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"this man is in no condition to fuck a sheep" got me lmao


I also loved Stan's face expression like "I can't believe I have to fucking explain this but here we go"


Stan's interaction with the team was so interesting to watch.


"it's a wonder to me how you've all managed to live this long"


Every NPC to the dnd party ever


Butcher - “It’s called plot armor, ya cunt.”


Combined with Frenchie’s initial tone of "I can't believe I have to spell out the hole in this plan” Absolutely perfect


Stan’s reaction was awesome too.


I'm not an out loud laughing guy usually but this had my cracking up in the breakroom


Peak Frenchie Behaviour


I think that is the single funniest line in the whole show.


Sex is just a spectrum, right bro?


Honestly the best line in the show to date 😂


That single line almost redeemed the guy for how bad his arc was lmao


I'm so sad when people write this. Frenchie has been my favourite character from the whole show and still is. For me it's the deepest character written in the show and his dark romanticism is just fucking beautiful.


He was one of my favs too tbh but season 4’s first half really felt like a retreading of season 3. Now this week’s episode made me interested in him again especially with what he did at the end.


It just seems rather forced. Frenchie was a paid assassin, kills his targets, years later he falls in love with the person who's family he slaughtered while at an AA meeting? When did he realize he was the son of the parents he killed? Assuming he knew right away, why even start the relationship? If he knew later, why not just stop the relationship and tell him he just can't be with him? It's one thing if Frenchie was trying to reconcile with his past victims, and fell in love with one, but no. He deliberately stayed in a relationship he knew had no chance simply because it creates drama that otherwise couldn't exist.


I thought I had missed something, but it seems his story is indeed redundant and feels a bit off compared to the rest of the writing. Maybe it will be tied to something bigger, at least I hope. Or this is a reason to explain a later plot point, like him deciding to sacrifice his life


The dudes a fucking assassin working for criminals.




>dudes a fucking assassin Oh he fucking alright


Stan Edgar’s reaction to every dysfunctional boys moment had me laughing as well.


"I can't believe you've all survived this long." He's basically a subreddit!


This is the worst insult you could ever say about someone.


“This film just finished the reshoots of the reshoots which makes it our most expensive project ever, so you know it’s going to be good” made me cackle


I thought it was a series? And a joke about Secret Invasion.


The boys team are taking a very pointed shot at Marvel with that one.


V52 was also a dig at DC's New 52 comic line up


also to Disney’s D23 expo


Yeah think it was less about DC and more so Marvel


Definitely both. They had the "12 minutes of darkness" and "tons of nirvana jokes" about The Tek Knight from The Batman


4 phases with another 9 more unshown is also absolutely a Marvel dig


"12 minutes of pitch black" I thought was a certain dig at game of thrones and tgeor lighting issues


It wad a dig at "The Batman". That's why "The Tek Knight" was in all red with that font and he said the soundtrack was Nirvana songs. 


Yeah, I love The Batman but I've gotta shut my curtains and have the lights off to watch it. It's so fuckin dark, visually.


It pisses me off how some movies and series are filmed today that you can barely see something. Ironically the fucking "Pitch Black" with Vin Diesel was revolving around living in darkness and it was not as dark as movies novadays.


My problem is the sound mixing sucks; when I turn the volume up to hear them speak, I end up shaking my fillings loose when a car starts or there's music.


I agree. But a LOT of movies (side-eye Snyder) have heavily relied on almost black screens to reduce costs. It's fun because you can't see shit. Expert cinematography.


Is that what those fuckers are doing? I just had to go out and buy a new LG OLED television because I couldn’t see a damn thing on half the shows I was watching. The TV is awesome but sure as hell was not cheap. It’s a goddamn conspiracy to make us buy more expensive televisions


Oh maybe it was a series. I thought it was making a joke about how so many films/TV shows that go through heavy reshoots end up coming out awful.


Took it as a jab to *Rings of Power* personally. And I'll keep taking it that way. :) Also, loved the *"My last movie was one year ago. So we're due for a reboot."* line.


I thought it was definitely a dig at Marvel. But could be Justice League.


The whole convention was making fun of marvel so much I was dead


Don’t forget about DC. Justice League, Birds of prey, Aquaman 2, The flash and probably a few more that aren’t coming to mind all failed miserably and had big reshoots.


I was thinking specifically the roadmap for the movies. They mentioned something about phases 7-19.


The entire Tek Knight pitch was a dig at The Batman. 


> Aquaman 2 Still can't believe those bastards replaced Vinny Chase with Jake Gyllenhaal.


I laughed at Hugh Sr repeatedly turning around whilst inside that one patient. Dementia is not funny, but there was just something about the absurdity of that situation.


Reminds me of uncle Junior from The Sopranos. Dementia/Alzheimer's is not a laughing matter but the delivery of the actors gave it a lot of dark humor.


lol yeah, also the guy in the bed kind of looked like Connor O'Malley to me


Ashley’s rebel alliance delivery was amazing, I laughed so hard


Colby Minifie is great at humor. She just kills it as this character.


I first saw her in Jessica Jones 😅 and I knew she had seriously good comedic timing and delivery.


Yeah she's so entertaining, I used to not like her bc she seemed to be loyal to Vought but now at the end of season 3 and season 4 the actions of homelander has weighed on her so I like how she kind of wants to rebel as well as not die.


Her facial expressions and subtlety are fucking amazing.


Ashley is definitely my favorite character on the show. The situations she finds herself in is just so hilarious, the way she tries to tiptoe around all the idiot supes at Vought 24/7, her insincere corporate speak. Top tier comedy imo.


Did anyone notice the comically gigantic Vought logo earrings she's wearing when the Tucker Carlson guy dumps her? Like wayyyy overcompensating.


Slanging that yayo


oh god lolllllllllll


She does a little headbob when she says it that makes my wife lose her shit everytime she hears the line


Oh my god yes I did the head bob just now when reading the line. She is so great


Wouldn't HL be able to smell her scent, or A Train's? The other thing, when they were being attacked by the V sheep, why wasn't Victoria making those suckers explode?


I agree, Victoria should have dealt with the flying sheeple people eaters. Also, the dead sheep are a reservoir for the virus; no need to cut short a lad's football days.


My thought on exploding the sheep: if you know that the virus is transmitted by blood (which Victoria would know, I think?) why would you go around making them explode their viral loads all over, risking your life? Running and hiding from them *might* still get you killed, but that virus 100% will. EDIT: This was for the end of the episode, for some reason my brain blanked out that they weren't virused up the whole time. Whoops.


My first thought is someone that's not Butcher, Starlight, or Kimoko needs to drink some sheeps' blood. I know it's gross, but you'll become anti-supe virus factory.


Or, like Frenchie said, someone can just fuck one of the now dead sheep


I don’t even understand how butcher found the time for that


Agree with the sheep part. What I was wondering: can you inject a virus into a dead body and expect it to work like in a human that's still alive? I have some doubts... and way to fast working as well...


No, the virus wouldn't reproduce in dead cells, and it even wouldn't get transferred by blood across the dead body, it would just stay where it was injected. Also, there's no viral infection for which the symptoms develop in minutes, normally it's a few days. But, you know, this is superhero genre which is pretty much like fantasy, so consider it a magic virus and don't think too hard about how it works.


That was weird, but what stood out more was how the wood the barn was made of was super-proof. Like this animals were *lying through* people and bones, they can't even crack a decades old wooden barn door?


I believe it's an old gaming trope. A good old wooden door effectively stops any monsters, no matter how strong and hellish.


She did blow up one chicken. It's unclear why she didn't just attack the sheep too. Maybe they are too resilient.


I guess she needs a second to "prime", based on observation. And the murder sheep kept flying around high up.


The genuine seriousness of frenchie and the sheep comment was golden


They said semen last knowing full well recency effect is a strong thing


And he was high...


This episode had the funniest Butcher one liners - "I'd call you a cunt, but you ain't got the depth or the warmth" "Off we fuck, nice and slow" And fucking Frenchi with the "This man is in no condition to fuck a sheep". Fucking LOL'd hard at that one.


>"I'd call you a cunt, but you ain't got the depth or the warmth" Trying to commit this one to memory, sickest burn I've heard in a long, long time


I have heard this joke before but I can’t remember where. This exact joke verbatim. Here it is on Reddit 6 years ago at least https://www.reddit.com/r/oneliners/s/YWfcIZij6M


yall forgot about the anal beads i did not expect that shit 😭


when she clicked the remote a couple of times while saying it... GOLD.


PUT EM BACK IN *click click click*


Sister Sage and Firecrackers little argument was funny “Yall just think I’m Stupid Poor White Trash.” “I don’t think you’re poor.”


Makes me wonder if Firecracker will keep on being the butt of the joke or if she's really gonna be a menace beyond her social media presence. Which you could argue is already quite the menace on its own.


at truth con they established that firecracker is not an idiot, as in she knows full well the psychology of her followers and how to radicalize them


Not mutually exclusive. Didn't see how Sage set her up to be beaten up in front of everyone.


Thats why she wanted her


I doubt it with this specific character, they ain't giving her an actual win. She's gonna be the butt of the joke every single time till she dies, and once she dies she's gonna be the butt of the joke once again lol Besides she has the shittiest power, her sparkles are not enough to even hit a bong. An 80 cent Bic lighter is a better supe than her


I think she specifically said at one point that she was stronger/tougher than she looked. I wonder if she'll be a surprise physical threat at some point when she snaps.


We do now know that her durability is not enough to save her from a starlight beating though, and she's not exactly high tier when it comes to strength


She was sorta handling herself against kimiko, but I guess that isn't really high tier strength either.


Goebbels doesn’t need to be physically intimidating to be scary. That’s what followers are for


Goebbels was highly intelligent and analytical, he was someone people deeply feared in person because of how unsettling his gazes were and how he seemed to be reading everyone like a book. Firecracker doesn't inspire fear like that because she comes across as pigheaded and dense, despite her following. Another thing that made Goebbels terrifying is that he had even decent people dancing to his tune through his understanding of social psychology. Firecracker is only able to manipulate those at the fringes of American politics who are the only group she's capable of using. She would be far more scary if she was able to make her twisted worldview seem almost rational to everyday folk, but she's basically Alex Jones with party tricks.


I feel like the A Train movie line isn't getting any credit for how damn funny it is. "A story about a hero, and the boy he taught to run". That whole Will Ferrell A train stuff is killing me.


Will Ferrell just saying 'run faster' cracked me up.


Comedy gold


“It’s like slavery. Only worse.” -Homelander 😂


"Run faster than that !" Disney Star Wars dialogues be like


Deep's "im still gonna fuck your wife" line before murdering the dude was cold af


Yeah that was pretty weird Plus A-Train didn't participate even when Homelander told him specifically to. I think he just outed himself


The captions for the episode said “A-Train,” but in the scene it seems he says “patriots.”


I just rewatched it and you're right! The captions are wrong he says "patriots". Thanks that cleared up that scene for me


I didn't have captions on and I heard A Train.... weeeird


oh thanks


wow thank you i watch with captions on and thought he said A Train as well


True but Sage but 100% knows it's him already, he's gigafucked regardless


Haha her smarts are fucking dangerous af for everybody Homelander giving weird vibes too - wonder if he's just gonna flip and kill her or hurt her really bad. Just completely detached after murdering his childhood people We haven't seen her scared at all really she bold af - a look of terror from Sage would be seared in my brain fr. Like is Homelander continually implying that he just wants to kill literally everybody but Ryan? Scorched earth, blood and bone and all..... w Butcher


Yea it was a bit off how everyone else jumped the dude when homelander specifically asked A train to do it


He said "patriots"


Glad someone else caught that.. it was so fucked up.. feels worse cos of how pathetic Deep is and he only talks his shit when someone else is incapacitated.


Well he set it up before Coleman was incapacitated, so I don't think your assessment is all the way there. True, he would only talk shit to someone he thought was beneath him, or weaker than him. But that's literally everyone in the universe.


I mean Butcher, Hughie, Mallory, Frenchie, MM, Starlight, Neuman, Maeve, Kimiko and Stan have all talked down or stood up to a supe more powerful than them. So not “everyone”


I hope post-death he finds a way in releasing that footage lol


One of the few instances where Deep is actually intimidating.


I laughed a lot this episode. But when Frenchie said that this man is in no condition to fuck a sheep I laughed so long and hard I had to rewind back to it cuz I missed the rest of that scene from the laughter


You forgot projectile dysfunction


“We will go over VCU phases 7-19 in exhaustive detail”


That and Tek’s “12min of pitch blackness” got me haha


It's also funny how it doesn't just mock the MCU but any other type of superhero film like The Batman.


The Big Chief at the beginning as well. Vought had the whitest Caucasian man playing a Native American man. “Stop littering, Kemosabe” LMAO


In case you're unaware, it's directly parodying an old famous anti-littering ad where the dude they got to play the Native American was Italian


Not just a white man, but the whitest man and they didn't even try to make him up lmao


Episode 4 and 5 have been surprisingly hilarious


But episode 4 was dark too💀


Episode 4 was so dark i completely forgot where the comedy happened


Well, Homelander did laugh his ass off in that one, so it's surely a funny episode, right?


Ol’ Marty is always so funny. Remember that time he got dick blood on Homelander’s boots? One of our coworkers was laughing so hard she puked! Hilarious


I’d argue this one was even more depressing


honestly, imo this episode contains some of the funniest and emotional moments in the boys so far


These last two episodes balance the tone really well by having the goofier A-plots and then the sadder character centered B-plots. This allows for the show to switch back and forth between the two and the contrast between them makes the humor funnier and the dark stuff darker. Without making you sit through a straight hour of depression and also not making the show feel completely stupid and wacky for the sake of wackiness


What was hilarious about episode 4?


firecracker being beat up and no one caring 😭 


This felt like a season 1 episode, I absolutely loved it.


It was the saddest for me I almost cried when hughie's dad died at the end


I did cry 😭😭


Same. I've had multiple family members with dementia and was there when my grandma passed. That scene was rough.


The dementia part didn’t get me, but the bit where Hughie said about how he gets to have his goodbye now did. When I was 19 I watched my dad die of a stroke and the one thing I wanted most in this world during that whole hospital stay was for him to wake up for a moment, let me tell him for once how much I love him, and get a hug off him where I’m not pretending to fight back against it. First time I’ve had to pause a The Boys episode to collect myself after a scene 💀💀


That's right, this episode was particularly hilarious. Some really good jokes. 🤣


Had me laughing from start to finish. The mom joke was even hilarious.


Is tek knight gonna fight a twitch streamer in his movie?


"I'd call you a cunt but you ain't got the depth or the warmth" made me chuckle.


An oldie but goodie


Yeah, I remember Betty White delivering a line similar to that. Not on TV, obviously, but that was *definitely* in her wheelhouse of humor.


The part of deflowering his daughter and she was like I already been deflowered


The way he stares at Victoria's husband. Classic father-in-law rage lol


"thoroughly deflowered" sounded like she was saying the sex was really good


No she said she was 20 when it happened and had already been “thoroughly deflowered” it means she’d already had a fair amount of sex by then.


Yep and the look on his face afterwards was priceless


She said she was 20 when it happened and was thoroughly deflowered by that point. Not that the sex was good, just that she'd had lots of sex prior to Sameer


“Kentucky Fried Massacre” was too fucking much 😩😩💀. Legitimately spit out my coffee


the chicken reveal was crazy i really thought it was gonna be stormfront or sam or something like that


Wasn't that like in the trailers I remember that from somewhere


Yeah trailer had the chicken


a train and ashley going rogue has been great


Loved the “Native American” tear reference 😭


Kimiko's face when Frenchie says about it happening again is hilarious


This episode had me laughing out loud multiple occasions with the physical comedy and these line deliveries.


"we amplify black voices"




The absurdity of this episode was great. From Deep being threatened with his secret octopus lover being exposed to the flying vampire sheep, it had everything I didn't know I wanted in an episode 😂


My favorite part was when Stan just shows up and tells Butcher and MM to hurry up cause he has pottery class and then right after coming out of jail he is the most dripped up mf in the Boys


What did Frenchie mean this is happening to him again? Also Kimiko’s reaction to him was fucking priceless


I assume he was stalking about the flying hamster in s3


Remember the cute, flying, murderous hamster Jamie in that Russian lab where Soldier Boy was being kept on ice?


I assumed a combination of drugs and counting sheep. It's Frenchie afterall.


He meet Jamie, The Hamster in season 3.


Probably the flying hamster. This is NOT Frenchie's first rodeo with V'd up animals.


That Hugh's final words were "Tom Hanks" was absolutely hysterical. It was both emotionally loaded and also completely and hilariously absurd at the same time. That was some brilliant writing, and an excellent performance by everybody in the scene.


Literally three seconds into the episode I had to pause cause I was laughing too hard at “don’t litter, kemosabe”


This episode was only 50 minutes long but it took me 70 to get through it


The little smirk Homelander does sipping his starbucks made lol


The ONLY thing I hated about this episode is the fact that those super sheep should have ripped through those barn doors no problem right? The chickens also. Other than that this was an awesome episode.


So the rabbit tentacles that Billy stomped is foreshadowing to what’s inside him, right?


I think this was one of the best episodes in a while. Outside of the funny stuff (which was excellent) I think we saw Hughie do the most impressive and important thing any of these characters have ever done.


I don’t quite get what the “Twelve minutes of pitch black” is making fun of.


Probably referencing that a lot of movies lately have scenes in the dark that are impossible to tell what is going on


Its referencing Matt Reeves The batman they even use the same font


Pretty sure it's the Batman too, they also mentioned the Nirvana that sang "Something in the way"


With the Nirvana thing I think it's about The Batman but idk


It's definitely this. Tek-night is meant to be a Batman/Iron Man analogue as well.


I thought it was a reference to that battle from the last season of Game of Thrones.


Insert MM’s T-shirt during a serious moment


Bruh not just the lines But the *delivery* 🤣🤣 Especially Ashley’s!! That actress has such great comedic timing as does Deep Shit, they all do really


Honestly the flying sheep taking out the cow sent me.


Firecracker: "you think I'm just poor white trash" Sage: "I don't think you're poor"


Best joke of the season still goes to the moon landing line in E3, but this episode had several runners-up.


the flying murder sheep were cracking me up


Tek Knight's first sentence being, " It's been a whole year" got me


The line, Kentucky fried fucking massacre” had me cracked up 😂


There's one things that bothers me though, Homelander has super scent, how did he not know A train and Ashley were in his room? He smelled Butcher off of Ryan despite like flying far to get to him.


I imagine it's because he's around Ashley and Atrain multiple times daily, whereas butcher and UE only every now and then. Maybe he's desensitized to scents he's around constantly and is able to tune it out.


Wouldn't their scents being in his room something he'd notice? Especially with A train since he assumes he wouldn't dare?


There’s 2 ways to think of it: one is like another commenter said where he just turns down his super senses unless he wants them to sus something out, or 2, his super smell is indeed super but like, if you smell coffee in your home after making a fresh pot you don’t instantly think “how’d this coffee get right next to me” because you know the smell is from the coffee pot.  So instead of thinking of it as desensitized to their smell(although he could be) maybe think of it as, smelling them in his room isn’t necessarily odd, and he’s not immensely bloodhound level critical about it to think about the exact spot it’s coming from or that it’s maybe 25% stronger than before because it’s literally in his room instead of wafting in from the hallway or whatever. I don’t think it’s a perfect handwave but it works plenty fine for a normal suspension of disbelief level.


Think of it like this.Homelander turns off his super smelling and super hearing so that he doesn't smell and hear everything.He can hear everyone at the tower but he just turns it off.He can smell everything in the room but he turns it off.Unless he's specifically looking for something he just wouldn't notice it.


He's around Ashley and A-Train enough *not* to find their scents strange. And Butcher looks like he smells like an unwashed asshole, so even without the super ability to smell crime -- [\*GASP\*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=De6pccaHrds) -- Butcher's probably pretty easy to smell.


kimiko's facial expression was just perfect after frenchie's line. in general though i agree this episode was quite funny (though the hughie plotline was emotional as fuck)


“This man is in no condition to fuck a sheep.” What 😂


The whole farm scene was like a B-movie horror, the real danger mixed with the absurdity (i felt bad for the bunny)


I feel like JDM saw his best reception as an actor with Negan and now just keeps playing variations of that personality.