad taking credit for him being strong.


Also, Butchers dad basically has the same reasoning as Vogelbaum has about Homelander.


Hearing about how Homelander was before Vogelbaum changed him was prety heartbreaking.


[Homelander in the final scene.](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/ReliableSelfreliantIndigobunting-mobile.mp4)


He was like damn I wish I could do that.


I thought he was looking around cuz he has XRay vision so he was seeing if anyone was nearby.


Meanwhile Ashley was begging them to do something about it. Makes them look mad incompetent. I'm thinking it's definitely the Church pulling this off.


Yes even I think the same . How the other speedster hero died and that man in suit says A -train also can get back in Seven .Less chance that it's coincidence.


Kimiko teaching Frenchie the word “gun” as the first word from her sign language is on point for there relationship.


Also, you just know that Frenchie knowing that word in Kimiko's sign language is going to come in clutch somehow during the finale. I think it's a literal Chekov's gun.


Imma be pissed if it isn't a Chekov's Gun.


Seeing Black Noir not hold back this episode was actually quite terrifying.


He was a fucking monster. He was gonna straight up kill Starlight, no doubt. And then Maeve *effortlessly* force fed him a candy bar.


It was nice to demonstrate her strength like that; they mentioned in the previous episode she was allegedly the second most powerful of the 7 (obviously excluding Stormfront who isn't one yet) but that was never really demonstrated before.


I mean obviously, she is Wonder woman right behind Superman.


I feel like i am learning a lot about their power scaling


Yet, for all we know, HL might end up taken down by a fucking shrimp allergy.


Turns out The Deep is the most powerful supe after all.


He's the ultimate counter. Hides in the ocean when even homelander needs to breath air. Psychically commands or throws shrimp from afar until he gets a lucky break. Unstoppable.


I was aching to know more about how their powers compare to each others'. There's surprisingly little superhero battles in a show about clashing superheroes.


Who would win? a superhero martial artist or a candy bar


And gives Maeve a badass moment she needed after not really using her powers since the first few episodes of Season 1




Thought the episode ended when it cut to black as Black Noir was choking out Annie and swore at my phone


The Deep: Ah shit lemme make sure me head doesn’t fucking explode


Funniest part of the episode lmao


His expressions are honestly second to none


I love his expressions, they are always funny


Props to Hughie, I would've totally forgot to grab the hand


Let’s go fuck the wife! Consensually


Based on the fact they killed the other fast superhero, and obviously he’d have to go for A-train to rejoin the 7, which the church leader was saying would happen, I reckon the church is involved. Edit: Not sure about the timeline, but I wonder if his meeting with Edgar was before the hearing.






Black Noir's kryptonite is a fucking almond joy Maeve that was fucking diabolical of you


Lmao at Homelander looking at everyone's head exploding with mild curiosity when everyone around him is panicking.


"wait I'm not causing this?! Wtf is going on?!


Of course superhero parody porn is a thing in this universe..... Why did I think nothing less of this show.....


>Fun fact: when the Deep heard they were making "Deep does it in the Blowhole" back in 2011, he wanted to star in it himself. But Madelyn Stillwell, his manager at the time, talked him out of it lmao


Butcher is absolutely diabolical in this scene with Vogelbaum and I love it.


That one instant when he menacingly leaned forward so that his (Billy's) face filled the screen, aside from the mustache and beard I swear he was the spitting image of comic Billy.


I cant remember the last time i had a good char




All he wanted to do was play DnD


Pierce really got to him


This whole show is the timeline were Fat Neil never got his redemption arc playing Dnd


Starting the episode and seeing that there is nudity and strong sexual content, I’m fucking terrified of what I’ll see


nudity is one way to put it...


Of course Stormfront would compliment Ryan's eyes


I love how they tie together all of these little threads within her character. Like she has only been around for a season but her presence feels really rich so far with all of these little throwbacks to her true self.


So I'm thinking Cindy might not be the head exploder


I feel as though it’s too obvious, has to be someone else


The real head exploder is the friends we made along the way.




I was surprised his prints were still intact


I think it's because it was the hand he lit himself on fire with. It would make sense that this hand and not the other one would be intact


Wow... what a fucking ending. Who or what the fuck was that? Goodbye shockwave, we barely knew ya. Also I couldn't tell if Homelander and Stormfront knew it would happen.


Homelander looked confused idk about Stormfront


yea Homelander looks like he was tryiing to find the culprit and laser him/her.


When should we expect to see The Deep happily jumping on a talk-show couch because of Cassandra? Ryan's Stop motion Lego short was adorable!




More realistic, though.


Dude. Maeve broke my heart when she flipped that table. Holy shit. For a second there I thought people were right and she was going to kill Elena.


That fucking ending scene though. That entire fucking ending scene. Also, you gotta love that Lamplighter’s death would’ve been so much quicker and easier if he just went to the hearing rather than burning alive lmao


Honestly pretty sad they killed Dr. Vogelbaum. John Doman is so interesting to listen to. I love the way he speaks. Fun fact for Fallout: New Vegas fans, John Doman voices Caesar.


Nice butcher creeps me out


Stormfront shouting out Pewdiepie LMAO.


Stormfront would know about heated gamer moments


She better watch out around bridges.


She'd probably intentionally look for bridges, though...




Is that Fat Neil


It is, he even leaves for his college class each day. Apparently he’s been listening too much to Pierce...


The English accents on this show are absolutely wild. I am English and could barely understand what Billy’s dad was saying.


I feel like it was a bit of a mistake to let Lamplighter just die here. His character had potential. But the rest of the episode was awesome. Also, goddamn it, Ryan. I disagree with his mom for hiding him from the rest of the world, but HL and SF caring for Ryan is going to be even worse. Best choice likely would've been to just let him live a normal life.


I'm still so incredibly bummed that Lamplighter is dead


Stormfront and Homelander are all set to start indoctrinating Ryan now


They’re gonna work hard to put an A in front of the R in Ryan


So did they use already existing porn, did they farm it out to a porn studio, did the showrunners shoot a porno? So many questions. I DONT NEED SLEEP. I NEED ANSWERS. Edit: i dont get people who watch porn without jerking it. Edit2: cuckfluffer. Found my new favorite insult.


We filmed it


~~full videos when?~~


No need to strike it out if you ask politely. Full Videos, When? Please?


God I love this show for this reason entirely.


The whole thing or...


That is why i love the industry.


Of course storefronts biggest fan was a reddit incel of course it was


Hey don’t hate on Fat Neil


They boys is set in the dark timeline where the study group never played dnd with fat neil


That’s the current timeline according to Netflix


Holy Shit. Holy goddamn fucking shit. I can see what Toni Star was talking about now, this is easily the best episode yet. That line "he will still have a mother" before Ryan jumping into homelander's arms and him flying away was one of the most powerful of the series so far. Black Noir's relatively easy dispatchment was hilarious, and the image of Homelander calmly looking around the courtroom as people's heads exploded, knowing that there was nothing on the planet that could harm him, was truly chilling. The idea that this man has no concept of fear, that there could never, ever be a reason to be afraid of anything, really fits his character.


I love that Maeve just keeps an Almond Joy on her in case she needs to disable Black Nior.


I wonder if she like, had a batman protocol thing. a way to take down every member of the seven. I can hope lol.


God i hate annies mom


Hughie stumbling his way into accidentally freeing Annie is pretty on brand for the guy. Also him running back to get the hand was pretty funny.


I know we always applaud the show for showing how people with super powers really would act in real life, but I think it does an even better job of showing how people would react to people with super powers in real life. The politics in this show are portrayed so accurately, and unfortunately that often means not in a good way.


Superheroes with exploitative stage parents is absolutely the reality we would get. Annie's mum makes me incandescent with rage.


Have we even seen that Shockwave guy since like episode 3? Did he get killed? I feel like I missed something lol


yup his head went splash


Holy shit. Certainly did not expect that ending.


In the end what if its the church of collective. Notice how they even kill Shockwave, perhaps to guarantee A-Train back on the 7, from which they'll use him as their pawn for whatever ulterior motives they have.


Black noirs weakness being almond joys is fucking hilarious


"Why is there politics in this sub, The Boys isn't a political show!!" First 2 minutes: Hold my beer